Submitted by Leann Ryans

Chapter Nine


Clenching his hands in front of him, Ka’vin tried to hide his growing erection. He had been fighting it all morning, and her sounds of pleasure as she ate had not helped him any.

He was a little surprised she hadn’t used him when they’d gone into her room the night before. Her friends had been almost fall-down drunk, but she had seemed to be in full control as she’d made him eat then pulled out blankets and a pillow for him.

Ka’vin had grown painfully hard when she began to strip. Though he’d been awaiting her orders, she only flopped onto the bed and promptly began to snore. Left standing by the foot of the mattress, he’d had no other choice but to curl up on his pallet on the floor beside her bed and sleep until she began to stir.

Now her blue eyes were watching him, but he still wasn’t sure what she wanted from him. It was nerve wracking not knowing where he stood.

“I’m going to be honest here,” she said. “I don’t know what to do with you. I never planned to have an omega, and I’m not sure it’s really a good idea. I work a lot, and it seems the best option for you would be if I returned you to the Collection Center now.”

Head snapping up, his breath froze in his chest. He knew better than to hold an alpha’s gaze for long, but he couldn’t pull his eyes from hers as his entire body tensed in fear.

Taking a step toward her, he fell to his knees.

“Please Alpha, I’ll do anything you want. I can cook and clean. I’ve trained in giving pleasure and will do anything you ask. Gladly! I can learn new skills. But please don’t send me back.”

Ka’vin could barely hear his own voice over his pulse thundering in his ears. His erection deflated as he tried to keep from groveling at her feet. He had already shown too much weakness, but she didn’t seem to be the sadistic type who would take advantage of his fears.

He couldn’t go back to the Center. It could be a year or more before another auction came, and he couldn’t stand the thought of being alone.

Or being sent back where he came from because he’d failed to please his alpha.

He thought he saw concern flick across her face, but it was gone too fast for him to be sure. He had to think of a way to convince her to keep him.

“I don’t need a lot of attention. You could come home every day to a clean home and a hot meal,” he continued. “I can stay out of sight, and you can pretend I’m not even here if you want. Or you can put me to work. I’m a fast learner, and I’ll do anything. I know I’m not as strong as an alpha or beta, but there’s still plenty I can do.”

“Why do you not want to go back and find an alpha with more time for you?”

Ka’vin finally dropped his gaze to her feet, trying to come up with an answer that wouldn’t seem contrived. The truth was too embarrassing to admit out loud.

“I… am… older,” he said, latching onto the one thought that kept playing in his head. “If you don’t want me they may think no one will and send me back where I came from. It wasn’t a nice place.”

He ended on a whisper he had to force past the lump in his throat. Her feet moved closer before she stroked her hand down the side of his face to his chin. Swallowing hard, he allowed her to tip back his head until he was looking up at her again.

“Why do you think no one will want you? You’re fit and intelligent. You obviously accept and enjoy your dynamic. You’re a prize.”

His stomach rolled and he worried he would be sick even as her praise made his chest warm. The truth spilled out before he could stop it.

“I was owned by a pleasure house until soldiers raided it. I was there for twelve years. I never thought I’d get the chance to be claimed by an alpha, much less one like you. I prefer females, but you’re as rare as I, and I feel drawn to you. I want you more than any alpha I’ve ever seen.”

She continued to look down at him with an unreadable expression before smiling and leaning closer. His breath caught in his throat as he was flooded with her scent, her lips so close to his.

“I’ve wanted you since you stepped on the stage. If you’re willing to give it a try, so am I.”

Her lips crashed into his before he could respond, tongue thrusting inside when he opened on a gasp. While she dominated the kiss, she didn’t force him, coaxing him to respond with soft strokes and little purrs of pleasure. Ka’vin moaned and wrapped his arms around her to pull himself closer.

She plundered his mouth, a steady growl rising from her chest as the kiss grew more heated. Shivers skated down his spine as she nipped his lips. Her tail curling around his leg startled him, but he quickly relaxed back into the kiss when all it did was stroke his exposed flesh.

When she pulled away, he let out a whine of disappointment.

“Do you really want this?”

Ka’vin nodded, more sure about his answer than he’d ever been.

“I want you to take me. To use me. Please, Alpha.”

Her growl deepened, her pupils expanding at his declaration.

“Go to my room,” she commanded. “I’ll be there in a moment.”

Ka’vin hesitated, not sure he could believe the gorgeous alpha really wanted him, before giving a sharp nod. When she moved out of his way, he jumped to his feet and almost ran to the side of the room.

As he opened the door he hesitated, glancing over his shoulder before stepping inside. She hadn’t told him to get on the bed, but he itched with the need to roll in the sheets scented of her.

Drawn forward, he stopped with his shins against the mattress, fingers reaching out to touch the soft bedding, but he jumped and pulled away when the door opened behind him.