Submitted by Leann Ryans

Chapter Seven


He wasn’t sure how to feel as he was given to the female alpha who’d caught his eye from the stage. It was odd for her not to have purchased him herself, and it left a niggle of worry in the back of his mind that she didn’t really want him. Her question had shocked him further, leaving him stumbling over what to say.

Yes he wanted her.

While female alphas were rare, she wasn’t the first he’d ever seen. She wasn’t even the only one in the audience, but she was certainly striking. Most alphas had large, bulky frames, and while the females weren’t quite as large as the males, they still tended to be tall and muscular. She was on the shorter side for an alpha, he was guessing no taller than him without the heels she wore, and while she had a lithe body, she still had the delicate swells of feminine flesh, highlighted by her dress.

She was perfect.

Dropping his head, he followed her lead as she left with her friends and headed down a short hallway to a set of stairs that went down to what appeared to be a club. Other females rushed over as they descended, swarming and congratulating his alpha as he struggled with the urge to growl and warn them away. He didn’t know his alpha or her tastes, and for all he knew, this was her harem.

Trying to pick through the scents surrounding them, he let some of the tension drain away when they all turned out to be betas, and no males joined the group. As he watched them interact around a table, it was easier to see that none of them were his alpha’s lover, and the last of the tightness constricting his chest released.

There was nothing he could do about the tension in his groin though. He’d grown hard again as soon as he’d seen her standing before him, his heartbeat a steady throb beneath his loincloth. When she looked back at him and leaned close to speak in his ear, he almost shamed himself as her undiluted scent filled his senses.

She was cherry blossoms with the bite of cinnamon. A touch of musk combining with the alcohol she’d been drinking. It made his head spin and his cock twitched with the need to be inside her. It took all his focus to answer her question, and her order for him to kneel so other alphas couldn’t see him sent a shudder down his spine and precum spilling from his tip.

He never took his eyes off her, even when she turned back to her friends and they continued to celebrate. By listening to what they said, he was able to figure out it was her birthday, and she was five years older than him. He wasn’t sure she knew that, or if she was aware of his past, and a touch of doubt dampened the pulsing lust flooding through him.

Trying not to let his mood turn sour, he studied his alpha, trying to guess how best to please her. It wasn’t until then that he noticed the tail peeking out below the edge of her dress, wrapped loosely around her right knee. With all his experience with alphas, he’d never been with one who had a tail, and his imagination began to run wild.

How much could it move? Could she control it? Would she like it if he sucked on it?

He shuddered again, fighting the urge to reach for it. She’d yet to touch him besides her grip on his chin upstairs, and the lights were too dim to be sure, but she didn’t appear to have fur like some species. Her skin was a pale tan in color, reminding him of Josh, and he wondered for a moment if perhaps she was a hybrid since humans didn’t have tails.

His thoughts kept him distracted until he realized the group appeared to be breaking up and getting ready to leave.

“We still have five days left of leave, what are we doing tomorrow?” one of them called across the table.

The one beside his alpha bumped her with an elbow, sending a glance over her shoulder at him kneeling behind them before responding.

“Scarlett will probably be busy for a few days, but we can do some shopping.”

The others laughed as his alpha gave the woman a light shove, but there was heat in her eyes when she glanced back at him. He couldn’t remember ever desiring an alpha so much, and he hoped the look promised some relief for his aching cock once they were alone.

“I don’t know about that, but I do plan to sleep! Hopefully until the hangover I feel coming is gone,” Scarlett responded.

They laughed and a few broke away from the table, waving as they called goodbyes. After saying something to another in the group, his alpha turned to face him once again, giving a gentle tug on the leash still attached to his collar.

“Let’s go before I can’t get you home safe.”

He tried to hide his reaction, but he doubted he kept the excitement from his face as he stood. The little smirk playing on her lips as her eyes slid down him did nothing to help, and he couldn’t stop the soft groan when her scent wafted to him as she spun around to lead him from the club.

Following carefully in her wake, Ka’vin took extra care not to brush against anyone they passed, not knowing his alpha’s temperament. It was instinct to avoid the touch of another, even if she didn’t appear the type to react over an accidental graze, and he found himself not wanting even the slightest scent of another on him anyway.

It was easier to avoid people once they exited into the main corridors of the space station even though he was distracted looking around. The ship he’d been brought in on had docked directly with the Collection Center located there, so he’d never had the chance to get out and see the station. Having lived on a planet his entire life, it was strange not to see plants or the sky when he left what had seemed like a building from inside.

He grew bored with looking around before they finally stopped outside a door. Typing a code into the security pad, his alpha led him into a lush living room with a small kitchenette on the far wall. There was a door on both sides of the room, likely leading to bedrooms, but there were too many scents lingering in the open space around them for him to tell if she had a roommate or had simply had guests over.

She dropped his leash with a glance over her shoulder as she continued to the small fridge. Ka’vin froze, unsure what he was expected to do and not wanting to make a mistake. It was odd to think being led around on a leash had felt safer.

“I’m sure they didn’t feed you, but we don’t have much in the suite. Is a sandwich okay?”

He’d been staring at her ass and the lazy flick of her tail when she spoke, her words starling him back to attention.

“It’s fine. I’m not that hungry.”

Not for food anyway.

She straightened, grabbing two bottles of water from the counter before walking back to the cream seating arrangement in the center of the room. Settling at one end, she sat one bottle and the sandwich on the small table between her seat and where he stood.

“You may not feel it now, but I’m sure you need to eat.”

Hesitating without clear orders, he shuffled forward and knelt before the table, reaching for the water when his alpha did nothing other than sink deeper into the cushions as she watched him. Sipping on her bottle, her eyes traveled over him, leaving a trail of heat that pooled in his groin.

Ka’vin tried to focus, downing the water in a rush when the first drop of liquid reminded him how parched he was. Knowing Scarlett was still watching and expecting him to eat, he lifted the sandwich and made quick work of it despite the way his stomach churned. He did feel better by the time he’d finished, and he looked up to see a smile playing on her red lips.

His gut clenched again, erection surging.

It was impossible not to want her.

His breath caught in his throat when she rose and leaned forward, thinking she was finally ready for him, but she only collected his trash from the table and turned to carry it back to the kitchenette. A protest died on his lips, his chest warming at the way she was tending to him, but worry teasing at the edges that he wasn’t doing his duty.

It was his place to serve. He was omega. He needed to show his submission.

Her blue eyes pinned him in place when she turned around. He could see the heat there, her tongue slipping out to wet her lips as her nostrils flared. He knew she could read his emotions in his scent, the worry and arousal and confusion, but he wasn’t sure if she could separate his from the others.

“It’s late, so we should get to bed. Follow me.”

Turning, she headed for the door on the right.