Ruthless Stranger by Maggie Cole



Coffee wafts in my nose.I go straight to the cafe. Maksim and I were up late. He finally insisted I go to sleep around two a.m. so I wouldn't be exhausted all day. But then we woke up around five and couldn't keep our hands off each other again.

"Double espresso," I tell the barista then turn to Adrian. "Do you want anything?"

"I'm good."

I'm still uneasy about bringing Adrian to work, but Maksim insisted. He told me to explain my ex was bothering me and that Adrian would stay in my inner office lobby once he checked the premises. I think it's a bit overkill, but I still don't know what is going on.

I probably never will.

I agreed to it.

Better to be safe than sorry.

I pull the new wrap Maksim had flown in from Vegas around me. After dinner, we stopped by the front desk so he could add me to his security. That way I could come and go as I please. The package was waiting for me.

"You didn't have to get me a new one," I said when we got into his penthouse and removed it from the package. I was in awe he replaced it and that it got to Chicago so quickly.

"You seemed genuinely upset it got ruined," he casually said, as if it weren't a big deal.

I tore my eyes off the cashmere wrap. "I was. I truly love it."

"Well, then, it's good they had one left."

I set the wrap aside, straddled him, and showed him how grateful I was for his thoughtful gift.

The barista calls out my name, tearing me out of my flashback. I pick up my coffee and lead Adrian to the elevator.

My phone vibrates, and I hand Adrian my cup. "Hold this for a second, please."

He takes it. In his thick Russian accent, he teases, "At your service."

I pull my phone out of my purse. Skylar texted me.

Skylar: Are you with Mr. Bend Me Over?

My face heats up. I glance at Adrian. He's concentrating on his job and is scanning our surroundings.

Me: Yes. You need to stop calling him that.

Skylar: Why?

The elevator door opens, people get off, and Adrian escorts me in.

I step as far away from Adrian as possible and try to hide my phone screen so he can't see. Actually, he's being very respectful and hasn't attempted once to glance at my phone. I text back.

Me: He's with me all day long.

Skylar: Lucky you. She adds some hands-in-the-air emojis.

Me: Not interested. I have a man, remember?

A burst of giddiness surges through me, thinking about Maksim as mine.

Skylar: I didn't forget you're getting hot sex all day and night, and I'm not. So, did you find out if Mr. Bend Me Over is single?

The elevator opens, and Adrian steps out first, holds the door so it doesn't close, then glances around. He looks back at me and motions for me to follow him.

Me: No. Don't make me ask him, either.

Skylar: Do it. I'm curious if he's taken.

I catch Adrian's cocky expression and type back.

Me: I'm sure he is.

Skylar: Ask.

Me: Then what?

Skylar: Hmm... You can slip him my address for work, and he can come service me at lunchtime on my break.

I burst out laughing.

Adrian turns and arches an eyebrow.

"Sorry. My friend. She's texting me."

He nods then continues scouring the office.

Me: I need to go. Talk to you later.

Skylar: Aspen, find out!

Me: Have a good day. Bye!

Skylar: Aspen!

Me: Jeez. Okay!

I throw my phone back in my bag then say to Adrian, "My office is over there." I point to several feet in front of us.

Adrian escorts me down the hall. I ignore the curious looks from my coworkers. The only person I need to tell about Adrian is my boss. It's no one else's business.

We get to my office, which is the size of a shoebox, and Adrian deems it safe.

"I will go sit in the lobby now."


He stops. "Yes?"


This is so uncomfortable. He's Maksim's security guy.

Adrian crosses his arms. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah. So...ummm...are you married?"

His lips twitch. "No."

"In a serious relationship?"

Amusement crosses his face. "Why the interest in my love life?"

My cheeks burn. "Just curious. We do have to spend a lot of time together. So...anyone special?"

Adrian's blue eyes grow cockier. "Does this have anything to do with your friends?"

"My friends?" My heart beats faster.

Why did I let Skylar talk me into this?

I have nothing to be embarrassed about.

More arrogance fills his expression. "Which one were you texting?"

"Huh?" I'm not sure why this is embarrassing me, or why I'm trying to cover for Skylar.

"Pink, dark, or blonde hair?"

