Smokey by Sam Crescent

Chapter Four

Ava glanced over at the bubbling sauce. The peppers, onions, and tomatoes along with several herbs, and a lot of garlic, smelled so amazing. She grabbed a spoon, dipped it into the sauce, and had a quick taste. Closing her eyes, she smiled. Perfect.

She reduced the sauce to a simmer before salting the pasta water. Next, she didn’t care it was an entire packet of spaghetti, it was what she wanted. Ever since she’d gotten home, all she’d been thinking about was that kiss. Not just the kiss, but also the way his lips had felt on hers. The touch, the texture. The very thought of it aroused her even more. She wanted more of his kisses, more of his touches.

In fact, she just wanted more.

In all her adult years, she’d never felt this way about anyone. Not even her ex.

“It’s not love.”

She’d meant every single word she’d said. This wasn’t about love, and she didn’t care for it to be either. All she wanted was sex. Lots and lots of sex. Her pussy throbbed at the memory of his face between her thighs. She’d read about it, seen it, but never experienced it. The orgasms she’d produced at her own hands were mediocre at best.

“Get your head in the game.” She tried to shake off the memory and just focus on the pasta, but each second, she recalled Smokey’s face and the way he touched her. It meant something to her. It was crazy. She didn’t consider it love. It wasn’t that, but it was something.

“Focus, Ava. Just focus.” There was no way she was going to behave like a schoolgirl in front of him.

Smiling, she checked the pasta. It was almost cooked.

She quickly prepared the sink so she could drain it. After turning off the sauce, she checked her pasta again, perfectly cooked. She reserved some water and drained the pasta, returning it to the pot.

Ava was adding the sauce and sprinkling in some cheese when her doorbell rang. She paused with a frown.

Leaving her pasta and sauce, she went to the front door, forgetting to check who it was before she opened the door.

Smokey stood on the doorstep.

“Hey,” she said.

“Hi, yourself.” He stepped forward, banding an arm around her waist and pulling her close. His lips brushed across hers.

“Your business ended early?”

He winked at her. “I got it done as quickly as I could because I knew I was coming here.” He kissed her again. “Something smells really good.”

“That’s dinner.”

“Care to share?” he asked. “I’m starving. I haven’t had anything to eat.”

“Sure. I’ve got plenty.” She didn’t like to make small portions, so more often than not, it ended up in the freezer or as leftovers, which was another reason she rarely used meat in her food.

Smokey let her go and closed her front door. She returned to the kitchen and finished preparing their food. She served two generous portions for them. There was a place setting for her. She gave it to Smokey, sitting opposite him, and grabbed herself a knife and fork.

Pushing some hair off her face, she sat down. “Enjoy.”

“Can I ask you a question?” Smokey asked, looking almost hesitant.


“Can you actually cook?”

She chuckled. “You’ve got proof right in front of you. I don’t understand.”

“It’s not that. It’s just, I know a woman who is trying so hard to learn to cook, and she’s fucking awful. The woman has nearly given me food poisoning more times than I can count.”

Ava laughed. “I can cook. I haven’t had any complaints.” It was the one area Derek couldn’t moan about. Meals were always good. “Just try it. I won’t be offended if you find it disgusting. I know peppers aren’t to everyone’s taste.”

He tentatively took a bite.

She tried not to laugh. “Does this woman know she’s scarred you?”

“She’s a sweet woman. It’s Abriana. You met her.”

“Oh, right. The one that didn’t talk all that much.” She didn’t want to feel jealous. He’d said the woman was married, but that didn’t have to mean anything, did it?

“Before you ask, she can’t bake for shit.”

“That is awful. She made meals for you, and you’re still complaining.” She shook her head. “It’s mean.”

“I tell you what, the next time Ugly Beast invites me over for dinner, you’re coming.”

“It’s a date,” she said. “I won’t be mean.”

“Woman, you’ve yet to try this woman’s food.”

She twirled some spaghetti on her fork and looked over at him. He’d already taken three more mouthfuls of her dinner. “Is it really that bad?”

“I didn’t think it was possible, but the woman can burn a chicken without it being cooked on the inside.”

“That can happen?”

“I didn’t think so, but she is the master of fucking up in the kitchen. She tries so hard though. We’re all rooting for her to get it right.”

She laughed. “You’re so mean.”

“I’m being nice.”

“Well, I don’t ever want to be on your bad side.”

“I doubt that will happen.”

Silence fell between them, but it wasn’t awkward. She enjoyed it. It was fun eating with someone. She hadn’t done this in such a long time. Even before her divorce from her ex. They’d stopped sharing meals together long before then.

“I did happen to make a small chocolate cake,” she said after dinner.

“Care to share?”

“Love to.”

