Doukas by Demetra Georgiou

Chapter 19


“I’m a very lucky man.”

“So you keep telling me,” I mumble, kissing Doukas’s naked chest.

I lift his wrist to check the time.

“We have to get ready,” he says, moving out of bed.

“Who’s coming?” I ask, getting comfortable to gawk at my very naked boyfriend as he stretches his magnificent body.

“Everyone who’s someone. Or at least thinks that way,” he says as he comes to my side and offers me his hand. “Get this, baby, for the first time in forever, all three Royals will attend our Winter party.”

As if Welcoming the Winter party. I haven’t heard of celebrating the seasons before, but nothing surprises me when it comes to this family. It’s very romantic, actually. Doukas’s parents met on the first night of December, and ever since, the Tremes family has this party every year. And now we have VIPs coming up.

“I thought you said the Royals don’t attend many events unless they host them.”

Doukas bends down and picks me up, heading for the bathroom.

“That’s true. Now, let me bathe you so you can go get ready.”

And I’m looking so forward to it. Doukas sits me on the vanity and prepares our bath. Nowadays, I don’t enjoy a bath unless I’m in Doukas’s arms. He always does all the work, and words can’t even come close to describe how good it feels to have his hands on me.

Spoilt rotten and not even ashamed of it.

As he leans over to test the water temperature, I note the scar on his left shoulder again. I never got around to asking him about it. Gingerly, I hop off the vanity and kneel next to him, tracing my fingers on the broken skin.

“What happened here?” I ask and kiss the center of his scar. It must have been painful.

Doukas’s eyes soften as he turns to face me. Lifting his hand, he brings his knuckles to my cheek, and I briefly close my eyes at the gesture that has come to be our own. “A deal gone bad.”

“A deal?”

“Yes. It was years ago, and I’d just taken my place in the council. We were in the middle of discussions with the Bratva to acquire some weapons when one of their own went rogue. One of the bullets pierced my Kevlar.”

I lower my head, immediately regretting asking him. I don’t need a reminder that something might happen to take him away from me.

“It missed your heart by centimeters,” I say with clogged voice.

He lifts my chin and kisses my lips softly. “That was then, baby.”

“What’s changed?”

“Now I’ve got you. You make me stronger. Whole.”



After our decadent bath, which I spent glued to him, I’m ready for a nap. I don’t want to be away from Doukas, but I have a very eager Harmonia waiting in her rooms for a pampering session. I’m not exactly sure what a spa party entails, but we’re having it. I’m planning on wearing my black maxi dress. It’s a simple affair, and I’ve had it since forever, but a ballgown was a little out of my budget.

Either way, Doukas hasn’t seen the dress before, and I’m planning on jazzing it up with some amazing accessories.

“All done,” Doukas announces when he stops drying me, and I lace my hands behind his neck to bring him in for a kiss.

“Thank you.”

He takes my hand, leading me out of the bathroom. “You’re welcome. I want to show you something, Ria. I hope you like it.”

Doukas’s bedroom is extremely spacious, but one of its best features is that it has his and hers walk-in closets. To my surprise, he leads me to the side of Hers closet, and instead of finding his sports equipment, the room is chocked-full of women’s clothes, shoes, accessories and…anything I can think of.

Surprise, along with despair, curiosity, and every mixed feeling in the book courses through me.

“What’s this?” I question, and my voice clogs as I try to hold back angry tears.

He’s in front of me in an instant, clasping both of my hands. “Are you angry?”

“I think so.”


“It’s like I’m the poor relative that you have to buy a whole new wardrobe so as not to embarrass you.”

I know that Doukas isn’t that kind of person, but there’s this weight on my chest like we’re not on an even keel. Never were, never will be. A passing fancy, here one minute and gone the next. Money is my hang-up, I know. I never had it in bulk. I try not to worry too much, but it’s not easy when you hustle every little cent day in and day out.

And now this closet comes out of nowhere, reducing my modest black dress to a rag.

Clasping my shoulders, Doukas turns me to him. “Everything’s about you, Ria, so, don’t think that of me for a second. I’ll fill this place to the brim with things for you if it means you feel it’s your own house and don’t want to be elsewhere.”

While he speaks, I don’t breathe. A lone tear rolls down my cheek, but I don’t acknowledge it until Doukas’s thumb wipes it away.

“No tears, baby. This is the first time I felt so strongly about a person, and I want to show you any way I can.”

“I never asked you for anything,” I persist faintly.

For Doukas appearances don’t matter. This man’s worth lies in his heart, and that’s pure gold. In some ways, I don’t deserve him. I’ve come to be much more cynical than anyone is supposed to be.

“I know you didn’t, Ria, but at the same time I asked you for everything. You look at me with those luminous eyes, my love, and put your trust in me. An undeserving criminal.”

“I don’t love you because you’re a criminal. I love you because you’re a good, caring, honest, and loyal man. You make my heart stop, Doukas.”

