Clearwater’s Redemption by Tiffany Casper

Chapter 17


When Cotton had told us in church this morning that a hero was returning from war today, his wife had reached out to us to see if we could offer him one last ride, we had all agreed.

Cotton walked out of his office “Mount up, a hero just returned home, he needs an escort to his final resting place.” All at once we all stood, our women standing to walk us to our bikes.

I pulled Fiona into me and kissed her hard, “Be back.”

“Be careful. I love you.” She whispered as I bent my head to place a kiss on her stomach, “Be back little one. Daddy loves you.”

“Love you sweetheart.” Placing another kiss on the top of her nose I started up my bike.

The moment we made it to the landing strip, the plane was just taxiing.

We all parked, then got off, walked over to the doors where they would bring his casket out. I took the front right across from York. Cotton beside him, Xavier beside me. Garret took the back left with Cooper on the back right.

His wife had walked in front of us while we carried the casket to the waiting car.

Turning my head to see men and women with signs outside of the fenced-in area saying You should die for what you did. You don’t deserve this. No War.

That had caused me to step from the car as I walked over there. I hadn’t walked over there alone either.

“Leave now.” I growled out.

“This is a free country.” One woman had the nerve to say.

“Yeah because of that man’s sacrifice. That man in that casket gives you that right. My brother standing right beside me, gave you that right.”

“You think you can scare us off?” One little asshat said.

“Well what’s the point of that when I can just remove you from this earth?” Garret asked them as he fingered the weapon under his kutte.

The moment I saw someone about to throw the American Flag to the ground I grabbed my piece from the small of my back beside my knife, and took aim, “You drop that flag, I’ll drop you.”

Luckily for the little shit, he swallowed and then handed it to someone else as he walked off, unlucky for me, I’d been in the mood for some new ink added to my arm.

When the others realized they were in danger, they all left.

“Thank you.” The woman said as she wiped a tear with a tissue she had in her hand.

I nodded as I walked over to my bike after Cotton made the signal for all of us to load up.

We drove for two hours as people pulled over because of our escort and because of the American Flag that was flying out of trucks that were taking over the tail of the convoy.

After we arrived at the cemetery, we all took our same places outside of the car. The moment the door was opened, we each grabbed hold of the casket.

We carried it to the plot.

Standing there behind the row of chairs, Sergeant William Petty received a twenty-one-gun salute.

As the man in the dress blues handed the woman the folded-up American flag I looked to Cotton as I whispered. “Do more of these.”

He nodded, then took in all of our brothers’ faces to see the same look.

Just as I mounted my bike, my phone rang, seeing Fiona’s name, I answered, “Sweetheart,”

“Hey honey, think we can have everyone over for dinner tonight? Usually we go to their houses, thought it would be nice.” I could hear uncertainty in her tone.

Shaking my head, “Yeah that’s fine.”

I could hear excitement in her tone, “You sure?”

“For that smile I know you're wearing, yeah.”

Then ever so softly I heard, “Okay. Love you. Hurry home.”

“Love you.” Hanging up I noticed my brothers were on their phones too.

The moment they all ended their calls, “Dinner at my place tonight.”

“Bro, never been to your place.” Xavier stated.

“Same here.” Walker chimed in.

Cooper, the jokester said, “Finally going to see the bear cave. Right on.”

“Fuckers. Just follow me.”

We made the drive, and the moment I veered off to turn into my drive, I heard their brakes, ha, fuckers. Smiling a rare smile all the way up to my house.

My driveway had never seen this many vehicles nor bikes.

“Had I not seen you turn, I would’ve never known this was here.” Cotton muttered.

“Yeah, peaceful, quiet, a bit isolated.” As I said that, they all stared.

“You really do speak more than just a few words. Holy fuck bro.” I wanted to smack Cooper upside his big ass head, only Miriam didn’t deserve it.

Instead, I glared, “Thank my ole’ lady.” I muttered as I led them through the front door, just in time to see Kida bound over to me, “Hey bud, protecting mommy?”

