Bossy Baby by Athena Steller



Hayley skipped along the sidewalk to the deli. Mac had actually let him out of his sight. Well, long enough to grab lunch with Jayme, so Mac could talk to Lance in private.

“Your man is really hot,” Jayme said.

Hayley stopped. “Jayme, I swear to God, you had better not have designs on my man.”

“I don’t think a Daddy is right for me.”

“What?” Hayley grabbed Jayme’s arm and pushed him out of the path of other people. “I thought you were looking for a Daddy.”

Jayme shrugged. “I’m over it. We better get lunch before your Daddy comes looking for us.”

“No.” Hayley held his brother in place. It was hard for Jayme to be serious. He played or laughed off feelings when he was hurt. “Tell me what’s going on.”

“I just don’t think I would make a good boy.”

Jayme sounded so sad. Hayley hated hearing it, so he hugged his brother. Being boys and craving a Daddy was what connected them. They’d supported each other over the years, each searching for the man who would complete them.

Now that Hayley had found Mac, he wanted to see his brother settle down with someone like his Daddy.

“You’ll find the right Daddy. Or whatever you decide you want. There are so many different types of boys. Even with all my friends—we’re all unique and crave something different.”

“Really? You’re not just saying that?”

Hayley stepped back so he could look Jayme in the eye. “I swear. We’re all different from one another, but we still want to have a Daddy. Have someone to take care of us. To share important moments in our lives. You don’t have to know what kind of boy you are. You just have to be yourself.”

“What if there’s something wrong with me?”

“Wrong?” Hayley laughed. “You’re perfect. I love having you as my brother.” Even if Jayme did drive him crazy on occasion. Jayme was just a lot to deal with at times. He had a big heart, though. That was what Hayley thought was important in people, anyway.

“Even if I think your Daddy is hot?”

“Brat.” Hayley pushed Jayme away from him. “Now let’s go get the food. Daddy really will come looking for us if he thinks we took too long.”

The deli was only a few doors down. Once inside, he introduced Jayme to everyone that worked there and the patrons Hayley knew. Jayme was his normal charming self, but Hayley could see a sadness that he’d never noticed before.

What was going on with his brother?

He’d accepted Jayme’s story about coming to help with the store, but there was something else going on with his brother. Hayley was sure of it now. He could call his mom, but Hayley needed to figure this out on his own.

Hayley was learning that maybe the way his family always butted into each others’ lives wasn’t always the answer.

Maybe he could talk to Mac about it. Mac read people well. He’d probably have some thoughts that would help.

They grabbed the bags of food and headed back to the shop.

“What happened to that guy you were dating back home?”

Jayme shook his head. “It ended.”

“It ended?” Hayley repeated. “I need more than that. Don’t make me call Mom. You know I will.” Hayley wasn’t serious, but the threat would be enough to convince Jayme into opening up. Hopefully.

Jayme sighed and slowed. “He said I was exhausting.”

“That’s crazy,” Hayley told him, although, yeah, Jayme took a lot of energy to deal with. Still, a lover should never say that.

“He’s not the first guy that’s told me that. That’s a big reason why guys break up with me. I’m just too much.”

“Too much perfection,” Hayley stated.

Jayme snorted. “Yeah, right.”

“I’m serious,” Hayley insisted. “You’re awesome.”

“You think that because you’re my brother.”

“Actually, I would be the one who didn’t think so if you weren’t.”

“You’re sweet, Hayley.”

“And running late.” Mac appeared annoyed. Or maybe worried.

Hayley turned to the door of his shop. “Hi, Daddy.”

“Yeah, hi, Daddy.”

Mac ignored Jayme and took the bag from Hayley. “What took so long?”

“Nothing,” Hayley replied quickly. He’d talked to Mac later about what to do with his brother.

“Let’s eat,” Mac said. “You can get away with half a pain pill for now.”

“Ah, Daddy,” Hayley whined.

“Half as long as you’re still feeling okay later. We don’t want a repeat of yesterday.”

Hayley blushed. He couldn’t believe that he’d thrown a temper tantrum. But the pain had been bad. And Mac had been wonderful. “I don’t know, Daddy. I really enjoyed my story time.”

“If you’re a good boy, you might get another tonight.”

