Bossy Baby by Athena Steller



Fresh from a shared shower and still wrapped in a towel, Hayley sat on Mac’s bed as the older man moved around the room. Mac was cute mumbling to himself as he pulled on a thin pair of lounge pants. No shirt. Mac should never wear a shirt again. Except maybe in public. Yeah, Hayley didn’t want other boys looking at his Daddy.

From what Hayley could tell, Mac was thinking about what to make Hayley for dinner and needing to get pain meds into him. Truthfully, Hayley didn’t think he needed the meds. He was actually floating in the blissfulness that Mac had left him.

The tour had been fun. Mac had shown Hayley all around the property. And his Daddy carried him the entire time. As Mac showed him everything, Hayley could tell how proud the man was. Hayley kept pointing out all the places he could get special rewards.

By the time they were done, Hayley had been hard again.

And Mac had indeed rewarded Hayley with a quick hand job before their shower.

With a sigh as Mac continued to mumble, Hayley looked around. Of course, his gaze landed on the French doors.


Hayley jerked and looked up. Mac stood at the foot of the bed, looking at him with concern. Damn, how long had he been talking to Hayley? “I’m sorry. What?”

Mac frowned. “Are you okay?”

Hayley nodded. He tried, damn he tried hard, but he couldn’t help but look toward those doors. Maybe Mac would want to play with him. Mac had plans for dinner and settling on the couch, but Hayley needed to see the special room again. The room that Mac had designed for him in mind.

“I asked what you felt like for dinner,” Mac said.

“I don’t know.” Hayley darted a look back to those doors.

Mac laughed. “Something you want to ask me?”

“Would it be okay if we spent some time in the playroom?” Hayley asked quietly.

“Yes.” That simple. Mac had smiled and answered.

Hayley should have known that Mac would be on board with whatever Hayley needed.

“Come on little boy.” Mac held out his hand. “Let’s get you dressed then unwind before we worry about dinner.”

Hayley slipped his hand into Mac’s and was pulled off the bed.

Mac didn’t hesitate, just led Hayley to the French doors and pushed them open.

When Hayley flipped the light switch for the lamps, the room brightened around them.

“Play!” Hayley squealed.

“Dressed first,” Mac corrected.

“But, Daddy…”

“No whining, baby,” Mac scolded. “You aren’t going to be crawling around on the floor naked. I’d never survive that.”

Huffing, Hayley crossed his arms over his chest. “Mean Daddy.”

Mac didn’t get mad at him. He simply picked Hayley up and nipped at the flesh between his neck and shoulder. “Someone must want a spanking.”

“No! I’ll be good.” Although, hmm, a spanking? That might be nice. Hayley bet he’d get another orgasm out of it.

“I don’t think you’d really mind a spanking, so we might have to take that off the table as a punishment.”

Mac wasn’t wrong. He sat Hayley down on the twin bed before heading toward the dresser against the wall.

“I have pajama pants and a shirt I think will be perfect for playtime.”

“K.” Hayley kicked his feet while he waited for Mac to decide. He didn’t really care. By now he knew that whatever Mac chose would be soft and of the highest quality.

It’d been hard not to ask questions earlier when Mac had shown him all the security measures for the house. Mac was obviously avoiding telling Hayley something big, which made Hayley believe even more strongly that he was right about Mac’s past.

They were eventually going to have to have a discussion, but it could wait. Hayley just wanted to let go of everything for the night. No serious talks or worries about what Mac might tell him.

“Here we go.”

Hayley looked up to see Mac in front of him. He held up a dark pair of undies. “These aren’t the same as the ones you brought.”

“We left my bag downstairs.”

“I’ll get your bag later and unpack it. I want to get you ready to play.”

Hayley smiled. “Yes, please.”

Mac helped him into the underwear then a pair of dark blue pajama bottoms with stars and the solar system on them. The matching dark blue shirt was perfect.

Hayley smoothed down the fabric of the shirt. “I love it.”

He received a gentle kiss. “Now you’re ready to play.”

“Do you want to play with me or relax?” Hayley asked.

