Clearwater’s Redemption by Tiffany Casper

Chapter 11


With my hands against the wall on either side of her head, I asked, “How did you know?”

“Know what?” she looked at me with an impish grin.

“That I needed you in my life. You looked past the dark, down into the deepest part of my soul, a soul that I had lost when I was four.” I wasn’t afraid of letting her see this part of me, this part that was broken, shattered, demolished unless she was near me.

How could one person rely on another human being so much?

“Knox, I don’t see a man that has been hurt. I don’t see a man that has demons. What I see is a man that I would walk through the fiery gates of hell to bring back to me. A man that holds me when I cry. Who surprises me with breakfast in the mornings. Who walks against traffic so that if a car gets out of control, they have to go through you to get to me. I see a man that I want to live an eternity with. But most importantly I see a man that I love with all of my heart.”

I took in everything she had said, but that little four-letter word had the power to completely undo me.

She knew that she would never hear those words from me, but just knowing that she wasn’t afraid to let her feelings be known, I knew that I didn’t deserve her. But I was a selfish asshole that way.

So I was going to keep on taking everything she had to give me.

Deciding that now was a good time, I reached inside my kutte pocket and pulled out a small jewelry bag.

Handing it to her I watched as her eyes widened.

She opened it carefully and the moment she pulled out a delicate white gold chain that was attached to a white gold dandelion, she stared at it, I saw tears hit her cheeks.

Lifting a finger, I wiped them away.

“Like it?”

“Knox, I don’t know what to say. Thank you. I freaking love it, will you put it on me?”

I grabbed the delicate chain in my hands as I fumbled to get the clasp.

The moment I had it connected, I leaned over her as I watched it settle between her collarbones.

“It’s freaking beautiful thank you.” But that wasn’t the only way she thanked me, no she dropped to her knees right there in our bedroom as she gave me a blowjob.

Rolling over in bed I opened my eyes, expecting to see Fiona there. When I didn’t see her, I rolled out of bed, pulled on some work out pants, then I walked through the house looking for her.

I looked out the front window and saw her on the porch swing, pushing it off with her bare foot that was attached to her bare leg that led straight to my heaven.

After I made it to the open-door way, seeing her in my flannel caused the caveman in me to growl.

She turned her head as her entire face softened. “There’s coffee in the pot.”

Instead of going back inside I walked over to her, wrapped my hand in her hair, tilting her head back I brought my mouth down on hers.

When I pulled away I said, “Morning sweetheart.”

“Morning honey.” Then I placed a kiss on the top of her nose, only then did I grab myself a cup of coffee and joined her on the front porch swing.

Kida was laying in the front yard sunbathing, enjoying this cooler weather we had.

The moment I sat down I asked, “What’s your question of the day?” Here lately she has been asking me random questions

“What’s your middle name?”

I sighed, “My mother didn’t think enough of me to give me one.” That had always rubbed me the wrong way.

“Can I give you one?” She asked me in a giddy tone.

With a brow raised I asked her, “You want to?”

“Umm yeah, that would be freaking cool.” The excitement in her voice was why I was agreeing to do this.

“Okay, what is it?”

“Drumroll please?” And like the sap I am for her, I drum rolled out a beat. Her smile was payment enough.

“Knox Stephen McCord.” That was pretty good, had a good ring to it at least.

“Why Stephen?” I asked her, of all the names she could come up with, what was the reason behind that particular one?

“It’s the middle name of one of my all-time favorite bands, the lead singers to be exact.”

“And which band is this?”

The name of a band that I never expected her to say, came out of her mouth, “Shinedown.”

“I like it. I’ll add it to my shit.” She leaned her head over and laid it on my shoulder.

I had found myself smiling even more the longer I was in her presence. Heaven help the bastard that ever dared to take her from me. Because the devil would be the least of his worries.

My phone pinged with a text, I grabbed it out of my pocket as I looked at the screen.

“Party tonight.” I said aloud as she squealed, jumped up and ran to the bedroom to get ready.

Tossing my head back I laughed.

I sat on my barstool as my woman danced with her hands up in the air, always one to enjoy the moment, I had to growl at some dumb fucks that thought it was okay to approach her.

Thankfully, my growl had been loud enough to make them take a giant as fuck step back.

After she danced some more with the girls, she walked off the makeshift dance floor as she made her way to me.

I tagged her a bottle of water, opening it, and handed it to her when she reached me, “Drink.”

She winked, “Yes sir. Bossy pants.”

After she finished with her water she leaned into me to whisper, “Tell me something, what is your darkest fantasy?”

This woman was everything to me. There was nothing I wouldn’t do for her, and if it included getting her body undermine, then I was all for it.

Pulling away from her I sat there with her leaning into my body, looking into her eyes, I saw that she wasn’t drunk at all, no far from it.


