Accidental Acquisition by Evangeline Anderson


The knock on her door came not a moment too soon. The red rash caused by the Nebrian ambassador’s spines was becoming unbearable. In fact, it hurt so much Jillian could barely stand the touch of the light silk robe she’d wrapped around herself—even though it was pretty much the softest thing she owned.

The minute her suite door slid open, she beckoned the big Kindred inside.

“Come in, come in!”

Kalis nodded and stepped through the door, which promptly slid shut behind him. He had apparently been getting ready for bed as well, because he had on a pair of long, black sleep trousers and a short-sleeved shirt that matched, which showed off his muscular arms.

“All right, Mistress—let’s see what we’re dealing with,” he rumbled, as Jillian led him into the living area.

“What—you want me to take off my robe?” Jillian clutched the collar of the robe to her chest and winced as the silky fabric slid across her inflamed skin.

“How can I heal you if you don’t show me where you need to be healed?” Kalis asked reasonably. He seated himself on the overstuffed, Kindred-sized loveseat in front of the fireplace, which was currently turned on the low, no heat setting, so that it only emitted a warm golden glow.

“I guess that makes sense…” But still, she kept the robe on, unable to make herself open it or take it off.

“I saw you naked yesterday, Jillian,” Kalis reminded her gently.

“I know…” She could feel her cheeks getting hot. “It’s just…I was drugged by the stuff in the massage oil at the time. And now I’m not, which makes it a lot harder to let you, er, see me.”

“Are you afraid to show me your body because you think I’ll try something?” Kalis arched an eyebrow at her. “Because I give you my word as a Kindred, I won’t. Won’t do anything you don’t want me to, little Mistress.”

“It’s not that…” Jillian sighed. “I’m just…not as young as I used to be.”

“So? Neither am I,” he pointed out. “You think I’ll find you any less beautiful because of that? Because I don’t, Jillian,” he murmured, his eyes going suddenly half-lidded. “I think you’re fucking gorgeous. But that’s beside the point—right now, I just want to see what I’m working with so I can heal you.”

His words made her feel better…and made her heart beat faster at the same time. Gathering her courage, Jillian nodded.

“Well…all right.” Biting her lip, she opened the robe, exposing herself to the big Kindred.

Kalis sat forward on the couch and gave a low whistle.

“Whew—those spines really did a number on you! Did they get your back, too?”

“No, just my front, where she…er he, was pressing me against him,” Jillian said. “Oh, and my hands.” She closed the robe again and showed the big Kindred her reddened palms and fingers. They were painful, but not quite as bad as the rest of her body for some reason.

“Hmmm.” He nodded. “Yeah, you’ve got a pretty bad case of venom poisoning, I’d say.”

“Yes, but you said you could heal me. Can you?” Jillian asked. She knew she sounded impatient but this really hurt, damn it!

“I can,” Kalis said, nodding. “But I’m not sure you’ll like how I do it.”

“What? What do you mean? How do you do it? I mean, how can you heal me?” Jillian demanded.

He didn’t answer in words. Instead, he leaned forward and took her right hand in both of his. Bringing her hand to his face, he licked a long, slow trail from the heel of her hand all the way up to her fingertips.

At the first touch of his tongue, Jillian gasped and tried to jerk away. But the big Kindred wouldn’t let her. He held her gently but firmly and continued licking her palm and hand until he had finished the whole thing. Then he let her go and sat back on the couch, apparently waiting for her reaction.

Jillian wasn’t sure what to say.

“Why…why did you do that? You…”

Her voice trailed off as she examined her hand…which was now completely healed. All traces of redness and swelling were gone. Aside from being slightly damp, her right hand was completely normal.

She was healed—he had healed her. By licking her.

“What…” she said in a low voice. “The actual fuck? How did you do that?”

Kalis gave her an easy grin.

“Used the healing power of my other form—the same way I used his strength when I shaved off pieces of thaelite for the soup. He does come in handy, sometimes.”

