To Have & to Hurt by Morgan Bridges


It guts me to remove her touch.

It kills me to take away her smile.

It devastates me to erase her joy.

But I’m doing it for the good of everyone. Except myself.

Violetta could be the best thing for me and if it were my choice, she’d be mine in body and soul, not only in my mind.

“Your age does not diminish you in any way,” I say, keeping my tone gentle to avoid unnecessarily hurting her. “However, you haven’t lived long enough to know what you really want and although you believe it’s me, you could realize later on that someone else would’ve been more suited to you.”

Not better, just more appropriate.

I’ll never agree that another man can give her the best of everything, which is what she deserves. But I can’t decide that for her, no matter how much I want to.

“And how many months, or years even, will it take for me to gather this knowledge?” She tilts her head and the blue of her eyes sparkles with a fierce emotion I suspect to be anger. I prefer that over pain any day. “And how many men should I invite to my bed before I have enough experience to know what I want? Five? Ten?”


My rage is instant. It’s one thing for me to urge her to live her life, but it’s a whole other conversation altogether to discuss her having sex with other men, especially multiple.

“You’re right, this topic is highly improper,” she says. “However, since you’re telling me what I should do with my body, I’m open to suggestions.” She purses her lips and flicks her wrist in the direction of the building, right when Benito walks past during one of his perimeter checks. “Do you think Beni is a good choice? You trust him with your life, so I assume I can trust him with my virgin—”

I have my hand wrapped around her throat before I can draw enough breath to bellow my fury. With enough pressure to cut off her words—because I can’t endure hearing her finish that statement—I hold Violetta fast and then jerk her to me, causing her plush body to slam into mine. She wheezes at the impact and her gaze widens. I stare into the oceanic hues, searching for fear, anger, or any other negative emotion, but they’re nowhere to be found.

If her eyes are tropical waters, then the treasure underneath is the resplendent desire swirling in their depths.

Now it’s me who’s short of breath. Violetta’s reaction is not something I predicted and I’m ill-prepared to deal with it. Instead of frightening her or provoking her indignation so she’ll keep her distance, all I want to do is finish what I started in the jeep yesterday.

“Are you out of your damn mind?” I growl, shaking her a little. Surprisingly, she doesn’t try to pry my hands from her throat, although it’s clearly a struggle for her to breathe. I allow her enough oxygen to keep her alive, but nothing more so she won’t have the ability to speak. “I told you that you’re not going to have sex with anyone on my payroll or in this country, and now you want to discuss it on a night I’ve planned to spend with you? I should whip your ass.”

Her fucking pupils dilate.

That minute change is what breaks the last of my control and shatters my resistance to stay away from her.

I shift my grip to the back of her neck, tighten it significantly, and then haul her across the patio to the table and chairs. My hold on Violetta forces her to bend at the waist when I sit down, in order to keep from falling over. However, she plummets regardless as I yank her down and drape her across my lap with her facing the ground.

From across the space between myself and where Benito stands, having stopped on his return, I convey with a jut of my chin he needs to disappear. But not only that, he knows to prevent anyone else from disturbing me as well. I refuse to let anyone besides myself enjoy the punishment I’m about to administer to this rebellious woman who tempts me and challenges me like no other.

Once Benito leaves, I run my hand along her spine and down to her ass, palming one cheek and then the other. “I told you in the beginning that I would treat you as either a woman or an errant child, and you’ve decided on the latter. As your current guardian, I think it’s in your best interest that you learn not to goad me because it’ll only result in your suffering.”

I wait for her to squirm while trying to be free of my grip, but she shocks me once again by lying still, except for the deep breaths that force her chest to expand. The mahogany tresses of her hair cascade downward, the curled ends grazing the stone, and her hands are flat against the ground while her head dangles. I slide my hand down the back of her thigh while resting the other one on the back of her neck to keep her pinned.

Violetta may not be fighting me now, but she will be shortly.

My cock jerks in my pants and I ignore it as best I can, which is not at all. I won’t be able to think about anything other than the woman spread across my lap and how I want to fuck her senseless.

I slip my fingers just under her dress and then flip the material so it lands on her back, giving me a clear view of her ass and thighs. My mouth spreads into a licentious grin and, even though I’m tortured by the tantalizing sight, I know I’ll receive some satisfaction from spanking Violetta.

It’s just not the type of fulfillment I want.

But I’m hoping this will be enough.

Lies, in all their glory, are still untrue.

