Bodie by Nyssa Kathryn

Chapter 14

Two hours. That’s how long Maya had to wait until her shift finished and she was back in Bodie’s apartment, cocooned in his arms.

It was two hours too long.

No matter how many people filled the bar, no matter how busy she got, she felt him. The gentle touch of his hand on her shoulder as he passed. The light brush of his front against her back when he reached for something above her.

Every so often, he stopped and whispered something sweet into her ear. She could barely even remember what he said each time. But she could remember what he made her feel.

Hot and bothered.

Over the course of the day, she’d somehow rationalized in her head that it would be okay to enjoy her time with Bodie until she had to leave.

It would still be safer for her to keep him at a distance, of course it would. She knew what they shared wasn’t going to be a lifelong relationship. One, because she would be leaving town soon enough, and two, because she was pretty sure she was incapable of giving and receiving love.

Neither of those were things she was going to dwell on at the moment. For now, she was going to enjoy the rare peace she felt. Affection was so foreign to her that she couldn’t help but want to feel it for just a bit longer. Hang on to the happiness that had been so fleeting in her life.

Leaving him would hurt…but he would be a memory that she would cherish. A memory that she would be able to call on in the hard times, and remind her that she had been cared for once.

Maya grabbed a case of beer from storage and headed back to the bar. She’d only taken a few steps when Bodie was there, taking the heavy crate from her struggling hands.

“I got it,” he assured, his voice deep and rumbly.

He didn’t walk forward…and it took Maya a moment to realize he wanted her to go first. Her cheeks flushed as she took hurried steps toward the bar. She didn’t miss Bodie’s light chuckle from behind.

It was absurd that she was flushing at all after what they’d done that morning. After spending the entire day together.

Bodie had gone back to her place with her to see if he could fix the electricity and hot water.

When he hadn’t been able to, he’d admitted that it looked like something a professional needed to handle. Maya had done some quick calculations in her head. Calculations of what an electrician and plumber might cost her. How much that would set her back. It all added up to the usual—too expensive. But it was too cold to go without heating.

She’d been on the verge of a full-blown anxiety attack when Bodie offered for her to stay with him. He’d even added that she could stay as long as she liked.

The relief had hit her hard. So hard, she’d almost thrown herself at the man as a sign of her gratitude. She’d only just contained herself.

Mentally shaking her head, Maya returned to the bar and served the next customer. She’d just grabbed another glass when Shayna popped up beside her.

The other woman leaned close. “I need the goss. You and Bodie are on a whole new level of eye-fucking tonight. You screwed him, didn’t you?”

Maya’s face heated at Shayna’s crass words. After working together for a few weeks, Maya had thought she was used to her up-front nature. Clearly not.

“I don’t really want to talk about it right—”

“Aha!” Maya jolted at Shayna’s exclamation, spilling the whiskey she was pouring onto the bar. “You are! Otherwise, you would have said no.”

Grabbing a cloth, Maya wiped the spill. She had basically no experience talking to women like Shayna, so she scrambled for how to respond.

“It’s busy. We should really be working.” And by we, Maya meant Shayna should really be working.

At that moment, Trish walked past, pausing behind them. “Maya’s right. Get back to work, Shayna.”

Shayna rolled her eyes but kept the smile on her face. She had been working at the bar for years and knew that it would take a lot for her to actually get in trouble.

Well, Maya hadn’t been working there for years, so didn’t want to push her luck.

Turning back to the counter, Maya finished the drink and handed it to the woman on the other side before holding out the EFTPOS machine.

Shayna leaned into her again, this time speaking softly. “I think it’s awesome. I do. Just…be careful. There’s something about the way he looks at you…”

A frown marred Maya’s brow as she pulled the machine back and looked up at the other woman. “How does he look at me?”

“Like he’s ready to fight the world to protect you.”

Um, well, that didn’t sound so bad.

“It’s intense,” Shayna continued. “Especially considering how short of a time you two have known each other.”

Maya’s eyes shot across the room, searching for him. Bodie was collecting glasses from a table. But unlike when she’d seen him in the hall, this time he didn’t look so relaxed. He looked edgy. Almost worried.

Shaking her head, she smiled back at Shayna. “Thank you, but I’m okay. I appreciate your concern.” She truly did. It was nice when anyone was concerned for her.

Shayna nodded before getting back to work.

Time passed a little faster after that. Maya moved from customer to customer, serving everything from bottles of beer to fancy cocktails. Every time she mixed a drink, she gave herself a mental pat on the back. She was getting the hang of this bartending stuff.

She tried to keep her mind off what Shayna had said, she honestly did, but the other woman’s words kept creeping back into her thoughts.

It’s intense.

Wasn’t intense a good thing? Surely, someone wanting to fight the world to protect you was good. God knew, she could use a little protection.

She wondered what people saw on her face when she looked at the man. Desire. Yearning. Desperation…

Blah. She certainly hoped not.

As it neared the end of the night, the crowd began to thin out. Finally. She was exhausted. The disturbance in her sleep the previous night had really wiped her.

