Ruthless Stranger by Maggie Cole



My tears turn into anger.Maksim tossed me aside like a dirty dish towel. He gave me no time to explain anything. Instead of telling me his worries, he made assumptions and the decision to be done with me.

I deserve better than that.

At least I didn't waste another twenty years of my life.

But this feels worse than anything Peter did to me.

I'm halfway to my apartment when I realize I left my purse and phone in his penthouse.

I'm not going back there.

I tell the cabbie to go to Hailee's instead. I have no idea if she's home. When the cab pulls up, I start to tell the driver I have no money and to wait for me to get Hailee.

Adrian flings the door open. He asks the cabbie, "How much?"

"What are you doing here?"

Adrian cockily smirks and pulls out his wallet.

More anger builds that Maksim thinks he can dump me but still have Adrian watching my every move.

I don't wait and get out of the cab and run up to the door. I buzz Hailee's unit, and she answers. "Hello."

"Let me in!"

"Aspen! What are you doing here?" She releases the lock, and I step in. Unfortunately, so does Adrian.

"You don't need to be here."

He snorts and steps in the elevator with me.

"Did you not hear me?"

"Until Mr. Ivanov tells me I am to no longer protect you, I will continue my duty."

"I'll call the cops. You can't just stalk me," I threaten and push the button for Hailee's floor.

Adrian sighs but gives me another cocky expression.

"Give me your phone," I say and hold out my hand.


"So I can report you to the police for harassment."

He grunts, and the door opens.

I stalk past him.

Hailee is already waiting in the hall for me. "Aspen, what's wrong?"

I walk past her into her apartment. When she steps in, I shut the door so Adrian can't come in.

Hailee's eyes fill with concern. "Aspen? Your mascara is all over your face."

"Maksim broke up with me."

"What? Why?"

I never considered what I would tell her. I can't tell her the truth. Even though Maksim and I are through, I would never disclose his secrets.

"We got into an argument." It sounds weak.

"Maybe you'll be able to work it out?" she suggests.

"No. He's done with me."

"That seems harsh."

"Well, he is a ruthless man."

Hailee's eyes widen. "What do you mean?"

I need to shut up.

"Nothing. I...I..." My tears flow, and I can't stop them.

Hailee pulls me into her arms. "Oh, girl. I'm so sorry."

"He just tossed me aside like I was replaceable. As if nothing we had was worth even the energy of a discussion," I sob.

She hugs me tighter. "Shh. Come in and sit down."

I let her lead me to the couch.

"Why is Adrian here if you broke up?"

It only makes me cry harder. I know Adrian is here because Maksim cares about me. It's his self-loathing that made him act rashly. But he doesn't have any faith in me to love him. And I can't even explain to Hailee the truth, which makes me feel even more alone.

There isn't a lot for me to tell her. I don't want to lie, so the only truth I reveal is how much it hurts.

Her phone rings, pulling me out of my pity party. "Skylar, I don't think I'm coming. Aspen is here. Maksim broke up with her and—"

Skylar speaks so loudly, Hailee cringes and moves the phone away from her ear. It's muffled, so I don't know what she says, but Hailee puts it on speaker.

" to her," Skylar demands.

"You're on speaker. But calm your voice down. I think you blew out my eardrum," Hailee reprimands.

"Sorry. Aspen, what happened?"

I sigh and try not to cry. "I don't want to talk about it. But my purse and phone are at his house. I can't even get into my apartment."

"Want me to go get it?"

I sniffle. "No. I'll get it tomorrow when he's at his brother's wedding." More tears flow at the thought that I won't be there with him. I cover my face. Everything was new with Maksim and me, but I wanted to be part of his life and his family's. It made me feel important to him that he wanted me by his side at Dmitri's wedding.

Hailee slides her arm around my shoulder and hugs me.

"Okay, well, we aren't letting him win," Skylar says.

I catch my breath. "What are you talking about? I don't think either of us is winning or losing. This isn't a game."

"No, but where is he right now?"

"His brother's rehearsal dinner."

"Yep. And where are you?"

I glance at Hailee.

She rolls her eyes. "What are you getting at, Skylar?"

"Get ready. We're all going out. I'm already texting Kora."

