Doukas by Demetra Georgiou

Chapter 18


“Let’s just say that it’s not an experience I want to relive in a hurry.”

“And yet, you weren’t really in any danger, baby.”

Doukas chuckles, and I properly glare at him. He wasn’t the one the Criminal King asked by name. Even Harmonia, who had it out for him for so long and was carrying at least one weapon, was scared shitless.

“I only feel safe when I’m with you, Doukas,” I admit, and it’s the truth.

He knows all those people, but for a person like me, with the worst track record in friends, trust isn’t a free-for-all affair. But Doukas kind of swept me off my feet, giving me everything unconditionally. Honesty, love, and compassion are three things I value very much, and I never had to demand anything of those from Doukas. In a way, he and I are alike because I can’t imagine he has many friends in his line of work. Perhaps that’s why they are such a close-knit family.

The night is chilly. Christmas is a little over a month away, and I’m excited. Doukas and his family have welcomed me into their midst, and I’m looking forward to spending the holidays with them. Naturally, it helps that Harmonia is as Christmas-crazy as I am. We’re going to decorate my house, theirs, and the taverna.

Speaking of Harmonia. “I was under the impression that they knew each other. That’s strange,” I remark.

Doukas lifts my hand and kisses it. It’s one of his favorite moves, and I love it when I feel his lips on my skin.

“Harmonia took our father’s death rather hard, and for some time, she refused to accompany us to events. When she somewhat got over it, she had an accident and was bedridden for ten months. As you can imagine, that brought things back again. The Royals have parties and gatherings, but they prefer their guests to be at least eighteen. My sister only turned eighteen in August, so in a way, she hasn’t come out yet.”

“I was surprised that Harmonia didn’t say anything to him, considering she has a whole list of things to discuss.”

“My sister might be a lot of things, but stupid isn’t one of them. You can’t talk back to Rigas. Many positions in our world are inherited, but you have to be worthy to keep them. Rigas Pechlivanos commands men capable of anything, valuing respect the most, and Harmonia knows that.”

“So, you never took her seriously?”

“Not really. I don’t think she’ll ever act so foolishly.”

We walk in silence after that, lulled by the sound of our footsteps on the cobbled walkway. Doukas managed to come back earlier than expected, and we’re going out for a drink. Psirri is one of my favorite neighborhoods in Athens, and I’m extremely lucky that my taverna is within walking distance.

As usual, the winding streets are abuzz with music and laughter. It’s not for everyone, or perhaps it is. This is where you run into people from all walks of life. You can dine in an extremely expensive restaurant, visit a club, huddle up in a cozy pub, or taste one of the many gelatos and pastries in the little shops. If everything else fails to draw your attention, you can simply stay silent and allow the voices of the city to transport you back in time.

Like so many places in Athens, it's an ancient neighborhood that has gone through many transitions.

“Mr. Tremes, good evening,” an older gentleman greets Doukas, and he nods without stopping.

This is like the fifth time someone has greeted him.

“How do you know all these people?”

He chuckles. “Work. Look, baby,” he says and points at one of the neoclassical buildings turned into a taverna. “That was where my father was born. That other house over there with the red shutters belonged to Rigas’s father.”

“They were neighbors?”

“Yes, our families go way back. Our great grandfathers were wrongly accused of being one of the Magkes, the gang who terrorized and killed merchants and people.” For a moment, he shakes his head, giving me a sad smile. “They couldn’t pin them for smuggling or anything else, so they dishonored them by accusing them of the deaths of innocent people. Just because they lived here where everything happened. They died in prison.”

“I’m sorry.”

Doukas nods. “That’s why I got livid when Fanaris tried to bully you. I belong to this place, and he’s a nobody. No one fucking touches any woman in my city. Not my woman. Not while I’m still standing.”

“You once told me that you're above Fanaris. I imagine there’s a hierarchy. Can you explain this to me, please? What I don’t understand is that if you’re his superior of sorts, why does he cause all these problems?”

