The Dom’s Submission: Complete Series by Ellis O. Day






CHAPTER 6:  Maggie




Maggie stood in her kitchen, holding a bottle of cold water against her forehead. Damn, Terry. She didn’t have time for this. She knew she shouldn’t have let him in the house. Now, all she wanted to do was touch him and have him touch her—to feel like a woman again. And oh, those orgasms...She’d give up chocolate for one of those.

“You’ve been a naughty girl.” His rich, dark voice sent desire racing down her spine and coiling between her legs.

“We can’t.” She put on her sternest face and turned toward him. His delicious smile and the heat in his dark eyes made her knees buckle but the vibrator—her vibrator, her secret shame—in his hands made her want to run from the room. This was so embarrassing. She’d been married. If her husband had wanted her, she wouldn’t have needed a vibrator.

“We can.” He moved forward. “We will.”

“Not, now. I have to get this house packed and—”

“And we will. Later.”

He was so close she could smell him, male and soap–delicious.

“Take off your clothes and get on the table.”

She shook her head but her hands started moving to her shirt when her phone rang.

“Leave it.” He grabbed her wrist, stopping her from pulling it from her pants pocket.

“It could be my kids.”

He let go of her hand, frowning.

She answered without checking to see who it was. “Hello. Oh. Yeah. I guess. Okay.” She hung up, staring at the phone. That’d been a mistake.

“Was it your kids? Is everything okay?”

“Yes. I mean, no it wasn’t my kids but yes, everything is fine.”

“Good.” He took the phone and put it on the counter. “Now, get naked and on the table.”

She bit her lip. He wasn’t going to be happy about this. She wasn’t happy about this. “I can’t. That was work. I have to go in early.”

“What?” The disbelief in his tone almost made her laugh.

“It was work,” she repeated. “They asked me to come in early.”

“Tell them no.”

“I already said yes.”

“Call them back and cancel.”

“I can’t.”

“Sure, you can.” He grabbed her phone, handing it to her. “Tell them you have plans”—his eyes roamed over her body—“because you do.”

“I can’t. I’m sorry.” She truly was. Even though she didn’t have time for it, she’d wanted to have sex.

“Maggie, you can tell them no.” He grinned. “You just can’t tell me no.” His smile slipped away. “Which is what you’re doing.”

“I’m sorry.” She kind of wasn’t. Telling him no was fun.

“Do you want to be punished?” The heat from his gaze almost made her melt.

“No.” She glanced up at him. So far, she’d liked everything he’d done to her. “Okay. Maybe a little.”

“That can be arranged.” His smile was hot enough to melt bone.

“But I can’t cancel. I’ve called out too much already and I need the money.”

“I’ll pay you.” He pulled out his wallet. “What do you make? Ten? Fifteen bucks an hour?” He counted out two hundred dollars and tossed it on the counter. “Now, call them back and then get out of those clothes and onto the table.”

She stared at the money. This is what he thought of her. She shouldn’t be surprised. He’d met her at a sex club and she hadn’t even known him a week before she’d jumped into his bed. “Get out.”


“You heard me. Get out.” She couldn’t be around him. Not now. Not after this. She pushed past him. She would not cry. Not yet. Not until he left.

“Maggie.” He followed her. “I didn’t mean it like that.”

“Go away.” She walked into her bedroom and slammed the door. It may have even hit his nose by his grunt and then swearing, but she wouldn’t feel bad. He deserved that and more.

“Damnit.” He flung open the door.

“Go home. I need to shower and go to work.”

“Maggie, listen to me.” He grabbed her arm.

“Don’t you dare touch me.” She jerked free. “I am not your whore. You can’t pay me to…to...” She couldn’t say the words. It was too horrible, too embarrassing.

“I know that.” He stepped closer. “I didn’t mean it like that. I swear.” He ran his hands down her shoulders to her elbows and pulled her toward him. “You know me better than that.”

“I don’t know you at all.” She moved away from him, blinking back the tears. “Th-thank you for your help today but you…you need to leave.” She was making a mess of this.

His mouth tightened as if fighting to keep the words in but then he took a deep breath. “I’ll give you a ride to work.”

“No, thank you. I’ll call Uber.” Her voice was still crackly with unshed tears but her words were clipped. “Goodbye, Terry.”

“Fuck that. You can’t dismiss me like a damn child.” He stepped closer to her. “I apologized. I didn’t offer you the money because I thought I could buy you.” He grinned but it wasn’t friendly. “Trust me, if I thought money would open your legs, I would’ve handed you my wallet the first night I met you and I’d be tired of you by now.”

It was worse than a slap. She spun around, hurrying to the bathroom and locking the door behind her. She sat on the toilet, his words echoing through her head.

“Son-of a bitch.” His footsteps moved to the door. “I didn’t mean that. Fuck me.” Something hit the door. She was pretty sure it was his head. “Maggie…”

She turned on the shower so she wouldn’t hear him and he wouldn’t hear her cry.