“Good.” She took their empty plates. Smokey had enjoyed seconds, which she loved. Feeding him had given her so much pleasure. She put the dishes in the sink and went to the fridge. Chocolate was one of her favorite things in the world, then peanut butter. The two were the best.

“Do you have a peanut allergy?”

“No, babe, I don’t.”

“Phew, good.” She laughed. She took the cake to the table. It was only a small cake, but it was heavily frosted. Peanut butter frosting on the inside layer. Dark chocolate on the outside.

“Fuck, that looks good.”

She served him a slice, then cut one for herself. Before she took a bite, she sat and watched him.

On the first bite, he closed his eyes and leaned back. “Now that is fucking delicious.”

She couldn’t stop smiling.

Enjoying her own slice, she watched as Smokey ate his. He had an additional two slices, and the cake was nearly gone. She returned the last remaining slice to the fridge and quickly did the dishes, surprised when Smokey helped her.

“You’re one fine cook. The boys are going to be so pissed.”

She put away the last of the dishes when Smokey came up behind her. “Why are they going to be pissed?”

“Because I found the hottest woman who can cook. You’ve got the most perfect ass.” He cupped her ass and drew her back against him. “I’ve been thinking about you all day.”

One of his hands moved between her thighs, and she moaned.

Within seconds, he spun her around and had her pressed up against the fridge. “Do you have any idea what you do to me?” he asked. “No woman has made me want her the way I want you, and I’ve only tasted your fucking pussy. I haven’t taken it.”

His other hand grabbed her neck, drawing her back. His lips bit down on her pulse.

She cried out at the instant hit of pleasure. It was amazing. The way he rubbed her pussy, held her captive to him. Any other man she’d have been terrified. With Smokey, she felt safe within his arms.

“Babe, I’m going to fuck you right now, hard, and it’s not going to be gentle. You’ve got to tell me now if you need gentle because I don’t have it in me to do that tonight.”

“I want it, Smokey, please.”

He flipped up her dress and tore at her panties. The sound of the tear should have woken her up, but it only served to turn her on even more. Glancing behind her, she watched as he pulled down his zipper. He was already rolling a condom over his cock.

The head of him pressed against her core, and he moved her so she was bent over the counter.

She waited with just the head of his cock within her. Pleasure rushed through her body. Need unlike anything else consumed her. She wanted everything he could give her. For him to not stop. To fuck her. Ava didn’t want him to hold back. All her life she’d been holding back, making do. It was time to live life to the fullest.

He slammed to the hilt within her, and she cried out at the intense pleasure and pain it caused. He was long, hard, big, and thick.

His grip on her hips tightened and he growled. “Fuck. I knew you’d be tight.”

Smokey didn’t give her a chance to get accustomed to his length. He held on to her and fucked her, pounding his large cock deep inside her, hitting all the right spots.

“Touch your pussy. Make yourself come all over my dick.”

She didn’t want to. Any orgasm she gave herself was always so boring. Afterward, she’d wonder why the hell women were even given sex organs. At Smokey’s command, she couldn’t deny him. Sliding a hand between her thighs, she stroked her pussy to bring herself to an orgasm. Her eyes closed as the pleasure took over.

It was incredible. The way he held her in place as he took her.

Even her clit felt sensitive to the touch. His hands moved from her hips, capturing her tits. He gripped them tightly, using them to pound inside her.

Flesh hitting flesh filled the air, along with their groans. It was a sound Ava loved. “Come for me, Ava. Let me hear you. Let me feel you come all over my cock.”

His rough voice and commands drove her wild. He stopped gripping her tits and stroked her nipples, pinching them to the point of pain, and that sent her over the edge. She came hard, screaming his name.

Smokey let her tits go, returned to her hips, and took her even harder than before. She didn’t think it was possible, but the speed and depth of his penetration prolonged her release.

He joined her, slamming in deep, and she felt his cock jerk and pulse within her. Wave upon wave of his release filled the condom.

They were both panting when Smokey pulled out of her. She struggled to keep herself upright. Out of the corner of her eye, she watched as he removed the condom, tied it up, and threw it in the trash.

She let out a yelp as he picked her up, and before long, he carried her toward her sitting room. He sat down on the sofa with her across his lap. Then he moved some pillows behind her head and stroked her hair back from her face.

Neither of them spoke.

She basked in the glow of her orgasm.

Smokey twirled a finger around her hair. “Is this real?” he asked.

“Yes, it’s real.” She chuckled. “I wouldn’t spend time trying to dye my hair. Are we really discussing hair color right now?”

“What would you like to talk about?”

“I don’t know. Anything. How was your day?”


“You’re not going to tell me about the parts I’m not in?”

“It’s club business, babe. It’s nothing to do with you.”

“Wow, okay.”

“Don’t be offended.”

“I’m not. I’m guessing it’s all top-secret,” she said. “I’m not offended. Like you said, the club comes first.”

