Marked By Rejection by Avery Stone

Entry 1001: Uncertanity

Dear Kyle,

It's big sis, again. I know I've been bad at writing down my thoughts to you.

I fear you'll get bored of the constant things that rampage through my brain, but my therapist keeps encouraging me to keep this log.

I never tell her I address it to you.

It feels better that it's between us...for now.

I hope you don't believe I'm embarrassed by you.

That's not the case.

I guess I don't trust my therapist, even though they say we should.

I don't trust anyone to be fair, but that's life, right?

Life without you in it to brighten my day is getting a bit harder, but I'm working towards a solution. A way out.

Until then, I have to keep things on the down-low like I have been for four years, and that's okay.

I'm having a weird heaviness in my chest. It's that feeling I got the day you were taken.

The last time I told Travis, he laughed at me, but that was the night his car got a flat and we had to walk in the rain the rest of the way home.

If that's what is going to happen, I can handle it.

I just hope I don't lose anyone else important to me, but frankly...

I don't think there's anyone I care about anymore.

Isn't that sad?

At least I can still write to you.

You were so good at reading back then.

Can you read my letters now?

I should go.

I can't be late, but I bet it doesn't matter. I won't get any tips, like usual.

Sometimes I wish I were born different, Kyle.

Why was I born a wallflower? Why do I fear protecting myself? Fighting for myself? Why...can't I change?

Something must be wrong with me.

I best go, but I'll aim to write more often. I'll clean your urn tonight once I get home.

Grab some flowers.

It's supposed to rain.

Love you, Kyle.

Thanks for listening.

- Wren