“Yay!” Hayley cried. “Come on, Jayme. We have to eat all our food.”

“Why? It’s not like I get a story. What kind of story was it? Was it hot?”

“It was sweet.”

“But was there lots of sex? Hot monkey sex?”

“Monkey sex?” Lance asked, as they reached the counter. “What exactly is monkey sex?”

“You know.” Jayme started jumping around while making monkey sounds.

“That is disturbing,” Lance commented.

Hayley thought it was funny. He jumped off the stool, but Mac caught him around the waist.

“No monkeying around for you.”

“Oh my God!” Hayley threw his arms around Mac’s neck. “That was perfect.”

“Everything is a lie. It’s all a lie,” Lance said sadly.

Hayley turned to him. “What?”

“Everything that I thought I knew about Mac. It’s all worthless now. He’s nothing more than a…a…big dork.”

“You just used the word dork,” Mac pointed out.

“It’s contagious,” Lance declared.

Hayley laughed. This was fun. He liked having lunch with his Daddy, his brother, and his new friend. Even if Lance had told him they wouldn’t be friends. Because Lance didn’t have friends. That just made Hayley want to be friends with Lance even more.

“You need to eat,” Mac reminded Hayley.

“Sorry.” Hayley settled back on his stool. He had four now. His brother had brought some down from the apartment. Something about the floor being lava. Hayley didn’t ask too many questions. How Jayme had never broken a bone was beyond Hayley’s comprehension.

He received a kiss on the top of his head before Mac laid out his food in front of him.

Just as he took his first bite, the bell rang, announcing the door opening.

“Stay,” Mac told him.

“Woof woof,” Jayme replied.

“Weird,” Lance muttered.

Hayley collapsed into giggles, barely managing to swallow his food.

“Hayley! Your BFF is here!”

“Avery!” Hayley jumped down and raced to the front of the store. Mac reached for him, but Hayley was nimble and slipped through the open space.

Growling sounded behind him.

Hayley was probably going to pay for that later, but Avery was there!

“Avery!” Hayley hugged his friend when he reached him.

“Hi, Hayley.” Avery said, patting his back. “Sorry I couldn’t come by earlier. We wanted to check on you.”

Hayley held up his colorful cast. “Look! Isn’t it pretty?”

“Okay, yeah,” Avery said, frowning. “But doesn’t it hurt?”

“Not too bad,” Hayley said. The prior day’s tantrum did not need to be brought up. “Mac’s taking really good care of me.”

“Like making him eat so he can take his medicine,” Mac stated, coming up behind him.

“I’m just being polite,” Hayley spun around and told Mac. “They’re guests.”

Mac snorted. “Nice try. Now get your cute little behind back to the counter and eat.”

Avery giggled. Hayley grinned. He grabbed Avery’s hand with his uninjured one and pulled him to the counter.

“Do you want to sign my cast?” Hayley asked Avery as they reached the counter.

Instead of answering, Avery looked down before his gaze went beside Hayley again.

What was that about? Oh! Avery hadn’t met his brother. “Avery, this is my brother, Jayme. He came down to help.” Hayley glanced around. Lance was gone. There was no sign that he had ever been there.

Huh, that was weird. Hayley glanced at Jayme.

Jayme grunted. “He does that. Drops in suddenly. Calls me weird. Then disappears.” Jayme grinned at Avery. “It’s nice to meet you. I’m the cool brother.”

Avery giggled before he waved. “Hi.”

Mac and Jace were speaking quietly as they reached them, so Hayley quickly climbed back up on his stool. He didn’t want to make Daddy mad. Hayley was hoping for a special treat again.

“Baby, Jace invited us to the club tonight with the other boys. Master Finn wants someone to check out the play area before the opening night.”

“Really?” Hayley almost fell off his stool again.

Mac grabbed his waist. “Not if you break your other arm.”

“Sorry! But that would be so cool!” He glanced at his brother. Jayme was looking down at his food. “Could Jayme come?” Maybe they could find someone to grab his brother’s attention.

“I don’t see why not.” Mac turned to Hayley’s brother. “Jayme, would you like to join us?”

Jayme shrugged. “I don’t want to be in the way.”

