Smokey by Sam Crescent

Chapter Five

Ava hadn’t heard from Smokey all day.

She hadn’t needed to open the bakery, but she’d gotten the call about her delivery arriving a day early, so she’d gone in to deal with that. Seeing as she was already in the shop, she’d decided to open up.

Sales had been good.

She hadn’t sold out, and she’d taken the leftovers over to the preschool for the kids. Rather than go home, she’d headed to the grocery store.

As she rounded the vegetable section, she spotted Raven. She had a list in front of her.

“Hi,” she said, smiling.

Raven ignored her.

Ava didn’t want to be rude, so she grabbed the vegetables she needed as Raven growled and looked up.

“Smokey’s lady,” she said.


“Do you know what the fuck this says? I swear Ugly Beast does this to me on purpose to make me feel like a child.” Raven held out a piece of paper.

Ava took it and glanced over the scrawl. It looked like a child had written it. “Which item?”

“That one.” Raven pointed to the third one down.

After looking at it for some time, she smiled. “Onions.”

“Really? What the fuck?” Raven took the list back and shook her head. “This is what happens when you take his wife and get her drunk. He makes you pay by shopping for him.”

“Well, I wish you luck. That is one intense list.”

“Wait, you understood this shit though, right?”

“I did.” She nodded.

“You want to be shopping buddies?”

Ava chuckled. “Sure. Why not?” She followed Raven around the store, grabbing her own groceries while also helping her to decipher the list. It was pretty hard. She couldn’t wait to meet Ugly Beast. He seemed like an interesting person.

Still, by the time they came to the checkout, Raven had talked her ear off about everything from the latest movie she’d watched, to babysitting, and then to shopping.

On the way out, she was surprised to see she’d parked right next to Raven.

“What a coincidence,” Raven said. “How come you don’t like parking near the store?”

“It’s really silly.”

“Try me?”

“Er, I parked close to a store once, and it ended in a confrontation with a pregnant woman. I got slapped. Fat shamed and made to feel like the lowest form of a human being. I had only just parked and was going to jump right back in my car and move. Instead, I went to a different store.”

“Holy shit, that happened?” Raven asked.


“I’d have slapped that woman.”

“She was pregnant.”

“So, if I didn’t slap her, I’d have found another way to shut her mouth. You can’t have people talking to you like you’re crap. You allow one person, all of them will.”


Raven slammed her car trunk down. “You’re not from around here, are you?”


“Are you looking for a friend?”

“I … think so.” This seemed like really dangerous territory. “I know you’re club and Smokey has said himself that I’m not part of the club. I get it.”

Raven started to laugh. “And you’re still giving it to him?”

Her cheeks began to heat. “I don’t know how to answer that.” Any way seemed bad.

Raven snorted as she laughed. “Honey, I need to teach you how to talk to these guys. Smokey’s going to walk all over you if you keep being the quaint woman.”

“I’m not looking for trouble.”

Raven shook her head. “It’s no trouble. Do you want people taking the piss out of you?”

“No.” She spoke slowly, not exactly sure how to answer anything with this woman.

“Girl, you need me as a friend. It’s quite pitiful to see this.”

She laughed. “Okay, fine. I’m Ava Sinclaire.”

“Raven.” There was no last name. “How about you come with me and I’ll give you a proper introduction to Abriana and Ugly Beast. My girl will like you. I think she finds my attitude a little too brass. She’s a mafia chick, so she’s still adjusting after all this time to the MC life.”

“I’m not part of the MC life.”

“Not yet, but you’ve kept Smokey’s attention for a week. Now that’s a world record in his book.”

“Oh.” One week. They’d been having sex one day. He’d licked her pussy the other day. It wasn’t even a whole week. This wasn’t good. Was Smokey the kind of guy who moved on when he got bored? What made him bored?

“Do you do that often?” Raven asked.


“Look like you’re having a million thoughts at one time.”

“Kind of, yeah. I’ll follow you, okay?”

“Fine by me.”

Raven climbed into the driver’s side and Ava got into her own car. After turning over the ignition, she stared straight ahead as she pulled out, following behind Raven. The other woman seemed nice. A little talkative, which she liked. She also loved Raven’s attitude.

Ava didn’t pay attention to her surroundings, just focused on the car in front. She pulled in behind Raven and was thankful she hadn’t purchased any items for the fridge or freezer. She grabbed her bag, slinging it over her shoulder as she rushed to help Raven unload the car.

