Doukas by Demetra Georgiou

Chapter 20


“So, according to the rather basic laws of physics, falling off your taverna’s roof should have resulted in at least a broken leg. It has to do with both the principles of velocity and gravity. Thankfully, you fell onto the trashcans with only a forty-eight percent chance of spraining your ankle, but an increased possibility of breaking one of your arms.”

I’m so confused.

If I wanted to hear all about probabilities and percentages, I would stay awake every time Doukas tutors Harmonia for a test. I’m dancing with a rather handsome, albeit perplexing man, but I have trouble keeping up with what he’s on about.

“You sound disappointed that I wasn’t injured.”

Phaethon Pechlivanos is the youngest of the Royals and not at all as I imagined one of Rigas’s brothers to be. To be quite honest, I don’t know what I expected, but if I didn’t know what people are saying about them, I wouldn’t know they’re involved in this life. Rigas is his normal intense self, constantly surrounded by people vying for his attention.

Harmonia dances with Alexandros Pechlivanos and laughs at something he’s saying. Alexandros is a brute of a man but seems quite nice. He certainly passed the Harmonia test.

“I simply don’t like it when the odds don’t play out,” Phaethon murmurs. “I’m glad neither you nor Harmonia was injured, but on that note, I’d like to ask you if you’d allow me to perform the same jump to see for myself.”

Definitely the oddest of the bunch.

“Of course, but I’d hate to see you hurt.”

“I don’t mind.”

Shaking my head, I let him lead me to the others.

“Thank you for the dance,” I say and accept Doukas’s proffered hand, taking my place next to him.

“My pleasure. One of these days, I’ll call you to set up the date,” Phaethon promises, and many curious eyes turn to us.

“We didn’t invite you to our house to take Ria from under our noses,” Harmonia sasses.

Everyone freezes in place. I’ve come to know her peculiar humor, but she has a way of telling everything in a serious manner like she’s bluffing all the time. Not quite sure whether the Royals will find her humor as refreshing as I am.

Rigas chuckles when her face transforms into a smile, and everyone’s breath seems to return.

“I would like to hear more, Harmonia,” Rigas says, offering his hand to lead her to the dancefloor, but stops as he focuses on something behind her.

Soon all of our attention is on the ballroom’s door, and only by Doukas’s tight—borderline painful—grip do I understand that something is wrong.

“He’s a guest, and we have to treat him with the utmost civility,” Alcaeus instructs his brothers with a low voice.

Glancing at the commotion, my skin breaks out in goosebumps at the sight of Makis Fanaris approaching us. For a moment, I close my eyes, haunted by the flashbacks of him backhanding me.

“Good evening, sir,” he greets first Rigas Pechlivanos and then his brothers before moving to the Lords.

The atmosphere goes from joyous to frozen in the blink of an eye. I stop breathing when he shakes Doukas’s hands. My Lord’s grip on my waist tightens, but I don’t think he realizes it. However, I feel the need to be as close to him as possible.

“Ria, allow me to tell you how delicious you look tonight,” Fanaris says in a low voice, bringing my hand to his mouth.

His leering smile is nauseating, and I instinctively pull my hand back. His smile widens as he reaches out to take it again, but Doukas intercepts his wrist.

“Don’t. Touch. Her,” he warns, enunciating every word with a deceptively serene voice.

Fanaris’s face reddens, and his eyes turn into slits. I never meant to cause a scene, but his cold touch felt like a snake slithering on my skin. Thankfully, he takes the hint and moves to stand on the other side of our small circle, between his goon, Thrasos, and Alexandros Pechlivanos.

“But where is the hostess?” he questions, looking around.

“Harmonia will be here shortly,” Giorgos offers. “She had an urgent matter to tend to.”

I frown and wonder where she’s gone to.

The conversation is stilted, moving solely by Alcaeus’s attempts. I observe the Royals, and they’re sporting mild to moderate scowls, with Rigas Pechlivanos being downright dismissive. Little by little, things calm down, and everyone—except Doukas and Rigas—contributes to the discussion.

Fanaris has been boring us about some new weapons he’s acquired. Alert the media! The most idiotic person I know got himself some clever weapons. He’s certainly made an effort to look nice tonight, though, but his sheepskin can’t hide his assholery and crude manners. The suit looks expensive, but he doesn’t wear it very well. Nowhere near my Doukas’s caliber.

