The Dom’s Submission: Complete Series by Ellis O. Day






CHAPTER 12:  Maggie




Maggie woke, feeling okay for the first time in what seemed like forever. She sat up and had to steady herself. She was weak but she had to check on the kids. The house was too quiet. She stood and walked down the hallway.

Isabella was in her bed, sleeping. So was Peter, but little Davy wasn’t in his room. She steadied herself on the wall as she hurried into the living room. He was climbing now. If he’d gotten out of his crib...She stumbled over a toy truck on her way to the door. If he’d somehow gotten outside...She staggered to a halt. Terry was on the couch, Davy sleeping on his chest.

Her legs collapsed and she flopped onto a nearby chair. She’d forgotten about Terry. He’d shown up—she had no idea how long ago—when she’d been at her worst. The kids had been getting better but she’d wanted to die. Oh God, he’d bathed her. It shouldn’t bother her. They’d done so much more together but being helpless in his arms had been different.

The poor guy had dark circles under his eyes. His hair was a mess and he looked like he hadn’t shaved in days. Something nudged her arm and she jumped.

“Beast?” The dog wedged his head under her hand. Obviously, Terry had brought his dog over. He must’ve been here for a while. She scratched behind Beast’s ear.

The house was a mess but not a disaster like it had been. Toys were scattered about but no dishes or dirty linen and best of all no lingering odor of vomit. She walked into the kitchen, Beast right behind her. It was clean. She stood in the doorway, watching Terry and her son sleep. He was so large, his legs didn’t even fit on the couch, and his hand covered Davy’s back entirely, but he was so good and gentle and sexier than she’d ever seen him.

She petted the dog. “Oh Beast, I’m in so much trouble.” She wouldn’t be able to deny him anything now. He was firmly in her heart.