The door to the house opened, and seconds later, they were joined by a very large, heavily inked, scarred man who took Ava’s breath away. He wasn’t ugly in the slightest, but the scars told a story.

Her mother had always taught her to not stare. To see past people’s imperfections and to want to get to know the person within. She offered Ugly Beast a smile.

“Who the fuck are you?” he asked.

“We’ve talked about this, Ugly,” Abriana said, coming out of the house with a baby on her hip.

“I don’t know who she is.”

“I’m Ava,” she said, holding her hand out.

Who the fuck is she, Raven? Another stray?”

“Don’t start. I don’t pick up strays. You’re just pissed that I know someone you don’t.” Raven growled at him. An actual growl. “This is Smokey’s piece.”

Ugly Beast turned his gaze on her, and she tensed up. He looked her up and down.

“Ugly, don’t,” Abriana said. “They’re all very protective of their president.”

“I can see that.” She offered Ugly Beast another smile, but he didn’t return one.

After a few seconds, he clearly decided she wasn’t worth his time as he grabbed the bags of groceries from Raven’s car, turned on his heel, and left.

“Don’t mind him. He’s an asshole.”

“I can hear that.”

“It’s nice of you to stop by, Ava. You want a drink?” Abriana asked.

Ava was captivated by the young girl in her arms.

“She’s so cute, isn’t she? She’s my daughter. Little Bella. Say hi.” The baby didn’t say anything, but Ava was smitten.

“She’s adorable.”

“Do you not have kids?”

“No, I don’t.” She’d wanted them, but again another control Derek had over her. “I don’t want to intrude. I don’t think your husband likes me very much.”

“Don’t take it personally. Ugly asshole doesn’t like anyone,” Raven said.

Abriana chuckled. “Don’t mind him. He has a hard time trusting people.”

“I have a hard time because most people can’t be trusted,” Ugly Beast said, coming up behind Abriana.

“And you’ve already decided I’m not trustworthy?”

“I don’t know you.”

“I don’t know you either, but I’m not judging you. I’d rather not impose. It was nice to see you, Raven.”

“Don’t be a dick, Ugly. She helped me decipher your handwriting. When are you going to grow up and start acting like an actual adult?” Raven asked.

Fuck off. Don’t you have someone else to go and bug?”

“Nope. It’s my night with my best buddy.” Raven slung her arm across Abriana’s shoulders, reaching over to little Bella and tickling her feet.

Once again, Ava knew she didn’t belong. “Have a wonderful night,” she said. She was the person who hadn’t been around. She didn’t blame them for not wanting her to be part of their group.

She headed back to the car.

“Stay,” Ugly Beast said.

She turned to see all three and the baby were watching her. “It’s fine, really?”

“My wife wants you to stay. She gets what she wants.”

“I’d like you to come and enjoy some tea or coffee. I’ve got beer.”

“I’ll take a coffee,” Ava said. She didn’t want to appear rude. After closing her door, she locked the car and walked up the steps. She followed them into Abriana’s house. Holding her bag, she put her keys inside.

Ugly Beast didn’t linger. He took Bella and left them alone.

“I don’t know what you do to make him disappear,” Abriana said.

“It’s my charming personality. I think you take way too much crap from him.”

“I don’t take any crap and you know it.”

Raven snorted. “Do you remember the time you were this sweet little mafia princess?”

Abriana rolled her eyes. “Don’t mind her.”

“Tell us about how good it is to fuck Smokey,” Raven said.


“What? Come on, aren’t you curious? Until Miss Baker here turned up, Smokey seemed to be taking a break from any kind of fun. All fun, actually. Sex being the biggest one.”

“How do you hear this?” Abriana asked.

“Club bitches talk, babe. That’s how I get to know as much about the guys as I do. They need to learn to keep their mouths shut. So, do you like Smokey?”

“I like him,” Ava said.

“That’s all? You like him?”

“We’re not exactly, I mean, it’s, I, it’s complicated.”

Raven stared at her for several seconds as Abriana began to put the groceries away. Ava hated being under Raven’s scrutiny and got to her feet, immediately helping to put everything away. She hated sitting down while other people worked, and she really had to do something with her hands.

“At least you like him.”

“Yep, I do.” She offered a smile, but Raven didn’t return it.

“Don’t mind her. She’s being club again.”