I look at my Lord’s angry profile and decide I don’t want him to be distressed. Lacing my fingers into his, I lean closer to him. “Dance with me.”

We shouldn’t allow my nemesis to ruin our good mood.

Doukas makes our excuses, and we join the other couples on the dance floor.

“Don’t be angry,” I plead.

His eyes soften at my voice, and he leans for a quick kiss. “He’s not going to back down. His very presence tonight screams as much. Bastard doesn’t even hide the fact that he’s carrying a gun.”

“But you’re all carrying one type of weapon or another,” I say perplexed.

“Discretion, Ria. We’re not some street thugs that need to hide guns under their shirts to create an impression.”

“Did you invite him?” I ask.

“We invite him every year, but this is the first time he came. The Royals instructed us to show goodwill, but he’s provoking.”

“Harmonia told me that many people are here tonight because of the Royals.”

Doukas nods.

“Like pilot fish, surrounding the sharks,” I offer and smile as his solemn features relax.

“Well said, my love.”

I’m locked inside Doukas’s arms, swaying to the rhythm of the song. Snaking my hand inside his tuxedo jacket, I sigh when I feel the steady beating of his heart. I cherish all the moments I get to spend in his arms.

People around us are dancing, oblivious to how many things this man evokes in me. I wonder if any one of them has ever felt like that. Even Fanaris’s appearance isn’t capable of extinguishing my happiness.

From the corner of my eye, I see Makis kissing Harmonia’s hand. She’s giving him her mischievous smile, but she’s the only one amused there. What draws my attention is Victoras’ threatening stance. He’s clenching his fists so tightly that even from afar, I can make out the nervous tremor of his hands. All the brothers have similar expressions, but Victoras’ menacing scowl spells trouble.

Our gentle sway seizes the moment Doukas follows my gaze.

“He’s got a fucking death wish,” Doukas whispers, and his eyes darken. “I have to go, Ria, but I don’t want to subject you to him.”

For a moment, he looks torn, but I’d never ask him to choose between his family and me. Wordlessly, I tug on his hand and with a reassuring nod, I let him lead me back.

I won’t go as far as saying that they’re all more at ease, but Harmonia’s presence has given them something else to focus on.

“… and the dumb movie tries to convince us that after taking a bullet to the chest, he’s well and unscathed,” Harmonia says, shaking her head. She offers me a tentative smile and brings her hand to her hair in a nervous tell.

Only now, I notice that the antique pin is back in her hair, along with the sash around her waist.

“There you are,” she beams at both of us. “Ria, I found your purse.”

What is she talking about? I haven’t brought a purse with me. I recognize the accessory in question as one of hers. She passes it on to me, and discreetly I test its weight. Curiosity is gnawing at me, and I want to open it, but Doukas’s hand on mine doesn’t give me much leeway.

Giorgos turns to me with a brooding smile. “In case you were wondering whether my sister likes you,” he says, nodding at the purse. “This is her favorite piece. Razors are sewn under the zipper, and a switchblade hidden in its base.”

Now I’m definitely intrigued. I wouldn’t put it past Harmonia to give me a lethal weapon. Doukas releases my hand, and I tentatively open the purse. I can see the small blades parallel to the lining. I don’t know about the switchblade in the base, but I recognize the small gun she gave me on that rooftop the day I first met Thrasos. I wonder why Veta isn’t here, but I’m not about to ask her boyfriend.

Doukas looks at his watch. “Do you like fireworks?”

“I do,” I admit with a grin.

“Then you’re in for a treat. We’re famous for our fireworks,” he explains, putting his hand on the small of my back.

We follow Alcaeus’s lead and move towards the front door. After a small stop to the lobby closet for my coat, we go to the garden. The cold is the first thing that registers, and I tighten my coat around me. Alcaeus stands by the impressive fountain with a cheeky smile on his face.

“Ladies and gentlemen, my family and I would like to welcome you to our house. I hope the Old Man Winter brings you health, love, and prosperity.”

As he speaks, the lights dim until everything is shrouded in darkness. It must be time for the fireworks. Doukas’s strong arms clutch my waist as he hugs me from behind.

