Marked By Rejection by Avery Stone

Entry 1006: Marked By Freedom

Dear Kyle,

It burns...

My feelings from before feel inadequate in comparison to these current emotions.

A small part of me hoped that the women here wouldn't be so vile.

They're in tough circumstances like me.

Why are they so cruel, Kyle?

From fire to desolation, something happened that I've yet to grasp.

I've been rejected.


For what?

Existing? Surviving?

What sin have I committed to suffer these circumstances?

I've been marked with a scar.

But the fury of my own desolation…

My rage was uncontrollable, like those flames you let out to kill your perpetrator.

I soared through the darkness, but I got to see a glimpse of light.

A wolf with a scar.

Her fur is gleaming white as snow.

Her eyes burn like hollowed flames.

We're broken...outcasts...

and that's okay.

I'm not sure I'll be able to see you after this.

Yael? Is this how you felt when you lost your arm?

It's cold here. So cold.

I'm lonely.

I don't want to die alone...

It's okay. I think I failed, but I'm happy.

I freed the girl...myself...and that's something to be proud of.

Regardless of rejection...this mark to freedom.

- Wren