“I, uh, guess so.” Jillian was still staring fixedly at her newly healed hand. She compared it with her left palm, which was still red and so swollen it now hurt to even bend her fingers.

“Here, little Mistress—let me take care of that for you.”

Casually, Kalis took her left hand and bathed it with his tongue, just as he had done for the right. Then he released her and sat back on the couch again.

“This is amazing…” Jillian stared down at her healed hands. “Can you do this for anyone? Did you do it for your old Mistress? The one who dealt with Nebrians all the time?”

He shook his head.

“I can only heal a female I’m attuned to. I’ve never been attuned to any of my Mistresses—that’s why I knew about the alternative forms of healing for Nebrian venom poisoning. My old Mistress chose to use the salve that turns your skin purple, by the way,” he added. “For the next five years, everything she wore was purple, to match it. It kind of became her signature color.” He shrugged.

“So…” Jillian cleared her throat. “In order to heal the, uh rest of me, you’d have to…to…”

“To lick you all over your soft, luscious body,” Kalis said, matter-of-factly, and his eyes had gone half-lidded again, indicating that he didn’t mind the idea at all. “But in case you’re worried, I swear that licking you is all I would do,” he went on, when Jillian couldn’t seem to find any words. “This is just about healing you, Mistress. Not…anything else.”

“I…I don’t…” Jillian shook her head, not sure what to say. On one hand, she was in a lot of pain and she didn’t want to have to live with the agonizing rash or turn her skin purple with the only salve that could heal it. But on the other hand…

On the other hand you have to let a man you barely know lick you all over your naked body, whispered a helpful little voice in her head. Talk about tough choices…

But there was no choice—not really, Jillian acknowledged to herself. Kalis had proven he was able to heal her. He had already healed her hands and he was willing to heal the rest of her too—she just had to trust him and get over her uncertainty enough to let him do it.

Kalis didn’t rush her while she went over the pros and cons of the situation in her mind. He simply sat back on the loveseat, waiting patiently for her to come to the obvious conclusion.

“Okay,” Jillian said, at last. “I appreciate you being willing to, er, heal me, but I’m still a little nervous about having you, uh…”

“Lick you all over your body?” Kalis rumbled, raising an eyebrow at her. “If I can make a suggestion, Mistress—why don’t I start at your collarbones and neck—that’s a fairly non-sexual area. Maybe it would help if we eased into this.”

Jillian felt a tiny rush of relief. She’d thought he might want to lick her breasts or inner thighs right away—both areas had been affected—but she simply wasn’t ready for that. She was touched that the big Kindred understood her reluctance and was willing to take things slowly.

“Thank you,” she said, nodding. “That…that sounds like a good idea.”

“Very well then, little Mistress. Come here.” Kalis sat up and spread his legs, indicating that she should come and stand between them.

Jillian did as he had indicated, opening the silk robe enough for him to get to her upper chest. Kalis was so tall that even with him sitting down, they were nearly eye-to-eye, which meant his head was on the right level to reach her.

“Let’s see now…” Kalis rumbled thoughtfully, surveying the area. “Looks to me like the problem starts around your collar bones, though I do see a few red patches on your neck. So let’s start there—all right?”

“Um…all right.” Jillian nodded and lifted her chin, baring her neck for him. She felt stiff and wooden in his arms, nervous about putting herself into such a vulnerable position.

What if that thing inside him decides now is a good time to come out? whispered an unhelpful little voice in her head. Look how you’re positioned, Jillian. You’re practically asking him to rip your throat out!

The thought sent a shiver down her spine and it was all she could do not to yank away when Kalis touched her shoulders lightly, to bring her into position.

But instead of licking her, he pulled back, frowning.

“I can smell your fear, Jillian,” he rumbled. “What’s wrong? Are you afraid I’ll hurt you?”