Oh, jeez. What's the point? Skylar didn't say not to tell him she asked.


His lips turn up. "Tell her I'm single." He winks and walks out of my office.

I remove my phone from my bag and text Skylar.

Me: You owe me. That was super embarrassing.

Skylar: Why?

Me: He asked which of my friends wanted to know. And when I said pink hair, he said to tell you he's single.

She sends me a graphic of a girl cheering.

Skylar: Did you tell him where I work?

Me: No. And I'm done playing matchmaker. You're on your own from here on out. He's my bodyguard, not bestie. Plus, he's super cocky.

Skylar: I know. It's freaking hot.

I groan, and there's a knock on my door.

Me: Gotta go.

I turn to my boss, and my stomach flips. I don't like having to explain why Adrian is with me. "Morning, Fred. I was going to come chat with you."

"Everything okay?"

"Yes. Have a seat." I motion to the chair.

He sits and waits for me to speak.

"I had an issue with my ex."

Concern fills his face. "Are you okay?"

"Yes. But I also want to disclose something else to you." My pulse beats quicker. I'm not doing anything wrong, but it feels strange.

"What is it?"

"I'm seeing Maksim Ivanov."

His eyes widen. "Oh..."

"We met in Vegas before he came into the office. I didn't know he lived here. Anyway, he's a bit overprotective, and he is insisting his bodyguard stays with me right now."

I've never seen Fred speechless before now. He recovers and looks behind him. "Where is he?"

"He's in the lobby if that's okay? He won't bug anyone."

"Sure. Your security is important. Whatever will keep you safe."

I release a breath. "Thanks."


"What?" I ask.

"You and Maksim are serious?"

Heat burns my cheeks. "Yes."

"Well, I hope you don't get sick of him."

"Why would I?"

"From now on, we're only working on his project. The mayor called. He wanted to know if we solved the zoning issue yet."

Something nags at me, but I'm not sure what it is. "It's not even been twenty-four business hours. No one was in the building yesterday due to the snow."

"Yep. You know the mayor and his unrealistic expectations."

"How does he expect us to get the zoning changed before the board meets? He knows how this works. Does he have any suggestions, or is he going to call the emergency meeting?"

"Of course not. He doesn't want to look partial."

The nagging feeling inside me grows, and I sit back in my chair. What am I missing?

Fred scratches his cheek.

I lean forward. "Fred, why does the mayor care so much about the Ivanov's getting their zoning changed?"

He scrunches his forehead. "I'm not sure. But I can't question him. I'll lose my job. Ask your boyfriend. I have to meet with Sally on a different matter. Let me know if you find anything out." Fred rises and leaves.

I call Maksim.

"Krasotka, is everything okay?" he answers in a worried voice.

"Yes, of course."

"You just missed me, then?" he teases.

I bite on my smile and turn toward the window. "I'd prefer to be with you right now."

His voice drops. "Why? What's wrong?"

"Nothing. Just...well, my boss told me the mayor called and is demanding we figure out your zoning issue, but of course, he isn't going to stick his neck out. It made me wonder something."

"What's that?"

"Why is the mayor pushing for this to happen?"

The line goes silent.

"Maksim, are you still there?"

He clears his voice. "Yes. I'm trying to figure out the answer to your question."

"You don't know?"

"The land needs to be cleaned up. When we bought it from the city, the mayor reminded us we must start the process in the next ninety days. We are contractually obligated, or the property goes back to the city, and we only receive ninety percent of what we paid for the lot."

"Is the mayor pushing so the land is no longer toxic?"

Maksim's voice is full of doubt. "Possibly. But I need to think about other reasons and speak with my brothers. I did not know he was putting pressure on your office."

"Maybe I'm looking into things too deeply? I don't want to cause an issue if there isn't one."

"No, my krasotka. You are correct to come to me with this question. Let's not discuss this over the phone any further. We can talk more about it this evening."

Does he think our phones are tapped?

Don't be silly. He's cautious, that's all.



"I'll see you tonight."

"Okay. Have a good day, my krasotka."

"You, too. Bye." I hang up and turn on my computer. I spend the entire day researching how to help Maksim. I decide to focus on the cleanup since it seems to be a reason for things to happen faster.

