Accidental Acquisition by Evangeline Anderson


“Good evening, Mistress,” Kalis said, opening the door for Jillian the moment he sensed her outside. They weren’t living in the same suite together yet, but they had been spending almost every spare moment together for the past month, which was a damn-near perfect arrangement, as far as he was concerned.

In fact, he was beginning to hope they might make their arrangement permanent in the next few days. He didn’t want to rush things too much, but they were getting on extremely well and neither one of them was getting any younger.

Plus, he wanted badly to Claim Jillian properly—not just with his tongue, but with his cock. Not only because he wanted to fuck her—to put things crudely—but because he ached to have a bond with her. He still remembered the soul-deep connection he’d had with his first mate, Kara. He’d believed he would never have that again. But once he started dreaming of Jillian, he knew the Goddess had other plans for him—or hoped so, anyway.

The question was, would Jillian agree to be Claimed? She would have to meet and tame his Ursus before that would be possible—which wasn’t really a difficult thing—but he knew how frightened she was of the huge beast he kept within himself.

Kalis decided he would have to wait for the right time to broach the subject. He just hoped the curvy little Elite would be open to discussing it soon…