“Everything near you is light,” he says, putting a soft kiss on my temple.

Smiling, I turn to him, and our lips meet, and like always, I allow myself to be surrounded by all things Doukas.

In the background, Alcaeus is doing a suspenseful and utterly unnecessary countdown, and when he reaches zero, the garden lights up with cold-white lights adorning every bush and structure. A few meters away, the gazebo is so luminous that it gives the illusion it’s floating.

A gasp escapes me as thousands of white flames burst into the sky in waves. Resting my head on Doukas’s shoulder, I watch the show of dahlias, daisies, and silver strobes, giving their place to peonies and willows.

“Come with me,” he says and kisses my cheek before taking my hand to leads us away from the rest.

My Doukas seems relaxed, and I find it rather contagious, like taking deep breaths in the overabundance of air. We exit the main ballroom and move to the other side of the house. The more we walk, the fainter the voices become, and I appreciate my surroundings. We move in the brightly lit corridor with artworks on one side and large windows on the other.

Every so often, Doukas turns and looks at me with a smile on his face. Finally, after yet another turn, we stand before two large doors. Doukas lets go of my hand and opens them.

“Say something,” Doukas whispers behind me.

“I don’t know what to say.”

Words feel strange in my lips as if somehow, I transported to a different dimension. We’re in a ballroom, that’s for sure, but this is unlike anything I’ve ever seen. Scenes of the mythology are painted all over the ceiling and walls. I recognize some but not everything. Crystal chandeliers and gold details complete the majestic image, along with carved statues on the banisters and edges of the walls.

Doukas takes my hand and lifts it to his mouth for a quick kiss. “We’re in the original part of the house that belonged to our great uncle. He had taken my father under his wing when grandpa went to prison. On a night like this, many years ago, this is where my father met my mother.”

He starts walking, leading me to the middle of the room, where an intricate pattern in the marble begins. “My mother had moved to Athens from Corfu to study at university and did odd jobs to make ends meet. One of those jobs brought her here that night. They weren’t supposed to meet, you know. She was to clean up after the party had ended, and Dad was supposed to be in Italy. My father always insisted that the moment he saw her, he knew she was the woman he was going to marry.”

Once again, he kisses my hand before putting it on his chest, right above the heart that beats for me.

“Just like you’re the woman for me.” He comes closer and kisses the corner of my mouth before moving to my lips. “You must marry me, Ria.”


“Yes, you must,” he answers my silent question. “Because there’s no one else beyond you. Because I refuse to think of my life without you. Because I want my children to have your eyes, your spirit, and your beauty.”

“Doukas,” I start, but I don’t know what to say.

I feel overwhelmed as all the emotions swirling around us threaten to unravel me. I’m on the edge of the precipice, and every potent emotion has come to the surface. Love, fear, apprehension, and joy battle against each other.

Taking a deep breath, I look into his loving eyes and realize that there wasn’t ever another option for me.

I have to fall in order to soar.

“Yes…yes, I’ll marry you. I want to spend my whole life with—”

My words get drowned out when he smashes his mouth on mine, lifting me to his body. I don’t know how long we stay like that, kissing and barely breathing, but I wouldn’t mind staying here forever.

“I love you, Ria,” he says as we settle again.

Once again, he kisses my hand, and with a slight grin, he falls to one knee and removes a black velvet box from his pocket. Wordlessly, he opens the box and reveals the most beautiful ring I’ve ever seen. It’s a simple princess-cut diamond with little twinkling stones surrounding it. In the blink of an eye, the ring is on my finger.

“I love you, Doukas.”

Standing up, he pockets the ring box and removes his mobile phone. I frown, but everything makes sense when a few moments later, the lights dim, and sweet music filters through the room.

He offers me his hand, and I willingly go into his arms, allowing him to move me across the room as we dance to the rhythm of soft music. I cannot and will not take my eyes off him. Four months ago, I was alone, without anyone to share my thoughts with. Everything was bleak and monotonous, with obligations and anxiety being the highlight of my day.

No one could have prepared me for tonight. I’m on the threshold of spending the rest of my life with him.

Doukas has been right all along.

When you know, you know.