Luna Rising by Sloane Murphy

Chapter Twenty-Four

Iwake up to the sound of smashing glass.

It takes a second for my eyes to adjust to the darkness, and just as they do, the light flickers on.

My heart beats in my throat when I realize we’re not alone.

“Luna!” Maddox cries out as he’s ripped away from me. My eyes adjust enough to the sudden light for me to see three Lycans pinning him to a wall and two more coming toward me. I scurry out of the bed to the far corner of the room, reaching for anything to use as a weapon. I feel a sting in my leg.

I glance down at the tranquilizer dart in horror and darkness clouds my vision.

“Maddox.” His name is little more than a whisper falling through my lips as my knees give out. My vision blurs as my eyelids flutter, but I just make out a dart hitting him as well.

Blackness takes my mind, but I can feel as I’m lifted from the ground where I fell.

I’m thrown against something cold, and just before the tranquilizer fully dulls my senses, I manage to open my eyes. I see the last thing I ever expected...


To Be Continued

In Alpha Bound

The Shadow Legacies #2