Marked By Rejection by Avery Stone

Entry 1007: Hollows Of A New World

Dear Kyle,

I'm alive.

Yael's alive.

I'm in a

I've yet to grasp exactly where I am, Kyle, but I'm here

and free.

Is this what freedom tastes like?

To breathe like you truly enjoy every inhale and exhale?

I'm not sure if I'm safe yet.

This place of white is a mere aspect of the whole.

But Yael's here.

He listened to my concerns...

allowed me to cry my eyes out.

He's someone special, Kyle, and I hope we can be friends.

I have a scar that goes through my right eye.

I’m not sure if I'm half blind or not. doesn't matter.

I'm alive.

I should be happy, but a part of me is sad.

Since you're still alone up there.

I hope you've made some friends.

You were always good at that compared to me.

Maybe I'll take your advice and smile more.

I suck at that...but for you...

I'll try.

- Wren