“Would it be okay if I sat in the chair and just watched for a little bit?” Mac requested. “I haven’t gotten to see you play yet.” He swallowed hard and Hayley knew Mac was struggling with his emotions. “I’ve been dreaming about it.”

Hayley beamed up at him. “Yes, Daddy!” Hayley grabbed his hand, tugging him across the room. He pushed at Mac until he sat in the big recliner. “You be a good Daddy and sit. I’m gonna play now.”

The transition from big Hayley to little Hayley was quick as a flash, no problem getting in the right mindset. This had been a good idea. Hayley just wanted to get lost in the warm, safe world that Mac had created for them.

Hayley walked over to the shelf and pulled down the container full of spacemen and rockets. Oh, he had an idea! A really fun one. Carrying the toys to the middle of the dark blue rug, Hayley dumped out the container. They made an awful racket and Hayley laughed. Then he went back to find more stuff to play with.

“What are you going to do, baby?”

“Space adventure,” he replied, without even looking up at Mac. Wasn’t it obvious? Maybe not—Daddies didn’t get to play a lot. That was okay though. Hayley would play enough for both of them.


In his soft pajama pants and T-shirt, Hayley looked even better than Mac had ever envisioned.

This sweet boy who had caught Mac’s eye was everything that was good in the world. Mac might not deserve to even be in the presence of someone like Hayley, but he wasn’t strong enough to give him up, either.

Soft sounds caught his attention as Hayley launched a rocket into the air and flew it over his head.

Unable to remain across the room from his boy, Mac rose. Without disturbing Hayley, he quietly crossed to one of the shelves and picked up a container that would go well with the toys his boy had chosen.

Mac dropped down onto his knees, glad he’d slipped on a comfortable pair of lounge pants earlier.

Hayley lifted his gaze. “Hi.”

“Hi, sweetheart,” Mac replied. “Where’s your spaceship going to land?”

“The planet of…of…Daddies!” Hayley shouted with a giggle.

Mac nodded seriously. “A planet very far away.” He scooted over and began setting up the aliens and astronaut figurines.

“Daddy? You play?”

Mac glanced over at his boy after those soft words. “Yes, Daddy is going to play with his boy.”

The spaceship was dropped as Hayley crawled over to him. Hayley climbed into Mac’s lap before peppering kisses all over his face.

“That makes my boy happy?” God, his heart was going to explode with how good he felt pleasing Hayley.

“I never, never, had a Daddy to play with before.” Hayley bounced. “Thank you!”

Mac nuzzled his boy’s neck. “You’re welcome, sweetheart.” He gasped. “A black hole! You have to avoid the black hole!”

“Oh no!” Hayley scrambled back to his toys and picked up his abandoned spaceship, still on his knees.

Quickly, Mac finished setting up the new planet on his side of the rug. The planet of Daddies. How cute was that? Then he rolled behind Hayley and started making pew-pew-pew noises.

“Oh no!” Hayley squealed. “I’m being shot at! I better find a planet to land and hide on.”

Pew-pew-pew.Mac continued. His smile couldn’t have gotten any bigger. All worries from earlier slipped away as Hayley crash-landed his spaceship on Planet Daddies.

An hour went by so fast that Mac had lost all sense of time. It wasn’t until his stomach rumbled that he remembered dinner.

Hayley laughed. “Daddy’s hungry.”

“Yes, I am. And you need to eat, too.” Hayley was favoring his injured arm. Even if Hayley didn’t notice it, Mac knew that his boy was starting to hurt. “While I’m starting dinner, you can finish playing. Then I’ll help you clean up.”

“K!” Hayley grabbed one of the aliens and walked it over to the spaceship’s crash-landing site.

Mac had been delighted and amused by the stories Hayley had come up with. He kissed the top of Hayley’s head before he strode out of the playroom. If he’d looked back, Mac would have returned to his boy’s side. That was not what Hayley needed, though.

Heading out from his room, down the stairs, and into the kitchen Mac thought about what he could make for Hayley. Something light. Something he’d be able to eat with his left hand.

Mac grabbed his iPad off the counter and did several quick searches. Deciding on grilled chicken and a salad, Mac went to the sink to wash his hands. After he was cleaned up, Mac began prepping dinner.

