Saving Emmy by Rayne Lewis

Chapter 26


I came in her!

That was Eli’s first thought when he returned to planet earth. He was draped over Ember, both panting, sweat-laden and spent. He rolled off her, coming to rest on his back. Sprawled out, he brought up his forearm, letting the crook settle over his eyes. I fucking came inside her!Shit! Panic hit his gut.

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!

The condom. The two-year-old condom. Fuck! He should’ve known. When it wouldn't roll on, he should. Have. Known. Granted, he’d never used one before, but common sense. God! The rubber was dry. He shook his head and mentally berated himself a million more times. He was supposed to protect her, but instead...Fuck!

“I can hear you thinking. Don’t harsh my mellow.”

In his fucked-up panic, that made him smile. “Harsh your mellow? Pauly Shore? Encino Man?”

“No, but you would think.”

He tabled the thoughts of the condom, hearing the exhaustion coming from her as she lay almost comatose next to him. The tender mewling and tiny whimpers had died down. With his eyes closed, he could still see her and she was absolutely beautiful.

God, I love her!

He needed to touch her. He didn’t know how he would survive without her touch. She was right next to him but seemed miles away. Closing the distance between them, he pulled her to him. She came willingly, curling into his side, head nestled to his chest, leg hitched over his and her arm draped over his cum-ridden stomach. She didn’t care. She just burrowed into him and he loved it.

His world was complete.

He had Red in his arms and nothing, nothing, was going to tear her away. He’d die before he’d let anything happen to her. Burying his face into her head of ember curls, he laid down a chaste kiss.

Her hand slowly caressed his stomach, running over his abs, and gliding through his cum. Her touch was light and she lingered in his essence, rubbing in concentric circles, working his seed into the flesh.

The thought of her relishing his cum was not only erotic as hell, but made him want to beat his chest like a caveman. He’d marked her. She was his.

“You pulled out.” It was an observation, not a question. Her fingers kept tracing his abs.


He had to be honest with her.

“Baby,” he searched to find his next words. “Baby, I tried.” Her finger continued to trace, and she flattened her palm, coating more of his stomach, the distraction keeping him from concentrating.

“Tried?” She swirled some more. “Seems like Mission Accomplished to me.”

Concentrate.“Babe, I...think...“ He corrected himself. ”I know I didn’t pull out soon enough.”

Her hand stilled.

He held his breath.

She had every right to be angry. He was angry. She trusted him, and he failed her. That stung. He braced and could deal with whatever her reaction would be.

“Hmm.” She continued her circles on his stomach, now almost dry.

He laid his hand on top of hers, stopping her from caressing him. “Did you hear me?”


“I didn’t pull out in time.”

She hesitantly nodded against his side.

“I came in you.”

She nodded again.

What the fuck?He rolled to his side and pushed up onto one arm, looking down at her still curled into position.


She craned her head to him, but stayed curled up.

Staring at each other, he waited for her, what? Say something? Yell at him? Get angry? Burst into tears? Just something. He needed her reaction.

She waited a moment then raised herself to her elbow.


“It happened. We can’t change it. Freaking out isn’t going to help. I just had mind blowing sex for the first time, with the man I love, and I just want to bask in it. Savor the memory. Live in the moment.”

“You’re not freaking out?”

“Oh, I will be later. I most definitely will be later, but right now, I just want to be with you. We can deal with this but not right now, please, Eli.” she begged him with her eyes, “Please?” Without another word, she lowered herself back down.

He rubbed the back of his neck and let out a sigh. She was right; freaking out wouldn’t help. It wouldn’t change the fact that he failed her. Betrayed her trust. He laid down next to her and settled her into his side. It was getting late, but he didn’t want their time to end. There was only one first time and she was right, he should bask in it. Did he want the memory of him holding her in an aftersex glow, or of her worried and crying? He had his girl in his arms, and that’s what mattered. Again, he buried his face in her mane of curls and inhaled.

His girl.

Every prayer he ever uttered was answered. All the wishing, wanting and pining for her are over. I’m never letting go. He made a silent, solemn vow to God; he would never take her for granted. He would spend every minute of every hour of every day earning her love. He would cherish his woman and make every moment count.

