Bodie by Nyssa Kathryn

Chapter 13

Maya woke the same way she’d fallen asleep. Cocooned in Bodie’s heat. His front remained pressed to her back, and the weight of his arm was heavy against her side.

But where last night, her whole focus had been on the warmth and comfort he emitted, this morning, it was in a far different place. This morning, she focused on the way his arm touched the underside of her breasts. On the firmness of his chest along her back. The way his breath brushed against her neck in the most delicious way.

The longer Maya lay there, silent and unmoving, the more aware—more sensitive—she became to their intimate embrace.

When his thumb moved against her skin, Maya’s stomach muscles tightened.

Oh, lord, grant her strength. Strength to not do something stupid like press her butt tighter against his crotch, even though every part of her wanted to.

She should roll away from him. She wasn’t in Keystone to find love. She was here to stay hidden.

Almost like he knew she was considering getting up, Bodie tightened his arm around her middle. “Mm. I like waking up like this.”

His voice was deep and rough around the edges. His lips so close to her neck, she almost felt each word he spoke. Goose bumps skittered across her skin.

Like her body had a mind of its own, it nuzzled further into him. “You feel good.”

And strong and warm and like you fit around me in the most perfect way.

A soft growl vibrated from his chest to her back. “Can’t possibly be as good as you feel.”

Hm, she wasn’t so sure.

When his fingers began to draw light circles on her ribs, she used every effort not to move a muscle. There was the light barrier of clothing between his hand and her flesh, but she swore she felt his touch like they were skin to skin.

Move away, Maya. Get up.

But her body refused to listen. Refused to give up the amazing feelings his touch evoked.

Bodie’s head lowered to her neck, and Maya’s breath caught. The touch was soft but searing. She felt it right down to her toes.

His lips began to feather kisses across her skin, each one as light as the next.

She tipped her head to the side, exposing more skin. Wanting more kisses. Wanting more him. He took advantage, touching the newly exposed skin with his lips.

Maya rolled onto her back and Bodie hovered over her, his weight pressed firmly into her side. A soft purr escaped her throat. She sounded like a stranger.

His head rose, and for a moment, she wanted to pull it back to her body. But then he looked at her. And a million things were communicated without a single word being said.

Tenderness. Desire. Passion. Hell, the man looked at her like she belonged to him. Like they belonged together.

Her heart stuttered in her chest.

Maybe we do…belong together.

The whisper came to Maya softly. Allowing her to believe for a moment that maybe this could actually work. She could find happiness with another, despite her circumstances.

Bodie raised his hand and moved a lock of hair from her face. “I could easily become addicted to you.”

She wet her lips. His gaze immediately zoned in on her mouth. “I think it’s too late for me. I’m already addicted.” Madly, hopelessly addicted.

His eyes darkened until they were almost black.

She wanted him to kiss her. She wanted it so badly, she was afraid of what might happen if he didn’t.

He placed his hand over her heart, just above her breast. “How are you feeling this morning?”

“Fine.” Well, not exactly fine, but that had nothing to do with her heart issues. “I’m usually okay after a good night’s sleep.” And last night had definitely been a good sleep.

When Bodie remained still, Maya decided she was done waiting. Lifting her hand, she pulled his head down and pressed his lips to hers.

Desire pooled in her core. It was heaven.

As their mouths melded together in perfect harmony, Bodie shifted so that his weight hovered fully over her, his arms bracketing her body.

Maya glided her fingers through his hair. So soft.

When his tongue slid between her lips, she couldn’t stop the moan from escaping her throat. Tasting him did nothing to dull her need for the man. It made her crave him more.

She was acutely aware that she was naked beneath the shirt. That every inch the material slid up, was another inch of skin exposed.

When his hand slid below the shirt and touched her bare thigh, a small shudder raced up her spine. He held it there for a moment, almost like he was waiting to see if she pulled away.

Maya lifted a leg and wrapped it around his waist. She pulled him to her, obliterating any space between them.

His hand continued to glide up her thigh, her hip. When he reached her ribs, her breath caught. Her heart was thudding so hard, she was sure he could feel it. He was so close to her breast. A mere inch away. She wanted to groan out loud in frustration that he didn’t close that distance.