He barked then he bounded over to my brothers. Had she not taken Kida around them at the clubhouse a few times, Kida would be a snarling mass of fur right about now. Just ask that developer that wanted to buy my property a few days ago.

Looking up it was just in time to see Fiona, walking down the hall with the women and the kids in tow.

“Hey honey,” she murmured as she made it over to me, wrapping my arms around her I hauled her to me, lowering my head I kissed her hard.

“What’s for dinner?” I was starving.

“Spaghetti, salad, and garlic bread.” She smiled up at me.

“Like you made a few weeks ago?”


“Fucking A sweetheart.” Grinning up at me I watched her ass as she walked into the kitchen and pulled out everything she would need to make her sauce. My woman didn’t like the taste of the pasta sauce that was store-bought, so she made her own.

The only thing she didn’t make was the pasta, and that was because she didn’t care to learn how.

Kida was over in the living room on the floor, living his best life as all of the kids rubbed his belly and laughed every time his back leg kicked when they hit his sweet spot.

Walking to the fridge I pulled out beers for everyone, I knew that Fiona had stopped on the way home to buy them. Handing the beers off I got chin lifts in agreement.

“Y’all want a tour?” I asked them.

“If I could rewind and see this house again for the first time, I would do it.” Phoebe sighed.

“Our place isn’t good enough?” Xavier looked offended.

“Shut up, you’ll get me after you see it.” Chuckling, I led them through the house and out to the back deck.

After we returned Phoebe looked at Xavier, “See what I mean?”

He sniffed, “Maybe.”

Grinning, I walked to the island, set my beer down and leaned into the countertop, resting my forearms there.

“What are you making?” Dale asked as he pulled out one of the bar stools.

“Homemade pasta sauce for spaghetti, salad, and garlic bread.”

“Homemade?” I could tell he was grinning from ear to ear judging by his tone.

“Yes. The way it tastes in a jar, “ she cringed. “Can’t stand it.”

“You need any help?” Pebbles asked as she walked over.

Fiona smiled down at her, “Yes, think you can open these two cans of tomatoes for me?”

“Yes!” Grinning, Fiona pulled her a barstool over then helped her up.

Pebbles had her tongue between her lips as she concentrated on her task. “Done. Look mommy, I helped.”

“That’s awesome sweetie, good job.” Phoebe came over to check her progress.

“Now think you can pour them in this pot?” As Fiona asked her that, she grabbed the can and poured it all in the pot.

“Now we have to keep stirring it to make sure everything mixes correctly.” She instructed. After a few minutes, Pebbles had grown bored with that, then with her mom’s help, she was down and running to play with Kida again.

“Honey, will you pull out the extra leaf and set the table? Kids can eat at the coffee table.” Nodding, I grabbed the plates and shit that we would need, Novalie, and Miriam grabbed them as I set them on the table while I grabbed the extra leaf.

“Need to put Kida up?'' York asked as he meandered over.

“Nope, he won't mess with anything unless he’s offered it by hand.”

“Please tell me you plan on breeding him?” Cotton asked as he too took in how behaved and well-tempered Kida was.

It was then that she told him about the breeder where she got Kida from. He got the contact information.

Music was playing softly in the background as Fiona set all of the dishes at the table.

Once everyone was sitting and the kids were eating while a show they all liked played on the television, Fiona said, “We want to thank everyone for coming to our home. I want to personally thank everyone for what you have all done for Knox and welcoming me into your family. Now, let’s eat.”

“Holy fuck, what’s in this?”

“Won't ever tell.” She winked at him.

“Party pooper.” Dale muttered around another forkful of pasta.

“But I will tell Lucy.” Lucy smiled wide.

Dale shoved a piece of garlic bread in his mouth. “Good.”

“Really good.” Xavier muttered.

Rounds of agreements flowed. Laughter filled the space. My family was something else.

After everything was gone, literally, even though Fiona made a double batch, the women had helped clean up.

Lying in bed that night I curled my body around hers and placed my hand protectively over her stomach. I allowed her soft snores to lull me to sleep.