The Dom’s Submission: Complete Series by Ellis O. Day






CHAPTER 7:  Terry




Terry tapped on Ethan’s office door before walking in.

“Hey.” Ethan looked up from his computer. “Didn’t expect to see you tonight.”

“Yeah.” He walked to the couch and flopped down. He’d gotten tired of sitting at home. He’d done all the research he could on Maggie’s ex. Now, it was in Patrick’s hands. He glanced at his watch. The kids should be asleep soon. He shifted to take the pressure off his dick. Fuck, he wanted that woman.

“Want a drink?” Ethan moved to the bar.

“No.” He was still fuzzy from last night.

“Good.” Ethan smirked as he walked over to Terry and handed him a water. “I think you cleaned the Club out of scotch.” He dropped down on a chair, opening his own water bottle. “Between you and Nick, I should’ve bought stock.”

“My binge only lasted one night, so don’t lump me in with Nick.” His situation was completely different. He’d been upset, not pining for months over a woman.

“Right.” Ethan took a gulp of his water. “You here to see Desiree?”

“What? No.”

“Hmm. Most men who’ve been with her are…let’s say infatuated.”

“She’s a nice girl.” He’d left her a hefty tip when he’d stopped by the bar and paid his tab, not to mention the cash he’d given her last night.

“A nice girl? She’s a woman through and through.”

“Yeah, but she’s young.” Too young for him.

“Never bothered you before.” Ethan watched him closely.

“Doesn’t bother me now.” He couldn’t afford for his friends to get even a whiff of what’d happened last night, or more accurately, what hadn’t happened.

“Really?” There was a gleam in Ethan’s eyes that Terry didn’t like at all.

“Nope.” He drank some water, plastering on his best poker face.

“But you don’t want to see her again?”

“Nope.” One night with a woman wasn’t unusual for him.

“I understand.” Ethan stretched out his legs. “She is kind of expensive for a back massage and bedtime tuck-in.” His lips twitched with his effort not to laugh.

“You bastard. How…” He glanced at the other room. “You watched me on the cameras?”

Ethan roared with laughter. “I was trying to help.”

“How is watching me helping?” He wanted to punch the bastard in the face. All the room had cameras but his friend knew he wouldn’t hurt anyone, even when plastered. There’d been no reason for Ethan to watch.

“Patrick and Nick were ready to pull you out of there by your nut-hairs. I was buying you some time.”

“What the fuck?” He dropped his head on the back of the couch. “Those meddling bastards saw too?” He’d never, ever hear the end of this.

“Oh yeah. Nick, especially, can’t wait to see you.” Ethan laughed harder. “Gotta admit, you deserve this.”

“I don’t deserve shit. This is entirely different—”

“Trust me, Nick is more than ready to point out the differences. Like he was always hard for Sarah and you were…” Ethan shrugged.

“I was drunk.” Fuck, they’d noticed that too.

“Right. It had nothing to do with her not being Maggie.”

“Fuck no.” He sat up. “It had to do with her reminding me of my daughter.”

“Oh.” Ethan sobered.

“Yeah. See, it’s different. Entirely.” It was kind of true and he was running with it.


“What?” He mentally braced himself. By the look on Ethan’s face, this wouldn’t be good.

“I’ve seen pictures of your daughter and she doesn’t look anything like Desiree.”

“They’re both about the same age.”

“So, all the young women are off limits to you now?”

His eyes narrowed. He sensed a trap. “I’m not sure. I’ll have to take it case-by-case.”

“I’d hate to be you.”


“Only able to get it up for old pussy.” Ethan shook his head.

“There’s nothing wrong with a mature woman. One who knows the path to orgasm and loves to travel it.” Like Maggie. When she came, she gave it her all.

“So, you’re saying that pussy is like bread?”

“What the fuck are you talking about?”

“The more it’s been pounded the softer and sweeter it is?” Ethan tried to keep a straight face but was failing miserably.

“Why are you so crass all of a sudden?” His friend usually respected women.

“One of us has to be and you’ve been different lately.” Ethan’s eyes lost all amusement as they studied him. “It’s a good change. I’m happy for you. Don’t fuck this up.”

“This is a fling. It’ll last a few months but that’s it.” He couldn’t allow it to be anything more.

“Are you sure about that? I’ve seen you infatuated before but never like this.”

Terry’s phone beeped. Saved by the bell. “And now, I have to go.” He grabbed his phone from his pocket and looked at the text as he stood. He dropped back down. “What the fuck?”

“Is everything okay?”

“Yeah. Maggie asked me not to come over.” He texted her back.

“Great, we get to continue our conversation.”

“Not on your life.” He stood.

“Where are you going?”

“To see Maggie.” He headed for the door.

“I thought she didn’t want to see you.”

“She does. She just doesn’t realize it yet.”

“Terry, don’t do this. Give her time. Space. Sometimes people need room to work things out.”

“That’s the last thing she needs. She needs guidance not space.” His little rabbit was running but he’d hunt her down.