“Are you sure this is okay?”

Yes. Yes, yes, and yes.

“This is okay, Bodie. I’m okay. Kiss me.”

Bodie’s lips returned to hers, but his hand didn’t continue to her breast.

Instead of waiting, Maya placed a hand over his larger one and moved it that final inch. The ecstasy that coursed through her when his long fingers enclosed her breast was like nothing else. It had her spine arching. Her chest pushing higher.

When his hand began to move—massaging and stroking—a sharp ache built in her core. The fire inside her raged, burning her up.

Bodie took his lips from hers, trailing kisses down her cheek. Then he was pushing up the other side of the shirt, taking her other breast with his mouth.

A strangled cry escaped her lips. Her body jolted wildly.

He sucked and tugged on her nipple while his other hand continued to play.

More…she wanted more.

Maya wrapped her other leg around his waist, pressing and rubbing her core against him. As much as she tried to dull the ache between her thighs, it was impossible.

Bodie switched breasts, taking the other nipple into his mouth.

“Bodie…” His name was a tortured cry from her lips.

His hand moved from her breast to the apex between her thighs. His fingers touching her. Moving across her sensitive clit.

Maya squirmed beneath him as he moved in circular motions, switching between touching her softly and firmly. The pressure in her core built.

Bodie came off her nipple and trailed kisses back up her chest to her neck. She threw her head back as he sucked. As his thumb continued to move on her clit, he inserted a finger inside her.

Maya’s body jerked in awareness. She tried to pull him closer, farther inside her, but it was impossible. He pressed her body to the bed. Not giving her an inch of wiggle room.

Desire throbbed inside her in the most intoxicating way.

“What do you want, Maya?”

She’d stopped wanting a long time ago. All she felt now was need. “You.”

The single word was all she said. She wanted him inside her. Their bodies connected in the most intimate way.

Bodie stood—and Maya thought she might cry. He pressed a kiss to her temple before disappearing out of the room. He was back within seconds, condom in hand.

Bodie stripped off his clothes and stood bare in front of her. His eyes remained on hers, intense and heated. He looked at her like he was claiming her as his own.

He quickly sheathed himself. Then he returned to her. His delectable weight once again hovering over her body. He made quick work of pulling his shirt over her head. Then they lay there, skin to skin.

She felt him at her entrance. It made the throbbing inside her intensify.

Fire laced her veins as he entered her slowly.

Once he was seated completely inside her, he trailed a gentle finger down her cheek. “I thought they were making it up. The connection and desire. They weren’t. I just hadn’t found it yet.”

Maya felt it too. It was so strong, it almost scared her.

Before she could overthink it, Bodie dipped his head and kissed her. The kiss was long and sweet, and it lingered as he began to move. He pulled out of her slowly and thrust back in at an even pace.

Maya dug her nails into his shoulders and threw her head back. The pleasure was overwhelming. So powerful, it consumed her mind and body.

Bodie took her hand, threading his fingers through hers before raising them over her head. Dipping down, he kissed her again, but this time firmly. Hard and thorough.

His thrusts sped up. He moved deeper. Faster. Her breasts bounced, her sensitive nipples brushing against his chest.

When Maya felt the touch of his thumb at her core, her body shook, and a cry escaped her lips.

“Fucking flawless.”

He whispered the words under his breath. His powerful thrusts continued. He was relentless. Every inch of her body was being stimulated. She was teetering on the edge of a cliff, so close to tipping off.

Bodie’s head lowered, and he nipped her ear. That’s what pushed her over.

Maya cried out as her body spasmed around him. She moaning in untamed pleasure as the orgasm all but destroyed her.

Bodie continued to pump into her, his breathing shifting. Becoming more erratic.

A low growl erupted in his chest, and his body tightened before he came. She felt him throb inside her, his whole body tense.

Perfect. The man above her was perfect. Perfect and powerful and fierce.

Her feelings for him were so strong. Feelings she hadn’t known could exist so deeply and so quickly.

Bodie nuzzled his face into her neck. His left hand still entangled with hers.

There was a slight ache in her chest. She wasn’t sure if it was the defect or had more to do with the man above her.

There wasn’t a single thing that felt wrong about them, about what they’d done.

And that terrified her.

