Fail to Love by Maci Dillon





“Disappointment is a sort of bankruptcy – the bankruptcy of a soul that expends too much in hope and expectation.” ~ Eric Hoffer





“What’s this, a fucking intervention?” I asked, glancing between two of my besties, Miah and Kassidy.

“Yes, that’s exactly what it is,” Kassidy agreed.

“See, you’re not completely stupid.” Miah laughed, handing me a cider.

Laughter filled my living room, drowning out the television commentary.

“You know I love you girls, right? But you’re more than evil sometimes. It’s time to go. Let’s get moving, or we’ll miss happy hour.”

“Nope, not happening,” Kassidy stated, cringing under my heated stare.

“What’s not happening?”

Confused, my glance bounced between them both.

“What’s the story with Sean? You’ve barely said a word about what happened between you two on New Year’s Eve.”

As I shook my head, I filled them in on exactly the story I’d told myself every day since. “Nothing happened. We started making out, and I thought better of it. We’ll have to see each other again now that he’s part of our circle, and I’d prefer to leave it at that.”

“Raven, as two people who know you better than anybody, we think it’s time to let it go or go after it,” Miah chimed in.

Kassidy nodded in agreement. “Yes, since when have you gone this long between bootie calls?”

True. But I wouldn’t cave to the pressure of the wing squad.

“Oh my God, you two are unbelievable. I’m going with or without you,” I stated before I guzzled three-quarters of my cider and grabbed my keys.

“Have fun then.” Kassidy smirked.

“Shall I book you an Uber for one?” Miah chimed in.

I ignored them both and disappeared into my bedroom. Thursday night was traditionally girls’ night, but this week we changed it up with a hump-day evening out to celebrate the opening night of a new cocktail bar. It’s invite-only with a plus one for each of us before they opened fully to the public on Friday.

We’re due to meet Kassidy’s latest fuckboy for pre-launch drinks at a sports bar down the street. They seem to have forgotten that slight detail when they threatened to make me go alone. I escaped to my room to spray a hint of Opium and ignore their idiocies.

“Okay, you sexy bitches, I’m outta here,” I announced, flicking my black hair off my shoulder and throwing the strap of my clutch over my head and shoulder. “Will and Chloe will be waiting, and you know what they’re like with being on time.” Halfway to the door, I turned to address my two friends. I could sense their apprehension about staying in. “Don’t forget to tell Mike you changed your mind, Kass. And Miah, I’ll tell Dimitri you said hi.”

“Hold up, girl.” Kassidy jumped from the sofa like a grenade was about to rip her ass a new one.

“Dimitri will be there?” Miah shot back, and a slight glow swept over her neck and into her cheeks as she messed with the straps of her dress.

Hmm, I knew it. Dimitri is my older brother, and I’d picked up a vibe between him and Miah at our family events in the past, but they both deny it. I narrowed my eyes at her, and she pointedly glanced away and relaxed back into her chair. Her face was now the color of her deep auburn hair.

“Whatever, sure.” She flicked her hand at me and picked up her e-reader. “Tell him I said hi.”

“No, we’re all going,” Kassidy announced with a sudden change of heart, clearly not willing to miss out on seeing Mike tonight.

My stomach curdled, and I excused myself in the nick of time, making it to the bathroom to throw up what was left of my afternoon snack.


I thought it was the tuna sandwich yesterday, but today I’d only had brie cheese and dry crackers. Maybe it was the gas in the cider.

Let’s see how the cocktails go down tonight.

When I resurfaced moments later, both Miah and Kassidy wore a look of concern. “I’m good, my tummy has been acting up a little the past few days. Let’s go.”

Thankfully, they let it go and forgot about their quest for Sean and me to reconnect.

Or so I thought.

As we exited the Uber, I overheard a shared whisper between Miah and Kassidy. “Is Sean here yet?”

I spun around so fast my stiletto groaned at the adjustment. “What did you say?”

Kassidy nudged Miah with a scowl smeared across her sun-kissed face. 

It was Miah who offered an explanation first. “You told him you’d call.”

“I spoke to him last night,” I heaved.

“Oh, good. And he didn’t tell you he was coming tonight?”

“No, he didn’t. Though I wish he did because I’d have told him to save the trip.”

“You’re clearly in lust with this guy. You’ve not been yourself since you saw him, and you’ve shown no interest in hooking up with anyone else. So, stop wasting time, dammit,” Kassidy whined and stamped her foot like a spoiled little bitch to make her point.

I couldn’t help but laugh at her performance. Kassidy never wasted an opportunity to share what was on her mind.

Miah grabbed my clutch from my hand and plucked out my phone. She searched my contacts for Sean, hit call, and handed me the phone.

“Fuck me, what are we, teenagers?” I groaned, snatching the phone from her meddling little fingers.

The upside was I didn’t have time to consider what to say before he picked up.

“Raven, hey. I’m on my way to you now.”

My heart seized for a moment at the sound of his husky voice.

“You are? I’m not at home.” Then I realized he doesn’t know where I live.

Laughter flowed through the phone. “I think your wing squad is pushing for us to get to know each other a little more. They invited me as your plus one for tonight. I’m about twenty minutes away.”

Of course, they did. I flipped them both a dirty look and headed inside.

“Guess I’ll be seeing you, then,” I quipped, void of emotion. I didn’t understand why he was so eager to see me. Maybe he was more intoxicated than I thought and didn’t remember the hideous purple scar across my pelvis.

Following a round of drinks and a quick catch-up with Chloe and Will, Sean still hadn’t arrived, and we needed to make a move to the club. I checked my phone as we made our way a few doors up on the strip, but there was no word from him.

I can’t believe he’d made a point of telling me he was minutes away, then not show up at all.

Simon and Dante, lovers, business partners, and close friends of mine had exceeded all expectations with their new cocktail bar. Live music drifted from the stage over the hoard of partygoers, and a growing crowd lined up for their next drink order. The menu was exquisite, an array of sweet milky cocktails to fruity spice with added zing. My throat burned as I sipped the jalapeno mojito, but I couldn’t get enough.

As a designer of similar spaces, Kassidy was mind-blown at the aesthetics and design. “This place is mad.” She drooled, taking in every angle with awe. I believed we found our new girls’ night venue.

“Dimitri, there you are. I was worried you wouldn’t make it.”

“Hey, sis, sorry I’m late. Great setup in here,” he added, his gaze darting around the club. When he fixated on something behind me, I turned to see what or rather who had caught his attention. Miah was walking our way, her dazzling smile and dark red hair lit up beneath the stark lighting.

I ribbed my big brother. “Don’t even think about it,” I warned him.

He had the nerve to appear confused. “What? Of course not.” He smirked and waited for Miah to reach us.

“Hey, Dimitri.”

“Great to see you, Miah, you look beautiful as always.” He grazed her cheek with his lips, and my stomach churned again.

“Okay, you two, no funny business, you hear me? I’m heading off.”

Chloe and Will joined us. “You meeting up with you know who?”

I shook my head. “No, I’m not feeling the best. I need an early night.”

Kissing everyone good night and promising to catch up with Dimitri again real soon, I made my way home on foot. I switched my stilettos for a folded pair of flipsters and enjoyed a walk along the esplanade.