“You won’t!” Avery hopped over to Jayme. “The club is fun. And I can’t wait to see the playroom. Master Finn even asked me for my advice. Are you scared to go alone? Don’t be afraid. I’ll stay by your side. We can be friends.” He spoke fast.

Jayme’s eyes had widened as Avery spoke. Jayme looked quickly at Hayley before returning his attention to Avery. “I would like to be your friend. I don’t know anyone here besides my brother. Well and Mac, now.”

“Yay!” Avery jumped around before hugging Jayme. “I love making new friends.”

Jayme hugged Avery back. “I bet you’re really good at it. I’m kind of weird, though.”

Hayley didn’t think his brother was weird. He hated hearing Jayme talk about himself like that.

“Being weird is awesome!” Avery said before Hayley could correct his brother. “See him?” Avery pointed at Jace. “He’s my Daddy. And even though I’m over twenty, he takes care of me. I get really stressed out all the time and Jace knows just what to do for me.” Avery pulled his binkie from under his shirt. It was attached on some short of long chain that looked like a necklace. “And I love binkies!”

“That’s…cool. I don’t have anything like that,” Jayme told Avery. He leaned forward and lowered his voice. “I thought I wanted a Daddy, but I don’t think so anymore.”

“Oh, you don’t have to have a Daddy. That’s what’s so neat about the club. You can check things out. Please say you’ll come!”

“Yes, if that’s okay with everyone else.”

“It is!” Avery ran over to Jace. “Daddy! Jayme is going to come tonight, too. And I’ll be his friend. I’ll stay by his side the whole time so he doesn’t get scared.”

“You’ll be a good friend to him,” Jace told his boy.

“I think we should make special treats to take tonight.”

Mac chuckled as Jace shook his head. Even Hayley had to stifle a laugh. Avery wasn’t very subtle.

Hayley loved his friend, all his friends really. And going to the club while actually having a Daddy was going to be awesome. Hayley couldn’t wait.



“Are you sure I’m dressed okay?” Hayley asked for like the tenth time. He hadn’t ever been this nervous being a little in public before. But this time was special. He didn’t want to embarrass Mac or anything.

“Hayley.” Mac stopped before they reached the front door of the club. “Look at me.”

Hayley peered up at Mac.

“You could be wearing a trash bag and I would be proud to hold your hand. I’m still amazed that you even gave me a second glance. Nothing is going to make feel better than walking into that club with your hand in mine.”

“You’re a sap,” Hayley responded. “And I’m being silly.” Hayley had even brought one of the outfits from his apartment, a cute pair of yellow shorts and a pink shirt with a big rainbow.

“You are being a tad silly,” Mac agreed. “And fucking adorable.”

“Bad word!” Hayley clamped his hand over Mac’s mouth, his boy persona now at the front. “Bad Daddy.”

Shocking the hell out of him, Mac actually licked Hayley’s hand.

“Eww!” Hayley screeched.

“My spit is gross?”

“Daddy!” He wiped his hand on Mac’s tight black shirt. His Daddy looked hot. Mac wore tight jeans and a tight T-shirt. As much as he loved being able to touch and see Mac’s bare chest, he didn’t want any other boys to see it. Mac was his.

“Can we go inside?” Jayme asked, closer to the door.

They’d picked up his brother on the way to the club. Hayley had offered to let Jayme borrow some clothes, but Jayme had declined, instead wearing a pair of jeans with so many holes Hayley couldn’t figure out how they remained on. Jayme also wore a tight purple tank top. It wasn’t an outfit that Hayley had ever seen his brother in before, but Jayme appeared comfortable. That was really all that mattered. He wanted Jayme to have a good time at the club.

Earlier, Mac had added Hayley to his own membership and paid for a three-month membership for Jayme. That way, if they enjoyed the new playroom, they could come together or with their friends. His Daddy was the best.

“Coming,” Hayley hollered back to his brother. He held out his hand to Mac. “Hold my hand, Daddy?”

“Always.” Mac linked their fingers together before he brought up Hayley’s hand and kissed his knuckles.

His nerves settled, Hayley didn’t have any reason to be anxious. There had been plenty of time for Mac to find another boy. Instead, every move Mac had made had been to benefit Hayley.

There was no need to be nervous or doubt that Mac wanted him.

