The Dom’s Submission: Complete Series by Ellis O. Day






CHAPTER 5:  Terry




Terry left the bedroom as quickly as he could. Getting away from Maggie was the only way for him to keep his cool. Friends. She thought of him as a friend. That was like a slap in the nuts. He’d fucked her six ways till Sunday. His lips curled in a grin. He was going to fuck her tonight and throughout Sunday. But friends? He dropped the box by the stack of others. He hadn’t paid attention before but there were a lot of boxes in this garage and that meant she’d packed all of them by herself. This was crazy. She shouldn’t be doing this alone and how was she going to move everything to her new house? She didn’t even have a car. He pulled his phone from his pocket. Time to call in some debts.

By the time he made it back to the bedroom he was in a much better mood. His friends would be here tomorrow to help finish packing and when that was done, they’d move it to her new house. She couldn’t refuse because it wasn’t going to cost him a penny, except for the moving van, but too bad. She needed help and he liked helping her.

The sound of Led Zeppelin drifted down the hallway. His little rabbit kept getting better and better. Classic rock was his favorite type of music. He walked into the bedroom. She was still working at her dresser. He grabbed another box and went back to the closet.

“I do appreciate you helping me with this.” She glanced at him.

“That’s what friends do.” He almost choked on the word—so much for feeling better about this situation.

“Is that why you’re upset?”

“Let’s not talk about it.” He tossed the rest of her clothes in the box. “There’s still room in here. Where to next?”

“I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings when—”

“You didn’t hurt my feelings.” Please, he was a grown man not a child.

“Well, I said something that bothered you and I didn’t mean to.”

“I’m fine.” And done talking about this crap. He moved over by the chest of drawers to finish filling his box.

“I’ll get that,” she snapped and then smiled at him. “Why don’t you start in the kitchen like you’d suggested earlier?”

“Sure. As soon as I fill this box.” Great. Now, she wanted him working in the other room. He grabbed the handle and she raced across the room, shoving the drawer shut and blocking it with her body.

“Oh, now, I have to see what’s in here.” He tried to push her out of his way, but she clung to the dresser and she was stronger than she looked.

“Please, Terry. Don’t.” She looked at him over her shoulder, her eyes pleading.

“What are you hiding? Do you have your ex’s body in here or something?” His body pressed deliciously against hers and his dick wanted to come out and play.

“Stop it. Please.” She tried to push him away with her back and stilled. She had to feel his cock against her ass.

He shifted his hips to make sure she felt every painful inch of him. He leaned down so his lips brushed against her ear. “Let me see inside the dresser or take off your pants.”

“We can’t. I have a lot of work—”

“I think it’s Sir, right now, don’t you?” He kissed her neck, letting his tongue tickle her skin before sucking on it. She was so damn sweet. Her breathing was shallow and her body tense with anticipation. She wanted him as much as he wanted her.

“We can’t,” she repeated but her words were husky with desire.

“Then step aside and let me see inside your dresser.” He unbuttoned his pants. praying that she was too embarrassed to show him whatever was in there because right now he needed to sink his cock inside her. He was going to prove to her that he was a lot of things but her friend wasn’t one of them.

“Fine.” Her body trembled as she stepped aside.

He stared after her as she walked away. It was like being denied water from a lake that stood right in front of him. She was back at her dresser, filling her box with clothes like he hadn’t just about had his dick shoved so deep inside her all she could do was moan.

“Look. You wanted to see what was in there. Look and get it over with.”

“I did but given the choice, I’d rather have fucked you.” He buttoned his pants.

Her eyes drifted over his body and rested for one blissful second on the bulge straining at his jeans. “I don’t have time.”

“I could make it quick.” He put his hand on the dresser draw as an incentive. She really hadn’t wanted him to see whatever was in there, which made him crazy curious but he could persuade her to show him after he fucked her. “We’d hardly lose any time at all.”

“A quickie? Is that supposed to entice me?”

“I’d make sure you enjoyed it. It’d be fast and hard, rough even but filled with pleasure for both of us.”

Her lips parted and her breath came a little faster. She just needed a nudge.

“I’d slide my hand between your legs.” His eyes held hers. “Maybe, not even unbutton your pants. That way my hand would be tight against you. Only able to move a little. You’d feel every inch of my hand and fingers pressing against you, stroking you.”

“Stop.” She stepped back, shaking her head slightly. “I’m going to get some water. I’ll bring you back some.” She fled from the room.

“Run, my little rabbit,” he mumbled to himself. “I’ll catch you later.” Delaying would make it better. “I’ll take a look at what’s in your dresser while I wait for you to hop back in here.”

He opened the drawer. There was nothing in here but sheets, cloth napkins and table cloths. She’d tricked him. He started to shut the drawer, but the partially empty box loomed at his feet. He never left a job half-finished. He pulled out a pile of linen and tossed them in the box. He grabbed another bunch and stilled. Something hard was wrapped inside them. He dug through the material and grinned. He recognized that shape. He unraveled the cloth, pulling out his prize. His little rabbit had her own Rabbit Vibrator. His dick, which had barely calmed down, clamored for attention and he knew the bunny for the job.