“No, no—not at all,” she denied hastily. “I’m just a little nervous, that’s all.”

“You’re more than nervous—you’re scared to fucking death.” Kalis frowned and drew back, looking intently into her face. “What is it? Just tell me and maybe I can allay your fears.”

I, uh…I was afraid you’d change again,” she blurted at last, when it became clear he wasn’t going to proceed until she answered his question. “Into…into your other form.”

“You don’t need to fear that,” Kalis said gently. He cupped her cheek, turning her eyes to meet his. “I can control my other form, Jillian,” he told her. “My Ursus doesn’t come out unless I say so, and I only bring him out when there’s no other way.”

“Really? Never?” she asked anxiously.

Kalis shook his head.

Never,” he said firmly. “The other day at the market, I was facing two large adversaries and I had only one hand. I had to bring him out—had to change into my Ursus. There was no other way to win the fight and save both you and myself. I’m sorry if I scared you—that was never my intention.”

“It was just…I know now that he was going after the, uh, Trollox that was holding me, but at the time, I thought he was going to kill me,” Jillian said. “I swear, I saw my life flash before my eyes and I was thinking, ‘this is how I die.’”

“Gods, little Mistress—I’m so sorry you thought that.” Kalis looked horrified. He met her eyes firmly. “Let me make this promise to you—my Ursus would never, ever harm even a hair on your head. He’s part of me, which means he feels the same emotions I do for you.”

“Um, okay.” Jillian nodded, biting her lip. She didn’t want to ask what emotions the big Kindred felt for her—that question might lead them down the wrong path. She vaguely remembered the Grizzly thing roaring something that sounded like, Mine! Had it been claiming her? Staking a claim as it fought the three-headed Trollox that had been holding her?

Jillian didn’t know, and she didn’t want to know. She just wanted to put that awful memory out of her mind and forget about it forever.

“Okay,” she said to Kalis. “As long as you promise me he’s not coming out around me, I’ll believe you. You didn’t let him out tonight when the Nebrian ambassador grabbed me, so I guess you can be trusted to keep him inside.”

“He only comes out in times of great need,” Kalis said patiently. “I needed him many times during my Blood Circuit years. But I have no need of him here on the Mother Ship.”

“All right. Thank you.” Jillian gave a shaky laugh. “Sorry, it’s just—he’s freaking terrifying, you know?”

“Only when he’s angry and protecting someone important to him—to both of us,” Kalis assured her. “But my Ursus has a quiet side too—a loving and gentle side. He isn’t just a huge, raging monster I keep inside me.”

“I’ll take your word for that,” Jillian said dryly. But she definitely felt better now that he’d promised not to let the huge bear-thing out around her again.

Kalis seemed to sense that her fear and reluctance was melting away because he took her by the hips and drew her gently forward.

“Are you ready to let me heal you now, Jillian?” he murmured.

She nodded and found that her heart was suddenly thudding against her ribs.

“I guess so,” she said, wishing the words wouldn’t come out sounding so breathless.

“Good.” Kalis’s voice was a soft growl. “Because I can’t fucking wait to taste you.”

Then he drew her forward and began to lap gently at the side of her throat.

Jillian’s neck had always been an incredibly sensitive part of her—a hidden erogenous zone that had been neglected by almost every man she’d ever been with. But Kalis seemed to know how sensitive she was here—and how much his mouth on her affected her. He dragged his tongue in long, slow licks from her shoulder all the way to just under her ear, taking his time as though he enjoyed the flavor of her skin.

Jillian shivered helplessly, unable to help the waves of pleasure that coursed through her at this gentle treatment. His tongue was warm and wet and his breath smelled faintly of cinnamon. He seemed to be lighting up her nerve endings, sending electrical flashes of pleasure through her entire body with his slow, gentle licking.

Jillian bit her lip. God, why did it feel so good just to let him lick her neck? This really shouldn’t be turning her on—it was just about healing, after all. Not about…anything else.

