Clearwater’s Redemption by Tiffany Casper

Chapter 13


While we were laying on bed that night after watching the movie with her head on my bicep I said, “You never talk about your pseudo grandparents since they went on that cruise for Thanksgiving. What happened?”

“Well if you can believe, they stepped off port at one of the islands, and they retired there. I mean they had already retired and everything, but they sold the house they had here and they moved there. They send an email every once and a while but according to them they are living their best life.”

“Great for them. Shitty for you.” I told her.

“I know. I mean when they took me and Sorcha in it was a relief. We shared a room there but I got new clothes every six months at least. Brand new ones with tags on them. I didn’t have to move from there and throw my belongings in a trash bag. The first shower I had there, was the first time I got to use hot water.”

“Damn babe. Never gonna bitch if you use all the hot water ever again.”

She chuckled, “Damn straight.”

I hadn’t broached this subject with her but it was something I have always wanted to know, “Got another question for you?”

“What’s that?”

“Have you ever tried to find your parents?” I felt her body tense.

She sat there, so still I wondered if she was ever going to answer me, but then she did, “I thought about it, yes. Just to ask them, why? Why did they have me and give me away? Thought about hiring a private detective but all I have is a note and a blanket. My birthday was determined to the directors of the orphanage to the best of their abilities. But even then, it would be difficult. Thought about doing that ancestry kit thing you see on television, maybe someone out there shares DNA with me and I can find a relative. Something.”

“Whenever you’re ready, let’s do the ancestry thing. Yeah?”

I felt her smile on my skin before she replied, “Yeah.”

“You got any questions?” I asked her.

“Yeah, will you agree to do it with me and see if we can find your dad?”

“If it’s something you want me to do, then yeah babe.”

“I don’t want it to be because of me. I never want you to do something you don’t won’t to do ever. And I…” I cut her off when I placed my finger over her mouth.

“Sweetheart, don’t think for one minute that anything you want me to do, that I won’t want it as well.”

After that we settled in deeper and within minutes of her body relaxing, my body relaxed and I fell asleep while I held the most important thing in my life, in my arms.

The next night we were all sitting around the fire pit with Kida lying at her feet.

Unable to help myself I chuckled as Fiona tossed every single lemon Skittle into the fire pit.

“What did the yellow one’s ever do to you?” Walker asked her.

“They make me bitter.” She said with a soft laugh.

“I don’t like the green ones; they just taste off to me.” Novalie chimed in.

“Okay, I’m the odd ball out, I hate Skittles, give me M&Ms any day of the week but they have to be the peanut ones.” Lucy chimed in.

Which then caused the kids that were having s'mores to throw marshmallows at her.

“Hey, are y’all coming over to my parents’ house for Sunday dinner tomorrow night?” Phoebe asked while she held Pebbles in her lap with Bash sitting on Xavier’s lap.

I looked at Fiona to see her looking at me, “Okay?”

I saw her bite her bottom lip, and then she nodded. Looking at Phoebe I nodded.

The next afternoon, Fiona had changed three times, wanting to make a good first impression, after she put the first outfit on. Crazy woman.

“Car babe. Too fucking cold for you on the bike.”

“Knox, I won’t freeze.” She grumbled as she pulled on her coat.

“Don’t care.” Huffing, she stomped out of the house. She was the only one that ever gave me as good as I got.

Opening her door for her I silently berated myself for my predicament. I wasn’t a small man and trying to fit inside of her tiny ass tin can of a car was going to be painful.

I had bumped my knees thirteen times, yes I had counted. After we were done eating tonight, my ass was walking home. Fuck that.

“Are you sure they won’t mind that I am here with you?” This was the third time she had asked me that.

“Fi…” I had to bite down the forcefulness of my growl.

“Knox, I’m a complete stranger to them.” Instead of opening the car door, I pulled her across the console to sit in my lap even though it was a tight fit. I would be remedying this shit soon.

“Sweetheart, they took me in made me a part of their family. You're my family. They will love you just as I do.”

Sitting there on my lap she finally nodded and then she said, “Okay. Let’s do this.”

Grinning, I squeezed her hip, then watched as she climbed out of my lap, thankfully she was a tiny thing so moving through the car wasn’t hard to do for her. She was perfect for me.

As soon as I stepped out of the car I stretched, thank fuck that it had been a short drive. Scanning the area I rounded the hood of the car and opened her door for her.

“Thank you, Knox.” Grinning down at her I nodded.

Hand in hand we walked up the front-drive.

As soon as we were about to knock on the door, it opened and there stood Phoebe. “Hey,” when she smiled I knew that she had been watching us.

“Hey Phoebe, I wasn’t sure if I needed to bring something because I forgot to ask you.”

“Now that’s what I like to hear, Knox, you found a good one. And no, we have plenty of food, I promise you.” I looked at Sienna and then over her shoulder at Sean.

Smiling, Phoebe introduced Fiona, “Fiona this is my mom and dad, Sienna and Sean.”

“It’s very nice to meet you. You have a beautiful home.”

“Well, if the women would move out of your way, you could see more of it.” Sean laughed when Sienna and Phoebe immediately stepped aside.

“Forgive them their manners, welcome to our home dear.” I reached out and shook Sean’s hand.

Taking off my coat and Fiona’s I hung them up by the door.

“Uncle Knox. Aunt Fiona!” Bash and Pebbles called out when we stepped into the living room.

“Hey guys, what are y’all playing?”

“Legos. Gramma and Grandpa bought us a new set.” Bash said proudly.

“That’s so cool.” She looked at Sienna, “Do you need any help in the kitchen?”

“Actually everything is almost ready. Phoebe, can you set the table?”

Fiona nodded, then she sat down on the floor while she helped them work on the Lego set.

Xavier walked over and handed me a beer and Fiona a glass of sweet tea,

After a few minutes Sienna called everyone to the dining table to eat.

I had just passed the mashed potatoes to Fiona when Sienna asked, “So Fiona, Phoebe tells me that you work at Virginia’s? I love that woman.”

“Yes, Virginia has been a godsend to me.” She told her.

I felt pride swell in my chest at my woman. She was trying. I know that this was all something that she had no experience with.

“Is Randy still cooking?” Sienna

“Yes and grumbling about the orders he has to fix. A few years ago, we had a customer and he sent his food back because things were touching. Then when Randy fixed that, he sent it back because the bacon was too crispy.”

“Reminds me when Sienna was pregnant with Phoebe. If one thing wasn’t right, she would send the plate back and refuse to eat it even if they fixed it.”

Gone was the uncertainty in her voice as she laughed and chatted with Phoebe’s parents.

“We are having a potluck next Sunday. So Fiona if you wouldn’t mind, can you bring a side and possibly a dessert?”

“Banana pudding for dessert, okay?” I know how good that is, she made it a few weeks ago. I may or may not have eaten most of it while we watched a new show that she had been wanting to see.

Sienna smiled, “Perfect.”

After we helped clean up, I took us home. No, I didn’t walk. I was to fucking full to walk home.

While Fiona showered, and changed, I let Kida out, then I did the same, it wasn’t until we were lying in bed that she said, “I’m really glad I went, I had a blast. So going to talk to Randy tomorrow and tease him.”

When Fiona fell asleep, I grabbed my cell and looked at what I was going to be getting her tomorrow.

After I found what I was looking for, I turned off the light, rolled over, and wrapped my body around hers.

She snuggled closer in her sleep and sighed blissfully.

Thankfully while she’d been at work the next morning I had made a new purchase.

When Fiona’s car came up the drive, she parked it between my bike and the newest addition that I had bought.

I smiled as I mentally prepared myself for the argument that was about to take place.