“Basically, every prefecture in the country has a boss and everyone answers to the Royals. I can tell you this much because I’m sure you can find it on Wikipedia or other sources. Alcaeus has Attica. As we move lower to the chain, we have managers and ultimately small groups protecting our interests in certain areas. Fanaris is the leader of such a group. I can’t be sure what goes on in his mind. He thinks that intimidating and killing earn him respect, but he causes more problems than profit. The only reason he’s gotten away with his behavior is because his godmother is the Royals’ paternal aunt.”

“And family comes first,” I conclude.

I stop, tugging at his hand. When he turns to me, I move into his arms and kiss him, trying to show him that everything’s all right now. Every time Fanaris’s name comes up, he gets aggravated, and I don’t want that. His hands clutch my waist, keeping me close to him as long as the kiss lasts.



“I had a great time,” I admit the moment we enter my house.

My poor neglected house. Thank God I had some time to clean, pending the Christmas decorations, because it’d have been uninhabitable. All I do these days is come to change, collect my bills, or refresh my weekend bag before going to Doukas’s.

He’s been bugging me to start leaving things at his house, but aside from some toiletries, I think it’s too early. I’m deeply in love, and he feels the same, which is why I’m determined not to let routine kill whatever we have. I told myself that if we pass the six-month mark, I’ll take the leap, but before that, I’ll live in the here and now with the most magnificent man in existence.

“I like this house,” Doukas admits, taking me by surprise.

I frown as I climb the steps to the main floor. “Really? Then how come we’re always staying at your place?”

Hanging my coat, I go to remove my heels when suddenly Doukas is in front of me. Bending to my level, he throws me over his shoulder, and I yelp, trying to hang on to his waist.

“If you drop me….”

My threat falls on deaf ears because seconds later, I feel the soft mattress on my back as he gently lowers me on the bed. Immediately, Doukas is on top of me. I welcome his mouth, snaking my hand to the back of his neck.

“When I hold you, nothing on this earth can make me drop you, my love,” he says as he kisses me over and over again.

His strong hands sneak lower, and he bunches my dress up until he finally takes it off.

I don’t know how long he stands before me, but I wish he’d say something.

“Is this for me?” he asks as I sit up.

I nod. Since the taverna has been going great, I decided to splurge a bit. It’s high time I refreshed my underwear department.

“Everything’s for you.”

I stand up and move to him. How I wish I still had my heels on! I can’t say I’ve done the garters and sexy red underwear before, but I’ve shared so many firsts with Doukas it’s not even surprising.

“You are magnificent,” he says, clasping my waist and pulling me closer. “Exquisite.”

His hand finds the clasp of my bra, and a few moments later, I’m lowered to the bed. It takes him forever to unbutton his shirt.

“Don’t stall,” I whine, and he chuckles at my impatience.

“Move up, baby,” he says when his hands finally reach his belt.

The moment his fingers trace my naked body, I shiver at the sensation only he can provide me with. His cock skims over my thigh, and I open my legs for him without even thinking.

He doesn’t remove my thong, just tugs it to the side and pushes himself into me. Never before had our lovemaking been so fast and erratic. His fervor, his rhythm, and his movements are hard to keep up with. I feel so overwhelmed by everything. He touches my whole body as if he’s trying to brandish himself on every inch of me.

The way he gyrates his hips leaves me breathless while his hand on my chest sends tingles all over my body.

My voice clogs as his name leaves my lips over and over again, but I’m unable to stop. His mouth on my throat doesn’t help. Ever so slowly, he brings those lips to my ears and bites gently.

“My love,” he whispers, and I climax so hard that, for a moment, I blackout.

Clutching Doukas to me, I kiss him, showing him the depth of my adoration.

“I love you, Doukas,” I whine, not fully recovered from my powerful orgasm.

Upon hearing my whispers, he finds his release with a trembling groan, encasing me in his enormous hands. I hold him as best as I can and feel his muscles convulsing with the intensity of his orgasm.