But she couldn’t seem to stop her nipples from getting tight and achy or keep her pussy from getting wet. She pressed her thighs together desperately, trying not to feel what she was feeling…

And then Kalis was murmuring that her neck was healed and he was going to move lower.

Jillian didn’t protest as he opened her robe a little more and began licking along her collarbones and upper chest. Her red skin, which felt painfully tight, turned pale and supple again, and she was able to breathe a sigh of relief as the sunburn-like feeling in that area eased.

But then it was time for her breasts.

Jillian bit her lips as Kalis tugged on her silk robe again and looked at her meaningfully.

“Open for me, Mistress,” he growled softly. “Open your robe and let me heal you.”

Heart pounding, Jillian did as he commanded, letting the robe fall from her shoulders to her waist, baring her breasts completely.

Kalis looked at her for a long moment.

“So fucking beautiful,” she heard him murmur and then he was tasting the tops of her breasts, bathing them gently with his tongue as he erased the redness and left pale, healthy skin behind.

It didn’t take long for him to work his way down. Soon he was lapping carefully around her heavy globes, though Jillian noticed that he was avoiding her areolas and nipples. He handled her full curves gently—almost reverently—touching her as though she were precious and breakable.

At last, when every other part of her breasts was healed, he looked up at her with a question in his eyes.

“Mistress?” he murmured, raising his eyebrows and nodding to her reddened peaks.

“Yes,” Jillian breathed, nodding back. “Yes, go…go ahead.”

“Thank you, Mistress,” he growled softly, and sucked her right nipple into his warm, wet mouth.

Jillian moaned breathlessly as she felt him circle her tender peak with his tongue. Again, he was gentle and slow, just as he had been while he was massaging her, and she felt her body responding to him exactly as it had the day before.

“God, I love the way you touch my breasts!” she blurted, before she could stop herself.

“Hmm?” Kalis hummed inquisitively, turning his eyes up to hers, though he never stopped circling her peak with his tongue.

“I mean, most guys are so rough,” Jillian went on, trying to explain. “But you’re gentle…you take things slowly. It’s just…my breasts are really sensitive. So I don’t like to be pinched and pulled all around. That’s all,” she ended rather lamely.

At last, Kalis let her nipple slip from between his lips.

“I’m very glad I can bring you pleasure while I heal you, little Mistress,” he growled softly. “I can tell how sensitive your sweet peaks are, which is why I would never treat them roughly.” He ran the tip of his tongue gently around her tingling right nipple. “Shall we test and make certain you’re fully healed?”

“How…how would you do that?” Jillian whispered, her breath catching in her throat.

“By sucking just a little harder—taking your nipple and breast deep into my mouth, and seeing if I can give you even more pleasure. Just to be certain the nerve endings weren’t affected adversely by the venom,” he added.

“Oh, well…yes, I guess.” Jillian nodded. “I mean, it’s important to be thorough—right?”

“Exactly,” Kalis growled, his silver-green eyes half-lidded with lust. “Extremely important, little Mistress.”

“Then go ahead.” Jillian arched her back, pressing her breasts into his face. “Do it, Kalis. Make…make sure I’m healed.”

“As my Mistress wishes,” he murmured. And then he was sucking her right nipple deeply into his mouth, taking as much of her breast as he could at one time.

Jillian moaned and found that her fingers had somehow slipped into his thick hair. When he sucked her nipple deep and hard, she was ready to let him because he’d built her pleasure gradually. The intense suction sent sparks of pleasure straight to her pussy, which was getting so wet and hot Jillian had to press her legs together tightly. She hoped her juices weren’t leaking out to coat her inner thighs—that would be so embarrassing when he finally got around to healing that part of her!