They lay together in the barn that held so many of their memories, now holding one more. All too soon, he’d drive her home and tomorrow would start a new chapter in their lives. They were now an us. He closed his eyes and held her close. Us. A single word was never sweeter.

* * *

The sound of a rumbling engine woke him from the greatest dream. He and Ember. Together. Damn. Then, the smell hit him. Unfamiliar, but memorable. Musty grass? Hay? He peeled open his eyes but the light streaming through the window was piercing causing them to slam shut. His dream was so clear. Sex-laced Ember writhing with him. Damn. It was amazing!

The sound rumbled again and he tried to clear the fog from his head. Then, she stirred. His eyes popped open again and he took in the most beautiful sight; a dream come true. Ember Hayes laying in his arms. His his arms. If a grin could crack a face, it was the one plastered across his from ear to ear. He was going to die a happy man.

They'd fallen asleep in the barn.

She stretched like a languid cat, arching her back, pushing her naked breasts against him. Shit! His morning wood became redwood. Tall, towering and massive. He buried a kiss in the tangled mane. “Morning, beautiful.”

She let out a joyful sigh with a hum. “How did I never know I wanted you?” She spoke the words into his ribs. “In less than a day's time, I know I’ll love you forever.” She was curled up, cradled in the apex of his shoulder and pec, arms pulled in with her hands in prayer under her chin. She was beautiful. She fluttered a light snore and he had to smile.

“Never another, Eli. I’ll marry you.” In a sleepy mutter, she uttered the words. Her brain was not awake yet, but her subconscious spilling her truths.

He stilled at the thought. He, Ember, and forever. Nothing was more perfect.

“Hey, baby.” Another kiss to her hair. “We fell asleep in the barn. Think we need to get up before we’re discovered.”

“Uhh-uhh.” The sound of denial breathed through her nostrils. She kept her eyes closed. “Wanna stay right here.” Her creaky morning voice was heady and sexy. She burrowed further into his side.

She was so cute, curled up like a kitten, molding herself to him. He, too, wanted to stay curled up with her.

The rumbling of a diesel engine drew nearer. He placed it as a tractor. More specifically, Mitch’s tractor. Shit!Pops is close by and we’re naked!

“Babe, gotta get!” He pulled his arm from under her, causing her to stir.

“Can’t we lay a little longer?”

“Your father is outside the barn.”

That caught her attention. Her sleepy eyes popped open, and she took in her surroundings.

“Come on, Red. Gotta scoot.” Eli was standing, already gathering his clothes.

She sat, a lazy grin crossing her face.

“Babe...Naked. Dad. Shotgun. Marksman. None bodes well for me. Why are you grinning?” He voiced his thoughts while pulling his tee over his head.

She motioned with her head to his morning wood, standing tall, proud and erect. “You. Are. A. God. You wield that thing like a master.”

He shook his head, pulling his boxers up over the masterpiece of discussion.

She frowned. “I wasn’t done looking.” She added a pout.

Just then, the idling engine roared back to life.

Both heads swung to the barn doors.

They froze, listened, staring as if they could see through the wooden planks of the doors. The sound became louder. Pops was closer than they thought.

That triggered a frenzy. Both scrambled to clothe themselves. Eli picked up her dress and pulled it over her head. She struggled to find the straps and he yanked his jeans over his hips, careful to pull his zipper up over his subsiding hard on, then he grabbed his boots.

“Panties. Where the fuck are my underwear?” Ember yelled in a whisper, searching the blanket and the surrounding area.

Eli laughed at the sight of her desperate search, on the hunt for the scrap of lace. He pulled her thong from his pocket and dangled it from his fingertips. “I was hoping to keep this as a souvenir.”

Ember caught his pose and laughed, swiping them from his hand and pulling them over her ivory legs. “Or, a trophy.” She pecked him with a kiss.

Though time was short, he pulled her to him and spoke into her hair. “To the victor goes the spoils.” He bit her earlobe then nestled, loving the scent of her shampoo mingled with the smell of sweat and sex. It was a drug he would get high on each time she’d give herself to him. “I want to ravish your mouth right now, but morning breath and all, I’ll settle for the chaste kiss.”

