Luna Rising by Sloane Murphy

Chapter Twenty-Three

Sometimes depression leads to mania, and after a few days of not sleeping, then basically dying for two days, I’ve decided that I need to get fully away from everything.

The idea for the next stop came to me in a dream, and I start packing the second I roll out of bed. When I go downstairs to return my key and settle my bill, the grump from the day I checked in isn’t there. He’s been replaced by a sweet, sunshiney girl who does not match my current mood, and I find myself missing the grump just a little.

“Thank you for staying with us, I hope you have a safe journey.” Her voice is so freaking peppy. I force myself to smile back at her, refusing to be the kind of person who fucks with the happiness of others.

I offer her a wave and a “Thank you,” as I leave the office and head out to my car. I head out to the car, dropping my duffel in the floorboard of the passenger side and hooking my phone up to the stereo. I hit play on my playlists and “Good Without” by Mimi Webber plays through the speakers, and I burst into tears as the lyrics wash over me.

I hit the repeat button because it’s one of those days that I want to revel in the pain. Maybe if I just embrace it instead of fighting it, it’ll be less aggressive when it flares up. The lyrics hit different today, though, and I can’t help but agree with her… I think I’m weak for wishing things were different too. Jackson was meant to be it for me, and now I’ll never get to experience that epic kind of love having a bonded mate usually promises. I never get to fall so far that I don’t want to come up for air.

Roman's words have basically haunted me since the rejection fully sank in. That there is no love quite like a bond. That any love I thought I felt before it would merely be like a candle lighting the dark rather than the raging inferno that would be a love with a fated mate.

I get a hold of myself and wipe away my tears. I just need to go far, far away from all other people and then maybe I can find my happiness. If I can find it on my own, I can keep ahold of it when I’m around others. Of that much I’m sure.

I just need to find it first, and it needs to come from inside of me. Not from anyone else.

I pull up my maps and find the cabin. Roman has a cabin in Yosemite that I’ve been to maybe a thousand times. I’ve never driven there, so I have to depend on GPS to get me there, but I’m filled with excitement at the thought of the cabin. It’s secluded and so freaking beautiful. There’s definitely no better way to get back to nature than by going to a literal national park.

It’s totally secure too, which helps ease some anxiety about traveling. It’s fully in Lycan territory, so there’s no panic required this time. I have the codes for the entire security system, so it’s all good. Roman will probably realize I’m there if he’s paying attention. If not, Tobias—his second—probably will, but I can live with that. He won’t raise the alarm, though he and my dad are as tight as Roman and my dad.

I put the car in drive and pull onto the road as the song seeps into my very soul. It doesn’t take long until I’m singing at the top of my lungs and heading toward the Tioga Pass. I have as much time as I need. Why not take the scenic route?

Who cares if it adds two hours on to my trip? Sure as shit not me.

* * *

After five hours of driving, I am beyond happy to see the gates to the cabin looming in the distance. I ease the car to a stop at the gate and enter the security code, praying that it hasn’t changed. Relief floods me when the light flashes green and the iron gates start to open.

I remind myself not to touch the points along the gate. They’re covered with obsidian to keep unwanted visitors out. This, realistically, is probably one of the best places I can hide if there is still a threat out there, but it’s been so long since we’ve had an attack, I’m pretty sure the issue has resolved itself. I can’t help but think that the Lycan Roman questioned wasn’t lying when he said they used the last of their numbers in the second attack on the compound.

Just thinking about it, about Maddox getting shot and Jackson fixing me up… I push my thoughts forcefully in another direction. It’s not something I want to spend my time dwelling on. I wait for the gates to close and the locks to engage before I drive up the dirt road to the cabin.

When I pull up in front of it, I can’t help but laugh. Either it’s bigger than I remember, or Roman extended it. Either is possible, but it’s still made of logs, so I’m gonna call it the cabin regardless. I grab my bag and go to find the key lockbox. Thankfully my code still works, and I’m able to get into the cabin with no issue.

It's obvious from the stale air that no one has been here in a hot minute, so I open the place up to air it out and then head back outside. This place might have walls and gates tipped with obsidian, but there are Lycan scents all over. I strip off and shift to wolf. My wolf lets out a yip of glee at being allowed out to play. It’s been a long while since I’ve let her out, and she’s been more than a little pissy about it.