“It doesn’t mean I will always want it to be that way. I’ve got to make sure I can trust you,” he said.

She took a deep breath. “You can trust me. I won’t break it. I promise. You don’t know me, but maybe one day, if you give yourself time, you can trust me.”


Smokey shook his head. “Strip.”

“I have to open my shop today.”

“Not today. You’re the boss. Strip.”

Ava moved toward him and shook her head. “I want to, but I do have other commitments. If the club called you right now, you’d go.”

“Your bakery is not club.”

“But my bakery is club to me. It’s my own little piece of heaven.”

“You think my club is my own peace of heaven?” he asked.

“Isn’t it?”

It was on the tip of his tongue to deny it. There was no way he’d see the club as a peaceful place. “You’re right.”

“That’s a sentence you’re going to have to get used to saying.” She moved toward the bed and cupped his cheek. “I want to spend all day in bed with you, but this is fun. I don’t want to run the risk of losing my clientele.”

Smokey stroked another of her curls. He loved her hair. It was so soft, but also blonde in a way he didn’t think he’d care for. It was almost white.

“The bakery means a lot to you?”

She smiled. “Yes. I know some girls have dreams of becoming a princess or marrying a rich billionaire. Being a doctor or a lawyer. I didn’t. From a young age, I loved to bake. My mom was amazing at it. There was nothing she couldn’t do.”

“What was she like?”

“I look a little like her, but she was a slender woman. An amazing cook. I used to get annoyed because she was the kind of woman who could eat her heart out in calories and fats and not gain any weight.”

“Did she not like you?” Smokey asked.

“No, of course not. My mom loved me. She was the one who told me to embrace who I was. Whenever I was sad or feeling anything but happy, she’d go into the kitchen and I’d watch her cook. She’d make chocolate chip cookies if I was upset. With her hot cocoa, they were amazing. Cheese and onion pies to chase away the horrible days. A quiche. She was pretty good at them as well. I never liked them, but hers were something special.”

“She sounds lovely.”

“She was. Losing them was the hardest thing of all.”

“A car crash?”

“Yes. A car crash. Took both of them instantly.”

“Is she the reason you wanted to own a bakery?” he asked.

“I wanted to help people the way she did me. It’s probably silly and childish. I tried to think of owning a bakery when I was married, but my ex was dead-set against it.”

“You worked as an accountant,” he said.

“Yeah. Nine-to-five. Absolutely hated it. I spent a lot of time baking. People in the office always complimented me on my cooking.” She shrugged. “So, my bakery is getting rid of a whole lot of bad memories.”

“You’re a good person, Ava.”

She smiled. “Don’t sound so surprised. If you gave yourself the chance to get to know people, you’d see there is a lot more of us around. We’re not some strange species.”

“You’d be surprised.”

“Because of the club?”

He tensed up.

She held her hands in surrender. “I’m not fishing for information, but when you’re not around, I watched this program and a few other things.”

Smokey laughed. “It’s not like it’s in the movies.”

“No, I get it. This stuff is real.” She looked down at her hands. “I hope one day you can learn to trust me.”

“Club information can get people killed, Ava. I have enemies. I have a whole lot of problems.”

“Is that why you’re not married?” she asked. “You don’t want to put anyone at risk?”

“I haven’t gotten married because there’s no woman good enough. My boys put their lives in my hands every single day. I’m not going to put it at risk for a woman.”


“Have I offended you?”

“No. I think it’s going to take a lot more than that to offend me. I get it. You’re from a different world than me. It doesn’t mean I can’t cross over into yours, Smokey. I’m not … I don’t even know how to say this. I’m not a goody-two-shoes. I think.” She shrugged. “I’ve got to go. You can let yourself out?”

“Yeah, I can do that, babe.” He tugged her down and kissed her lips.

She gave a chuckle. “I’ll see you later?”

“We’ll see.”

She smiled at him and turned on her heel to leave. He watched her go, fucking curious about this woman.

Ava was sweet and kind, and yet, at the same time, she was so much more. He ran a hand down his face as he heard the door close. He got to his feet, headed to the window, and watched as she pulled out of the drive to go into town.

What was it about her?

Why was she so different?

He hadn’t known about the relationship she had with her parents. That kind of shit was never talked about in black and white. He did know her father invested in stocks and shares. So much so that Ava didn’t need to work ever again. From his digging, he’d also discovered she rarely used the money her parents had left her.

She had someone occasionally invest back into the market, and so far, she’d gotten a massive return. Yet, she lived modestly. A small house. A used car.

The only real luxury was her bakery, which she didn’t need because she was set up for life.

Some of the women back at the clubhouse would be drooling for the money she had. Yet, when it came to the club, she never pushed. All she wanted from him was his trust.