Moving to a table, she piled the glasses onto her tray. She’d just turned and taken a step when her hip bumped the corner of the table, which in turn caused the tray in her hands to wobble.

As the glasses slid off, Maya scrunched her eyes shut and waited to hear them shatter.

The sound never came. Not even a clatter.

Opening her eyes, she scanned the floor. No broken glass. But there were shoes. Bodie’s shoes.

Looking up, she saw Bodie holding two glasses in his hands. One side of his mouth lifted. “Got them.”

God, he must have been close to have caught them. And he must have lightning reflexes. “Thank you. Should I add this to the long list of times you’ve saved me?”

He placed the glasses on the table before reaching his hand out and pushing some of her hair behind her ear. It took a great deal of effort for her to not lean into the touch.

“Only if I can add this to the long list of times I’ve been unable to refrain from touching you.”

The man could touch her whenever he wanted. “Deal.”

And then you can touch me again. Run your thumb over my cheekbone. Press your hand to my waist.

Not that she necessarily needed his touch. He just had to look at her for her hormones to go into a frenzy.

“Good. Because the list is long. And I predict it will get longer.”

The guy had all the words. If they weren’t standing in the middle of a public space, she had no doubt he would be kissing her. Or she would be kissing him. Either way, their mouths would be touching.

Wetting her lips, she glanced to the side. That’s when she spotted them. Two men in police uniforms walking up to the bar.

Her heart lurched into her throat. Then it began to pound hard.

Were they here for her? Had he sent them?

The tray in her hands suddenly felt heavy. So heavy it began to wobble again. She was sure she would have dropped it had Bodie not taken it from her unsteady fingers. Thank god he did. The attention from the loud noise would have given her away.

The two men were waiting at the bar. Were they waiting to speak to Trish? Waiting to ask about a Maya Harper? Runaway witness?

When one of the officers turned his head, Maya shrank back, angling her body behind Bodie’s larger form. He didn’t say anything, probably too confused and wondering what the heck she was doing.

She couldn’t explain it to him. She didn’t dare tell him she was a wanted woman and there was a chance the officers were here to take her away. To take her to him.

Maya eyed the hallway that led to the back room. Could she make it there without being seen? Were there enough people left in the bar to block her from view?

Maybe. Or maybe it would expose her.

When Trish began talking to the officers, Maya used the moment of distraction to move. She mumbled something to Bodie about needing to go out back. She’d barely whispered the words, so there was a strong chance he hadn’t heard.

Then she moved. Fast enough to get out of sight quickly, but not fast enough to draw unwanted attention.

* * *

Bodie sawthe change in Maya’s body language immediately. One moment, she was calm and happy. Maybe even a little flustered by his touch.

The next, she was stiff as a board. Shrinking back in what looked to be fear.

He followed her gaze to see her staring at two uniformed officers. She stared at them like they were enemies.

He sensed her desire to run before she took her first step.

Bodie readied himself. He would protect her. Stand between her and anyone who would try to hurt her, even if it was someone with a badge.

The two officers waited at the bar. They didn’t appear tense or ready for action. Nothing about their body language alerted him to them being on the chase.

When the tray began to shake in Maya’s hands, he gently took it from her fingers and placed it on the table.

Maya inched behind him, fear all over her face.

When Trish approached the officers, Maya mumbled that she was heading out back before quickly disappearing. He was tempted to go after her. He would. But first, he wanted to see what the police wanted. Were they after Maya like she clearly believed?

Bodie walked behind the bar but remained a few feet away. He tried to look busy as he listened to what they said. It only took a few seconds to establish that they weren’t here for her. They weren’t here for anyone. The officers had finished their shift and were stopping for a drink on the way home.

Running a hand through his hair, Bodie turned toward the hall. The first place he checked was the break room, where staff kept their belongings.

No Maya. Then he checked the storage room. Still nothing.

As he neared the end of the hall, he listened at the staff bathroom door. First, he heard her heartbeat. Then her breaths, coming hard and fast.

When Bodie knocked, her breath hitched.

“Maya, it’s Bodie. Are you okay?”

His words were greeted with silence. It stretched to the point where he wondered if she was going to answer at all. His worry intensified.

He was moments from breaking the lock when her quiet voice sounded. “I’m okay. I’ll be out in a sec.”

“Okay. But if the reason you’re back here has anything to do with the officers out front,” or everything, “I heard Trish speak to them and they’re just here for a beer…nothing else.”

More silence. It stretched a good twenty seconds before the click of the lock unlatching sounded and the door opened.

She looked more nervous than scared now.

He took a step forward. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

“I’m sure.”

She nibbled her bottom lip. She looked small and vulnerable. All Bodie wanted to do was tug her into his arms and make her feel safe.

Maya stepped around Bodie and out of the bathroom.

He wanted to know why the police had caused such a strong reaction. Why they’d made her run. Why her entire body had frozen in fear. Now wasn’t the time to push.

Tomorrow, he planned to tell her his truth. His reason for being in Keystone. Then, maybe, she would tell him hers.