We run around the perimeter of the lands, making sure there are no Lycans nearby. The run takes about an hour—I forgot how fucking big this place is in general—and my wolf gets distracted by a rabbit or three. We find a ton of scents, but none are fresh, so I relax and let her run free for a bit.

Once she starts to finally tire, we head back to the cabin, and I shift back to human. Once I’m dressed, I close the cabin back up, checking to make sure no one’s been snooping around while I’ve been out in the forest. It’s all clear, so I make sure the electric and water are both working properly and let out a small whoop when I find that the WiFi is still functional.

Finally, I check the kitchen and realize it’s bare, so head back to my car. I need supplies, and well, luxuries. And by supplies and luxuries, I clearly mean I need ice cream and chocolate.

It doesn’t take too long to find the local store and get the few things I need, along with a ton of stuff I don’t. As I head back, I pay extra attention and care to making sure that no one is following me. The problem with Lycan territory is that if anyone has an issue with Roman or my dad, I’m a good target. I almost have to be more careful here than on Dracul territory.

Once I’m back, confident that no one tailed me from the store to the property, I enter the code to the gates and head back to the cabin. There’s something relaxing and comforting about the mundane movements of unpacking groceries I decide about half an hour later. Not to mention the comfort that comes along with a fully stocked kitchen is something that makes both me and my wolf feel secure and content.

I start the fire in the lounge before I start some tacos for dinner. Against all odds, the tiny little store had everything I needed for the simple meal, and at the end of the day, it just seemed kismet. Tacos are the best food for a broken heart… or a shattered soul. I’m not sure which one is more apt to describe where I am at this point in my life.

Giving myself over to the pain seems to have taken some of the edge off, but the ache in my chest is still very much present. I rub it with my fist absentmindedly before I grate the cheese as I wait for the ground beef to brown in the pan.

It doesn’t take long to get everything put together and carry my dinner to the living room. I curl up on the floor, sitting on the cushions from the sofa, and wrap a blanket around myself. I sit in the dark, the fire providing more than enough light for me to see by and turn on the TV.

I find a stupid ‘make me cry’ movie on WatchBox and hit play.

The bottle of wine I bought at the store goes down all too well, and by the time the movie gets to the really sad part, the wine is half gone and my pint of ice cream definitely has a dent in it. I’ve never felt so pathetic in my entire life.

Me: I am officially a waste of Lycan. And that isn’t the wine speaking.

Nova: Wine is a bad idea, it’s called wine for a reason. It makes you whiny and self pitying.

Me: Yep, I definitely hit that portion of the night. There is a lot of self-loathing going on here in my pity party for one.

I snap her a picture of me in the dark with the wine and ice cream and send it over.

Nova: Put the bottle down and go to bed. Why the fuck are you still awake?

Me: It’s not even that late

Nova: You’re drinking. That means it’s too late. Pour away the rest of the bottle, drink some water, and go to bed.

I do as I’m told and shut off the TV, I already cried enough without finishing the movie. It doesn’t take me long to get everything put away, the dishes washed, and pour the rest of the wine away. I grab two Advil and some water and head to bed, hoping that tomorrow is a better day…. And that I don’t have a hangover.

Please Fates, give me that one small grace.

* * *

I’ve spent three days in the wilderness. It’s been three days of utter solitude, and I’ve never felt more at peace.

After a few full days of pity partying and drowning my sorrows when I got here, the bond finally calmed the fuck down.

It’s been utter fucking bliss.

I don’t know what happened, but I’m not going to question my peace, not even a little bit.

Though I’m almost out of firewood, so I spend the morning gathering logs. It turns out using a heavy-ass axe and chopping wood is cathartic as hell. Who needs therapy when you can take an axe to shit? Talk about anger management—chopping wood might just be the best therapy I’ve ever had.

It could have something to do with picturing certain appendages being cut off with every swing; but if it brings me peace, I’m just going to embrace it.

It takes me a few hours to finish, and I’m pretty fucking spent by the time I’m finished carting it all into the house. Living off the grid is fun for the time being, but this is definitely not a full time lifestyle thing for me. Major amenities like air conditioning are a must for me. Thankfully the weather has only grown cooler since I got here.

