Princely Submission by K.C. Wells

Chapter Twenty-One

“It’s not the Rack,” Jordan observed, standing by the bar and observing the occupants of the dance floor who moved to the music that throbbed through the fabric of the Abbey like a pulse.

Stuart raised his eyebrows. “Of course it’s not.” He cocked his head to one side. “But you are having a good time, aren’t you?”

Jordan nodded. “I’m having a great time. It’s a different vibe, but it’s fun.” He kept a straight face. “You surprised me.” Stuart gave him an inquiring glance, and Jordan grinned. “You have more stamina than I thought.”

Stuart snorted. “If you want a spanking tonight, there are easier ways of going about it. You could just say ‘Stuart, spank me.’”

“I can think of a better way of putting it.” There was that quizzical stare again. Jordan looked him in the eye. “I could say ‘Spank me, sir.’”

Stuart narrowed his gaze. “Great. Now I’m going to have a hard-on for the rest of the night.”

“There’s always the restroom,” Jordan suggested.

Stuart laughed. “No. Definitely not. I can see the headlines now if we got caught… Your father would have me shot.” He inclined his head toward the dance floor. “Want to dance some more? I’m sure I can summon up enough energy.” He smirked.

“Maybe later?” Then cold washed through him as Stuart’s face paled. “Stuart? What’s wrong?” He turned quickly to see what had claimed Stuart’s attention—and froze.

Danny was standing at the edge of the dance floor, leaning suggestively toward a younger man who stood with his back to the wall. They were talking, and even from that distance, Jordan couldn’t mistake the young man’s adoring gaze.

“He looks as if he’s my age,” Jordan murmured. Then he jerked his head toward Stuart, noting his reddened face, that expression of horror still evident. Jordan laid a hand on Stuart’s arm, giving it a gentle squeeze. “Breathe.”

“I can’t stand here and do nothing,” Stuart muttered. “I can’t let him hurt someone else.”

“You can’t get involved. You’re too close to this.” Jordan glanced to where the couple stood, and watched as Danny walked away in the direction of the restrooms. He turned back to Stuart. “But I’m not.” He didn’t wait for Stuart to respond, but strode over to the young man, his heart hammering, his pulse rapid.

“Excuse me,” Jordan began. “You don’t know me—and you don’t need to—but I have to give you some advice.”

The guy blinked. “You can give it, sure. Not saying I’m going to take it, but fire away. It’s a free country, so they say.”

“That man you were talking with. Is he important to you?”

Another blink. “What’s that got to do with you?”

“Nothing, but it has everything to do with your future happiness.”

Something in his expression must have gotten through. The younger man’s breathing hitched. “He’s my boyfriend. Now what is this about?”

Jordan took a deep breath. “What’s your name?”


“Okay, Trent. Your boyfriend has a wife. Did he tell you that?”

Trent stared at him with wide eyes. “He’s not married. And he’s gay.”

“I’m sure that’s what he told you, but I’m telling you the truth. Her name is Tracy. I’ve met her. And they have two little boys.”

Trent stared at him, then his face hardened. “Sorry, but you’ve got the wrong guy.”

Jordan thought fast. “Not if he has a red heart tattooed on his right hip, I don’t.”

There was no mistaking Trent’s reaction. His chin quivered, and he trembled. “Oh fuck.”

Jordan’s heart went out to him. “I’m sorry to be the one to tell you, truly I am.”

The pain on Trent’s face made Jordan’s stomach clench. “Why… why would you walk up to a complete stranger and come out with all this?”

Jordan hesitated. “If you saw a stranger about to walk into a dangerous situation, would you warn them, or keep quiet?”

Trent swallowed. “I’d say something.”

Jordan nodded. “Because you’re an honest person. But Danny isn’t, and you need to see that.”

“You’re… you’re not making this up, are you?” There was a tearful note in Trent’s voice that tugged at Jordan’s heart. “We… we’ve been dating for about six months. I don’t get to see him as often as I’d like, because he works away a lot, but—” Trent froze. “Oh God. He wasn’t working, was he? The bastard was with his wife and kids.”

Jordan heaved a sigh of relief. “Then you believe me.”

Trent swallowed. “Let’s just say a few things are starting to add up in a way I don’t like.” He gazed at Jordan with dazed eyes. “What should I do?”

“You need to make a clean break. You won’t be the first person he’s hurt, and I doubt you’ll be the last. But there’s someone out there who will care for you in a way he never can.” Jordan hoped that with all his heart.

“What’s your name?” Trent blurted out.

“Jordan.” Then he was seized in a tight hug, and tears pricked his eyes.

“Thank you, Jordan.” Trent released him, then took a step back, trembling a little. “You know what? I’m going to leave now before he comes back. I hate scenes, and if I stay and have it out with him, it’s gonna break my heart.”

“I’ll walk out with you.” Jordan put his arm around Trent’s shoulders, then went with him to the door. They stepped outside onto the boulevard, and Trent gave him another hug.

“Thank you.”

“Are you okay to get home?” Jordan hated to think of him wandering the streets in a daze. It had to have been a huge shock.

Trent nodded. “I’ll call Uber.” He bit his lip. “You didn’t have to say any of that, and when I get over the shock, I’ll probably be glad you did.” He walked off, his shoulders slumped. Jordan watched him go with a heavy heart.

A warm hand squeezed his bare shoulder. “What did you say to him?” Stuart asked.

