The Alien’s Obsession by Zoey Draven

Chapter Four

There were moments when Lainey knew her life had changed forever.

Like sitting down at a piano for the first time at four-years-old. Like hearing thunderous applause reverberate in her ears after the completion of an old, beautiful concerto at fourteen.

Like the moment when she caught her father cheating on her mother. Like the moment when her mother acted like nothing was wrong for her socialite friends.

Like moving out of her parents’ house the moment she turned eighteen, feeling freedom and relief and genuine happiness for the first time.

Like the moment when her best friend, the person she loved most in the entire universe, died of breast cancer at the age of twenty-five.

Like being abducted by aliens for a human trafficking ring.

And like this moment, hiding in the shadows between two domed houses with bated breath, watching a Luxirian male climb down from his hovercraft.

When he turned to look out over the same view Lainey had been admiring before she heard a hovercraft approach, her heartbeat tripled in speed. His skin looked silver in the moonlight, his sharp features almost regal. His obvious strength, the bulk of honed muscles, made her breath hitch.

Her eyes were drawn to him like her fingers were drawn to ivory keys: unavoidable, a compulsion, a need.

Lainey reached out to the wall of the house next to her to steady herself when her head spun with dizziness, when her knees shook. To her mortified surprise, arousal arrowed down her body, pooling between her thighs. So intense and sudden that Lainey thought she might orgasm right there and then.

Her hand slipped on the wall, but she caught herself at the last moment to keep from falling on buckling knees. When she snapped her widened gaze back to the alien, she froze. His body was turned in her direction, his eyes—the color of which she couldn’t determine—seemingly right on her.

She only breathed again when he turned away and bright relief made her sag against the wall. She craned her head to watch as he entered into the dwelling at the very end of the terrace, three houses down from the one they were staying in.

Vaxa’an said only Ambassadors lived on this terrace, she remembered. Whatever ‘Ambassador’ meant. Was he one of them?

Lainey waited another moment, her heartbeat pounding in her ears. She knew she should turn tail and go back inside the house. She could take a long, hot bath once Crystal was done and then tumble head-first into the plush bed she’d seen earlier.

But she wanted to see what color his eyes were. Needed to.

Besides, Lainey never did anything she knew she should do.

Except for when it came to her music, she had no discipline. She’d always assumed she’d used up all her discipline, sitting at her piano bench, practicing for hours and hours a day, perfecting every note until it rolled seamlessly into the next perfect note.

So really…who could blame her when she pushed away from the wall, emerged from the shadows, and crept three houses down?

Lainey’s heart was threatening to pound right out of her chest when she slowly stepped down the alley between the Ambassador’s house and the one right next to it.

Her skin felt flushed and her arms tingled, knowing that what she was doing was potentially risky and dangerous. She knew next to nothing about Luxirian males.

That thought almost made her pause, but something inside her, deep within her, forced her feet forward.

She had to know. But what she had to know—other than the color of his eyes—remained a mystery.

A sense of foreboding rose in the back of her mind. Something Cecelia had told the group of women when she’d returned, with a new Luxirian mate in tow. Something about when she’d seen him for the first time, she’d felt…a pull, a weird sense of connection that hadn’t made sense to her at the time.

Lainey shook her head, trying to clear her thoughts, trying to bring her treacherous body back until control.

No, the whole ‘Instinct awakening,’ the whole ‘fated mate’ thing…it was ridiculous.

No, she thought, her body humming. This mysterious Ambassador was just the first Luxirian to tickle her fancy, coupled with the fact that she hadn’t had sex in almost two years. Her body wanted to end its dry spell and it seemed like her body had chosen him.

That was all it was. Sexual interest and attraction.

Not that she would have sex with him. He could have a Luxirian wife and a baby on the way for all she knew.

She ignored the way her gut tightened at the thought.

No. She was simply…curious.

Which was what she told herself when she found herself slinking towards the back of the house like a total creep, briefly glancing in any windows she passed.

Wow, Lainey, she thought to herself, if only Mother could see you now.

The two windows at the front of the house revealed no one, so Lainey slowly approached where she knew the bedrooms were, if the structures of the houses were at all similar.

With her heart drumming in her chest, she peeked around the very last window into the house.

He was there.

He was undressing.

Lainey’s eyes went wide.

Throughout her life, she’d seen plenty of drool-worthy, sculpted, masculine bodies. Hell, all of her ex-boyfriends—though to be fair, she only had three—had spent at least an hour in the gym most mornings and got in their fair share of protein.

And Lainey had seen their guards shirtless at times, knew that the Luxirians she’d seen—including Vaxa’an—were absolutely stacked.

But this alien…

Nothing prepared her for how her body would respond. Underneath her ‘uniform’—what all the women called the grey, soft tunics they were given every morning—her nipples pebbled tight, goosebumps broke out over her skin, and her arousal revved up about 110%.