"Where are we going?" Hailee asks.

"I think this calls for the Cat's Meow."

"No," I state.

"Yep. Kora just said she's on her way. We aren't letting you sit around and cry all night. And if you do, you can do it over drinks and entertainment."

"At the Cat's Meow?" Hailee huffs.

"Don't be a snob or prude. See you there. Bye." Skylar hangs up before Hailee or I can object any further.

"I'm not going," I say to Hailee.

She tilts her head, scrunches her forehead, and stares at me.


"Don't move." She gets up and walks toward her bathroom.

"Where am I going to go?" I mutter.

I can't believe that's it. One situation where I needed a few minutes to process things, and he dumped me.

How could he be so cruel?

I thought I meant something to him.

Why would he tell me his truth then give me no chance to ask him questions or explain my thoughts?

What do I think? Do I even know who I am anymore?

Maybe he's right, and I am better off not being with him.

How am I going to even get through the night without him?

I start to cry again, and when Hailee comes in, I'm in a full-blown sob.

She tries to comfort me, but it doesn't help.

"How could he do this to me?" I wail. "This is why I didn't want to touch any man. I thought he was different, but he made me disposable, just like Peter did."

"Shh. I'm so sorry. Are you sure there's no way to work it out?"

"No. He won't. I'm not good enough again." My body erupts in tremors as I drench Hailee in my tears.

When I finally calm down, she says, "Let me call Skylar back. We aren't going anywhere."

I almost agree but then say, "No, don't. I can't sit here all night, or I'll keep crying. Let's go."

Hailee hesitates. "We don't need to go."

"No, Skylar's right. But I need you to float my drinks until I get my purse back."

Her blue eyes glisten. "Are you sure? We can eat ice cream and watch sappy movies instead."

I straighten up. "No. I did that when Peter cheated on me. Let's get out of here."

A sympathetic smile forms. "Okay. Let me clean you up."

I release an emotion-filled laugh.

Hailee pulls out the makeup bag she got from her bathroom, cleans up my face, and replaces my makeup. "There. All fixed."

I draw in a deep breath. "Thanks."

"Are you sure you want to go?"

I rise. "Yes. Self-pity isn't going to help me."

We open the door. Adrian is against the wall with his arms folded.

Annoyed, I say, "You can leave."

"I'm sorry, but I can't."

I stomp past him. "You're really pushing it, Adrian."

"I'm doing my job."

"Why are you here if Maksim broke up with Aspen?" Hailee asks.

Adrian's cocky expression falls. He seems speechless for a moment then recovers. "I take orders from Mr. Ivanov. When he tells me to protect Aspen, that is my job until he tells me otherwise."

I push the elevator button. "So you're going to follow me all night, no matter how many times I tell you to get lost?"

"That is correct."

"You can't do that," Hailee says.

I'm about to give Adrian another mouthful when I realize something else. "Are you reporting my location to Maksim?"

Adrian's words slice me. I should be happy, but it makes our breakup even more real. "No. I don't report unless Mr. Ivanov calls or gives me instructions to send him updates, and he has done neither."

"But earlier today, you sent him updates?"


My chest tightens. The elevator opens, and I get outside as fast as possible. Cold air hits my lungs, and without thinking, I get into the car when Maksim's driver opens the backseat door.

Hailee slides in next to me. "Why are we in Maksim's car?"

"I don't know. But there's no point taking a cab. If Adrian is going to follow me, we might as well save on the fare."

Hailee pats my hand. "Good thinking." She rolls the divider window down. "Cat's Meow."

Adrian turns from the passenger seat and raises his eyebrows. "Cat's Meow?"

"Is your job to judge me or guard me?" I ask.

Adrian snorts, shakes his head, and I roll the divider back up.

"Is he always so cocky?" Hailee asks.

"Yep. Skylar is going to go nuts when she sees he's here."

Hailee groans. "This should be interesting."

It takes a while to get to the Cat's Meow, which is on the south side of Chicago. The neighborhood isn't great. Metal bars cover almost every window and door. It's about four steps below the safety level of where my apartment is located, so I don't venture on this side of town unless we're coming to the Cat's Meow, which isn't very often.

"I can't believe we're going in here," I mutter to Hailee when we pull up to the neon flashing sign.