“With everything.”

Nodding, I grabbed her hand and pulled her through the masses out the back of the clubhouse.

The moment we made it to my shed I stopped as I looked down at her.

“Fi….” I was cut off when she threw my words at me.

“Knox. Give me you.” She said and that was what she was going to get.

With her hand still in mine I pulled her into the shed, bolted the door.

Walking in the darkness I flipped on the light switch.

Her sudden gasp at everything in here almost had me ending this entire fucking thing.

That was until she turned to face me. What I saw in those eyes was unlike anything I have ever seen.

Grabbing my phone, I pulled up a playlist for when I worked out.

“Strip.” Emotion was clogging up my throat.

I stood there as I watched her taking off her clothes, when she got to a certain chord she started to dance.

The moment she stepped out of her skirt I ordered, “Stop. Leave your heels on.”

She froze as she looked at me.

Grabbing my knife I walked over to her, with the sharp side facing me I slid it in her panties, never once breaking eye contact with her, then I flicked my wrist, slicing her panties.

When they fell down I grabbed her hand, pulled her over to the end of the table.

“Hands.” When she placed them on the table, I placed each wrist in a cuff.

“Still trust me?”

Her face softened as she said, “Always.”

I grabbed a whip from my wall. Walked back over to her as I shrugged out of my kutte and t-shirt. Then I took off my boots, jeans, and my boxer briefs.

I brought the whip down on her ass lightly.

She hissed out with a moan.

“My sweetheart likes that?”

“Do the other.” She didn’t have to ask me a second time.

The moment I brought the whip down on her other cheek, she moaned yet again.

I ran the whip down her spine, then grinned when the goosebumps pebbled up on her flesh.

“Knox, please…”

I reached for my pocket, only to find out that I didn’t have a condom, I stilled.


“We can’t we’ll have to finish this when we get to my room.” My throbbing cock was angry with me.


“No condom.”

“Knox, please, I trust you.” She wiggled her ass.

“I’ll pull out.” I swallowed hard, and then I fingered her clit, shocked to discover that she was already wet.

For the first time in my life I entered a body without a condom on, son of a fucking bitch.

As I was pounding into her from behind, I leaned forward and bit her shoulder. I wanted her to always wear my mark. For others to see that she was mine.

Once I bit down hard, I drew blood. Her moan called to some part of me, I couldn’t help but lick the puncture marks.

Grabbing a fist full of her black hair I jerked her head back, “You like that. You like wearing my mark?”

“Yes Knox.” I kissed her hard, teeth clashing, tongues invading each other’s mouths.

Thrusting into her with my hand still wrapped in her hair I pounded even harder into her.

So hard in fact that the metal slab was even shaking with my thrusts.

“Knox, I’m close.” She moaned, but I wasn’t through.

I had one more thing to do. With my hand on her throat I squeezed, just enough pressure to feel her pulse beat even faster.

With every breath she took a moan escaped her.

“Don’t come Fi.”

“Knox.” She moaned which caused my dick to jump.

It was then that we heard two women talking outside of the shed. “I swear that man.” I didn’t stop pounding into her.

“I know, I mean, I came tonight to try and get in that man's bed.” One woman said rather nasally,

“I told you to give it up. He never looks or talks to anyone.”

And then  Fiona’s back arched, her pussy squeezed hard, and I came right along with her the moment I felt my spine tingle.

“I even bought this outfit. I mean god. And that woman that was with him. I’m prettier than her. I mean she wore a long skirt and a form-fitted top? To a biker clubhouse?” I growled when I realized they were talking about my woman.

“They got nothing on you.” I took the cuffs off of her wrists, growling at myself for how red they were.

Seeing Fiona like that, any other time, would have my blood boiling. Seeing someone do that to her.

I was a son of a bitch.

As we cleaned up, the two girls were still chattering. I looked down at my woman and saw a tinkle in her eyes.

We grabbed baby wipes that I used on certain things to clean up ourselves.

Once everything was back in place and we were both dressed we walked to the door hand in hand.

However what I thought she was going to say when we emerged from the shed wasn’t what came out of her mouth.

The moment I unbolted the door, the two women stopped talking as they froze.

“He happens to think I’m sexier when I walk out of the bedroom in a pair of his knee-length socks and a huge sweatshirt.” Fiona simply grinned at them as we walked by.

“Oh and the reason why you didn’t get in his bed, is because he was waiting for me.” She tossed over her shoulder.

It ate at me the entire drive home until I had her in my arms as I carried her in the house when she muttered three words drowsily, “Love you honey.”

How could she love me after what I had just done to her?

Whatever it was, I wasn’t going to question it. I was going to grab hold of those words and live every day to earn them.