The Dom’s Submission: Complete Series by Ellis O. Day






CHAPTER 4:  Maggie




Maggie picked up their plates as Terry tossed the last bite of his peanut butter and jelly sandwich into his mouth. It’d been all she’d had at the house for a late lunch. Maybe, she should’ve let him order takeout like he’d offered. “Sorry that I didn’t have anything else.”

“Are you kidding? I forgot how good PB&J was. I used to eat it with my kids all the time.” His eyes grew a little sad and distant.

“I’m glad you enjoyed it.” She doubted he had, but he was being an excellent sport. Like it or not, he was a nice guy.

“Where next?” he asked.

“I guess my room.”

“Excellent.” He grinned, his dark eyes roaming over her hungrily.

“We’re packing. That’s it.” She headed down the hallway, feeling better already.

“I’ve got something you can pack,” he whispered by her ear.

She shivered but elbowed him in the gut.  “We don’t have time.”

“We can make time.”

She turned around. This had to stop. “Terry, if that’s why you’re helping—”

“It’s not.” He shrugged. “Not entirely anyway. I mean, I wouldn’t turn you down.”

“That’s honest.” She laughed.

He took her chin in his grasp. “Always. I told you that. I may be blunt and thoughtless, sometimes even cruel, but I’m always honest.” His eyes searched hers. “And I’m sorry I was cruel.”

It wasn’t the best apology she’d ever gotten but she was pretty sure it was the best she’d get from this arrogant, controlling man.

“Okay, but I have a lot to do and very little time.”

“When are you moving?” He grabbed an empty box from the corner.

“We have to be out of here in a week.”

“And you’re going to pack the entire house?” He didn’t even try to hide his disbelief.

“I’ve done a lot already.” She pointed to the closet. “Start there. Put everything in the box.”

“Why don’t you hire someone to help you?” He dropped the box on the floor.

“You want the truth?” She wasn’t sure why she was willing to tell him. It was embarrassing.

“Always.” He stopped putting clothes in the box and stared at her.

“I can’t afford it.” She bent, starting with the bottom dresser drawer so she didn’t have to see the look of pity on his face.

“I can pay for it.”

“No. Thank you, but that’s not why I told you.” She couldn’t take his money.

“I know that. I want to help. Let me.”

She glanced up and he was watching her. “No.” She liked him as a friend…with benefits and she wouldn’t jeopardize that. She had to end this but she didn’t want either of them to have bad memories of their time together. “I can’t. I won’t borrow—”

“It’ll be a gift.”

“For what?”

He blinked, stunned.

“Gifts are supposed to be for something—a birthday, Christmas, something.”

“Can’t a man give a woman a gift for no other reason than he wants to. Because he was thinking of her.”

“Well, yes. That might work for a flowers or candy or even jewelry but not movers.”

“How about because I care for you and…”

“Stop. Please. You barely know me.”

“I know you intimately.” His voice deepened, sending shivers racing through her body.

“That’s not the same as caring about someone.”

“Are you saying that you don’t care about me?” He moved toward her. “That you were only using me for my cock.”

“No.” She should step away. Get back to work but she didn’t do either. She stood, waiting for him.

“Of course, my mouth and hands, played”—his eyes dropped to her breasts—“a big part in what we did.”

“That’s not what I meant.” She stepped aside, putting the box between them. “I do like you.”

His eyes darkened even more.

“As a friend.” Now, his lips were drawn and tight, and she wanted nothing more than to press against them—make them and her happy—but she couldn’t. “And that’s why I can’t let you do this. It wouldn’t be right. I don’t take money from friends.”

“How about fuck-buddies? Do you take money from them?”

“There’s no reason to be crass.”

“Right. No reason at all.” He went back to the other side of the room and resumed stuffing items from the closet into the box.

He was obviously pissed but she wasn’t backing down on this. Still, she didn’t like tension. She’d never liked fighting. “Look, I’m sorry that I won’t take your money.”

“You think that’s why I’m mad.” He threw a handful of her clothes into the almost full box.

“Well, yeah. I assumed you didn’t like not getting your way.” He certainly didn’t in the bedroom.

“I don’t but that’s not…Forget it. You’re right.” He closed the box and picked it up, carrying it out of the room.