The Ambassador’s skin looked blue in the darkness, but she knew that Luxirian skin reflected light in a strange way. It was ever-changing. He was already shirtless and when he shifted, Lainey could see the small, metal bars that were pierced through his flat, dark nipples. Her mouth watered wondering how he would taste there. His pecs were perfectly square and led down to his taut abdomen, not an ounce of fat on him. Only muscle. Pure muscle and pure, uninhibited strength.

Dark horns, almost the exact color of the black mountain ranges she saw far in the distance, curled around the crown of his head, though the longer she looked at them, she noticed that they had begun to lift up and straighten slightly.

Fascinating, she couldn’t help but think, pressing closer to the window.

Black, long, loose hair hung to the center of his shoulder blades and it swayed as the Ambassador made quick work of his pants, unstringing the laces with efficiency and precision.

And when he pushed them down the thick, muscled length of his thighs, when he stepped out of them, and then rose to his full height, completely and utterly naked…Lainey forgot how to breathe.

His cock was semi-erect…and rising. And thickening. It was the goddamn size of a baby’s arm and looked like there were small, round knobs lining the top and bottom of his length.

Oh my God.

Lainey was so close to the window her nose was practically pressed against the clear glass-like material that stretched across the opening. She took a deep, silent breath, nourishing her lungs with much-needed oxygen.

Her eyes flickered up to his face. He was turned so that Lainey could only see his profile and it was still much too dark to see the color of his eyes.

Her heart leaped in her throat when he turned and went to go recline on the bed against the far wall. It was piled high with furs, just like her own. And as he lay back against the cushions, Lainey saw his eyes slide shut.

For a moment, she thought he was going to sleep for the night, but then she saw his hand move and she sucked in a breath.

A beam of moonlight filtering in through the window opposite the bed illuminated his movements. Lainey felt her cheeks flush a hot, deep crimson, probably a similar color to her hair, as dawning realization washed over her.

He was masturbating.

Jerking off.

Rubbing one out.

Spanking the monkey.

And dear Lord, Lainey was watching. A regular Peeping Tom.

She never wanted to look away.

So she watched.

She watched as the nameless Ambassador—if that was even who he was—slowly began. His strong fist clenched around the base of his impossibly thick cock, his hand so big that it actually fit all the way around, and he stroked…up, down, up, down, up, down.

Lainey’s eyes were glued to his movements. Rapt. Whispers of her ragged breath fell from her lips as she spied. She shuffled a little closer, moving slowly so that she didn’t alert him to her presence.

Within a few short moments, she spied something glimmering on his cock head, lit up by the moonlight’s path. Pre-cum, she realized, but unlike anything she’d seen. It shimmered, like the inside of an abalone shell, iridescent and gleaming.

Lainey licked her bottom lip, clenching her thighs together when she felt a swift, punishing wave of sharp pleasure. The Ambassador’s chest began to rise quicker. His horns began to straighten further. His naked thighs began to tense and tighten.

Lainey sensed he was holding back. She sensed that he ached to fuck his fist, fast and hard, but he was teasing himself first, drawing out the beginning of his pleasure, inching closer and closer to the edge.

Or perhaps it was wishful thinking, her own fantasy. She’d never watched a male masturbate, except in porn. It felt…naughty. It felt surprisingly intimate.

Lainey’s fingers couldn’t help but drift down to the hem of her shirt. Underneath, she was bare, since they’d been given no undergarments to wear. She bit her lip, her nipples tingling, when the pad of her index finger brushed between her slick folds. She was soaked for the alien male lying back on his bed.

He groaned and she could hear it even through the closed window, though slightly dampened. That sound made her brows come together as she almost let out a strangled whimper. Her head went dizzy and she steadied herself against the wall.

God, that sound…

She wanted to hear it over and over again, preferably as she made him cum.

Lainey shook herself. Even in the haze of her pleasure, she knew her thoughts were dangerous.

It didn’t stop her, however, from sliding a finger up her pussy as her thumb moved over her clit.

Lainey didn’t know how long she stood at that window, keeping herself on the edge of orgasm, watching him do the same thing.

It felt good. Lainey missed the feel of her flesh, missed the way arousal made her ache. She hadn’t masturbated in what felt like ages. She never wanted it to end.

But Lainey’s control was shattering like glass. And when the alien began to tremble, when a delicious, long, husky groan met her ears, and she perceived him lifting his hips to fuck his fist faster, harder, she knew she wouldn’t last much longer.

Neither will he, Lainey realized, dazed. He’s going to cum.

Then she did something stupid without realizing it. Just as she knew he was nearing the point of no return, her feet shuffled a step closer so she could see better.

The slight movement caught his attention. His head jerked in her direction. And Lainey felt the world around her shift when their eyes connected.

His eyes—which, in the stream of moonlight, she now saw were blue—widened.

And then, with a roar that she felt shake the walls of the house, the alien Ambassador began to cum.