My alarm rings around four, and I turn my computer off. I have a few pieces of information I printed off. I'm not sure if they will lead anywhere, but I put everything in a folder and stick it in my bag.

When I get to the lobby, Adrian rises. I had forgotten about him. He leads me out of the building and into the car.

It doesn't take long to get to Maksim's. He lives closer to my office than I do. I go into the penthouse and pull out the folder. I study the information again but can't seem to find the answers I'm looking for. The nagging question about why the mayor is insisting on getting this done won't leave my head.

Around five, I put it on the table and go to get ready.

When Maksim comes home, I'm sitting at the vanity, finishing my makeup. He comes into the bathroom and leans over me.

I look up, and he pecks me on the lips.

He strokes my cheek. "How was your day, my krasotka?"

"I still don't have any answers for you."

He nods and smiles. "We will find the answers. I appreciate you helping me."

I put my blush brush down and rise. He slides his arms around my waist, and I put my palms on his chest. "Did you figure anything out?"

"I'm not sure yet. My brothers and I were supposed to buy the land before. Everything was agreed upon, and at the last minute, the mayor sold it for barely anything to Lorenzo Rossi. We negotiated with Lorenzo for months and then he flipped on us. He started offering to buy our other parcels and kept lowering the price, along with threats. We still don't know why the mayor sold it to him under our noses."

"Guess it's good for you that Lorenzo ended up dead," I blurt out in a teasing tone.

Hardness fills Maksim's face. His eyes turn cold.

My mouth goes dry. Blood pounds between my ears. I once again don't think before I speak. "Did you..." I can't finish my question. The words "kill him" won't come out of my mouth. I swallow hard as Maksim continues to intensely pin me with his gaze.

He doesn't finish my question, nor does he confirm or deny what I'm insinuating.

My belly quivers so much, I drop my hand off his chest to hold it. He's told me he tortures and kills men. I know this about him. Lorenzo Rossi wasn't a decent human being. He hurt too many people to count. I don't know a lot about him, but I do believe the earth is a better place without him on it. But did Maksim kill Lorenzo for a piece of land? Did I give him a pass to kill people but not even think about why he might murder them? Does he kill for selfish reasons, such as things like money?

Dizziness overpowers me. I grip Maksim's shirt, breaking our gaze and focusing on my clenched hand.

He tightens his arms around me, fists my hair, and gently tilts my head up. "I will not go into details with you about why or how things occurred. But I see fear in your eyes. Tell me what you are thinking right now."

Panic continues to spread through me. It becomes harder to breathe. I don't want him to be any less than the man I thought he was. If he killed Lorenzo for money, I can't condone it.

Time passes. It's so quiet, the ticking of his Rolex watch seems to get louder.

"Are you scared of me, my krasotka?"

Am I?

No. He won't ever hurt me.

But if he killed Lorenzo to make money, can I still believe that?

Hurt fills his face. "You believe I could harm you? That something in me would ever turn against you so much, I would give you anything but pleasure?"

My chest is tight, and my lungs can't take more air, but I also can't seem to release any of it.

Pain laces his voice. "I have been honest with you. I told you all my demons that reside within me. We agreed to be truthful with each other, but you won't tell me what is causing you to suddenly fear me?"

He's right. I should ask him my question. And I don't believe he would ever harm me. I wish the words would come out. Instead, I remain unable to speak.

The look on his face slices me. Pain and disappointment swirl in his expression.

He releases me and steps back. "I see I've been wrong about us." He turns and walks out of the bathroom.

I should follow him.

I don't.

I stay frozen, unable to do anything, and try to put my thoughts together. Questions I should have asked before surface. Things I assumed about Maksim makes my mind spin. I debate in my head about what is acceptable and not, regarding his sins.

When I'm able to breathe again, true fear hits me. I don't want it to be over with Maksim. Life only began when I met him. But every moral boundary I've ever held makes me a hypocrite. I've moved from the black and white and into the gray. How do I return to clarity on what is right and wrong? Is it even possible to have a right or wrong on murder?

The more time that passes, the more confused I am. There seems to be no answers. The only definite thought is I don't want to be anywhere he's not.

But when I finally leave the bathroom and approach him, I see the damage I've done. And I'm not sure if I'll ever be able to repair it.