His stern features don’t relax as he bends down and kisses me softly, cupping my waist and pulling me closer.

“But you make mine beat.”

I hug him to me and put my head on his chest right above his heart.



“Are we late?” I ask Harmonia as I take another look at the full-length mirror.

“Not yet, but we’re going to be,” she predicts, throwing yet another dress on the plush white armchair in her closet.

That’s the fourth dress if I count correctly.

“What’s the matter, Harmonia? It’s so unlike you behaving like a diva. You had the hairstylist change your hair three times, and don’t get me started with the makeup.”

“Perhaps I behave like this all the time. Why do you care?” she screams with a broken voice.

At first, I’m taken aback by the vehemence that comes out of nowhere. Not even when she’s bickering with her brothers have I seen her behaving like that. Before I have the time to react, she comes out in her underwear, and her face stained by tears.

“I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to snap at you.”

For a moment, she stops and then bursts out crying. It’s not a tear or two. We’re talking ugly sobs that rack her body so fiercely that she’s having trouble breathing. I rush to her and take her into my arms, letting her cry her heart out.

A myriad of thoughts go through my mind, but nothing conclusive. The moment my mind concocts one scenario, something else seeps in. It takes Harmonia a good while, but she finally stops and takes a step back.

“I’m sorry, Ria. With my drama, I’m ruining your good mood. Go ahead, and I’ll be there in ten minutes.”

How little does she know me! Naturally, I’m not going to walk out on her in this state.

“I’m not leaving this room without my Harmonia,” I vow, passing her a box of tissues. “You haven’t ruined anything, but I worry about you. What’s the matter, sweetie? Perhaps I can help.”

The way she looks up at me with her tear-stricken eyes is like a blow. Her blue eyes hold so much hope. As if I’m the only person holding all the answers.

“In these moments, I miss my mum, even though I never really knew her,” she says, and something tightens in my chest.

If memory serves right, she lost her mother when she was about two. I haven’t realized it affected her that much.

“My brothers have the fondest memories and speak about her all the time while I have nothing. Just images and shadows dancing around but never taking form. When others talk about her, I imagine myself becoming a sponge trying to absorb every little detail.” Harmonia wipes her tears, taking deep breaths. It takes her some moments to settle, but when her eyes turn to me, a sad smile forms on her lips. “Do you know what Victoras told me?”

I smile and fix a stray lock of her hair. “What did he tell you?”

“That she talked to me all the time. She always had me by her side, telling me about her day, her research, my brothers, and dad. Isn’t it sad that I don’t remember any of it?”

“It is sad, Harmonia,” I agree. Just because my own mother went from neglectful to absent doesn’t mean that this is the norm. But I do understand loss, and I think I can help her. “Close your eyes for a moment and take a deep breath,” I say, waiting for her to do just that. “Aside from the pain and the sadness of her loss, can’t you feel how loved you were?”

The seconds tick away, but nothing happens. Harmonia’s eyes remain closed. I can only imagine the pictures and images going through her mind.

“I can,” she finally admits in a quivering voice.

“Then you never lost her, Harmonia. You might not have many memories, but the feeling of her love surrounds your heart.”

“Never lost her,” she whispers, slaying me once more with her beautiful eyes.

“Exactly. Now tell me what the problem is.”

“My mother would know what to do tonight. The Royals are coming to the party, which means some of the most influential people are tagging along. My brothers expect me to be the perfect hostess, gracious and personable. And okay, the past couple of years have been good because I happen to like most of the people that usually RSVP, but now…”

“But now nothing, Harmonia. You’re not a restaurant hostess. Look at me,” I urge her, making sure I have her undivided attention. “I don’t know about your status in this world, but I suspect it’s pretty high. I bet those new people don’t come here only to suck up to the Royals but to make sure they’re on your family’s good side as well. So, let them earn their keep, my darling.”

Harmonia stands up, and I follow suit.

“Now, go get dressed, and I’ll help you with your makeup.”



“The party is supposed to welcome this winter, not the next,” Alcaeus bursts the moment we enter Harmonia’s sitting room, coming face-to-face with not one but all five of the Tremes brothers.

“How can you tell? We have a party every bloody year,” Harmonia snaps, glaring at him.

Doukas comes to me, placing his hand on my waist.

“Why were you crying?” Giorgos asks his sister in a low voice.

“I don’t want to talk about it.”

I frown at him. It’s impossible to have heard her, and she reapplied her makeup with such efficiency that I wonder why she hired a professional in the first place. “How did you know?”

“My bathroom’s on the other side of the closet.”

They’re staring at their sister anxiously, trying to see for themselves what is going on.

“We’re all right now,” I reassure the Lords.

Tonight they all look exceptionally smart in their black tuxedoes and their hair styled back, the very image of the notorious Lords they are.

It’s not that I’m not objective, but my Doukas is so magnificent and handsome that I stare at him every chance I get. It’s hard not to do so.