“I told him the truth.” Jordan faced him. “Just think what a better place the world would be if everyone was honest and called others out for bad behavior. He needed to know, and I couldn’t stand by and do nothing.” He looked Stuart in the eye. “And before you ask, I didn’t do it because of you, or Tracy, or their kids. I did it because if we see problems, we should address them, even fix them if we can, and not shy away from our responsibilities.”

Stuart cupped Jordan’s face and kissed him, a fierce kiss that robbed him of air. When they parted, Jordan sucked in a breath. “What brought that on?”

Stuart smiled. “Elloria is going to have a wonderful king someday. A man with integrity, who will fight injustice wherever he sees it.”

Heat bloomed in his cheeks.

“Now. Do you want to go back inside, or do you want to go to the hotel?”

Jordan’s grin was all the answer Stuart required.

“I’ll call for a taxi.”

Jordan shivered, his gaze locked on the lengths of red rope Stuart had looped and tied around his wrists and ankles before tying the other ends to the bed posts. His arms were out to the sides, and his legs were spread wide, with enough give to allow him to bend his knees but not bring them together. A couple of pillows under his hips raised his ass off the bed.

But what set his heart thumping was Stuart, kneeling between his spread thighs, his harness snug across his chest, and his dick like a rod of steel, dark and flushed, a silicone cock ring stretched around its base, encompassing his balls.

Then Stuart spoke, and Jordan knew for the first time what it meant to be truly on fire.

“You want this cock?” Stuart moved slick fingers up and down his shaft, his gaze focused on Jordan.

Jordan nodded, unable to form words, his mouth dry, heat crawling over his skin, his own dick hard and wanting. He caught his breath as Stuart wrapped his hand around their shafts, sliding them together, both glistening with lube.

“I can’t hear you.” Stuart moved his hand a little faster.

“Yes, I want it,” Jordan blurted out.

Stuart’s eyes glittered. “Beg for it.”

Oh dear God in heaven. “Please, sir, I want your cock.” His voice quavered.

“Show me how much you want it. Let me see it in your eyes.”

Jordan stared at him. “Sir, I want you inside me.”

“Beg me to fuck you, deep and hard.” Stuart’s gruff voice rumbled, sending shudders through him.

“Oh God, use me,” Jordan pleaded. Stuart rubbed a slick thumb over Jordan’s pucker, and Jordan whimpered, unable to hold in the sound. Then he arched his back as Stuart slowly pressed it into his body, sliding it in and out, taking his time. “Oh yes. I want you. I need you, sir.” Stuart had spent close to an hour rimming him before the ropes had appeared, and Jordan wasn’t sure how much more he could take.

Stuart let go of their shafts and leaned over, his weight on his hands as he stared into Jordan’s eyes. He bent lower, until his lips were almost touching Jordan’s. “Kiss me.” Then he slipped his hand under Jordan’s head, cradling it as he fused their mouths in a searing kiss. Jordan tugged at his restraints, his fingers aching to touch, to stroke, caress…

Then Stuart straightened, reaching for a condom, and Jordan expelled a long breath. Finally… Stuart swiped a slick hand over his stony cock, then guided it to Jordan’s hole. He grabbed hold of the ropes around Jordan’s thighs, and pushed.

It was never going to be a gentle fuck, and Jordan knew it. Stuart’s grunts as he drove his dick home, the slap of flesh against flesh as he slammed into Jordan, the smacks to Jordan’s ass that punctuated his thrusts….  The head of Stuart’s cock found his prostate with unerring accuracy, and it wasn’t long before Jordan’s shivers multiplied, and he sobbed as he came without a touch to his dick.

It was over before he knew it, and he wanted to do it all over again. Stuart removed his restraints, and held Jordan to him, cradling him in his arms, pressing kiss after kiss to his lips, his cheeks, and forehead, with breathless words that held a touch of wonder as he told Jordan how beautiful he was, how he was Stuart’s boy.

Jordan yearned for that to be true with every beat of his heart.

“What day is it?” The pillow muffled Jordan’s voice, but Stuart could just about distinguish his words.

“Wednesday.” He stroked a hand down Jordan’s back in a languid motion.

“And where are we supposed to be?” Another mumble.

“La Brea Tar Pits.” Stuart kissed his shoulder. “So make sure you come up with something to say, just in case they ask you at dinner what you thought of it.”

Jordan turned his head to gaze at him. “Like I did yesterday when they asked about the Museum of Natural History? I spoke for ten minutes, telling them about the dinosaurs.”

Stuart bit his lip. “Why did you choose there for your alibi?”

“What do you mean?”

He leaned in and kissed the tip of Jordan’s nose. “Since when are you a museum kind of guy? You told me as much yourself the day we met. You don’t think your parents might be the teeniest bit suspicious of this newfound interest in museums and art galleries?”

“Maybe they’ll think you’re rubbing off on me.” Jordan grinned. “And speaking of rubbing off…”

Stuart knew that look. “You think we might actually get to see the sky today?” The last three days they’d spent every minute they could steal in bed.

Jordan laughed. “There’s a perfectly good patio out there if you really want to see the sky. But I’ve been thinking…”


Jordan whacked him on the arm. “Maybe you’re right. Maybe we need to be more active. So I know what I want to do this afternoon. There’s a place to go horse riding in Malibu.”

Stuart blinked. That was an improvement. “You want to ride a horse?”

Jordan’s sexy smile was enough to make his dick twitch. “Well, not necessarily a horse, but I intend to be riding something…”

Stuart had a feeling they wouldn’t be straying all that far from Jordan’s bed.