“Raven takes her role was being the only female club member seriously.”

“I went through hell to earn my patch.” She tilted her head toward Ava. “You ever been around an MC before?”

“No.” She had helped to put away the groceries. “I’ve heard of MCs, but never been close to one.”

“And you still bought a house near a town with one?” Raven asked. “Are you fucking stupid?”

“Damn it, Raven, enough,” Abriana said.

This had both women looking toward Abriana.

“When did you grow a set of balls?” Raven asked.

“Since she is clearly a nice woman and bakes the most delicious cookies and muffins. If you want to keep her around because you’ve been drooling after her baked goods as much as everyone else in town, stop being a first-class bitch. She doesn’t deserve it.” Abriana shook her head. “She’s really nice when you get to know her.”

“I think I miss your timid approach. Since you gave birth to Bella, you’ve grown a spine.”

Abriana stuck her tongue out. “Have you ever thought that it’s your influence?”

“Please, I’m a saint.”

Ava sat back down in her seat. She didn’t know if she’d rather face off with Ugly Beast more. Raven had a spiteful edge to her tone. She understood it. Smokey was her leader. She was looking out for him.

Abriana and Raven continued to banter with each other. Rather than leave, Ava sat, enjoyed a cup of coffee, and when the time was right, she made her escape.

The club was intense. No doubt about it.

If they were all like Raven, she had no doubt it was going to be difficult to be in Smokey’s world.

She drove home, unloaded her car, and the empty house that greeted her wasn’t a blessing. Seeing Abriana with her baby tonight had stirred up all kinds of feelings. She had tried to forget what it was like to want a child and a big family. Being an only child, her parents had been unable to have more children, even though it was exactly what they wanted. Her mother had been amazing with kids. She wanted a huge family. During the few times she’d seen Smokey around his club, she’d seen a closeness that could only be described as family.

Her lonely house only served to make her realize how little she had.


Hanson was stable for now, but Smokey hadn’t been able to talk to him for very long because the drugs they had him on made him very woozy.

He headed back to the clubhouse with Hunter calling ahead to arrange a church meeting. They didn’t have a lot to go on, but the brothers needed to be informed of what he had discovered so far.

Arriving at the clubhouse, he took note of all the bikes and cars in residence. Women in skimpy clothing were hanging outside, smoking cigarettes and joints. He ignored them, heading straight inside and taking his place at the head of the table. As with all the brothers, they handed in their cell phones and weapons at the door. The church was their sacred place, their patch their main link. They were all united as one.

“How’s Hanson?” Ugly Beast asked.

“He’s doing good. The doctor believes he’ll be home in a couple of weeks. Nothing was severely damaged. Were you able to get any kind of surveillance?” He turned toward Hunter.

“Nope. Everything from that night has been taken or wiped. Not a single security tape. They were all useless. All we’ve got to go on is Hanson when he wakes up,” Hunter said.

“I want round-the-clock security on him, starting now.”

Kinky got up. “I’m on it. Whoever takes over from me can give me the rundown.” He turned on his heel and left.

“I think you need to postpone your meeting with the asshole,” Vice said.

He looked toward the brother in the corner. Vice rarely said anything at these meetings. “Why?”

“We can’t rule him or his club out.”

“It’s settled then,” Ugly Beast said. “You don’t go.”

“We haven’t taken a vote.” Smokey wasn’t going to be a coward. “You think not turning up to meet him will help our situation?”

“I think if you turn up, it could be a bloodbath,” Elijah said, leaning forward. Brick, Hunter, and several other brothers agreed.

“This meeting is arranged,” Demon said. “It’s a certified trap. We all know it.”

Smokey sat back, not in the best of moods. “I don’t like this.”

“We’re not going to get you killed,” Hunter said. “I don’t give a fuck what they think of us. Let them claim us to be pussies. They’ll be the ones in the fucking wrong. Not us. I’m not having you go out there and get yourself killed.”

“I always knew you loved my ass.” Smokey blew Hunter a kiss. “I already called off the meeting. Any time I meet up with the asshole of the Twisted Bastards MC, it’s going to be a surprise one so he doesn’t see me coming. I haven’t been running this show for them to take the fucking piss. You all should know that by now.” He shook his head.

“Have you considered your piece could be a plant?” Ugly Beast.

“Ava is no plant.”

“Is that because you’re sticking your dick in her?” Ugly glared right back at him.