But at the moment, Kalis seemed wholly focused on her breasts. Again, just as she had during the massage, Jillian found herself thinking he wasn’t like other men she’d been with in the past. Rather than rushing to get to the “best part”—aka penetrative sex—he seemed willing to spend hours just building her pleasure as he licked and sucked her nipples until she moaned helplessly.

But at last, he let her left nipple slip from between his lips and looked up at her.

“Mistress,” he growled hoarsely. “I think it’s time I moved lower and healed the rest of you.”

“Um…all right.” Jillian nodded. “Can you, uh, reach me all right?” she asked. Because of his great height, the big Kindred was going to have to crouch pretty low if he was going to heal her belly and thighs.

“I can if I do this.” He slid off the couch onto his knees before her and looked up. “All right with you, little Mistress?”

“Sure.” Jillian nodded. “I guess so.”

“Good.” His eyes gleamed in the golden glow of the firelight. “Because I can’t fucking wait to taste the rest of you.”

“But…” Jillian started to protest that he was only supposed to be healing her. The words died on her lips, however, as his warm, wet tongue began to caress the skin under her breasts.

Slowly, methodically, Kalis healed every inch of her, moving down and down and down as each new patch of skin showed pale and new. Until at last, the only thing left to heal was the top of her pussy mound…and her inner thighs.

“Mistress,” he growled, looking up. “I need to reposition you to finish this healing. How do you feel about lying down on the couch for me?”

Jillian caught her lower lip between her teeth. Part of her was reluctant to do this—to make herself so completely vulnerable. But the other part was begging for it—begging her to let him in and let him lap all her most sensitive areas with that warm, wet tongue of his.

“I…I guess so,” she said at last. “But just to heal me, all right?”

“Of course, little Mistress,” he agreed, his eyes heavy-lidded as he looked up at her. “Just lay back on the couch and get comfortable so I can heal you.”

Heart thumping, Jillian sat down on the couch but Kalis shook his head.

“Can’t reach you like that. Need you to lay down for me,” he directed her.

“Oh, um…okay,” Jillian agreed rather breathlessly. She lay back against the puffy, overstuffed couch cushions and only jumped a little when Kalis leaned over her and began lapping the top of her pussy mound.

She was glad, once again, that the area was neatly trimmed and mostly shaved, so that he could reach her easily. But she couldn’t help catching her breath when she felt the tip of his tongue tracing lightly over her slit, which was still tightly closed, due to the fact that her thighs were pressed together. Nevertheless, Kalis kept tracing her slit, over and over, with the tip of his tongue until at last he looked up at her.

“Mistress,” he murmured. “Gonna need you to spread your thighs for me, now.”

“Really?” Jillian squeaked, wishing her voice wouldn’t go so high and wavery.

Kalis nodded.

“I know the spines got you down here—I can see the redness. But I can’t reach you to heal you unless you open up for me,” he said patiently.

“Well…okay.” Jillian nodded. He’s just going to heal me, she told herself over and over. That’s it and that’s all. There’s no need to get all excited or nervous about it.

But to be honest, she was both as she finally parted her thighs and let the big Kindred between them.

Just as she had feared, her inner thighs were coated with her juices. They were shiny in the flickering firelight, making her want to close her legs again.

But Kalis stopped her.

“Don’t, Jillian,” he murmured, putting his hands on her knees to hold them open.

“But…but I’m so wet,” she whispered, her throat tight with embarrassment.

“You’re beautiful,” Kalis said gently. “And I can’t wait to taste you.”

Keeping his eyes locked with hers, he bent his head and lapped a long line from her inner knee all the way up to her inner thigh. At that point, he closed his eyes for a moment, as though savoring her flavor.

“Fucking delicious,” Jillian heard him growl. And then he was lapping her again, healing her and cleaning away her juices at the same time, savoring her as though she was a rare delicacy he’d been longing to taste for years.

She couldn’t help moaning as he finished her thighs and began bathing her outer pussy lips with long, gentle strokes of his tongue. God, his mouth on her felt so good, so right, and yet she needed more. Needed him to taste inside her—to lap her aching clit.

