Bossy Baby by Athena Steller



Hayley yawned, knowing he wouldn’t be able to stay awake much longer, and dropped his head back to peer up at Mac. After Mac had fed him, they’d gotten out the treats for the kittens, and he’d finally gotten to see Socks, who did indeed look like she was wearing white socks. Then they’d settled in to finish their movie. It had been the perfect evening. But the events of the day and his pain meds were catching up with him.

Although he could stay in Mac’s arms all night long.

Mac who was so into the Star Wars movie playing that he hadn’t noticed Hayley was staring at him.

He couldn’t hold back another yawn, though.

“You okay?” Mac grabbed the remote and paused the movie.


“We can finish the movie tomorrow. How about I tuck you into bed?”

Hayley glanced down at the borrowed hospital scrubs shirt. “I suppose it would be too difficult to shower, huh?”

“I had some ideas about that earlier,” Mac responded. “I’d say we might have to wait on a shower, but what about a bath?”

“A bath?” That sounded awesome. Hayley wanted to ask… Mac had been the one who had brought up being his Daddy. They hadn’t committed to anything yet, but maybe this would be a good trial. “With bubbles?”

“Is there any other kind of bath? Of course with bubbles.” Mac’s smile transformed his face. He was so open and warm right then.

Hayley grinned. He should have known. “I’d really like that.”

“I put the Saran wrap and tape upstairs already. Come on.” Mac helped Hayley stand before he folded up the blanket…which left Hayley in just the shirt and his briefs.

Mac held out his hand. “Come on, my sexy little man. I think you’ll feel much better after a bath.”

Grabbing hold of Mac’s hand, Hayley tugged him toward the stairs. “Lots of bubbles,” he said. “Like where they go all the way to my chin.” He was going to get a bubble bath by a man who wanted to be his Daddy. His very own Daddy. How was this even happening right now?

“We’ll see,” Mac responded, obviously finding him adorable, since he was also laughing. And Hayley was adorable, even if he said so himself.

“Did you know bubbles come in flavors? I saw blueberry bubbles one time. I only have a shower in my apartment so I don’t get to have baths often.”

“I’ll get you blueberry bubbles,” Mac promised. “And any other flavors. Tonight we’ll use the lavender bubbles I picked up. They should help you relax. You’re feeling okay right now, but the pain will come back.”

Hayley glanced down at his cast. Except for the weight of the thing, he could almost forget it was there. The beautiful rainbow cast that Mac had picked out just for him.

It was unbelievable that earlier that very same morning Hayley hadn’t known how Mac truly felt about him. Hayley had doubted himself so much that he’d missed the signals Mac had been giving him.

How had he gotten the attention of such a kind man?

Sure, Mac had secrets. Hayley didn’t miss that he had to pry out any information about Mac’s past. Mac was much more open about the present. And their future. But if Mac needed time, then Hayley had all the time in the world. Because he couldn’t forget their conversation earlier.

Mac wanted to be his Daddy!

Hayley hadn’t even had to be the one to say it first.

He thought Mac was leading him back to the room he’d napped in, but he turned right instead. Mac’s room!

“My tub is bigger and has jets. I thought you’d enjoy it more.”

“That sounds awesome!” Hayley enthused. He was trying to take in as much of Mac’s room as he could. The furniture was big, dark, and looked expensive. Something he could see Mac picking out.

A half-open closet door showed a pile of clothes on the floor.

Hayley would be dying to clean that mess up if he wasn’t so excited for his bath. Across the room was also a set of French doors. Maybe that led to a private balcony or something just as romantic. Mac said he’d have plenty of time to explore. Hayley hoped he’d still have time.

“In here.” Mac opened the bathroom door.

Gasping, Hayley couldn’t believe his eyes. It was the biggest bathroom he’d ever seen. Beautiful white, blue, and silver tiles shone from one side of the room to the other. The gorgeous tiles covered the walls, shower, and around the base of the tub. A long dark blue rug stood in the middle of the floor.

“There’s a heater under the tile for winter. I haven’t been here in the colder months, but that sounded nice.” Mac pointed to the large towel rack against the wall. “We’ll probably be using it before too long though.” Four dark blue towels hung from the silver rack. “One of my favorite features is the warming rack. I put clean towels on it earlier for you.”

How much money did Mac have? Not that it really mattered. But Hayley was still in shock. Even the best hotel he’d ever stayed in hadn’t had a bathroom this nice.

“Do you like it?”