After gripping the lacy panties, I slowly pull them down her legs, until they settle around her ankles. The candlelight, plus the copious amount of stringed lights around us, make her skin almost golden in appearance and I clench my teeth to stop from voicing the thoughts in my mind.

Ribelle, this arrangement between us will only continue in one way, and that’s with me holding the power and you submitting to it. There won’t be any more insurgence from you, no matter the subject or conversation. And I won’t tolerate a surly attitude either. Hai capacito?”

Violetta cranes her neck to look up at me briefly and the rebellion glowing in her eyes nearly steals my resolve to only punish her. She doesn’t respond, adding to her defiance, and I mentally add a couple more swats for that. If her ass isn’t as pink as her clit and her eyes aren’t as wet as her cunt when I’m through with her, then I’ll be surprised.

“You haven’t learned your lesson,” I say, massaging the area I’m about to lay into, “but you will. I’m not sure what you know about this type of thing, but you’d best prepare yourself. Because you’re going to need that inner fortitude to get through it without caving in. I’ll do you the courtesy by counting the first three and then you’ll continue with the rest.”

The first swat echoes across the outdoor space. Violetta’s entire body stiffens and her sharp inhale is the only sound I can make out.

“One,” I say quietly.

The next one is delivered right before a slight pause, just enough time to give her a moment to dread what’s coming.


This time the breath whooshes from her lungs and there’s a scratching sound as she digs her nails into the stone, for either purchase or to escape. Having spanked each ass cheek once, they are now similar, both of them bright with color and displaying a vague outline of my hand.


Having chosen an untouched part of her ass, the blush spreads. And this time Violetta does react. Her small grunt is divine.

“Now it’s your turn,” I say. “You will count until I stop you and say nothing else. Also, grab my ankle to avoid cutting your fingers.” I give her two seconds to obey before I slap the back of one thigh. She hisses and then grips my ankle, digging her nails into my slacks. Either she’s doing that to keep from crying out or she’s trying to inflict pain on me. The amusement I derive from that is priceless.

“You may begin.”

I land another powerful swat to her ass and she grits out, “Four.” I reward Violetta for that by picking up the pace and delivering her agony more quickly so she can come to heel and be done.

Only then will I commence the after-care she’ll desperately need.

“Five. S-s-six,” she says, her voice cracking. “Fuck!”

I halt with my arm still raised and shake my head although she’s not watching. “You don’t get to use that language to ease your suffering. If you recognize the power of your words, then you should also recognize how they can get you in trouble.”


Violetta is near the tipping point, indicated by the warbling of her voice. I’m relieved because I don’t know how much more of this I can take without giving in to the urges pushing me to do something irreparable.

“Eight. Damn it, Tristano! This isn’t fair.”

Without answering her, I yank her panties completely off and ball them in my fist. “Open your mouth.”

She glares at me, her gaze sharper and brighter than pointed daggers. “Why?”

I squeeze the back of Violetta’s neck, causing her mouth to pinch, her pink lips now similar to a rose in shape and color. “I have all night, but I don’t think you can say the same.”

She lets her jaw go slack while giving me a murderous glare and I insert the panties into her mouth. She’s lucky it’s not my cock.

I spank her until her eyes are burning with tears and her ass is burning from my fingerprints. I stop when Violetta’s entire body goes limp, her spine curves into a downward arc, and she hangs her head, pressing her cheek to my leg while clinging to my ankle with a tight grip.

She tenses once the repetitive swats halt, no doubt unsure of what’s to come, but braces herself for impact. I still have something to give her, just not what she suspects.

“Look at me,” I say. Violetta raises her head slowly, as though with great difficulty, and I scrutinize her face. There are no streaks from tears coursing down her flushed cheeks and my admiration for her grows. I didn’t hold back and she took the correction better than I could’ve imagined. Her gaze is watery, but within the blue-green of her eyes is an awakening, an understanding that wasn’t there prior.

I run my fingertips along her cheek and she closes her eyes and leans into my touch. That act of submission and her seeking comfort from me nearly does me in. I knew it’d come, but theorizing about it, as opposed to actually experiencing it, are two different things.

“You did well.” I sweep my thumb over each eyelid, gently pressing the tears from her eyes, and then remove the underwear from her mouth so I put my finger in its place. “These tears are ones of strength because they are few. Not that I would’ve blamed you otherwise, but given the strength of your stubbornness, I’m surprised you didn’t weep.”

Violetta sucks on my thumb and runs her tongue over the tip, tasting her tears. Once my finger is nice and wet I take it out of her mouth and she watches me, a wariness entering her gaze, making the hues swirl with turmoil.