I decide to go for a run despite my exhaustion, just to check the perimeter again. I’ve been doing it daily to ease my anxieties, and I have noticed someone coming closer, though not close enough that I’m actually worried. It’s probably just someone curious about there being someone at the cabin, but I’m not going to let my guard down too much.

I shower quickly, then head outside to shift. My wolf is so freaking calm, thanks to the runs she’s had the last few days and the fact that the bond finally seems to be settling, and it’s so nice to finally feel at peace with her again.

She yips and bounces around as we run the perimeter, the same scent I picked up before is back again, closer this time. It’s still not close enough for me to worry. I’m pretty sure I recognize the scent too, so it’s likely Dad sent an enforcer after me.

Because of course he did.

I don’t even have it in me to be pissed about it. Because that’ll fuck with my zen, and I worked way too hard the last few weeks to get to his point.

We run for a few hours, heading back to the cabin when the sun starts to set in the sky.

I get dressed and start dinner when my phone buzzes from where I left it on charge on an opposite counter.


Six unread messages.

Nova: Luna, where are you? Your dad is kind of freaking out.

Nova: Luna, if you don’t answer, he’s going to send out a search party.

Nova: Okay, now I’m freaking out, where are you?

Nova: Your dad called Roman. He’s pulling out the big guns. You need to respond

Nova: Luna!!!

Me: Shit, sorry, I was out running. I’m okay. What’s going on?

Nova: Thank fuck, I have no idea what’s going on but your dad is losing his shit. Where are you?

Me: At one of the Lycan cabins. I’m safe, security is on. I’m good. Tell him to calm the fuck down.

Nova: Might not word it quite like that, but I’m already heading to your parents’ place to let them know I heard back.

That’s one crisis avoided, so I click over to the other thread.

Maddox: Luna, where the fuck are you?

That one is only a few minutes old. I guess that’s the one I heard come through.

Me: I’m fine, no drama. I’m tucked away nice and safe. I just called my dad off the hunt. What’s got everyone's panties in a bunch?

Maddox: I’m not fucking around, Luna, where are you?

Me: What’s wrong?

I start to worry. It’s not like him to speak to me like this. Between him and my dad freaking out, I’m definitely on edge.

Maddox: Luna, I swear to the Fates, if you don’t tell me and you make me hunt you…

Me: I’m at the cabin

He doesn’t text back, which only makes my worry grow that much more.

What the actual fuck is going on?

* * *

I’ve spent the entire evening cleaning the cabin top to bottom trying to dispel my nervous energy. The alarm sounds, letting me know the gates are opening, and I watch on the security feed as Maddox’s truck rolls through.


Why is he even here? I assumed he was on his way, but if it wasn’t urgent enough to portal, what is he doing here?

Then I remember the wards surrounding this place and the fact that he physically can’t portal to within about twenty miles of here.

I don’t have to wait long to find out. The front door slams open, and he stalks across the space with a look mixed of relief and anger on his face and wraps me up in his arms.

“We thought they had you. Fucking Fates, Luna.”

I hug him back, confused as fuck. “Who had me? What’s going on, Maddox? No one’s bothered to tell me shit.”

“Your dad got a picture of you sent via email. It must have been doctored, but I wasn’t willing to wait. Not if there was a chance they actually had you, but then no one could get hold of you... I don’t think I’ve ever been more afraid in my fucking life.”

He finally lets me go when his phone buzzes in his pocket. He takes the smallest of steps back to pull his phone free to answer. “Hi, Dad. Yeah, I’m here. She’s good. There's no one else here.”

He goes quiet, looking serious as fuck. My stomach jolts as I watch his brow furrow further the longer he listens to Roman on the other end of the line. I wring out my hands and sit on the stairs while I wait for him to finish up.

“Yeah, okay, I’ll let you know.” He hangs up and runs a hand through his hair. His dark gray eyes look like a thundercloud. “We should head back to the Manor.”

“Really? Why? I’m obviously safe, and it’s super late.” I bite my lip. I mean, I know everyone was worried, but obviously I’m fine. I’m also not ready to leave here just yet. I’m not confident the zen I found is actually secure enough for me to venture back out into the real world.