But you don’t have any excuse for that, whispered a little voice in her head. It’s not like the spines poked you there.

But excuse or not, she couldn’t help wanting it. She found herself arching her back and spreading her thighs wider, wishing she could ask for more, though she knew she shouldn’t…

Again, Kalis seemed to know exactly what she wanted—what she needed. He looked up, his silver-green eyes dilated in the dim golden light and filled with desire for her.

“Little Mistress,” he murmured. “Remember how I tested your nipples to be certain there was no permanent nerve damage from the venom?”

“Y-yes?” Jillian panted.

“Well…” He frowned thoughtfully. “I wonder if I shouldn’t do the same with your soft little pussy, just to be thorough.” He arched an eyebrow at her. “After all, I wouldn’t want to leave any part of you unhealed—especially such a sensitive part as that.”

“So, you want to…to…”

“To spread open your soft little pussy and taste your inner cunt,” Kalis growled, his eyes flashing. “Want to taste your juices right from the source, Mistress. Want to suck your sweet little clit into my mouth and tease you with my tongue. Just to be certain you’re healed, of course,” he added, flashing her a hungry grin. “And to be really sure, I’d need to make you come—come all over my face while I taste you.”

Jillian felt her stomach flutter with need and desire at his hot words and the hungry way he was looking at her.

Shouldn’t be doing this—you’re going too fast, just like you did with Brad, whispered a warning little voice in her head. But she pushed it aside. She wanted this too much—needed it too much to deny his request.

“Yes,” she whispered. “Yes, Kalis—go ahead. Do…do what you have to in order to be sure I’m, uh healed.”

“Yes, Mistress,” he growled and then he was burying his face between her thighs and lapping her open pussy.

Jillian moaned breathlessly and tilted her hips as his tongue invaded her, sliding deep to explore her inner folds and circle her throbbing clit. Somehow, her hands found his thick, black and iron-gray hair and she found she was tugging shamelessly, urging him on even as she opened herself to him completely.

Kalis responded to her eagerness with a hungry growl. Wrapping his muscular arms around her thighs, he split her legs even wider, lapping as though he was a man dying of thirst and she was the only water for miles around.

It felt as though the big Kindred had been building her pleasure for hours and it didn’t take Jillian long to reach the peak.

“Kalis!” she gasped, calling his name like a prayer, as her orgasm hit her. “Oh God, yes—yes!” Her hands tightened in his hair in a grip that had to be painful, but it only made him lap harder, guiding her through the waves of pleasure that rushed over her as Jillian bucked helplessly against his mouth.

The big Kindred kept licking and then she felt two long, strong fingers slipping deep into her pussy.

Just as it had during her massage, this new, intimate touch sent another orgasm shooting through her. Jillian moaned helplessly, feeling her inner walls spasm around his thick fingers as Kalis continued lapping her open pussy and teasing her throbbing clit.

Oh God! she thought deliriously. So good! Going to come so hard! Never came this hard in my life!

But she was doing it—coming for the big Kindred as he urged her on with his mouth and fingers, wringing every last drop of pleasure from her body until she collapsed, panting, on the couch cushions.

“Gods, little Mistress—you all right?” she heard him growl as he slowly withdrew his fingers. “You’re not going to faint on me again, are you?”

“No,” Jillian whispered breathlessly, slowly unwinding her fingers from his hair. “No, just…just trying to catch my breath. That was intense.

“Take your time, then,” Kalis murmured. “Rest a minute.”

“Thanks.” She opened her eyes to see that he was sucking her juices off his fingers in apparent enjoyment.

“Knew you’d taste fucking delicious,” he growled softly, looking up at her. “Thank you for allowing me to heal you.”

Jillian gave a weak laugh.

“You just gave me two of the best orgasms in my life and you’re thanking me?”