* * *

What Bodieand Maya had experienced wasn’t normal. It was so much more. He felt more certain about that than he’d ever felt about anything.

The woman touched a place inside him that no one had ever touched before. She made his heart race and his world silence.

Five of his seven teammates and brothers had found their person. They were changed men. Better men who had new reasons to live.

Bodie had seen the changes in his friends. He’d known he wanted that. He wanted the unexplainable connection. The person to live for. To breathe for.

It was Maya.

Bodie carried his laptop to the dining room table. Maya had just entered the bathroom and he could hear her moving around in there. He initiated a video chat with his team. He doubted all of them would answer. It was rare that all were free at any given time.

Wyatt, Asher, Kye, and Oliver immediately came onto the screen. At the sight of his friends, a smile pulled at his lips. “Hey. How are you guys?”

“We’re great. I think the real question is, how are you and Maya?” Asher asked.

“We’re good.” Better than good, but he didn’t need his friends knowing that just yet.

Oliver was shaking his head like he already knew.

“Any updates?” Wyatt asked.

The smile slipped from Bodie’s lips. “Someone was at her house last night. They tampered with her electricity and would have entered her home if I hadn’t been there.” Luckily, the security system he’d installed didn’t rely on electricity.

Oliver cursed. “Did you catch him?”

“No. I was in my car when the alarm alerted me to the breach. I caught sight of the guy inside her kitchen, but he heard me coming. Took off. I didn’t catch him.”

Kye frowned. “Damn.”

Bodie could think of a much stronger word. “I plan to check her place over today. I’m also going to try to convince her to stay with me for a bit.”

After what they’d just experienced together, he was hoping it wouldn’t be too hard to talk her into it. Hell, he’d probably be asking even if there wasn’t danger.

Wyatt nodded. “Good call.”

“Anything new on Project Arma?” Bodie asked, not sure what kind of answer he wanted to hear.

The looks on his friends’ faces gave Bodie his answer before anyone spoke.

“Not a peep from them,” Wyatt said. “Everyone’s been checking on family members regularly, and so far, nothing. Nothing to report from Marble Falls either.”

That was good news. The only downside of it was, that meant Hylar and his men were still hidden and out of reach…for the moment.

“Let me know if I can be of any help,” Bodie said, knowing his whole team was frustrated by the situation.

“You are being a help,” Wyatt responded immediately. “The guilt’s been eating at Quinn. Guilt that she didn’t drag Maya here when she first met her. That she didn’t help her more. If you can protect Maya, you’ll be helping Quinn.”

Bodie nodded. He understood why Quinn might feel that way, but it wasn’t her fault that Maya had run.

“She’ll be safe. I won’t be letting anything happen to her.”

Not a chance.

“Okay. I see what’s happening here. You’ve already claimed the woman.” Oliver chuckled. “Soon it’s just going to be me and Cage left.”

The mood immediately lightened. Kye shrugged. “Doesn’t bother me. I plan to be a lone wolf forever.”

Bodie wanted to laugh at the guy. If he met his woman, he would have no choice in the matter.

He was running out of time before Maya finished getting ready, but he had one more thing he wanted to mention to his friends before they hung up. “I’m going to tell her.”

Asher leaned back, blowing out a long breath. “Big call, Red. How do you think she’ll take it?”

He hoped she’d be receptive. Prayed she wouldn’t get scared and run.

“Hopefully well. If not…” Bodie actually had no idea what he’d do. “Hopefully well,” he repeated.

He’d been about to tell her the other day on the gondola, but then she’d spoken to him about being fragile. About standing on the edge of an iceberg, waiting for the ground to melt beneath her feet. And he just…hadn’t been able to. Instead, he’d wanted to keep things light.

But now it was time.

“I like her,” he continued to his friends. “A lot. I don’t want there to be secrets between us. I don’t want to skulk in the shadows to protect her anymore. Maybe if I’m honest with her, she’ll be open and honest with me.”

Open up to him about any details she might have left out when talking to Quinn. And maybe then, the team could build on what they already had.

Oliver nodded. “Good luck.”

“And remember,” Wyatt added. “You need support out there, you let us know.”

“Will do.” Hopefully, it wouldn’t come to that.