Accidental Acquisition by Evangeline Anderson


Kalis wondered, as he took the tram over to Jillian’s suite, if she would be so willing to let him heal her once she found out exactly what the process entailed. It was apt to get rather…intimate. Especially considering the places the spines had scratched her.

He could tell—by the thoughts she had inadvertently sent him—that she wanted him sexually. But he could also tell that she didn’t want to admit that to herself. She seemed to have some kind of reluctance about getting close to him and he didn’t think it was all because of his Ursus. There was some other reason too—maybe something to do with her past?

Kalis didn’t know what it was, but he hoped to find out. Maybe if he knew why she was reluctant to become involved with him, he could ease her fears and bring her closer.

It doesn’t matter how close you bring her if she’s never willing to meet your Ursus, whispered a pessimistic little voice in his head.

Kalis tried to push it away, but he knew it was true. Until the curvy little female met and tamed his other half, any bonding between them was impossible. And right now, she was scared to death of the gigantic beast that lived inside him.

Patience, Kalis told himself. You’ve been waiting for her for two years—a little more time won’t make any difference. There’s no need for her to meet your Ursus tonight. Right now you have to concentrate on getting her to let you heal her before the venom gets any deeper into her skin.

He just hoped Jillian would understand and accept what he had to do in order to get that done…