She dipped her head and rested it on his chest. “I can think of other places your mouth can go, morning breath or not.”

A growl rumbled deep in his chest, matching the growl and rumble of the tractor outside the barn.

It got them moving. He bent to grab the scarlet blanket and noticed their stains from last night.

“That needs to be burned!” Ember reddened with embarrassment.

“Fuck, no! I'll frame it. Hang it on my wall so I can look at it every day.”

“Ew, Eli, that’s gross!”

“Nothing gross about it, Em.”

She put her hands on her hips, trying to look feisty, but it just made her more adorable. “Yeah, hang it where you can see it...along with my father when he comes to visit?”

The mention of her father had him bunching the blanket and grabbing for her hand.

“Goes in the burn pit!”

“That’s what I thought!”

They headed for the doors, hand-in-hand, fingers laced as always, but this time it was different. Just like their fingers were intertwined and melded together, so were their hearts.

* * *

They were both grown adults, fought in war zones, lived on their own, but both felt like teenagers sneaking home from a date after curfew. Were they really doing the walk of shame? Eli reached for the door, praying the tractor would be nowhere in sight. Please, God, don’t let Pops be anywhere in sight. He whispered the prayer as he slid open the heavy door.


Pops was across from the barn using a small backhoe to pull a broken fence post.

Eli’s truck was in front of the barn door. He pulled open Ember’s door and she quickly jumped up into the cab. He made his way around the truck when the tractor’s engine shut down, and Mitch climbed from the seat.


For a second, Eli thought about opening his door and gunning out of there, but he wouldn’t disrespect Pops like that. Obviously, Mitch had spotted his truck this morning and he wasn’t stupid, he had to know they’d spent the night together. Eli’s stomach churned.

But, why? They were two, grown, consenting adults. He wasn't ashamed. There was no crime in spending the night with the woman he loved. So, then why did he feel like he was about to face a firing squad? He’d been in some tough spots in his life but nothing put a pit in his stomach like facing Ember’s father. Because this wasn't Pops, his mentor and hero, this was Mitch, father of the girl he just his own barn...on his own property.


Eli would take his lumps and face Mitch like a man.

“Mornin’.” Mitch had a casual swagger that was all his own.

Eli turned to face the executioner.

Mitch just stood with a shit-eating, knowing smirk across his face.

Double fuck.

“Beautiful mornin’, wouldn’t you agree?”

Bastard!He was reveling in Eli’s discomfort. “Sure is.” Eli held strong, not letting Mitch goad him.

“Susan’s got breakfast going. Coffee brewed. Looks like you could use some.”

Susan,not Mom.

The smirk turned into a grin. A knowing grin that had him pinned, and Eli just had to take it.

“Long night.” It wasn’t a question nor a statement. It was put there to tell Eli there was no secret. They were no secret. Mitch was shameless.

Silence hung between them, a technique used by interrogation experts to hone more information without asking for it. Eli knew the tactic; hell, he’d used the tactic. Time trickled past. Both men held their own. Neither willing to crack. But, it was Eli who broke first.

“I love her.”

“I know.”

“She loves me.”

“Know that too.”

“It’s not a fling. It’s the real thing, Mitch. I love your daughter. Every breath. Every heartbeat.”

“Always knew that, son.”

If Mitch was going to beat his ass, he’d take the beating. She would be worth every blow. He loved her.

Holding his stare, Mitch held out his hand. “Take care of my baby girl.”

Eli was momentarily stunned, though he shouldn’t have been after their talk at sunset. So much in that one sentence. Trust. Hope. A warning. His blessing. Pops was trusting him with his baby girl.

“Always.” He grasped Pops hand and shook it. “Forever.”

Pops found Ember’s eyes as she sat in the passenger’s seat and mouthed, “Love you,” and threw her a wink. Ember smiled back at her dad, blushing profusely, and mimicked a kiss. He then gave Eli a nod, turned, and swaggered to the backhoe. Eli knew he had Pops’ blessing before, but getting it under the circumstances of the morning, made it all the better. Mitch trusted him. But, he also knew Mitch would hunt him down and kill him if he ever hurt his baby girl.