He didn’t buy it, but until he’d gotten her from under his skin, he was going to keep on using her pussy.

Alone in her home, he started to look through her stuff. Opening drawers, trying to find anything that would give way to the woman he was fucking.

There was nothing. There were receipts in her office. All pertaining to her business. Some warranties on stuff she bought. Everything was all neatly packed away. Her books were organized by title, he noted.

Her kitchen was probably the most lived-in part of the house. He opened cupboards and they were cluttered, but he realized they were in an organized kind of mess. She had a baking cupboard, which spread into three of the kitchen.

Two drawers were for spices. She had a separate pantry with tinned goods, pasta, rice, and other shit he’d never heard of.

His woman seemed pretty damn genuine, and that fucking baffled him.

Ryan had said that the head of the Twisted Bastards MC was going to meet someone at his bar. That was it. Since then, Smokey had been trying to figure out who it was.

Who better to infiltrate the Hell’s Bastards MC than a woman who was completely different and would stand out to him?

He wasn’t used to picking women up in a bar, certainly not a civilian.

His cell phone rang, and he took Hunter’s call. “Talk to me.”

“Ryan’s done a runner,” Hunter said. “All his shit is cleared out. Our guy gave me the heads-up that nearly ten grand was deposited into his account last night.”

Smokey cursed. “Where was our prospect?” He rubbed at his temple. “Fucking Hanson. Where was he?”

“He’s in the hospital. He was stabbed three times in the chest. He’s holding on.”

“Fuck!” Smokey clenched his hand into a fist. Hanson was nineteen years old and had come to them the day he’d graduated. All he wanted was to be a brother, a fully patched-in member.

The kid was loyal. A little slow at times, but one of the meanest motherfuckers he’d ever seen, and considering Hanson’s age, that was a compliment. The kid had a lot of rage, but it was directed at their enemies. The boy knew a lot about controlling his temper.

“Ryan didn’t pack everything. We’ve got some pictures here. You might want to come and take a look.”

“I’m on it.” Smokey hung up the call. He’d spent all night enjoying Ava’s pussy, and now he was pissed off.

Leaving her house, he locked it up and kept the key. He went to his bike, straddled his trusty machine, and took off, heading toward the bar. Ryan lived directly above it.

The ride was quick and with it, his temper went to an all-time high.

Kinky was outside smoking a joint as he arrived. “Hunter’s inside.”

He headed to the back of the bar, following the stairs that led up to the office.

Hunter sported a black eye and a split lip. “Do I want to know what the fuck that is?”

“If you want to know what happened to the guy who gave it to me, he’s pissing blood.”


“He came home early as I was fucking his hot wife. He didn’t take too kindly to me breaking in her ass virginity, or whatever kids are calling it these days.”

“You’ve got to stop chasing married women,” Smokey said. One day, he was going to get a call to tell him someone had killed his VP. The dude just couldn’t keep his hands off married women.

“They’re fun. They’re a challenge.”

“We’ve got club whores for your games.”

“But they don’t play hard to get and I love the chase. There’s always something more rewarding when you fuck pussy you work for.” Hunter held out two pictures. “I don’t like the look of these.”

He took the pictures and stared down at them. They were of the clubhouses. One was of him, the other of Raven.

“What the fuck has Raven got to do with this?” he asked.

“Beats me, but we better find out if she’s shacking up with anyone. I haven’t seen her screwing around. You?”

“Nope.” Smokey wasn’t sure who Raven was into. He’d watched her kiss men and women. He couldn’t recall any of the guys bragging about fucking her. She was a loyal woman. Giving her a patch had gone against everything he believed in. She was the only woman he’d ever trusted.

“You think this has to do with the Twisted?”

“I think it has something to do with us. That’s all I can tell you.”

“You don’t think the mafia’s coming back for another taste?” Hunter asked.

“Everything has been quiet. Drago’s dealt with it.”

“What if Drago’s made an arrangement to get rid of us to take the job as Boss?”

Smokey looked toward Hunter. “Then we need to call in Ugly Beast. We need another meet.”

“Ugly’s not going to like it,” Hunter said.

“Do I look like I give a flying fuck what Ugly likes? He’ll do as he’s told. What’s the update on Hanson?” he asked.

“So far, he’s stable, but it could go either way.”

“We’re going to find Ryan. I want to know everyone who has been near this fucking place. I know Ryan had security feeds. Get them. I want to go over them as soon as you do. Hanson is going to have his justice.” Smokey folded the pictures, sliding them back into his jacket.

Heading back out, he ignored Kinky and the boys. Climbing back on his bike, he took off toward the hospital. He fucking hated hospitals more than anything else in the world. They were sterile and filled with the sick. He’d been in them way too many times, and now that a prospect was there, he was going to have to figure out who was trying to come after them, and more importantly, why.