Marked By Rejection by Avery Stone

Entry 1016: Official

Dear Kyle,

Alpha Killian is like two sides of a coin.

One holds immense danger and isn't afraid to let the world see the power he holds.

The other fascinating,

holding a rooted kindness that was broken thanks to betrayal, sabotage, and heartache.

I can connect to Alpha in a way.

He's a mystery, but I can relate to him.

There are so many layers.

Aspects of him that come out for some air and dive back into hiding.

It's like getting a taste of different samples.

A grasp of good, a grasp of evil.

Though our predicaments are different in severity,

I feel like I can relate to him.

I understand a small smidge of his struggle

and wish for him to be the final victor in this brewing game.

The more I learn about him...

the more I want to help him accomplish his vision.

He has a good heart...and frankly,

maybe he always had one.

The evil in this world pierced it time and time again.

but thankfully, it didn't get rid of that kind star within.

I think I can fall for someone like Killian.

The trust is growing, little by little.

Am I still scared? Yes.

But...for once in my life,

I don't want the fear to dictate me anymore.

I need to free myself.

I deserve to be free to love,

especially when I can feel deep down...

he's falling for me.

Me...a Little Bird.

- Wren