The Dom’s Submission: Complete Series by Ellis O. Day






CHAPTER 8:  Maggie




“Damn him.” Maggie stared at her phone. Terry was on his way to her house. She hurried into the bathroom and brushed her teeth and hair, lecturing herself the whole time. “You are not going to see him. Okay. You’ll have to see him or he’ll ring the doorbell and wake the kids, but you are not going to kiss him. There’s no reason to brush your teeth.”

She went into her bedroom and changed her shirt but only because the T-shirt she was wearing had spittle on it. She forced herself to put on another old T-shirt. Yes, it was tight but that wasn’t why she chose it.

Her phone beeped. He was almost here. She hurried to the garage, opened the door and waited in front of the car she’d borrowed from him. She was going to send him away. She really was.

His car pulled up and she bit her lip, the throbbing between her thighs insistent. He got out of the car. He looked so good in those jeans and he still hadn’t shaved. She wanted him and it wouldn’t hurt anyone. She could think later.

He walked into the garage. She clicked the button to close the door. He strode over to her and grabbed her chin, holding her in place for his kiss. At the first touch of his lips, she melted, her body boneless and ready for him. It seemed like it’d been forever since he’d touched her, been inside her.

“I knew you wanted to see me.” He kissed his way along her face to her neck. “I just need to show you what you really want.” His hand grabbed her ass and pulled her into his arms, his erection rubbing against her pussy. “Maybe, this will teach you that I know what’s best for you.” He nipped her neck.

“What?” Her hands slid from around his neck and down his chest, loving the play of hard muscle beneath her fingers.

“Let me show you what you want and give you what you need.” He rocked against her.

She couldn’t keep the soft moan inside. He felt so good, but she pushed him away. “I know what I want.”

“Now, you do.” He pulled her back against him. “But when I’m not touching you, you get all these stupid ideas in your head.” He grinned. “I guess, I’m going to have to touch you constantly.” His head dipped toward her. “It’s quite a task, but I’m up to it.” He rocked against her again, proving how ready he was.

“Stupid ideas?” She turned her head and he kissed her neck.

“Yeah.” His hand slid under her shirt, making a slow, steady trek toward her breast.

“My ideas, my thoughts and feelings aren’t stupid.”

“The one telling me not to come over was.” He kicked her legs apart, lifting her and sitting her on the hood of the car, her pussy flush against his swelling cock.

“It was not.” Her mind blurred with passion as his hand shoved her bra up and his fingers teased her breast.

“It was.” He bent his head, licking her nipple. “You’re wet and hot for me, aren’t you?”

“Yes, Sir.” It came out instinctively after glorious hours of practice.

“And me not being here to fuck you, to fill that pussy and take away your ache is stupid, isn’t it?” He kissed all around her nipple.

She wanted those lips on her, that mouth but it hadn’t been stupid. It hadn’t. “No.”

“No.” His eyes lifted, meeting hers as he slowly lowered his mouth.

If he took her nipple it was over. She was his. He’d win and he’d never listen to her again. Hell, he never listened to her now. “Red. Terry. Red.” It was the only thing she could think of to make him stop.

He froze, his eyes widening with surprise. “Red?”

“Yes.” She pulled her T-shirt down, adjusting her bra. “My safeword.”

“I wasn’t doing anything that—”

“I don’t want you to do anything.” She shoved at his chest, pushing him away as her unspent passion turned to anger. “I told you not to come over.”

“And that was stupid. You’re fucking hot for me.” His eyes raked down her body. “Nipples hard. Pussy wet. For me.” He took a step toward her. “You want this.”

“Red.” She slid off the car. “I don’t. Not tonight.”

“Liar.” He moved closer until their bodies almost touched. “You’re soaked for me.”

Her breath quavered and her breasts bumped against his chest when she inhaled, making her knees shake.

“Listen to me.” He grabbed her arm, steadying her, but he had an infuriating smirk on his handsome face.

“No. I’m done.” She slapped at his hand and moved away, putting distance between them so she could breathe. “I need time to think.”

“About what?”

“About us. This. Everything.” She was falling for him, fast and hard. It was going to hurt so bad when she landed and he was gone.

“Forget about the fucking money.”

“I can’t.” She blinked back tears. “I just can’t.”

“Then, cook for me.” He grinned. “Clit cakes, remember?”

“No. This is…It all happened too fast. I need time. Please.”

“For what? To convince yourself that it’s okay to want to fuck someone? That it’s okay to feel pleasure? What do you need to think about?”

“Us. I’m not the kind of woman who has flings. I married the first man I’d been serious about and stayed faithful to him for over ten years. I can’t change who I am overnight.”

“I’m not asking you to change. I lo…like who you are.”

“But you are asking that. You’re asking me to be in an arrangement with you where I take your money for sex.”

“No. I’m asking you to trust me enough to allow me to take care of you. It doesn’t have to be money. It can be in other ways.”

“How else are you going to take care of me as a secret boyfriend?” She shook her head. “No, you don’t even want that title. You’re just my secret fuck-buddy.”

“It’s more than that and you know it.” He took a step toward her. “I care about you.”

Her throat filled with tears and she had a hard time swallowing. “I care about you too but I don’t think I can do this anymore.”

“Maggie, don’t say that.” He started to move toward her and stopped when she took a step back.

“Give me time, Terry. That’s all I’m asking.”

“How much?”

“I don’t know. A couple of days. Weeks.”

“Without seeing you at all?”

“Yes. I can’t think when you’re near me.”

“Neither can I.” He moved a little closer. “Come on, Maggie. Let’s not think. We can figure this out together.”

“But we can’t. You won’t let me.”

“I just suggested it.” The muscle twitched in his cheek.

“Because you want to force me to see things your way.”

“I’ve never forced you to do anything.”

“You’re right. That wasn’t the correct word. Coerced.”

“I didn’t do that either. You wanted everything we did.”

“I did.” She took a deep breath. “I need to think. Please, go.” She clicked the button and the door opened.

“Damnit, Maggie.”


“Fuck.” He strode out the door, his back stiff with anger.

As soon as the car left the driveway, she closed the door and sat on the floor, sobbing. She hated hurting him. All she wanted was to make him happy but she couldn’t do that. He’d leave her and then she’d be miserable.