"At least we have Mr. Russian Badass in case things get dicey," Hailee replies, right as Adrian opens the door.

He reaches in to help me out, but I ignore his gesture, pushing past him. Hailee follows me, and we stand at the back of the line.

Adrian makes a clucking noise and puts his hands on both our backs.

"What are you doing?"

"Not standing in the cold. Let's go inside."

"Do you not notice all the people?" The line is fifty feet long.

"Yep. But I'm a man who makes things happen. Let's go."

"We better not lose our place in line," I grumble but let him lead us toward the front.

We pass Skylar and Kora halfway to the bouncer. They both hug me as people yell at us not to cut in line.

"Ladies, you come, too," Adrian demands while eyeing Skylar over.

They don't argue and walk in front of Adrian.

"You might want to keep your eyes on our surroundings instead of my friend's ass," I hiss.

He smirks and focuses on Skylar's backside again.

When we get to the front, Adrian high-fives the bouncer, then speaks fast Russian. The bouncer motions for us to go in. There's a cover charge, but Adrian slaps cash down as my friends pull out their wallets.

"You need to go," I tell him again.

"Wasting your breath," he barks out above the music.

Shaking my head in annoyance, I step farther into the club. It's not our everyday hangout, but the girls and I come here every now and then. It started after Peter and I split. Kora said we needed to stir things up and have a wild night out. I'm not feeling like doing anything but running back to Maksim's and begging him to keep me, but I know he won't. He's made up his mind about me and us. He isn't a wishy-washy man.

Emotions grow in my chest, and I push them down.

Do not break down here.

Why did I think coming out was a good idea?

Kora puts her hand around my back and leads me farther into the club. A red glow illuminates the dark area. Poles, cages, and small stages surround the perimeter. A dance floor is in front of a bigger stage. Private booths, VIP areas, and bars are expertly laid out. Three floors get more exclusive as you go up.

Topless strippers, both male and female, dance in cages and swing on the poles. A new show starts every half hour on the main stage. Shot girls wearing lingerie so skimpy they might as well have nothing on roam through the club.

Everything from hip hop to country music plays at the Cat's Meow, depending on the show taking place on the main stage. The current one consists of two males and one female in a provocative striptease.

We find a table, and Skylar orders shots. She asks Adrian, "You want one?"

Adrian gives her a set of fuck-me eyes, and she blushes. He leans toward her ear. It's not on top of it, but it's enough to notice. And I'm not sure if he intentionally knows how to do it, but his Russian accent seems to get thicker, as if he knows it makes him sexier. "Not while on duty."

I'm not sure if it's Adrian himself, or because he's Maksim's bodyguard and still following me even though Maksim booted me to the curb, but I don't want Adrian anywhere near me.

Maksim let me go.

He doesn't want me anymore.

"Go away," I order Adrian.

Skylar only encourages him. "What time would you be getting off?"

He licks his lips at her.

Adrian is a reminder of everything I lost tonight.

Pissed, hurt, and trying to keep it together in public, I rise and jab his chest. "Leave. Now."

"Aspen, cool it," Skylar says.

I spin. "Are you here for him or me?"

She scrunches her forehead. "You, of course."

"Then he goes or I do."

Adrian holds his hands in the air. "I'll be against the wall if you need me."

"I won't," I assure him, and he walks away.

Hailee takes my hand and gently says, "Sit down."

I sit as the shot girl puts four glasses down. "Another round," I tell her, pick mine up, and swallow the liquor. The alcohol burns my throat as it slides down. I don't usually drink shots, but I take it as soon as the next one is set down.

"Slow down," Kora warns.

I point to the six shots sitting on the table. "Are you going to drink with me, or am I by myself?"

Skylar holds hers up. "I'm with you, girl." She downs it, and the others follow.

My buzz hits my head like a baseball bat. "Good. I'm either going to spend the night crying or enjoying the amenities. Which one do you want me to do?"

"Enjoy the amenities," Kora replies.

I glance around the room. I find the most muscular guy I can and make eye contact. It's not anything I would ever do. "Good. Let's start now." I motion for the stripper to come over and also for the waitress. I turn back to my friends. "Who has dollar bills on them?"