Clearwater’s Redemption by Tiffany Casper

Chapter 12


Yesterday…. I had no words. When I awoke this morning I was sore in places that I hadn’t even known could be sore.

However, on my nightstand, there had been a little note.

‘I know your sore, I’ve already gotten your bath water ready, go soak in it and enjoy a mimosa.’


When I had read that note, I had ran for the bathroom, still naked as the day I was born, and there, sitting on the vanity was a mimosa in a champagne flute. I had to pinch myself to make sure that this really was my life. That I really was with this man, one who didn’t give any part of himself to anyone, but me.

So there I was fifteen minutes later, my glass of orange juice with champagne was halfway demolished when I looked up as the door opened. There stood my man.

“Soon as you get done taking you for a ride. Bike rally for kids with down syndrome” Smiling I nodded.

Finishing with my bath after he left, I dried off, and dressed in jeans and a long-sleeved shirt with my boots.

As soon as I walked down the hall the smell of bacon filled my senses.

The moment I turned the corner I saw Knox standing at the stove.

He turned his head to look at me. And I almost melted on the spot. “Feel better?” I looked at him and nodded.

And then I did something that I have been wanting to do, I walked up behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist, leaned into him, and placed a kiss between his shoulder blades.

After we ate breakfast we mounted the bike. We may have made a pit stop to the bedroom so I could thank him properly.

Traveling down I-85 the wind whipping at my hair, this was where I wanted to be. To have this feeling of freedom every single second of every single day.

Although, I knew that this freedom that I was feeling wasn’t just because I was on a bike going eighty-five miles an hour, no, it was all due to the man that I had my arms wrapped around. The man that had muscles on top of muscles. This feeling was all thanks to Knox.

What had made this feeling even better was when Knox brought his massive hand down to my calf as he ran his hand up my calf then along my thigh and back down where it rested on my calf.

I had heard the other ole’ ladies talking about this feeling, but I have never felt it, not until now. The power of the leg grab.

They said that this showed that the man in front of you considered you his in every way imaginable.

I knew that I wasn’t going to get more from Knox, that just wasn’t him. He wanted to be free. He wanted to be able to take off when he wanted.

And truthfully, I would love to have his last name. I would love to carry his children.

However, that saying, I would have rather loved what I had than to have never loved at all was one hundred percent true.

The events from yesterday had me wanting to do it again.

As we pulled into formation with the rest of the MC we headed to a bike rally.

I smiled as we pulled up beside Walker and Sydney, thankfully, the women had all planned to wear the same color shirts, royal blue.

We traveled for another hour, and in that time more bikes joined in, it was one massive convoy. Cars and trucks had pulled over at intersections to make sure we had all gotten through.

Society as a whole wasn’t as demolished as one would think.

The moment we arrived at the location, there were bikes on top of bikes. I was glad to be a part of something like this.

Smiling at a young girl that was manning a booth where they sold engraved leather cuffs, I walked over to her..

“These are amazing.”

“Thank you. My dad does the artwork and I’m the face of the brand.”

“Wow, that’s awesome.” I picked up two cuffs as I examined them, they were a matching pair. The cuffs were dark leather, and they each had a crow in flight on them.

“I’ll take these two.” I smiled as I handed them to her.

“Don’t you want to know how much they cost?”

“Do the proceeds benefit this rally?”

“Yes, fifty percent of each sale.”


Her smile got even wider as she told me my total. I could see why she was a little hesitant but for this cause they were worth it. Besides, they were engraved by hand. You could see minor mistakes that told me they weren’t done by a machine.

“That’ll be sixty dollars.” She said with a bright smile.

I grabbed my cash and pulled out three twenties. Handing them to her, she put them in a little money bag, “Do you want me to wrap them in tissue paper for you?”

“Sure, that would be great.”

Phoebe walked over, bumped my shoulder then asked, “What did you get?”

“Two cuffs that have crows on them.”

Her eyes brightened as she too took in the cuffs, and that was how ten minutes later every ole’ lady of Wrath MC bought two cuffs each.