Hayley laughed. “It’s awesome!” He glanced over at Mac. Mac looked…nervous. “Mac? What did you do?” Mac had totally done something for Hayley, something Hayley wouldn’t know if he didn’t outright ask.

After a few moments of Mac’s shifting on his feet and not meeting his eyes, Hayley moved to stand in front of him. “Mac?”

“I designed this room especially for you,” Mac confessed. There was that light blush on his cheeks and the top of his bald head. Oh, Hayley had never noticed that before.

“You designed it?”

Mac cleared his throat. Then yep, rubbed the back of his head. “I cut out a bunch of pictures from magazines and put them together. Then gave them to the construction crew and decorator.

For him. Not for himself. Mac had designed the stunning room for him.

Wrapping his good arm around Mac’s waist, he squeezed as hard as he could.

“Oh wow,” Mac said. “That’s nice…”

“What?” Hayley let his head fall back so he could look up at Mac.

“The hug. I like it.”

Mac liked his hugs. Cool! “So I can hug you more often?” He didn’t know why he felt the need to ask. Mac didn’t pull away when Hayley touched him. Still, Mac also wasn’t always comfortable when Hayley touched him, either.

“I’d like that,” Mac said quietly. “As often as you want.”

“I’ll hug you until you come to expect it,” Hayley decided. “Even crave it.”

“I already crave it,” Mac whispered.

Hayley beamed up at him. “Only one thing would make it better.”

Mac’s hands had been on Hayley’s shoulder, but now he picked them up. “Am I not doing it right?”

“Of course you are,” Hayley reassured him, although he would have preferred to be hugged back.

“I think you might be fibbing,” Mac said. “Let’s try it again.”

“Okay.” Heck, he would hug Mac all night long if that made the big guy happy. Laying his cheek against Mac’s chest, right over his heart, Hayley closed his eyes and squeezed.

This time Mac must have been prepared. He slid his arms around Hayley until he was embracing him back. He didn’t squeeze like Hayley was doing, but there was definite pressure.

Hayley lifted his head again. “See? Almost perfect.”

Mac lifted a thick eyebrow at him. “Almost?”

Nodding, Hayley lifted up to his tiptoes. “You should kiss me now.”

“I should?” Mac asked, but he was smiling.

“For sure,” Hayley said. “This is the perfect moment. A kiss would seal it.”

“My bossy boy,” Mac murmured.

As long as Mac kept saying my boy, Hayley didn’t care what other words were in the sentence. And Hayley knew he had a bossy side. In his family, being the youngest, he’d had to do something so he wasn’t always picked on.

Mac lowered his head. “The perfect moment.”

Hayley nodded excitedly.

Mac’s gaze was on his lips. Was he going to do it? Would he finally kiss Hayley? The waiting was killing him.

“Well, I wouldn’t want to ruin the perfect moment,” Mac told him.

He lowered his head slowly, as if Hayley might change his mind. Like that would ever happen. Hayley grasped the back of Mac’s neck as he strained to reach Mac’s lips.

“I’ve wanted to do this for a very long time,” Mac said against his lips.

“Me too,” Hayley admitted. So long. Too long. But he also didn’t want to rush the moment either.

Mac’s lips twitched. “You have to stay still. You are about to vibrate out of my arms.”

Mac was teasing him now? Oh, that was not nice. Okay, waiting time was over. Hayley tightened the hand on the back of Mac’s neck and yanked him down. At the same time, he pushed up and laid his lips on Mac’s.

The world must have stopped spinning.

Just the slight touch of their lips and Hayley knew he would never want to kiss anyone else ever again.

Mac growled before he took complete control, even lifting Hayley off his feet.

Hayley opened for Mac’s tongue. As the kiss deepened, Hayley hoped it never ended. Mac tasted like danger and passion. Hot. Erotic.

Ripping his mouth away, Mac panted, staring at Hayley.

In a daze, Hayley merely stared back.

“That was a good first kiss,” Mac managed.

“It was a scorching first kiss. Let’s do it again.”

Mac began to lean down, then frowned. “You need a bath and rest.”

“Oh no,” Hayley said hotly. “I need another kiss like that.”

“If you’re a good boy in your bath, you’ll get more kisses.”

“Deal.” Hayley could totally get behind receiving kisses as rewards.

Mac set him back down on his feet. He gently rubbed his fingers above Hayley’s elbow. right where the cast started. “I didn’t hurt you, did I?”

“No,” Hayley quickly assured him. “Trust me, I’m feeling no pain.”