“Of course.” He looked at her seriously. “Opening yourself for my tongue wasn’t an easy thing to do, especially when you were so frightened of me so recently. It took courage to spread your legs for me and let me taste you—courage to let me make you come.” He licked his lips, as though to get every last trace of her juices. “Gods, I love your taste,” he added

“Um…thank you,” Jillian whispered. “I’ve never been with a guy who, uh, enjoyed tasting me quite like that,” she confessed.

“Then every other male you’ve ever been with is a damn fool,” Kalis growled. “There’s nothing finer than getting on your knees and lapping your female’s pussy until she comes all over your face.” He grinned at her. “And I’m glad you enjoyed it…since it might be necessary to repeat the, er, treatment.”

“What?” Jillian looked down at herself. “But…I’m all healed.”

“For now you are,” Kalis said seriously. “But with severe cases of venom poisoning like you had, the redness and swelling can sometimes come back. If it does—even a little—it’s important to address the issue right away. So please let me know if you get even a tiny bit of the venom rash reappearing anywhere on your body—all right, sweetheart?”

It was the first time he’d called her something beside her name or some variation of “Mistress” but Jillian didn’t protest the sweet nickname. She only nodded.

“All right,” she said. “I’ll let you know if any of it comes back.”

“Or if you feel even the least bit itchy or painful,” Kalis said, frowning. “I’m being serious, Jillian—sometimes these cases can take days or even weeks to resolve. You have to be vigilant.”

Jillian nibbled her lower lip.

“Okay, I will,” she said, nodding.

But she couldn’t help thinking that she now had an easy, convenient excuse to let the big Kindred touch her and taste her again. Not that she would ever abuse the privilege, but she would certainly be erring on the side of caution. If she felt the least little bit of the itchy, tight, sunburned sensation anywhere on her body, she was going to let him take care of it at once.

In the meantime, she would just keep working with Kalis as usual, she told herself. Just because he was healing her, didn’t mean they had any kind of special relationship. She really couldn’t be accused of jumping into another romantic attachment too soon, like she had with Brad, because this wasn’t a romantic thing—it was a medical thing. It was necessary.

Right—keep telling yourself that, whispered a little voice in her head. Keep telling yourself it’s “necessary” to spread your legs and let him lick you until you come for him.

Jillian pushed the voice away resolutely. She would take things one day at a time and do what she had to. That was all there was to it.

“Thank you for healing me, Kalis,” she said, her voice still rather breathless. “And…and for being so thorough about checking to be sure I didn’t have any nerve damage.” She blushed as she spoke, but she managed to meet his silver-green gaze without dropping her eyes.

“Of course—anything to keep my Mistress safe and well,” he murmured, meeting her gaze in return with a half-lidded one of his own. “Of course, sometimes it’s better to make really certain.”

“You mean you need to…to taste me again?” After the two amazing orgasms, Jillian wouldn’t have thought she would want him again so soon. But the way he was looking at her and talking so seductively in that soft, deep voice of his had her stomach quivering in anticipation all over again.

“Just to be sure,” Kalis said, nodding. “Would you like to spread your legs again for me and let me check you over one more time, sweetheart?”

“I…I guess that would be all right.” Jillian had been half-sitting but now she lay back again and spread her legs for him shyly, opening her pussy for his hungry gaze.

“Mmm…” Kalis growled his approval. “Let’s have your legs over my shoulders this time,” he remarked, getting into position between her thighs. “Want to spread you open wide and get my tongue deep inside you, so that I can be really sure you’re healed, sweetheart.”

“Okay,” Jillian agreed breathlessly.

As she lay back against the couch and arched her back, lifting her pussy eagerly to meet the big Kindred’s mouth, she pushed all her doubts and worries to the back of her mind and opened herself to the pleasure he was offering her.

She could worry about going too fast later, she decided. Right now, she just wanted to take the pleasure Kalis was giving her and not think about anything else…