The Alien’s Obsession by Zoey Draven

Chapter Six

The hot water from the giant bathtub/pool greeted her when Lainey sunk in, neck-deep. The muscles in her body loosened, lengthened, and she sighed, though it sounded more like a shuddering gasp to her own ears.

Reaching up a trembling hand, she pinched the bridge of her nose, squeezing her eyelids shut. Her heart was still racing and her body…her body was still humming.

She was reeling from her encounter with the Ambassador. Everything about it seemed like a strange dream, an out-of-body experience. Not only could she not believe that she’d actually watched the alien masturbate to a shattering orgasm—so powerful that she felt like she’d had one with him—but that he’d caught her and confronted her about it.

Lainey wrapped her arms around her naked, shaking body, running her hands up and down from her elbows to her shoulders. Her gaze strayed to the grey tunic lying in a heap at the steps of the stairs leading into the bath.

It had been covered in his…his cum. It was something that should repulse or disturb her, but Lainey felt decidedly…undisturbed.

In fact, she felt quite the opposite. Which didn’t make sense. Which was why she was trying to calm her mind, to get it on straight before she headed for bed, so that she could wake up in the morning the same person she’d been before. Not this strange, altered woman, who felt like something cosmic had just shifted.

Because something had happened the moment she saw him.

And it had happened for Cecelia too, Lainey couldn’t help but think. It had also—most likely, most definitely—happened to Taylor, Beks, and Kate too.

No, no, no, no.

Lainey put a halt to her thoughts, to the strong sense of dread and foreboding, and ignored the way her body still tingled from feeling that alien Ambassador’s strong arms wrapped around her. His smell, his massive height, the way his eyes gleamed with something sensual, something wicked, something unknown when he’d looked at her. Those goddamn piercing blue eyes would haunt her dreams if she let them.

Get a grip, she told herself.

Lainey took a deep breath, distracting herself instead with the peace she’d felt standing outside on the terrace, soaking in moonlight and fresh, cool air, before the alien had crashed into her life. She’d felt free then. After being locked away in cages on the alien fight club planet they’d come from, to being locked away in a room on this strange planet called Luxiria. Even being in the bathroom made Lainey antsy. She wanted open air, to feel no walls surrounding her.

But she was afraid that if she went back out to the terrace, she’d do something stupid. Like try to catch another peek of the alien that had sent her heart skipping. And no man in her entire life had ever made her heart skip. It was almost a badge of pride, that no man had control of her heart. Only Lainey did.

She made a frustrated sound in the back of her throat and grabbed a handful of soap granules that Crystal must’ve found somewhere. At least she hoped it was soap. And she scrubbed and scrubbed and scrubbed her body until her skin was pink and she felt a little more like herself.

When Lainey retreated to her room that night, she couldn’t help but look at the window, almost half-expecting to see him standing there.

It took her a long time to fall asleep that night, but once she did…she dreamed of him. In the middle of the night, she woke up in the midst of an orgasm, her mouth opened in a silent cry, her hips grinding into the furs. And as she looked up at the ceiling of her quiet room, her chest heaving with the force of it, Lainey knew she was in trouble.

* * *

Lainey yawnedas she walked in the living room the next morning, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. Her stomach had woken her, growling, and not for the first time she wondered if these Luxirians had anything that remotely resembled coffee.

She’d had it sparingly back on Earth. Caffeine made her hands shake and shaking hands didn’t make for an effective session at her piano bench.

But with no piano in sight, all Lainey wanted was coffee. Black coffee with half a teaspoon of sugar, just the way she liked it. Bitter with a slight sweetness she had to search for. Just like me, she thought with a twist of her lips, though her chest felt hollow at that thought.

As she stepped into the living room, the hairs on her arms stood on end before she even heard his voice. Or saw him. Like her body sensed him before her mind did.

It was unnerving. She stopped just on the threshold of the room, frozen in place. The alien Ambassador’s back was to her and he was speaking with Vixron near the front door of their house. The strange, guttural words and sounds that streamed from his lips were oddly mesmerizing and the rich, deep tones of his voice made a shiver of awareness race down her spine.

God, why did he have to sound so delicious?

With strange fascination, Lainey watched as his shoulders stiffened. He stopped speaking. He shifted and suddenly, those blue eyes were on her and that regal, fucking beautiful face was turned towards her.

Lainey’s knees actually shook and she had to force herself not to nervously adjust her Sleep Hair as his eyes seemed to memorize every inch of her. She hadn’t been prepared for this. Not this early in the morning, not when she was coming off erotic dreams of him.

Something became clear: he was even more devastating in the sunlight than he’d been in the moonlight. His skin had taken on an almost blue, silvery hue the night before—all Luxirian skin shifted with changes in light—but now, it glowed a subtle gold.

Mentally, she shook herself. She’d seen plenty of men in her life that had left her speechless. None quite like the alien standing in front of her, but still. Lainey could deal with this until they got off Luxiria and returned to Earth. No problem.

So, true to her nature, as she did with any major problem in her life…Lainey ignored it. She deflected.

“Vixy,” she said, turning her gaze from the Ambassador, whose name she still did not know, to the guard behind him, “who do I have to bang around here to get some breakfast?”

Poor choice of words, perhaps, she realized the moment they slipped out of her mouth.

