The Dom’s Submission: Complete Series by Ellis O. Day






CHAPTER 21:  Maggie




Maggie stepped out of Annie’s car and tugged on her skirt. It was tight and short—mid-thigh—but she wasn’t used to dressing like this. “I don’t think this is a good idea.”

“Nonsense,” said Annie. “You look amazing.”

“I’m not sure about that either.” She wore a new black skirt, a flouncy, white blouse that showcased her breasts and showed more cleavage than she was comfortable with displaying, and black high heels.

“Trust me. Terry is going to burst when he sees you.” Annie grinned as she took Maggie’s arm and headed toward the garage entrance to La Petite Mort Club. “Poor man’s probably close to bursting now. He hasn’t been to the Club. That means, more than likely, he hasn’t been with anyone since the two of you broke up.”

“I wouldn’t call it breaking up. We weren’t exactly going out.” They’d just been having sex…lots and lots of sex.

“Doesn’t matter what you call it. He’s going to flip when he sees you.”

Maggie touched her hair. “Are you sure about the ponytail? It seems so childish.” She often wore her hair tied back at home, but the Club was filled with rich, elegant, well-dressed people.

Annie’s eyes gleamed with amusement. “Trust me. There’s nothing childish about a ponytail in a place like this.”

“What do you mean by that?” She started to wonder if her friend was leading her down a path she didn’t want to go.

“I guess you’re right.”

“About what?” She followed Annie to the doors of the Club.

“If you and Terry had been going out, you’d know exactly what a ponytail does to a guy like him.” Annie nodded at the bouncer. “This is my friend, Maggie. Ethan approved her visit.”

The bouncer checked his phone and said, “Have fun, ladies.” He stepped aside and Maggie found herself once again in the Club.

It wasn’t as crowded as the other night, but there were still plenty of people. She stopped. A woman was on a stage, tied up and being whipped with a small flogger. “Oh my.” God help her, she was getting wet.

“I know.” Annie stared openly. “I love this place.” She took Maggie’s arm. “But let’s get a drink.”

“I’m going to need it.” If Terry didn’t show or didn’t want her, she wasn’t sure what she’d do. She might be able to pick up someone else. She was horny enough and the kids were with their father this weekend, but she truly wasn’t a casual sex kind of woman.

Annie ordered their drinks. When the bartender delivered them his eyes skimmed over Maggie’s cleavage, making her blush.

“I told you that you look great.” Annie grinned.

“Men like boobs.”

“Yes, they do.” Annie tugged her shirt down a little, highlighting her own nice sized breasts.

Maggie glanced around sipping her rum and coke. “What if he doesn’t show or doesn’t want anything to do with me?”

“He’ll show. Sarah took care of that and as for the other”—Annie looked her over—“that’s not possible.”

But it was. Terry had made it clear when he’d been sick that he didn’t want her anywhere near him. “This is stupid. I should go.” She put down her drink.

“No. Wait. Give it some time. Plus”—Annie’s eyes landed on someone and she smiled—“it doesn’t hurt to look.”

A handsome, older man, probably in his late fifties or early sixties, headed their way. He stopped in front of them. “Annie.” He leaned down and gave her a quick kiss on her cheek.

“Richard.” Annie kissed him back. “Nice to see you again.”

“Can I be so lucky to have you here without your hulking sidekick?” His eyes raked over Annie.

Annie laughed. “Patrick will be here soon and you know me, Richard. I don’t do anything except with Patrick.”

“Shame.” His eyes drifted to Maggie. “I don’t believe I’ve met your friend.”

Annie turned. “Maggie, this is Richard and Richard this is Maggie. She’s currently unattached.”

“Really?” His eyes roamed over her body, lingering for one hot moment on her chest. “Unbelievable.”

Part of her wanted to put her hands over her cleavage, but another part was flattered. David had been wrong. Even after having three kids and gaining some extra pounds, she was still an attractive woman. “I’m waiting on someone but I don’t know if he’ll be here tonight.”

“His loss.” Richard moved closer. “I’d love to show you around the Club.”

“Maybe later,” interrupted Annie. “We want to give Terry a little time to make the right decision.”

“Terry? He’s the one you’re waiting for?” asked Richard.

Maggie nodded. This was going to be even more embarrassing if Terry ignored her or arrived with someone else.

“I haven’t seen him here in weeks.” Richard’s gaze darkened. “This may be my lucky night after all.”

Maggie couldn’t stop a tiny smile. Annie hadn’t fibbed. Terry hadn’t been here with all these beautiful women. It still didn’t mean he wanted her or was waiting for her, but it did help.

“He’ll be here tonight,” said Annie.

“That’s a shame. I think, until he does arrive”—Richard moved a little closer to Maggie—“we should get to know each other better.” He touched her ponytail, giving it a little tug. “I’d like that. Wouldn’t you?”