The Alien’s Obsession by Zoey Draven

Chapter Five


Disbelief so baffling, so incredible that Kirov’s brain—for a blissful, rare moment—completely shut down. Quiet nothingness as he orgasmed so hard his spine arched off his sleeping platform.

Yet, he never looked away from the human female watching him from the shadows outside his dwelling.

His gaze was locked tight on her own, rapt, ensnared, as his dormant Instinct awakened for the first and only time in his lifespan.

His mate, his luxiva.

Fates, he’d found her!

A revelation. A before and an after, so clear and startling that already Kirov wondered how he’d lived before that moment.

From the time he’d been a youth, he’d heard that the awakening of a Luxirian’s Instinct was like coming to life. A breath of life, straight from the Fates.

But Kirov didn’t think it was like a breath from the Fates. No, it was more like a shroud being ripped from his eyes, from his body, one he’d been cloaked in, smothered in for his entire life without realizing it.

True freedom, true purpose. That was what he felt at that life-altering moment.

When the last pulsings of his powerful orgasm died down and after he’d sufficiently covered his abdomen in cum, he was still wrapped in that haze of disbelief.

That moment of brief inaction cost him.

The female fled from her spying place before he could blink.


Kirov growled, springing from his sleeping platform and tearing from his quarters, towards the central hub, and to the front door of his dwelling.

He almost tore the door off its tracks in his desperation to reach her.

He saw her.

The human female was just rounding the alley between his and Cruxan’s—thankfully empty—dwelling.

Kirov didn’t think. How could he when all the blood had rushed from his mind to his cock? When his Instinct—a strange, dizzying, powerful force within him—demanded that he claim his rightful mate?

Kirov lunged for her before she could fly past the alley corner and grabbed her around the waist, hauling her against his still naked body.

He almost groaned when he scented her, a scent so delicious, so right, that his cock gave a responding throb that threatened to bring him to his knees.

Her shocked gaze collided with his. Kirov growled as his pupils dilated, as his eyes roved over his female’s features for the first time, memorizing them with care.

Her eyes were blue, similar to his own, though she had white surrounding their color. Her features were delicate, her nose was small, her lips lush and pink. Her skin was pale, little dark dots peppering her cheeks and the bridge of her nose.

And her hair…

Fates, her hair was the color of fire embers, unlike anything he’d ever seen before.

She was his.

Kirov purred low in his throat and, still acting on Instinct, wrapped his arm just beneath her lush breasts. Later, he would curse himself. Later, he would wonder where his mind had been.

But right then, he could think of nothing but her and the knowledge that she was his fated mate.

Luxiva,” he growled softly, down to her, noting that she only came up to the middle of his chest. Vrax, how tiny she was. “Vellixa.”


His head jerked back when she screamed, his muscles tightening at the harsh sound. His ears rung.

“Female!” he rasped.

“Let go of me!” she screamed, bucking against his body, though she didn’t budge him. “Let go of me!”

Kirov’s mind froze. Unfortunately, so did his body, so he didn’t do as his female requested. If anything, his arms locked tighter, more in fear that she would slip out of them and away from his reach forever.

In the distance, he heard a male sprinting towards them. Kirov’s head snapped up. It was Vixron, the warrior that had been assigned to the human females, as their guard.


Kirov couldn’t help but growl at the sight of him. And his reaction was shocking. It was his Instinct, he realized, threatened by another male, so close to his female when she was unmated and unmarked.

Kirov shook himself, straightening, but not releasing his grip on his luxiva.

Vixron drew up short, his eyes narrowing, as he took in the sight before him. The red-haired female stopped struggling in his arms when she saw Vixron and jealousy cut through Kirov like a blade.

Did she trust this male, over him?

Then his female snapped, “Well, it’s about time! What if I was being kidnapped or murdered? Talk about a lackluster response time!”

Kirov’s brows knitted together and Vixron straightened at the female’s words.

“You are…unharmed?” Vixron asked hesitantly, his eyes flitting to Kirov, wariness evident in his gaze, his hand hovering over the weapon sheathed at his hip.

Kirov growled darkly at the implication. “Remember who I am, warrior,” he said, his tone measured and careful. Which surprised him because Kirov felt anything but measured and careful.

He felt…unhinged. Wild. Reckless. Like nothing made sense anymore.

Vixron’s spine snapped at the words, words Kirov purposefully spoke in English, his female’s language, though the language, which he’d rarely used, still felt muddled on his tongue.

“Yes, Ambassador,” Vixron addressed, lowering his head just slightly as he greeted him. Not as low as Vixron would greet Vaxa’an, but still low enough to show respect for Kirov’s high rank. “Forgive me.”

It took until that moment for Kirov’s mind to catch up to the situation. And it looked bad. Very bad.

There he was, naked, hard for the female struggling in his arms, and his cum, which had covered his own body after he’d orgasmed, now covered her tunic. Some even glimmered off the flesh of her inner arm, from when she’d fought against him.

A savage, primal part of Kirov craved that sight, needed to mark her further with his cum. Oh, the wicked ways he would do it…

The logical, somewhat intelligent part of Kirov knew that unless he acted fast, this situation could spin out of control.

Though he loathed it, Kirov released the red-haired female immediately, making sure she was steady on her feet before letting her go completely. He felt the loss of her touch like a physical ache and he clenched his fists to keep from reaching out for her.

It pleased him when the female didn’t turn towards Vixron, but rather went to put her back to the building of Cruxan’s dwelling, assessing the situation in her own way, with a wary gaze that flickered over him. Kirov could see how her nipples were hardened underneath her tunic.

He drew in a deep breath and froze. Because underneath the alluring scent that was simply her, he smelled something else. Arousal.