“Good.” Mac nodded. “I never want to hurt you. You have to tell me if I ever do.”

“I’m tougher than I look,” Hayley responded. He didn’t want Mac being too careful with him. There was a time and a place for a little rough loving.

“Let’s get that cast wrapped up and you into the tub,” Mac suggested.

“Then more kisses.” He wasn’t going to let Mac forget.

“Then more kisses,” Mac agreed.

Getting his cast wrapped was interesting. Mac was so worried about hurting him that Hayley ended up having to talk the big guy through the process.

Now that Mac was bent over the tub pouring bubbles into the water, Hayley got his chance to check Mac out without being observed in return. Mac’s awareness of his surroundings at all times and how he avoided questions was starting to paint a picture in Hayley’s mind. He could be totally off base, but Hayley didn’t think so.

Retired from the government.

No way had Mac been FBI or a suit-wearing agent. But CIA, yeah, that was entirely possible. Still something else niggled at his brain. Stories told by his Papa Brandon.

He’d wait. Mac wasn’t ready to tell Hayley. But Hayley also knew the conversation was going to have to happen.

“Ready?” Mac turned toward him, then frowned.

“What?” Was Hayley supposed to be doing something? Mac had insisted on doing everything for him since they’d entered the bathroom.

“You have to get undressed to take a bath.”

“I know.” Hayley wiggled his eyebrows. “I need help.”

Mac’s lips twitched. He wanted to laugh.

“I’m so helpless,” Hayley drawled. “I need you to undress me. I couldn’t possibly do it on my own.”

Shaking his head, Mac stalked toward him. Oh yeah, he looked like a predator sneaking up on his prey. Hayley would not mind being preyed on by Mac.

“Is that so? You need Daddy to help you?” Mac’s eyes widened as soon as he said the word Daddy.

Hayley knew exactly how Mac felt. That word sounded so right. Hayley dropped all playfulness. “Yes, Daddy, please help me.”

Mac made a sound that sounded suspiciously like a whimper. Then, for the first time since they’d met, Mac touched him first. Mac wrapped his arms around Hayley and hugged him.

Hayley leaned into the hold and embraced Mac too, letting Mac know that he understood. They hugged for a long minute before Mac pulled back.

“Let’s get you undressed and into your bubble bath.”

Hayley nodded. He was abit choked up. Emotional.

Mac took his time and with gentle hands peeled the large hospital scrubs shirt from Hayley’s body. Mac peered at his briefs before shaking his head. “I love these undies.”

Hayley grinned. They were now his favorite pair.

Mac lowered himself to one knee before he gripped the waistband of Hayley’s underwear.

There was no hiding his erection, so Hayley didn’t even try.

Mac pulled the briefs down Hayley’s legs. Hayley stepped out of them but Mac remained kneeling. Then he leaned forward and kissed Hayley’s stomach, just above his belly button. “You are beautiful.”

Mac made Hayley feel beautiful.

Standing, Mac held out his hand and led Hayley to the tub that was almost full. Mac turned off the water before helping Hayley climb in.

It would be much better if Mac got into the tub with him, but, suddenly shy, Hayley didn’t ask.

“Lean back and soak for a while. I’ll grab you something to change into then come back and help you wash up.”

“Thank you,” Hayley whispered. He was overwhelmed by the care that Mac was showing him.

Mac nodded before rushing from the room. Maybe he needed a moment too? Things were happening fast between them.

Leaning back, Hayley closed his eyes and smiled. Their relationship might be progressing fast, but it felt right.


Mac had to sit down. He strode out of the bathroom and straight to his bed, where he sat on the edge of the mattress and drew a deep breath. He didn’t do well with emotions. The military had trained that out of him.

In order to live the life he had, Mac had become a monster. Except, he hadn’t felt like a monster at first.

He’d killed. Yes. Both in uniform and in the shadows.

But he’d never taken an innocent life. Of that he was certain. He had, however, taken money for a life. If that didn’t make him a monster, then he wasn’t sure what he was. All he knew for sure was that he was going to have to confess his misdeeds to Hayley.

Mac had honestly thought that he would be able to keep his secret. That he’d come up with some half-truths that would satisfy Hayley’s curious nature and that would be the end of things.

The truth didn’t have to be voiced. But it needed to be. Hayley trusted him. Hayley allowed himself to be exposed. Not just his body, but his soul as well. They’d never be true partners—real—if Mac didn’t lay all his cards out and let Hayley decide on his own if Mac was good enough for him.