“Shall we?” Alcaeus asks, offering his arm to Harmonia.

“Why the hell not,” comes her sassy answer, and I giggle.

She appears to have somewhat recovered. The signs of stress are there, but I’m sure she’ll find her way.

Doukas kisses my cheek and takes my hand in his as the others are milling outside Harmonia’s room. We follow behind. I don’t understand Harmonia’s trepidation, or maybe I’m blessed in my ignorance, but I have a good feeling about tonight.

Doukas puts his palm on my stomach and, as we stop, I note that he’s frowning at his siblings’ backs.

“Victoras,” he says after a beat with a sigh.

“Really?” Victoras asks and shakes his head disapprovingly. “Harmonia, what are you packing?”


“Leave me alone,” she hisses without missing a step.

I note that the twins move to the side and dread a potential repeat of their martial arts spar some weeks ago. Should I mention that Harmonia wears stilettos, and I’m fairly certain she knows how to use them?

I’ve had it with their brooding and riddle-speaking lot. “What are you talking about, people?” I burst out.

“Harmonia is carrying weapons,” Doukas says without taking his eyes from his sister.

“Don’t be ridiculous. Look at her dress! There’s no place she could—” I stop short the moment she turns around and avoids our eyes.

She’s definitely packing.

“Hand them over,” Alcaeus demands, reaching his hands towards her.

Sighing, she turns her back to us and slightly bends forward. A few moments later, she hands Alcaeus a small handgun and switchblade.

Where on earth did she hide them?

“The one on your ribs, too.” Doukas nods towards her.

Harmonia ended up wearing the backless black glittery gown and is gorgeous. But the dress is so tight she couldn’t possibly hide…

“Doukas, if you know what’s good for you, stop talking,” Harmonia seethes as she removes a small dagger from the inside of her dress.

“How many more?” Doukas asks, ignoring her.


“She can keep them. What do you think, gentlemen?” Alcaeus asks.

“I say you should leave the poor girl alone,” I pipe in, taking everyone by surprise.

Their shocked looks are priceless, and quite frankly, I don’t know whether I should be flattered or nervous. Finally, I decide to go for exasperated and take it from there.

“I think I’m going to cry,” Harmonia whispers, breaking the silence. “That’s got to be the first time someone’s been on my side.”

Thankfully, Harmonia’s remark shifts her brothers’ gaze to her, and with good reason. There was something in her voice that tells me she’s telling the truth. She shouldn’t feel that way. In their own boyish, clumsy, and unsuitable way, her brothers care for her.

“Because of a stupid gun?” Giorgos asks in disbelief.

She gives him a sad smile and unties a sash that runs under her chest and falls loosely on her side. Then, she reaches for her hair and removes the antique hairpin that adorns it.

“That’s everything,” she announces, handing Victoras her things.

Without another word, she turns and heads for the grand staircase.

“Are you happy?” I ask Doukas crossing my arms. “All of you. If she wanted the damn things, where was the harm in keeping them? It’s not only you that want to protect her. She feels the same, and you just deprived her of that. I get it, you have a big age difference but stop treating her like a child, or you’ll lose her. How will she turn to you if she needs anything when she knows you’ll disregard her feelings or take over?” I make a point of addressing each Lord, and when I pause to gauge their reaction, I see I’ve hit a nerve. They all look solemn and thoughtful.

“Good thing for you that she doesn’t seem to hold grudges. Make sure to apologize.”

“We fucked up,” Icarus remarks, taking Harmonia’s sash and pin from Victoras.

Now that I take a closer look, I see razor-like fragments hidden beneath the rhinestones in the sash. Also, the pin seems to have a switchblade accessory.

That’s some killer couture!

“Ria is right,” Doukas agrees, kissing my temple.

We start walking again, making our way to the staircase, and I feel like I’m some kind of celebrity surrounded by bodyguards.

I haven’t been on the ground floor for many hours, and I’m astounded by its transformation. It’s more lavish and far brighter. All the chandeliers are lit, red garlands adorn every banister, music and happy chatter are heard everywhere.

Harmonia is standing opposite the entryway next to an intricately carved marble table. The others immediately go for their sister, but Doukas takes hold of my waist, keeping me back.

“Thank you for putting us in our place,” he says and brings my hand to his mouth.

“Don’t thank me, Doukas. I care about your sister.”

“I know, my love. I know.”

“So, now what are we doing?” I ask, looking around us. Why are we staying here?

“Now we’re waiting for the Royals and some important…associates to come so we can greet them. I’d really like for you to be with me. Everything’s more bearable when I have you to turn to.”

I nod, but I can’t find the words to tell him that all I want to do is stay by his side. Instead, I smile at him. The champagne sequin dress I have on is all my childhood dreams realized. I’m finally at the ball wearing the perfect dress and shoes, standing next to a dreamy man.

Home at last.