Oh well.

Vixy frowned, but she swore the Ambassador’s lips quirked up a bit, as if he was amused by her.

Lainey didn’t know why, but that grated.

“Vixron is leaving, female,” the Ambassador said, stepping forward. Lainey’s eyes ran down his body, almost unconsciously, and she was both relieved and disappointed that he was dressed. Tight, leather pants, and a soft grey tunic that molded to his generous, bulging muscles.

Lainey’s hard swallow seemed to echo around the room.

“Why?” she asked. Why did her voice sound so nervous?

“He has had no relief in three spans. He needs rest,” the Ambassador said, taking another step towards her. “I will stand guard until he returns.”

Alarm flashed through her and without realizing it, she began to pick at the skin around her nail beds. A disgusting habit she’d never been able to break.

“Crystal and I are fine on our own,” she argued, her back straightening. “We don’t need a babysitter.”

He frowned at ‘babysitter,’ the confusion evident on his ridiculously sculpted face. Lainey wouldn’t ever call him pretty per se, but the alien had the bone structure of a model. And not just any model, but like a high-end, ‘I just did a shoot for Vogue,’ type of model.

Why were Luxirians so freaking attractive? It simply wasn’t fair.

He didn’t respond to her, however. Instead, he looked over his shoulder and addressed Vixy with, “You may take your leave now, warrior. Before you return to your dwelling, have a meal sent up for both females.”

Tev, Ambassador,” Vixy replied, inclining his head. “I will return when the suns lower to continue my duty.”

The Ambassador didn’t reply and Lainey watched with mild panic as Vixy swept out of the room, out of their house. His footsteps echoed on the terrace and a moment later, as the Ambassador found her gaze again and held it, she listened helplessly as a hovercraft revved up and then…left.

Well, shit.

Lainey forced herself to stop picking at her cuticles and pressed the palms of her hands to her thighs. She took in a deep breath, still standing in the same place.

His voice was like molasses, rich and slow and absolutely sinful, as he said, “Tell me what you are called, female.”

“My name?” Her eyes narrowed on him. “You first.”

He didn’t hesitate. “I am called Kirov. I am the technology advisor to the Prime Leader and Ambassador to Troxva, in the eastern lands.”

Kirov. Like Key-rah-v.

Again, the sound of her swallow filled the room as she wondered about the alien standing in front of her. Lainey wondered things like what a technology advisor did and what Troxva was and what he did there. Mostly, she wondered why she felt the way she did about him, why she didn’t feel in control of her own body and mind. Was it something in the atmosphere? Something in the goddamn water?

One corner of his lip ticked up again, as if he could read her mind, and she found that sexy, though she didn’t want to. She realized she’d been standing there in silence like a loon as she wondered those things.

Kirov took another step towards her and she shuffled to the side immediately, like a skittish feral cat, passing him to stand at the window, the one with the 76-key ledge. Her fingers tapped on the stone, though she didn’t know what she played.

Lainey’s heart throbbed in her chest as she perceived him moving. He came to stand next to her, to look out over the same view of Luxiria. Out of the corner of her eye, after several moments in silence, she saw him look at her.

A deal was a deal, she supposed. Without returning his gaze, still gazing out the window, she said softly, “My name is Lainey.”

She heard him exhale a sharp breath through his nose.

“Lani,” he repeated, his thick accent morphing her name, softening it. Like Lah-nee, instead of Lay-nee.

Her fingers continued to shift over the ledge. She realized she was playing a song she’d composed herself and for a brief moment, his gaze was drawn down to her fingers. But not for long. Soon, it returned to regard her profile.

“Close enough,” she whispered.

His arm brushed against hers when he turned to face her and her breath hitched at the contact. Her skin tingled and warmth pooled in her belly. She couldn’t believe she was getting turned on from a single touch. She seriously needed to get laid.

Lani,” he said again softly. His tone made her fingers still and she looked over at him, feeling the pull of his eyes.

Those eyes were dangerous, she realized. Suddenly, she couldn’t look away.

Kirov reached out a hand, slowly as if the movement might scare her away, like she was animal that needed taming. And in a way, perhaps that was true.

Lainey didn’t know why, but her eyes fluttered shut when his thumb touched her cheek. His touch was gentle, soft, and his fingers were surprisingly warm.

“You are…” she heard him say, his voice deepening, going a little rough. It made her nipples pebble tightly under her tunic, so hard that it hurt. Her eyes opened and she saw his pupils dilate. “Vellixa. Beautiful.”

That word hit her hard. Struck something inside her that made her want to cry, that made her want to immediately protest and retreat.

Instinct demanded that she push him away, that she get away from his soft touch and his beautiful eyes. So why wasn’t she doing it?

Push him away, push him away, her mind screamed. But her body was frozen, locked tight, confused by his touch and his pretty, pretty words that she desperately wanted to be true.

“Stop,” she whispered and she heard the fear in her voice. It turned her tone ragged. “Stop, please.”

His brow bones lowered, confused, his lips pulling downward.

“Good morning,” came a soft, hesitant voice from the hallway.


Lainey blinked, surfacing from whatever spell he’d put her under. As if burned, she jumped back from Kirov’s touch and his hand fell away from her cheek, the connection gone.

Only then did she feel like she could breathe again.