Setting the iPad against the fruit bowl so he could leave the recipe open, Mac found himself happily cooking for him and his boy.

This warm feeling in his chest had to be pride.

He was providing for his boy. A safe, warm house. Clothes and food. Toys and playtime. For all his faults, Mac believed that this was the one thing in his life he was doing right.


Mac whirled around. He’d almost finished dinner and had been about to check on Hayley. Looked like his boy had found Mac on his own, though. “You okay?”

When Hayley shrugged, Mac knew he’d been right about Hayley’s arm starting to hurt.


“A little.” Hayley dug the tip of his toe into the tile.

Mac had the perfect idea.

“Okay, hold on.” Mac couldn’t resist giving Hayley a quick kiss on the cheek as he passed the boy. He quickly went to the living room and grabbed one of the large cushions off the couch, then picked up Cookie and Tyson from their tree house.

Returning to the kitchen entrance, he dropped the pillow on the ground. “How about you sit here and love on the kitties. Maybe give them a treat?”

“I’d like that.” Hayley dropped down on the cushion before he held his arms up.

Crouching in front of Hayley, he set the two kittens on Hayley’s lap. “Remember to shake the bag and maybe Socks will come out too.”

Hayley’s bottom lip came out in a pout. “How come Socks doesn’t like me?”

“Oh, baby,” Mac caressed his cheek. “Socks is just scared. She’ll get used to you and then I bet you’ll be her best friend.”

“K.” Hayley nodded. “I’ll save the best treat for her.”

Such a sweet boy. Mac rose and retrieved the bag of kitten cookies and handed it to Hayley. Then he went back to the sink to wash his hands again. He’d learned how Hayley’s mind worked, and if keeping everything clean, including himself, helped ease Hayley’s anxieties, Mac was going to do it.

Behind him the bag of treats rattled.

Mac hoped that Socks would indeed come out.

Returning to the stove, Mac turned over the chicken breast. He was shocked at how perfectly brown the skin had turned. It looked almost exactly like the picture. Pleased, he went about setting the table.

Would this be in their routine? Work, play, dinner, bath, and bed. It might seem boring to other people but for Mac, yeah, that was the kind of routine he yearned for.

A simple life with a man he loved and who loved him in return. It was a lot to ask of Hayley. Especially with the boy not knowing who Mac truly was. Hell, Mac wasn’t even his birth name, although it was the only name he would answer to.

Oh well, he answered to Daddy now, too.

Since he’d first learned about Daddy/ boy relationships, Mac had been trying to figure out what drew him to that particular kink. Did Hayley bring it out in him or was he attracted to Hayley because he wanted to be Hayley’s Daddy?

There were so many questions.

Mac liked learning and figuring things out. He just wasn’t sure if he would be able to this time.

He also wasn’t certain that it mattered.

They weren’t hurting anyone. Hayley was over twenty years of age. Hayley consented and Mac would never take Hayley’s choices away from him.

Reading books and articles online had helped Mac accept that this need inside him, to take care, to protect, and care for Hayley, didn’t make him sick in the head. This wasn’t something Mac needed to worry about. He’d done bad things in the past but not this.

“Daddy! Look!” Hayley whispered loudly.

Mac turned just as Socks stuck a paw around the kitchen doorway. Socks wasn’t going for the treats, though. The tiny kitten was swatting at Hayley’s toes.

Giggling, Hayley wiggled his toes again.

And the kitten tried to reach out once more.

Hayley and Socks were going to get along just fine.

With a smile, Mac began to plate the food. This was more than just a routine. It was the beginning of something special.

“How about after dinner, you call home and check in with your parents? Maybe ask your mom about the flowers you want to plant?”

Hayley beamed at him. “Can I tell her about you? You know, not everything, but that we’re dating?”

“Honey, you can tell her whatever you want.” Mac might not have a good relationship with his father, but he wouldn’t deny Hayley his connection to his family.

“I won’t tell her everything right now,” Hayley responded with a laugh. “I don’t want her to show up on our doorstep. And she would. She’d be so excited that she wouldn’t be able to stop herself.”

That…that was not what Mac expected.

Meeting the family. No, no, no. He’d have to put that off for as long as he could.