Smokey’s hands clenched into fists. Anger rushed through his body, but rather than let it spill forth, he stayed perfectly still and stared right at him. “My judgment isn’t impaired. You worry about your wife. Why not knock her up again? It will only help to cement more ties to the mafia.”

“We’re out of the mafia, and you know it.”

“With a little declaration, you’ll be right back in.”

“Enough,” Hunter said. “Ava’s been checked out.”

“Yeah, well, until we’re sure where her loyalties lie, I don’t want her hanging out with my wife.”

“Ava’s a good person,” Raven said, finally speaking up.

All this time, it had surprised him she hadn’t said something sooner. Raven wasn’t exactly known for keeping her mouth shut. She liked to be involved. Even though she was a patched-in member, he sometimes believed she tried to make up for the fact she had tits and a pussy rather than a dick.

“And you think you can make a judgment call?” Ugly Beast asked.

“What gives you the right to question my judgment?” Raven asked, stepping away from the wall.

Ugly Beast stood. “Since your judgment call got my woman hurt. Think hard, Raven. If you hadn’t sent her off with a prospect that wasn’t even one of ours, my wife wouldn’t have lost our first child. She wouldn’t have had a concussion, and she wouldn’t wake up screaming some nights, terrified.”

“One mistake that anyone could have made.”

“Yeah, but it was you who made it. No one else.”

“You fucking prick.”

“Enough!” Smokey slammed his hand down on the table.

Ugly Beast and Raven still glared at one another.

“Ava’s not up for discussion. She’s not part of the club. She’s a woman I’m fucking. Nothing else.”

“Wow, does Ava know that?” Raven asked.

“Ava knows what she needs to, and I don’t need you sniffing in my business. Sit the fuck down.”

Raven stepped back and Ugly Beast sat down.

He had to wonder how Raven was friends with Abriana. The woman was like a puppy in comparison to Raven.

“I hate to take sides, but Ugly Beast is right. It’s a little suspicious how Ryan does a runner, our boy gets hurt, and Ava arrived in town.”

“She’s been in town longer than a couple of weeks. They’ve been raving about her baked goods for months,” Raven said.

Smokey ran a hand down his face. This was getting them nowhere.

“For now, the Twisted Bastards meetup is off the table.” He looked at Ugly. “I need a word with Drago. Arrange it.”

Ugly nodded his head but didn’t look happy. Smokey didn’t give a flying fuck about making his boys happy. “Until then, I want you all to keep an eye on everything. Don’t turn your backs on anyone. Stay fucking alert. Do I make myself clear?” he asked.

They all nodded. “Let’s move out.” He slammed his gavel on the table, and everyone got up, to leave.

As he knew she would, Raven stayed behind.

“If you’ve come to do some feminist crap, I’m not interested.”

Raven held her hands up. “I’m not here to make waves.”

“Then why are you still here?”

“I don’t know her, and like Ugly Beast said, I made a mistake, but she doesn’t seem like the kind of woman to just enjoy a random hookup.”

Smokey snorted. “Are you trying to warn me away from her?”

“No, I’m worried about you,” she said. “I get that you’re the one in charge and your word is law and all that crap, but … what if she is the one?”

Now Smokey burst out laughing. “I don’t believe in that shit. You know that?”

“Look how happy Ugly Beast is. Don’t you want that?”

“What Ugly has is once-in-a-lifetime. I’m not going to get that, ever. I have the club. That’s all that matters. Now, get the fuck out before I call for your patch.”

Raven rolled her eyes but didn’t say another word.

Running a hand down his face, he left the church room and made his way outside into the warm air. He took several deep breaths. Someone was after them. Whoever it was, he was going to find them and kill every fucking person who posed a threat. The shit that went down with the mafia should have ended all of this. He got his end of the deal, and in return, he got more ground.

Lewis and Verge, the two other presidents of the Hell’s Bastards MC around the country, hadn’t reported shit to him in weeks, which meant he was the primary target.

This left his current enemies, the Twisted Bastards MC, and his good old friends the mafia.

He needed to find Ryan, and fast, to get the answers he needed. Turning on his heel, he went back inside the clubhouse, going to the one man who would find anyone: Big Dick.

The man himself was bent over the pool table, about to pot a ball. Smokey picked it up as Big Dick made his shot.

What the fuck, man? That shit is cold.”

