Until Tia by K.L. Humphreys



"You know that Cleo would love to have him," Sully tells me and I can hear the sincerity in his voice. He's my best friend, has been since we were old enough to walk. We grew up next door to one another, where his parents were sweet as hell and welcomed me into their home with open arms, Mom on the other hand was a snob and made everyone feel uncomfortable.

I walk into my office building trying not to wince. I hate that I have to rely on my friends. It's not even nine am and yet I'm already trying to deal with childcare, it's crazy. How hard is it to find someone reliable to watch my six-year-old son?

"I appreciate the offer," I tell him as I step into the elevator. "I have to call the agency today and see if they have someone to send over."

He sighs heavily, he knows me too damn well. "You really need to stop thinking that you're imposing on us. Your mom's a bitch, Christopher, a money-grabbing ass, and what she's done is despicable but we're not all out for your money. Some of us are rich too," he quips and I finally smile. "Don't be a stranger, yeah? My wife misses you and Marcus."

"Your wife, huh?"

He chuckles. "Ass. Fine, I do too. I haven't seen my nephew in weeks," he tells me and my chest burns. "We're here if you need us. Remember that."

"Thanks, Sully. I appreciate it."

I hear him tut and know that he's not happy. "You've helped me out more than I can ever repay, including being on hand when that fucker was after Cleo."

I wince at the reminder of Cleo being hurt. She and Sully fell instantly in love. The attraction the two of them had was undeniable. As their relationship was plain sailing, Cleo had a stalker, someone who would send her letters telling her just how close they were to her. Turns out it was a bouncer at the club Sully owns. Cleo was hurt badly and needed surgery for a brain bleed, she’s okay now, but we all still worry about her.

"It's what we do," I say without hesitation. I'd do anything for Sully, he's not only my best friend, he and Derek are my longest friends. I'd do anything to ensure that they and their women are safe, just as they'd do the same for me.

"That it is. Look man, I know things have been tough lately, but we're here whenever you need us," he assures me. "I've got to go, don't be a stranger. Otherwise I'm sicking Cleo on you."

I laugh, glad that things seem to be looking up. "I'll talk to you later," I promise him, just as the elevator reaches the top floor where my office is located.

Shoving my cell into my pants pocket, I walk into the lobby and I'm surprised to see a blonde woman sitting at the desk on the phone. I study her for a second while she's hunched over the desk typing away on the keyboard while talking to whoever is on the phone.

"No. Mr. Layman—I understand that you need to talk to Mr. Harlan, but he isn't in the office yet." Her voice is soft and sympathetic yet it has some steel to it and it hits me in the gut. "It's not even nine am, Mr. Layman, and while I understand and appreciate that you are an early riser and would like to get everything organized for your day, not everyone has the opportunity to be as organized as you are. That's why Mr. Harlan has hired me, so I can make his day and hopefully your day a lot easier."

She's silent for a moment, no doubt listening to Bob talking her ear off.

"Yes, of course, I'm looking at Mr. Harlan's calendar now and I can fit you in this morning at ten thirty. Does that work for you?" She taps the keyboard with her fingers as she types something into the computer. "Perfect, we'll see you then. Have a wonderful morning, Mr. Layman."

She chuckles and fuck me, my cock takes notice of the huskiness. "You're a charmer. Ten thirty, Mr. Layman." She ends the call just as she presses enter on the keyboard.

My cell buzzes alerting me to a notification and with the noise my new assistant spins on her seat. My heart stammers as blood rushes to my cock. It's as though something has fallen into place as I look at her. Her mouth is slightly ajar, her face pale but has a tinge of pink on her cheeks, and her pale-blue eyes, that are bright and wide, if I'm not mistaken they're also filled with fear. She's beyond beautiful and I'm unable to take my eyes off her. There's something about her that makes me want to take her into my arms and hold her tight, to protect her, to show her love.

I have no idea what's going on right now. I have never had this reaction to a woman before. I can't quite describe it. Other than, she's mine.

"Hi," I say, finally finding my voice. "I'm Christopher."