That security, knowing how much Mac cared, that was amazing. Hayley was such a lucky boy. He had no idea how he’d gotten so lucky, but he wasn’t going to waste another minute worrying. Mac was his. They were a couple. And it was time for other people to see it as well.

“Let’s go, Daddy!” Hayley tugged Mac behind him.

Once inside the club, Hayley and Jayme had to sign their paperwork. The sweet young man behind the counter also went over the rules. Jayme began to fidget, but before Hayley could do anything, Mac set his free hand on Jayme’s shoulder. The touch seemed to settle his brother.

Hayley beamed at Mac before giving him a quick kiss on the cheek.

After handing over their coats and electronics, they were released to enter the main floor. Two big bouncers stood outside the doors, opening them when they approached.

“If you have any questions or need anything, please find someone with a black band around their arm,” the Hispanic bouncer said.

“Thank you,” Mac responded. “We’re meeting friends here. Master Finn asked us to look at the new playroom before it opens.”

The bouncer’s face transformed when he smiled. He was an attractive man. Not as hot as his Daddy, but maybe a possibility for Jayme. Hayley would have to investigate if he was single. “Little Avery was practically flying, he was so excited. They should be at their regular booth.”

“Thanks again.” Mac led him and Jayme through the doors.

The music wasn’t overly loud, which Hayley was thankful for. Conversations could still happen in the booths that lined the wall. Farther back in the club, the music was louder for the dancers.

Last time when he’d come as Avery’s guest, Hayley had a blast dancing with his friends. He couldn’t wait to see the playroom, though.

Escorting them toward the middle of the main room, Mac directed them toward their friends.

“They’re here! They’re here!” Avery hollered as they approached.

“Let them sit down, baby,” Jace gently chided Avery.

“But I want to see the playroom,” Avery whined.

Hayley agreed with his friend but didn’t say anything.

Mac introduced their friends to Jayme before allowing Hayley and Jayme to slide into the booth.

“Can we have our treats?” Avery asked.

“Later, boy,” Jace answered. “Let our friends get some drinks. Then we’ll look at the playroom. And have our snacks after.”

“Yes, Daddy,” Avery said with a pout.

Hayley reached out and hugged Avery. He didn’t like to see his friend sad.

Caleb and Jayme were talking quietly while Mitch looked about ready to fall asleep on Byron’s lap.

“Is Mitch okay?” Hayley asked Avery softly.

“He had to go to work early,” Avery told him. “He’s working a big case. Byron tried to get him to stay home, but Mitch really wants to see the room too.”

“Oh.” Hayley hated that Mitch was tired. “We could have waited.”

“I offered. Said we could come tomorrow night, but Mitch insisted. I figured maybe he needed the break.”

“You’re such a good friend,” Hayley said.

Avery pushed over his coloring book to share as Mac ordered them drinks.

Picking up a green crayon, Hayley began to color the Christmas tree in the picture. Having to use his left hand, he was already coloring outside the lines. But since Avery barely stayed inside the lines when he was coloring with his good hand, Hayley didn’t think it was a big deal.

“I can’t wait to decorate for Christmas,” he said absently.

“We need to get decorations ordered,” Mac said. He ran his hand down Hayley’s back. Hayley liked that Mac touched him so often now. Hayley had initially been the one who initiated contact, but now Mac did it on his own. “And hire someone to put lights on the house.”

“Icicles!” Hayley declared. He set his crayon down to grab Mac’s hand. “The house would be so beautiful with icicles around it!”

“If that’s what you want,” Mac told him.

“I can give you the number of the guy who’s doing our house,” Grant offered.

“Please, Daddy! Even if it’s early, we can put them up, right?”

“Of course,” Mac easily agreed.

“Yes!” Hayley pumped his arm in victory.

“Daddy,” Avery called.

“I already got the number from Grant. I figured you’d want colorful lights.”

“Yes, Daddy!” Avery cheered.

Hayley was getting excited. Christmas was the best holiday. Their family always had a huge celebration. But…oh, with the shop and his broken arm, it would be hard to get away. Hayley peered up at Mac.

“What’s the matter, boy?” Mac lowered his head.

“I don’t think I’ll be going home for Christmas this year.”

“If you want to go home, I’ll make certain you get there.”