Until I bring it to her cunt and dip it inside.

Then her eyes are hazy with lust, yet aglow with anticipation. I maneuver my thumb back and forth in a large sweeping motion while applying pressure to the area I’m caressing. In response, Violetta goes limp once again, her head falling forward so quickly one could assume she fainted, if not for the low humming vibrating in her throat. She releases the sound as a moan when I begin to do a circular motion. Her hardened nipples are felt against my leg, her raspy breaths in my ears, and her drenched cunt weeps onto my hand.

Is this a birthday gift for her or me?

I wrap my free hand around the front of Violetta’s neck and cut off her air supply but only just. Instead of fighting me, she rests her chin on my hand and then spreads her legs. To call that sexy is an understatement. It’s a fantasy that I’ll replay in my mind for the rest of my life, and the only imagery I’d replace it with is me fucking her.

“Don’t come,” I rasp, my grip on reality and my sanity starting to recede. “Wait a little longer, ribelle.”

She doesn’t answer, but her stomach muscles clench against the top of my thighs and pride soars through me at her obedience. I’m going to make her come so hard that she’ll never regret giving me her surrender.

I withdraw my thumb from her cunt and she whimpers, nearly making me fucking come. “Shh, my love. I will always take care of you.” I bring my thumb, dampened by her wet pussy, to her clit and thrust two fingers into her tight cunt.

Violetta gives a strangled cry, the sound a cross between sweet relief and a sorrowful lament.

“You can come on the count of three,” I say.

Then I stroke her with an intense pressure on her clit and punishing thrusts in her cunt. The sounds of me penetrating her flesh turns me on so fucking much that I lose count, but she doesn’t and screams as her orgasm rips her apart. I take her higher, to greater euphoria by quickening the pace and she grips my ankle tight while gyrating her hips with a desperation I recognize all too well.

It’s the need for complete and total relief, while wanting to remain in that perfect state of rapture for as long as possible.

Eventually Violetta comes down from her high and her hold on me loosens. I remove my hand from her neck and bring it to her spine, massaging the tension from her body. She goes liquid, immediately folding over my lap like a weighted blanket, but her cunt still pulses pleasantly around my fingers.

She groans when I apply too much pressure on certain muscles, yet remains in her current position. I skim my hand over her raw ass and the heat from her skin soaks into my palm. Satisfaction fills me at the sight of Violetta like this. She’s soft and pliant in my arms, both her cunt and orgasm clinging to my fingers, and her breathy sighs of contentment wrap around me.

I’ve never wanted anything as much as I want to have this woman for myself.

With great reluctance, I remove my fingers from her and then gently rearrange her dress so that it’s in the proper position. Then I take hold of Violetta and turn her until she’s staring up at me with her legs resting over one of my thighs and her back is supported by my arm.

“You will be alright,” I say. She simply nods and worries her bottom lip between her teeth. I remove it and then glide my thumb across the seam of her mouth. “I hope you learned not to test me with empty threats or speculations.”

Violetta has to clear her throat in order to speak, but even then it’s a bit hoarse. “I did.”

“Good.” I comb my fingers through the loose strands of her hair, my movements unhurried and soothing. She needs this, the tender part that follows severe punishment. And she’s accepting it with gratitude clear in her gaze.


I incline my head.

“Did you enjoy doing that to me?”

“Yes,” I say with total and absolute conviction.

“I thought so.” She nods, her eyes flitting over my face. Once again she gnaws on her bottom lip and I remove it. “Is that something you typically do to women or just me because I’m young and unruly in your estimation?”

After palming the back of her head, I lift her face to mine until we’re a mere breath apart. I don’t want any ambiguity when I answer her.

“I do it to women all the time.” Violetta stiffens in my arms and squints up at me. “Don’t be jealous, ribelle. I’ve touched your pretty cunt more than any another, and that’s without fucking it.”

But I want to, even more now that I know how much she can handle. I assumed if I caused Violetta pain, then she’d give up on trying to seduce me. I did it in order to spare her the agony that’d be sure to come if I took her virginity. Because I have no desire to be gentle or take the necessary time she’ll need for it to be only mildly painful.

However, if she can tolerate it…

I shut down the tempting thoughts immediately. Suffering or no, virgin or not, Violetta is the key to unlocking Pandora’s box and that will only bring about chaos, something I’ve tried to avoid my whole life. Forfeiting my brothers for her is never going to be an option, which means she’s never going to be one either.