The Dom’s Submission: Complete Series by Ellis O. Day






CHAPTER 9:  Terry




The next few days felt like years to Terry. He’d never been so miserable or horny in his life. He wanted Maggie, no one else and he couldn’t have her. He couldn’t even talk to her. He glanced at his phone but Ethan’s warning rang in his ear. He wasn’t sure he believed giving her time would work but following his instincts had fucked everything up. So, he’d try and follow Ethan’s advice.

His phone rang and he grabbed it, frowning when he saw Patrick’s name.

“Hello.” He didn’t want to talk to anyone but Maggie.

“Hey. Got the information you wanted.”

“Great. Did you email it to me?”

“Yep, but I thought I’d call. You were right, Maggie’s ex hid money. A lot of money. He was also having an affair.”

“I fucking knew it.” He’d been a divorce lawyer too long to have been wrong.

“Great. You were right, but what are you going to do about it?”

“Take him to court. He filed false paperwork. He’s going to pay, big time.”

“And how long will that take?”

“A while. The courts don’t move fast.”

“Maggie needs money now and she doesn’t need the father of her children in jail.”

“It might not come to that.”

“But it could. Is he good with the kids?” asked Patrick.

“Besides being okay with them moving to one of the worst areas in town? Yeah, I guess so.”

“I doubt she’ll appreciate you putting him in jail. She doesn’t seem the type.”

“I won’t put him in jail. His actions and the court will do that.” But Patrick was right. Maggie would not be happy about it and she’d blame him.

“Same thing.”

“What do you propose I do, let him get away with it? Talk to him and ask him nicely to give Maggie the money she deserves.”

“He should do that himself, but the dumb-fuck obviously won’t,” said Patrick.

“Nope. He won’t. That’s why there are courts and jails.” He wouldn’t lose a minute of sleep over this guy rotting behind bars.

“I have a better idea.”

He leaned back in his seat. “I don’t think killing him is an option we need to take. Yet.”

Patrick laughed. “No. Nothing that drastic.”

“What do you suggest?”

“You know Brett Mince, right?”

“The blogger? Yeah. I helped his sister with a divorce a few years back.”

“And he likes to post about crappy-assed people doing shitty things, right?”

“Yeah and he’s got a huge following.”

“He’s gotten many folks fired over stupid shit they did or said.”

“Yes, he has.” This was a great idea.

“I’m sure he’d like this story,” said Patrick.

“If he runs with it, Maggie’s ex will lose his business. His slogan is family values, honesty and shit like that.”

“I know.” Patrick’s smug tone told him the other man had already thought this all through.

“You scare me sometimes.” He grinned.

“Scare myself too, but I only use my powers for good.”

“I’ll call David’s lawyer and schedule a meeting.”

“Let me know how it goes.”

“Thanks. Will do.” Terry hung up and opened the file Patrick had sent him. He needed to know exactly how much to get as a one-time payment and how much to increase David’s monthly child support and alimony.