He looks down at me, and his frown deepens. “Luna, someone is making threats against you… We should be somewhere secure.”

“This place is secure,” I argue, and he folds his arms across his chest, looking like a whole wall of immovable anger.

“Fine,” he growls, “we’ll stay here tonight, but we’re going back to the Manor first thing in the morning if I have to carry you out of here kicking and fucking screaming.”

I sigh because I’m not exactly on board with that either, but considering that everyone's in a full-blown panic, I concede. I’m coming back the second I can though.

“Fine, but let’s get some food going, chill out, and watch some TV for now… then we’ll pack up and leave in the morning?”

He nods stiffly at me. “I’m going to go and run the perimeter first.”

He’s so on edge that his voice is extra growly, and it makes my hair stand on end. “Okay, I’ll sort out the food. You run.”

He strips on the spot and shifts in an instant. An icy shiver runs down my spine, and it occurs to me that maybe I shouldn’t let him run out there alone. He’s stronger and faster than me, but if everyone’s so worried, maybe we should stick together.

Before I get a chance to object, he bounds through the open door and heads out into the darkness. I shut the door behind him and lean against it.

Calm the fuck down, Luna. Everyone’s just overreacting. You’re fine.

I take a deep breath and head into the kitchen. Deciding on homemade pizzas, I start working on the dough, knowing that he’s going to be out there a hot minute.

By the time the pizzas are prepped and in the oven, I’ve managed to relax a little. I pour myself a glass of water and wait for Maddox to return.

I don’t have to wait long before he strides into the room, butt-ass naked.

“All clear?” I ask, pointing to his folded clothes on the table.

He nods as he pulls up his jeans and shrugs into his t-shirt. “Yeah, there are a few scents out there, but they don’t seem close enough to be a concern. I’m going to drop Dad a message and let him know the plan.”

“Yeah, okay. That's pretty much what I decided when I ran earlier.” I shrug just as the timer goes off on the stove. “Pizzas are ready.”

He helps me pull them from the oven and carries them to the sitting room while I grab the salad and dip I prepared earlier. He dashes back into the kitchen before returning with two cans of soda and finally smiles. “What are we watching? This looks amazing by the way.”

“Thanks.” I grin at him, able to relax a bit better now that he’s not on hyper alert.

“I’ve been bingeing this thing about aliens living on Earth and mixing with humans, but I saw a trailer for a dystopian movie on here… You know the typical sort of movie where the world ends, bugs get real big, and a guy travels the country to find the love of his life?”

“Sounds epic and cheesy. Let’s do it!” He grins as he starts cutting the pizzas. I pick up the remote and flick the movie on, laughing at his groan as he takes a bite of his pizza. “If nothing else, your culinary skills definitely got better on this trip of yours.”

I nudge him with my shoulder, laughing as I do. “You’re a goofball, but I’m glad you like it.”

We settle into a comfortable silence and watch the film, making so much damn fun of it at certain parts, but it’s actually pretty freaking good, so I don’t really have anything to complain about.

“We should head to bed, then we can get out of here nice and early tomorrow. We can take the truck back and send someone to get the Comet.”


“Nope, the truck is literally a fucking tank. It’s the safer vehicle, no arguments.”

“Fine,” I concede and stand to clear away the dishes. He helps, the task passing in companionable silence, and it isn’t long before we head upstairs. “I’m just going to grab a quick shower.”

“Fine by me. I’ll get comfy.” He jumps onto the bed, and I bite my bottom lip. “Luna, don’t make it anything more than it is. It makes sense with a threat out there for us not to separate. Go shower; I’m not going anywhere.”

My gut reaction is to argue, but I realize he’s right. I’m the one making it into something it's not. So instead of arguing, I head for the shower and tell myself to stop overthinking. Once I’m squeaky clean from the shower, I pull on my pajamas and climb in next to him. His warmth radiates toward me even though there’s at least a foot between us.

“Night, Maddox.” I roll over, my back to him, and close my eyes. I’m not ready to leave this place, but I can’t deny that, with him here next to me, I feel safer than I have in weeks.

He shifts closer, still not touching me, but close enough that I’m instantly heated by his warmth. “Night, Luna.”