The Dom’s Submission: Complete Series by Ellis O. Day






CHAPTER 8:  Terry




Terry sat in Ethan’s office playing cards but he was losing because his mind was on Maggie. She’d feel those balls shifting inside her with every step. He glanced at his watch. She’d been at work a few hours. She’d be soaked and horny with no outlet, until tonight. He’d take his time removing the toy—his smirk died on his lips—unless she’d taken it out. She’d better not have. He tossed his cards down. “I’m hungry.” For pussy, but he wasn’t going to say that. Ethan would suggest going downstairs into the Club and he was in no mood to explain that he wanted Maggie not just a willing playmate. It’d bring up too many questions and too much bullshit, especially with Nick getting engaged and Patrick now living with Annie.

“Order something.” Ethan shuffled.

“No. I want to go to Outback.”

Ethan’s blue eyes met his over the table. “Outback?”

He should’ve left. Not only did Ethan have a Michelin star chef working at the Club but the bastard remembered everything.

“The steaks are better here or is it something besides food that you’re hungry for?” Ethan grinned.

“I’m going.” He stood. He was too old for this bullshit. If he wanted to fuck a specific woman he wasn’t going to sit around and listen to Ethan give him shit about it. “If you’re coming, keep your mouth shut.”

“That’d make it hard to eat.” Ethan stood, grabbing his phone. “Hey, Julie. I’m going out for a bit. Watch the Club.”

“I mean it. I don’t want to hear a damn thing.” He headed toward the door.

“Oh, poor Terry can’t take being teased. You sure gave it good to Nick though.”

“That was completely different. That dumbass was being celibate. Celibate! For a woman he’d just met.” He walked down the hallway and into the elevator. “I’m being the exact opposite of celibate with Maggie.”

“So, you’ve trapped and tapped your little pet.”

He just smiled. He wasn’t a fuck and tell kind of guy.



When they arrived at the restaurant Maggie was seating a group of four. A long line of customers waited for tables.

“Let’s eat in the bar,” he said.

“You sure.” Ethan glanced at Maggie. “She can’t ignore you if she has to seat you.”

“Please. She’s not going to ignore me.” He almost hoped she’d try. He’d enjoy punishing her later.

The tables were filled so they took seats at the bar. He shifted so he had a good view of the hostess station. The bartender came by, took their drink orders and dropped off menus. He didn’t even pretend to look at it. His eyes were on Maggie as she walked back to her station. She looked around as if sensing his gaze. Her large, hazel eyes widened when she spotted him and her step faltered. Her lips parted slightly and he grinned. Tonight, was going to be fun. The balls were working their magic, rubbing inside her, making her clench those muscles to hold the toy in place. His gaze roamed down her lush body. She was such a good little sub and he couldn’t wait to reward her.

Pink tinged her cheeks as she turned away. She led a couple to a table. She was rumpled and sexy as hell. Strands of her misbehaving hair had already escaped the bun and were tucked behind her ear. She wore black slacks that hugged her curves and a white blouse. These clothes fit her and she looked fabulous. His hands itched to run up her thighs to that round ass. It’d jiggle a bit when he slapped it and better yet, it be a soft cradle when he fucked her from behind.

“You ready to order?” asked the bartender.

“New York Strip. Medium rare with baked potato and a salad. Italian dressing on the side.” He slid the menu across the bar and picked up his drink.

Ethan ordered and then turned, leaning against the bar. “So, what are your plans? Stay here all night like a stalker?”

“No, but I do need to be back later to give her a ride home.”

“Oh, I bet you do.” Ethan chuckled.

Maggie returned to her station, glancing at him before saying something to a group of customers and making her way to the bar.

“Terry, Ethan, what are you doing here?” She didn’t look happy to see him. That was going to change.

“I’m hungry. You sell food,” he said.

“Oh, right. Of course.” She glanced at her station.

He leaned close to whisper. “And I wanted to see if you were enjoying your punishment.” He let his lips brush against her ear and pleasure shot straight to his dick when she shivered. Oh, she wanted him and she was so going to get him.

“About that.” She snapped, turning her face toward his and stepping back when their lips almost touched.

“Yes.” He waited, knowing what was coming.

“I can’t keep this…I can’t wear it any longer.” She shifted on her feet, her eyes drifting half-closed from the pleasure of the balls moving inside her. “I can’t concentrate.”

“You should’ve obeyed this morning.”

“Terry.” She glanced around and lowered her voice so much he could barely hear her. “I’m taking it out.”

“You’d better not.” He touched her chin, so she met his gaze. “I’m not kidding about this.” He leaned by her ear again. “It’s your punishment and you need to see it through.”

“You won’t even know.” A customer came in and she turned to walk back to her station.

He grabbed her arm. “I’ll know.” His hand slid down to her wrist, his thumb caressing the entire trip. “I can see it in your face.”

“I’ll remove it when you leave.” She pulled free and strode back to her station.

“Change of plans.” He glanced at Ethan. “We’re drinking here tonight.”