“I love you,” he admits a moment before he slams his lips on mine.



The Royal’s visit didn’t burst my little bubble, and nearly a week later, I’m shamelessly kissing Doukas outside my taverna. It’s a bit chilly, and I’m cocooned in his arms as his demanding kiss perfectly matches my passion.

“Don’t you ever stop for air?” Icarus asks from behind me.

Reluctantly, I leave Doukas’s arms to greet his brother.

“I’m showing him the Christmas lights,” I explain.

“You’re standing in the cold to show him the unlit Christmas decorations?” he asks, arching a brow.

“We preserve energy.”

I never got to open the lights.

Icarus gives me a cheeky wink, and I feel heat riding up my cheeks.

Doukas huffs behinds me, clutching me to him. “What are you doing here?”

“We had plans with Harmonia to go shopping in Ermou Street, but she texted that she wasn’t feeling well. I came to check up on her,” he says, shaking his head.

What is he talking about?

“We just popped out for a few minutes. When did this happen?” I grab Doukas’s hand to get him inside the taverna.

We move into the relatively empty space, and when I don’t immediately spot her, I head for the kitchen, but with a cursory glance to my left, I see Harmonia huddled up on my office sofa.

I kneel by her side and touch her forehead, but she doesn’t have a fever.

“What’s wrong?” I ask her softly.

“I want to go home,” she whimpers, clasping her abdomen.

“PMS?” I ask, and she nods. “This is ridiculous. You shouldn’t be in so much pain.”

Springing to my feet, I move in search of a hot water bottle. I know I have one, but I don’t think I’ve seen it recently. Wait, do hot water bottles expire?

As it happens, I’m on the second day of my period, and I’m more annoyed than anything else. Frustrated that I can’t have sex with Doukas when I’m so horny. Actually, I can have sex, but I haven’t done it while on my period, and I feel a bit squeamish thinking about it. Naturally, Doukas doesn’t make things easy, and I’m constantly aroused.

In all honesty, I was ecstatic when my period came. We’ve been more careful, and Doukas carries condoms everywhere, but there were instances where donning one was an afterthought.

Like on Sunday when he made me brunch wearing only a pair of sexy jeans with the top buttons open.

Or when I woke up in his bed on Thursday, and he came into his room from his home gym, all pumped up and sweaty.

Or when…

I shake my head. This is not the time. The point is, I’m glad I had my period.

My PMS has never been an issue for me, but Harmonia suffers horribly, and that’s unacceptable. Wanting to do all I can to help, I open and close cabinets and drawers and ask everyone around, but no one knows where the hot water bottle is.

“Ria, don’t worry, it’s just the first day,” Harmonia says in a low voice. “Tomorrow, I’ll be fine.”

Icarus and Doukas are sitting in the armchairs, looking left and right like tennis spectators.

“It’s not all right,” I say and sit on the coffee table in front of her. “Have you been to a doctor?”

Harmonia shakes her head. “It’s stupid, I know, but I’m afraid to go to a stranger. The family doctor has suggested some painkillers, but they don’t seem to work.”

“We can go to my doctor if you want. I’ll be with you. I’m due for a check-up, and I can book you an appointment. Dr. Adama is an incredibly good doctor.”

All three nod, and I sigh my relief. At least I’ll be able to help somehow. I know her brothers worry about Harmonia, but most of the time, they don’t know how to handle her. Doukas told me that when she had a nanny, they felt more at ease, but ever since she died three years ago, things have been different.

If my guess is right, aside from her nanny, Harmonia never had a mother figure in her life. Her brothers care for her and are very involved in her life, but most of the time, they handle her with kid gloves. But she brings out my protective side, and sometimes I wonder how it’d be if I had a child with Doukas.

I’m thinking nonsense, I know. I shouldn’t even be going there, but there are times—like this one— that it’s very difficult.

“I’ll make you some raspberry tea,” I announce and stand.