A sharp pain in his chest had Mac gasping.

He could lose his boy before he’d even been given the chance to truly know him.

But telling Hayley was the right thing to do.

Mac closed his eyes and counted backward from ten. Then he did it again. Five times he counted, until he felt steady again. As long as Hayley was there, Mac would do everything in his power to show Hayley that he’d be a good Daddy. He might not have much time, so Mac would enjoy every minute he had with Hayley.

Rising from the bed, he walked toward the French doors on the other side of the room.

He hadn’t missed the way that Hayley’s eyes had drifted to the doors, not knowing the surprise that awaited him.

Mac pushed open the door before flipping on the light.

The playroom brightened and he smiled.

There was more that could be added, but the playroom was one of Mac’s proudest accomplishments. Maybe it would show Hayley how serious he was about becoming the perfect Daddy for him.

This wouldn’t be the first time that Mac reinvented himself, but this felt like it would be the most important. It was also the only time he was putting his own wants above anything else.

It wasn’t that he just wanted Hayley, though. He craved Hayley.

Striding to the dresser, Mac pulled the top drawer open. Bright colors were laid out on front of him.

He chose a pale blue pair of briefs before moving to the second drawer.

Shopping for clothes had been the most difficult part of getting the playroom together. Hayley was around the same size as Avery so the sizes were pretty easy to guess at, but what Hayley would want was a different story.

Since Hayley had reacted so strongly to his kittens, Mac decided to pick the pajama pants that were black with white kittens and paw prints on them. He also chose a plain white T-shirt.

That was simple but would still give Hayley a bit of fun.

Pleased with what he could offer, Mac closed the drawers before walking back to the room. He glanced over his shoulder and looked around one last time. In the morning, he’d show Hayley. Maybe that would entice Hayley to stick around a little longer.

He shut the doors quietly behind him before returning to the bathroom.

Mac stopped in the doorway.

Hayley was leaning back with his eyes closed and a sweet smile on his lips. He seemed to be at peace. And Mac had to be closer to him.

Setting the clothes on the counter, Mac made his way to the tub and sat on the edge.

Hayley cracked his eyes open. “You might never be able to get me out of this tub.”

“Oh yeah?” Mac leaned over and flicked the switch which turned on the jets.

A low, long moan escaped Hayley’s lips.

Mac’s erection had gone down when he’d realized what confessions he was going to have to make. He was fully hard once again now though.

“That’s it,” Hayley said. “I’m moving in.”

Chuckling, Mac barely bit back the words that he’d hold Hayley to that promise. He needed to give the boy time. And the truth.

“How about you enjoy the jets while I wash you?”

“Yes please.” Hayley licked his lips. “But you should know that I’m truly enjoying this bath. Like, a lot.”

“Good.” Mac wanted Hayley to enjoy his bath.

Hayley sighed. “I’m hard, Mac.”

“Oh.” Shit, was he blushing? No one had ever made him blush in his entire life. “You were earlier, too.”

Nodding, Hayley dropped his gaze. “But if you…clean me…th…there… I might—”

Mac leaned forward and cut Hayley off with a kiss. “If you can be a good boy and hold off, I’ll give you a special treat.”

“Really?” Hayley sat up. “What kind of treat?”

Mac shook his head. “Guess you’ll have to be good to find out.”

With a huff Hayley lay back. “Not fair.”

Maybe not, but Mac bet Hayley would do his best not to come yet. Picking up the washcloth he’d set on the edge of the tub, Mac dipped it in the water. He wrang it out before adding some liquid soap.

Haley watched him with undisguised lust in his eyes. Oh, Mac was going to have fun with this.

Starting at Hayley’s neck, Mac cleaned his boy thoroughly. Very, very, thoroughly.

He thought that Hayley was going to actually make it through without coming, but when Mac started to clean Hayley’s hole while wrapping the fingers of his other hand around Haley’s cock, that was all his boy could take.

Hayley shouted out his release.

Mac watched Hayley’s face the entire time his boy came, never wanting to forget the absolute passion he’d witnessed.

“Cheater,” Hayley mumbled as Mac pumped the last drops of come out of him.

“Never said I’d play fair,” Mac responded. “Guess I’ll have to hold on to the treat until next time.”

Hayley tried to glare at him but his big a huge yawn ruined the affect he was going for.

It was time to get his boy out of the tub and into bed. Sadly, not Mac’s bed. Hayley needed real sleep. And Mac wasn’t sure he could keep his hands off Hayley if he had the boy in his bed.