I watch as she rises from her chair, she's wearing a white blouse that has the top two buttons open, but not in a way that showcases her breasts. No, it stops a few inches above but I can see her pale flesh, nothing sexy at all and yet I've never seen anything more erotic before. She's wearing a black skirt that showcases her curves and I want to reach out and skim my hands along them. The skirt stops below her knee and is tight but she's able to move fluidly in it as she steps toward me. On her feet are six inch heels, she's fucking beautiful.

She holds out her hand for me to shake, "Mr. Harlan, I'm Tia Monroe and it's a pleasure to meet you."

I take her hand in mine and electricity runs through my veins. "The pleasure is all mine," I reply honestly.

I feel as though I need to get to know Tia, find out what makes her tick and what put the fear into her eyes, the one that got worse as she grew closer to me. I need to put her at ease, I hate that she's scared.

"Did I hear you talking to Bob?"

She pulls her hand back from mine and I miss the connection instantly; I feel bereft. She runs her hands down her skirt, as though she's trying to smooth it. "Yes," she says releasing a breath I had no idea she was holding. "He really wanted to see you or talk to you. I tried explaining that you weren't here. He's scheduled for an appointment at ten thirty. Is that okay?" Now she sounds unsure of herself.

I smile widely at her, "Bob is a demanding bastard, he never takes appointments with me, instead demands that I call him as soon as I'm in the office. It's tedious but Layman is one of the best development companies around and he's one of my most important allies, even if he is a demanding asshole. So for you to have actually made him back off and get an appointment, well, I'm in awe and if you continue to shock the shit out of me, this trial will turn to a permanent position before the probationary period is even up."

The fear is still in her eyes but it dims ever so slightly as her lips twist into the most breath-taking smile I've ever witnessed. God, she's so damn beautiful. "Thank you for the chance."

I wave her off, "If you need anything, please don't hesitate to ask."

She nods, "Do you want me to grab you a coffee while you set up for the morning? When you're done, I'm hoping we can have a quick chat about what you'll need from me this week so I won't have to keep disturbing you while you work."

It's clear that she's been in this position before. "In your old job, what was your relationship like with your boss?"

"It was great. Mr. Eccles was an amazing boss and I respected him a lot."

I nod, that's good. "What about the duties?"

She rolls her eyes and I smirk, damn, I really like her. "Mr. Harlan, I'm more than qualified for this job. Anything you need me to do, I'll do it. I was only asking about having a talk with you because when I worked with Mr. Eccles, every Monday morning, we'd have a fifteen minute meeting where we'd discuss the coming week and what he'd need me to do other than my normal work. I was wondering if you did something similar."

I stare at her with pride, she's not afraid to speak her mind and her fifteen minute meeting has merit. "What's my schedule look like this morning?" I know usually, Monday's are hectic.

"Your appointment at nine cancelled, and the next one isn't in until nine thirty." She tells me immediately without having to look at my schedule. "I also wasn't sure if you had access to the schedule in real time? So I linked you into it, any updates will give you a notification so you'll be able to know right away that something has been changed."

Ah, that explains the notification that I got when she finished her call with Bob. "That's helpful, thank you. Please keep three to four free every day for me."

She nods immediately, "Of course, I'll make sure the calendar shows that they're blocked off so there's no way I can accidently schedule anything. Now, about that coffee?" she asks and I smile. She's easy to speak to and I think she's going to be a great addition to the team.

"Please, black with two sugars," I tell her as I pull myself away from her and go to my office.

I just sit down and take out my cell to check out the notification she sent me when she knocks on the door, I tell her to enter and she brings my coffee over setting it on the desk in front of me. "Mr. Harlan, is there anything else I can do for you while you set up for the day?"

Fuck, having her this close to me, I can smell her scent, cocoa butter and vanilla.

"Grab a notebook and coffee, then come in while I set up, that way we can talk and get things ready, does that suit?" I ask, wanting to spend as much time as I can with her.

She nods as she turns on her heel and walks out of the office, I practically swallow my tongue as I see the back of her. I'm an ass man, and Tia's skirt showcases hers perfectly. It's as though someone reached into my mind and sculpted my ideal ass and planted it on Tia.