“What if I wanted to stay with you? To celebrate with you?”

Mac’s smile was radiant. “I’d love that. We can start our own traditions. I plan to have you with me for many more Christmases to come.”

“But we should still have a big dinner. We can invite all our friends!” Hayley turned toward the rest of the group. “Doesn’t that sound great! Maybe on Christmas Eve?”

“Yes!” Avery shouted. “A family Christmas.”

“I’ve always been alone on Christmas,” Caleb added. “I’d like that. I could help cook dinner.”

“Yes! Christmas Eve dinner at our house!”

He grunted as Jayme elbowed him. Hard. “Ow,” Hayley pushed his brother away.

“Boys, behave,” Mac scolded.

“He hit me,” Hayley tattled.

“Maybe you should ask Mac if he minds you volunteering his house for your dinner,” Jayme told him.

“Oh.” Hayley looked at Mac in horror. Would his Daddy be mad? Hayley didn’t live in the house. He was just a guest. How dumb could he be? “I’m sorry.”

“Baby.” Mac pulled him close. “My house is your house. If you want to host a party or a dinner, that’s what we’ll do.”

Hayley rubbed his hand down Mac’s chest. “I didn’t mean to overstep.”

Mac sighed. “Guys, we’re going to talk for a minute. We’ll be back.”

“Take your time,” Byron said.

Mac clasped Hayley’s hand as he stood. Mac took Hayley to an empty table not far from their friends.

Hayley wanted to hide in embarrassment. He couldn’t believe he’d gotten so carried away. Okay, that was a lie. Hayley got carried away often. That was how he’d broken his arm, after all.

“Will you sit in my lap?” Mac asked.

Hayley climbed right on up. Mac might be mad at him, but at least he wasn’t pushing him away.

“I want to make sure you listen carefully,” Mac told him.

“I will. Promise.”

“I know that we technically just started dating,” Mac said. “I also haven’t hidden how long I’ve been interested in you or how I bought that house for you specifically.”

No, Mac had been honest about it all.

“Most boys would have ran away screaming when they found out I not only bought them a house, but also about my past.”

“I will never run from you.”

Mac kissed his forehead. “Thank you for saying that. But I need you to understand something.”

Hayley was moving too fast for Mac. He’d messed up.

“If I could have moved you in the first night you stayed, I would have,” Mac said.

“You…what now?”

“That is our home,” Mac said. He held Hayley’s hand tightly. “I want you there every night. I want to wake up with you every morning. I want holidays, dinners, and parties.”

“You want me to stay?”

“Yes,” Mac responded quickly. “I was hoping to convince you every day to bring more and more stuff to our house so you never had to go to your apartment again.”

“I was putting everything I could in the bags. Just so all my stuff would be at your house.”

“Our house,” Mac corrected. “It’s our house.”

Hayley threw his arms around Mac’s neck and squeezed. “I’m living with you now.”

Chuckling, Mac hugged him back. “Yes, you are. But there is one more thing I need to say.”

“No Christmas Eve dinner?” Hayley guessed. He really should have known better. Mac was a private person, and it wasn’t fair for Hayley to just be inviting people over.

“Christmas Eve dinner is fine. I just want to tell you. Right here and right now.” Mac took a deep breath. “I love you, Hayley. I know I told you that once, but I want you to really listen. You are everything good in my life. Never be afraid to ask. Hell, you don’t have to ask. It’s our future we are working on. Planning. Everything I have is to share with you.”

Hayley’s eyes filled. This was the best night in his entire life! “I love you, too. So much.”

Mac kissed him. Hard. Deep. Claiming.

Hayley was about to say screw it and beg Mac to take him home when Mac pulled away.

Rowdy applause and cat calls reached him.

Hayley looked over Mac’s shoulder to see all their friends hooting and hollering at them. Even Master Fin.

“They’re acting like idiots, aren’t they?” Mac asked.

“They’re our friends,” Hayley replied with a grin. “They love us.”

Mac grunted.

“Master Finn is with them. I want to see the playroom, but I also really, really want you to take me home, like right now.”

“How about we check out the playroom and I promise when I get you home, I’ll make love to you all night long?”

Well, that was perfect. “Home,” Hayley said. “We play, then you take me home.”

He got another kiss.