The girl was stunned speechless and when her dad walked over, he stopped when most of his cuffs had been purchased.

“I don’t… I don’t know what to say.”

“Do you have a website? I’m sure we would like to buy more later on as well.”

‘We do. Umm… here’s my card. It has my website on it.” He then handed all of us cards.

The two of them hugged excitedly as we left and I couldn’t help the smile that broke out on my face along with the other ladies.

“This can’t be fuckin good. All of y’all are smiling fucking wide.” Xavier said as we came upon them looking at a bike that was up for auction.

“We just made someone’s day I think. Felt good.” Phoebe told them.

York lifted a brow, “How did y’all do that?”

“Well when we saw Phoebe looking at something because Fiona had gone over there first to buy something we all followed and we all bought something.” Marley smiled.

“What?” Knox asked me.

Grinning, I opened the bag, then pulled out the tissue paper, and showed him the two leather cuffs.

“Those are badass.” He said as he grabbed them and checked them out, then he lifted his head to look at me, “What are these for?”

“Well I figured I would use them as best friend bracelets.”

“Yeah,” His eyes narrowed, “And who is this best friend?” While I couldn’t help but tease him, the other women showed their men what they got too.

“He’s tall, built like nothing I have ever seen before. He has these eyes that just make me melt every time I look in them, and he happens to rock my world.”

Grinning, he shook his head as he grabbed my right wrist, put one cuff on it, then he held out his wrist for me to do the same for his.

“Good. Not in a killing mood today.” I tossed my head back and laughed.

I had just stepped out of the bathroom when I saw Cotton was standing there, thinking he was there for Novalie, I started to walk past him until he called my name, “Fiona?”

I stopped, turned my head to see him walk over to me.

“Look, that first night you came to the clubhouse, I know what I said caused you not to come back. I meant what I said, but I shouldn’t have said it. Never seen my brother like this. I don’t know everything he went through when he was a boy, but I think you know, and the fact that he trusted you says it all. Anyway, I just wanted to apologize.”

“Thanks Cotton. And thank you for caring about him enough to say that to me. I would’ve done the same thing.”

We were talking back and forth as we walked over to the group where they were standing in line to get some barbeque.

When I made it to Knox, it was to see his eyes were on Cotton, he looked down at me and asked, “Okay?”

“Yeah, he apologized for what he said that night in the clubhouse.”

“Good. I respect him, but I won’t hesitate to bring him a world of hurt.”

Wrapping my arms around him I snuggled closer into his chest.

After I ordered for both of us, we chowed down.

We all ended up buying shirts that said, I’m With Down. They were royal blue with yellow lettering.

After the rally was over we all headed home, Knox and I had peeled off to hit the store.

While I walked beside Knox as he pushed a cart for a few things that we needed, we headed to the movies.

It took us about thirty minutes to browse everything for a little date night at the house.

Knox had growled eleven times at men that didn’t know how to keep their eyes off of me. While I had to glare at quite a few women.

I buried my face in his neck, I was on pins and needles while we watched this movie. Why had I chosen it? The cover looked crazy; I was glad I hadn’t eaten before a line had cut everyone except a little girl in half.

Later that night, I was about to order some birth control. “What are you doing?”

I looked at him as he was rubbing Kida’s belly on our bed, “Ordering some birth control.”

His eyebrow rose, “Why?”

“So that we don’t have a baby unplanned.” I didn’t want any child to ever think that it wasn’t wanted.

“Do you not want kids?” I froze as I was about to hit the order button.

“Yes I want them. I want at least three.” While I looked in his eyes he shocked the hell out of me.

“Then why you ordering birth control?”

“We haven’t really discussed it. I mean, are you ready to be a father?”

“I am if you’re ready to be a mother. It's your call sweetheart. I’m for whatever you want.”

And that was how I canceled my order, “I am.”

“Okay. Suppose we practice making one right now?”

“How did I get so lucky to have you in my life?”

“Sweetheart, I’m the fucking lucky one.”

And just like that we slipped from a serious conversation to making love.