Once she closes the door behind her to get her coffee and notebook, I look at the notification and I'm impressed. The way she's looped me into the calendar so I'm updated is impressive and valuable, the number of times I'm late for a meeting I had no idea about is ridiculous, but thankfully now, I'll know without having to be told when my meetings are changed.

I boot up my computer, and while I'm waiting for it to do that, I pull out the drawings that the team designed for the new console that we're making. There's something about the design that I'm not happy about and I haven't been able to put my finger on what it is.

Once that is done, I call the agency and they tell me they'll have someone meet me at my house at three thirty this afternoon. Which gives me enough time to get Marcus from Kindergarten and bring him home and introduce them properly.

Tia knocks on the door once again and I hold back my chuckle as I bid her to enter. "Tia, when it's just you and I in the office, you do not have to knock on my door, you're free to enter whenever you want. When I'm in a meeting though—"

She holds up her hands, "Thank you, but I don't want to intrude if you're on a phone call."

I shake my head, "You're fine, honestly." She blows out a breath as she takes a seat in front of me. "You signed the non-disclosure agreement, correct?"

She nods, "Yes, Mr. Harlan, I did."

"Good. Now, are there any questions that you have for me before we begin?"

She bites her lip and I hold back a groan. Damn, will everything she does be sexy? "Um, I was wondering if there was anything I should be informed of? Like people not allowed into the office, anyone that is? Things like that?" she asks hesitantly.

"Please don't be afraid to say whatever is on your mind, this is your workplace, you are safe here."

She gives me a sad, soft smile and I hate that she doesn't believe me. It makes me wonder what she's hiding, what's happened to her to make her this distrusting.

"As for those not allowed into my office, there's only two for now. My mother and a woman named Layla Grant. If either of those turn up while I'm not here, please call security. If they call, you have my permission to hang up on them. They're toxic and you do not have to put up with either of them."

She nods, "Okay, I can do that."

"What about you? Is there someone who may come to the offices that you don't want to?" As soon as the words are out of my mouth I instantly regret them.

Her face pales to a deathly gray color, her bottom lip trembles, her eyes wide and the fear is back in them clearer than ever, and she wrings her hands together. "No," she says, her voice shaky. She coughs and sits up straighter. "No, not at all," she says loudly, she was quick at composing herself and something tells me that she's trained herself to do it.

I know deep in my bones that she's lying but I don't call her out on it. She doesn't know me, she doesn't trust me with that information yet. I understand but as soon as she does, she'll be telling me.

"I have a six-year-old son, Marcus." At my words her lips tighten and her eyes widen slightly, "Layla is his mother, she's not allowed anywhere near him."

She nods immediately, "Okay, will I get to meet Marcus?" There's a soft smile again.

Now I'm regretting contacting the agency, if she relaxes at the mere mention of my son, what will she be like when she actually meets him? Would she be at ease?

"Not today, no, but there may be times when I have to bring him into the office."

She nods, a bright smile on her face, she doesn't look as though she's worried to be around Marcus nor is she annoyed that he could be here in the office.

We continue going through what I'll need her to do this week and she makes some suggestions on things she can do which will free me up, giving me more time with Marcus.

"Okay, Mr. Harlan, I'll start to write up these emails and call your lawyer for you. If you need me to do anything else, please just let me know," she says softly as she gets to her feet.

I rise from my seat and Tia's eyes widen with fear, I take a step backward hating that she's scared. Something has happened to her for her to be so fearful. My gut churns at the thought of someone hurting her.

It's not even been thirty minutes and yet, I know that she's something special. My physical reaction was telling. I haven't reacted that way in a very long time, even before Layla. But the emotional reaction was something that I haven't been able to shake. The urge to hold her, make her mine, protect her, and love her, it's fierce and I've not experienced it before. It's like a firework had gone off inside my head the moment our eyes met.

She gives me a quick smile before leaving my office. I want her, there's no question about that, but her reaction to me whenever I get close tells me that she's not ready for anything.

I guess, I just have to bide my time and wait for her.