Kirov’s fists clenched further until his claws bit into his flesh and he felt the sting as his blood surfaced.

She’d been aroused watching him masturbate. She’d liked watching him.

The knowledge filled him with relief. With lust.

Then he shook himself. He needed to deal with Vixron first because the warrior was looking at him with poorly veiled suspicion.

Like all Luxirians, Kirov wasn’t ashamed of his nudity, so he hardly blinked an eye as he addressed Vixron directly, still naked, “You ought to keep a better watch over the females, warrior.”

Vixron inclined his head again. “Forgive me, Ambassador. She said she wanted to go outside onto the terrace. I—”

“You did not think to check on her whereabouts?” Kirov growled, his muscles shifting and growing. From the shadows, he heard the female’s slight gasp. “You are their protector here, warrior.”

Beyond his lust, beyond the haze of disbelief, Kirov knew that Vixron should’ve been out on the terrace the moment Kirov returned. He should’ve heard a hovercraft approaching, should’ve checked on the female. Had he been any other male…or a desperate warrior…

He shook himself and then he inhaled a quick breath, his mind beginning to race. His eyes drifted over to his female, saw that she was watching him with those stunning blue eyes from the shadows, the moon casting shafts of light across her cheekbones. Her gaze drifted down his body and he straightened unconsciously at her blatant perusal.

Her gaze snapped up, her eyes widening, when Kirov said to Vixron, “I was pleasuring myself to release some tension.”

Vixron made a sound in the back of his throat, though Kirov felt no embarrassment at the omission.

Then he continued by saying, “She was spying on me from outside my window. How long she was there, I do not know.” He turned to her. “How long were you there, female?”

His luxiva’s mouth dropped open and a flood of red washed over her cheeks. “You…you…I…I never—”

“Possibly from the beginning,” Kirov continued, holding her gaze as he said, “until the very end.”

Her breath hitched at his unspoken meaning and he wondered if she was replaying the moment of his orgasm in her mind, when he caught her gaze. Because he was.

The breeze shifted and Kirov almost groaned when he caught another hint of her arousal. His mouth watered.

The female blinked and then seemed to shake herself.

“How dare you!” she seethed suddenly and Kirov watched, in complete rapt fascination, as her cheeks only reddened, as her lips puckered with frustration, and her eyes glittered with anger. “I was not spying!”

Kirov almost grinned. She reminded him of a disgruntled baby privixi.

Kirov widened his stance, crossing his arms over his chest. It pleased him when her gaze dropped between his legs, her lips parting at the sight of his cock.

“Then what were you doing, standing outside the window of my sleeping quarters as I pleasured myself?”

“Will you stop saying it like that?” she hissed. Out of the corner of his eye, Kirov saw Vixron shift again, clearly uncomfortable with the situation he’d found himself in.

“Like what?” Kirov asked, tilting his head to the side. He reached up to slide a hand over his straightened horns and his hand trembled at the restless energy stored up inside him.

Fates, his luxiva was standing before him. His luxiva! And he had to act like he was indifferent to her when all he wanted to do was steal her away to have his wicked way with her, to see what other maddening words he could make come out of her mouth.


“You…you keep saying ‘pleasuring yourself’!” she hissed.

Tev. And?” Kirov said. “That was what I was doing. Do you not agree, female? You were there, after all.”

“Oh, for Pete’s sake!” the female burst out, throwing up her hands. “Fine! Yes, I was there. I was spying on you like a total perv. So, sue me!”

Kirov blinked, amusement warring with lust inside him. This female had a tongue on her and he wanted her to use it on him, in whatever way she pleased, even if it was to spew confusing words he didn’t yet understand. One span, however, perhaps she would use that tongue on him in a much more mutually pleasurable way.

“Who are Pete and Sue?” he asked. “And what is a ‘perv’?”

“Jesus H. Christ,” she muttered under her breath. Before he could open his mouth, she turned to Vixron and said, “Look, this is just a big misunderstanding. I’m fine. Nothing happened. He just startled me is all. I want to go to bed now, okay?”

Kirov tensed when she pushed off the wall, everything in him rebelling at the thought of letting her out of his sight. His chest squeezed in panic simply at the thought.

What if he never saw her again? What if she was just a hallucination, a cruel trick by the Fates?

Kirov became aware that Vixron was still watching him and though it was the hardest thing he’d ever had to do, he jerked his gaze away from his retreating luxiva and focused it instead on the suspicious warrior.

“Ensure the female makes it to the dwelling safely,” he said. “And stay posted at the door for the remainder of the night. I will see about relief duty for you in the morning since you are clearly in need of rest.”

“Yes, Ambassador,” Vixron said, jerking his head in a nod.

Kirov’s body relaxed, the tension in his muscles releasing when Vixron turned his back, striding down the terrace.

Kirov could still see her. He watched the graceful sway of her body as she walked, a longing ache building inside him. It joined his restlessness, his excitement, his fear at discovering his fated mate. Vrax, how did Vaxa’an, Lihvan, Rixavox, and Vikan stand this worry, this despair? The awakening of his Instinct had been like an extraction. A vital part of him had been torn out of his body and buried within her. Forever.

And she was walking away from him.

He could do nothing about it, lest he make Vixron even more suspicious about what had just happened between them.

Vrax,” he rasped under his breath.

Then, just before the female slipped back inside the dwelling, she paused. As if she could feel his eyes on her, she turned to look at him over her shoulder. Her red hair swayed down her back and though he couldn’t see the color of her eyes, for she was too far away, he knew they shone with beauty.

Feel it too, luxiva, he urged silently. Feel what it will be between us.

His luxiva looked at him for one, two, ten moments. Then Vixron stepped between them and the connection was ended.

Kirov felt the loss of it, of her, like a severed limb.