“I need you to find Ryan.”

“I thought we already had feelers out for his ass,” Big Dick said.

“We do, but I need you on it. I want him found today.”

Big Dick smirked. “Boss, I got a whole lot of talent, but even I have my limits.”

“I’m not laughing. Go.”

His man shook his head, threw his pool stick on the table, and muttered all the way out of the room.

Staring at the ball, he thought of Ava. He had his own suspicions with regards to the woman, but he knew they were completely unfounded. She’d never done anything to him to warrant the suspicion.

Even still, she was a woman, and to him, that made her a problem.

He placed the ball on the pool table, turned on his heel, and went out to his bike. No one stopped him as he straddled his machine and took off, heading toward town.

The open road did nothing to calm his thoughts. In the back of his mind, he knew he should be backing off. Ava wasn’t part of the club. Her place wasn’t with him. He sped up, pressing on the gas to get to his woman as fast as he could.

Not once did he turn back, even though he knew he should.

She wasn’t club.

She wasn’t a slut.

But she belonged to him.

No other man at the club would know how tight her hot little pussy was. No one would feel her tits against him, or see how fucking glorious they were when they bounced right in front of his face.

He ached for her.

After parking his bike, he headed down her front yard path. The door opened. Ava was there, a smile on her lips. Her long, blonde hair fell around her in luscious waves.

The moment he was close, he banded an arm around her waist and pulled her close. Slamming his lips down on hers, he walked into her house, ravishing her mouth as he kicked the door closed.

He spun them around so she was pressed against the door. He held her hands up above her head, keeping her in place.

“Hello to you too,” she said the moment he broke the kiss and trailed his lips down her neck, going straight to her tits.

He pushed her shirt up to beneath her neck and groaned, cupping the large mounds. Flicking the catch of her bra, he watched mesmerized as they sprang free. He held them up as if they were an offering. Large nipples begging for his mouth. He took one nipple between his teeth, biting down. He heard her gasp. He didn’t care if it was too hard. Moving to her next one, he devoted the same attention to it, loving the sounds she made.

His dick was rock-hard and ready to fuck.

“Please, Smokey.”

“You want my cock?” he asked.


He pressed down on her shoulders and she went to her knees before him. Staring into her eyes, he released the belt and the button of his pants, He opened it up enough for his cock, and once he had himself released, he worked from the root up to the tip, then back down again.

“Open your mouth.”

She opened her lips.

“Do you want my cock?” he asked.


He moved forward and pressed the tip of his cock to her lips. The moment her tongue came out and teased the head, he groaned.

Ava jerked back. “I’m bad at this.”


“I’m … I don’t have a lot of experience.” She winced.

“Babe, let me be the one to tell you if this is good or not. Open your mouth.”

“I just wanted you to know in case there’s something I might be good at.”

He chuckled. “Your ex really did a number on you.” His cock hadn’t softened, and he stared at her, waiting.

She spread her lips for him and he pressed the tip of his cock to her mouth. She opened her hot little mouth for him, and he slid in several inches. He groaned. “Suck.” She did and fuck, it was perfect.

Reaching out, he grabbed a fistful of her hair for something to hold on to. In and out, he fucked her face, taking his time, letting her become accustomed to the sheer size of him.

All he wanted to do was come down her throat, but watching her now, he was in rapture. He knew her lips would look good around his dick, he just didn’t realize how good. She was perfection. Her inexperience was a massive turn-on.

There was no way in hell he was going share her with any other of the club brothers. With Ava, he was going to be selfish and keep her all to himself. He’d always put the club first. Never saved anything for himself.

Ava was different though.

“When I hit the back of your throat, relax. Take all of me.” He eased into her mouth, but rather than withdraw when he hit a certain depth, he went a little deeper. Her eyes went slightly wider, and he groaned at the feel of her mouth around him.

He pulled out. Saliva coated his entire length. He guided her mouth over him and she bobbed her head to his pace until he couldn’t stand it anymore.

“Fuck!” He pulled out of her mouth, grasped his length, and aimed at her full tits. His cum decorated the glorious mounds as he came on her, milking every single last drop.

Afterward, he collapsed back against the door, a little taken aback by the sight of her.

She nibbled on her lip, and he saw the nerves in her eyes.

“Your ex was an asshole. You’re fucking incredible.”

And she’d just guaranteed her life and body belonged to him and him alone.