Blue 42 by C.A. Rene

Chapter eighteen


Was it wrong that I told Danielle I would meet her at the venue? I mean, her father is going to the same place, is that such a big deal? She sounded disappointed but I couldn’t bring myself to care, I don’t even want to go, and her sounding upset before even getting there cements that. I just want this night over with and then get on the bus that will take us to Cincinnati. Yes, right after the gala, we are all piling into a bus and hitting the road. It’s not ideal and having to sleep on the bus and then practice for the game sounds like a terrible idea.

I pay the taxi that drops me off and I grab my duffle bag, spotting the bus in the parking lot. I’m a bit late but whatever, at least I made it, and that’s saying something considering I almost changed my mind. I hand my bag to the driver and then head inside the convention center.

The decorations are lavish and ostentatious. The large garland of silver with bright red roses in their centers, large chandeliers, and the smell of rich people. You know what I mean, their colognes and perfumes smell like they’re worth more than my mother’s yearly salary. I hate that I’m here when this isn’t what I signed up for. I wanted to play a game I love and provide for my family, not to schmooze with rich folks because they gave us some of their money.


I turn and see Danielle standing by the stairs and I cringe because it was obvious she was waiting.

“Sorry I’m late...”

“You could’ve texted.” She cuts me off, annoyance clear on her face.

“I’m sorry,” I try again. “I hate crowds and shit like this makes me uncomfortable.”

I guess she sees the honesty in my words and steps forward from the shadow of the stairs. Her dress is a bright emerald green and it makes her skin pop, her radiance on complete display.

“You look beautiful,” I say with awe because she truly does.

The blush that coats her cheeks makes her even more so and she steps closer to me, fingering my black silk tie.

“I thought maybe you would do green as well, when I asked you…” she trails off and I groan.

“Was that why you asked? Is that why you’re wearing green?” I scrub my hand over my face, “this is all new to me, I’m sorry.” More apologies.

“It’s okay,” she chuckles, “you look dashing, Dixon.”

“Thank you,” I feel myself flush and she laughs again.

“Have you ever been to anything like this?” she looks up the stairs and I presume that’s where it’s being held.


“I’ll give you a run through so you’re not surprised.” She smiles and I decide she has a beautiful smile, “so there are a bunch of rich assholes up there that think since they pay towards the team that they are entitled to know shit about you.”

I laugh out loud and that earns me a wider smile.

“They’ll be intrusive with their questions and they will look down on you because they see you as their investment, even some as far as their property.”

I know this already, I gathered that when Coach told us how many zeros were on the checks we received, but I let her continue.

“They’re not here for you guys tonight, they’re here for themselves, and they want flattery. You don’t have to do that, of course,” she rushes out, “but you being the rookie, it’ll be expected.”

“I have to kiss rich asses is what you’re telling me.” I grin at her.

“Yeah.” She giggles and shrugs. Yes, she is absolutely gorgeous.

“What else should I know?”

“Don't be offended by their ignorance.” She explains, “they are only acquainted with their own way of life.”

“Got it.” I nod and hold out my arm, “shall we?”

“You just want to get this over with, huh?” she grins.

“I’m sure you’ll help me enjoy my time tonight.” Her eyes heat at my words and I realize too late how presumptuous that sounded. “I don’t mean… like that…”

“I would love to help you enjoy your time, Dixon.” Her husky voice is a direct hit to my dick and I feel it start to swell.

Well damn, I guess I’m not gay.

The aroma of rich perfumes and foods that I’m not accustomed to assaults my nose. The large room is scattered with tables that are covered in sparkling lace, there’s what looks to be a dance floor in the center, and to the far back is a platform with a podium on it. A live band is up there now playing instruments I could never name and songs I have never heard before. There are servers gracing the floors with trays of long-stemmed glasses, filled with bubbling liquid, and topped with raspberries. Everything screams extreme wealth.

“North!” Coach exclaims and the group he’s standing with all turn to look, I guess that’s what I get for being late. “Come here and meet a few people.”

“Here we go,” Danielle murmurs beside me. “Smile.”

I plaster a wide, fake smile on my face, and let her lead me toward the group. It’s a group of older men - I would guess in their fifties to sixties - and some have wives with them. They have friendly enough faces and I release the breath I was holding, letting go of the anxiety with it. This is a first for me and I don’t want to fuck it up.

“Guys, this is Dixon North,” Coach says as I come forward. “Our newest addition.”

I give them a small smile, “nice to meet you.”

“How does it feel to be playing on an NFL team?” One of the men asks with a smile on his face.

“Amazing,” I answer honestly, “I’m honored.”

“This is a big change for you,” another adds, “what college did you play with?”


“Oh Clemson!” a woman exclaims, “they are a great team.”

“Thank you, ma’am.”

“Your life must be very different now.” Another woman states and I look at her in question.

“How so?”

“I know all that money an athlete receives,” she chuckles and pats whom I assume is her husband’s arm, “it’s life changing.”

“Yes,” I agree because it’s true. “My life currently is still the same in the sense that I’m catching footballs and running towards an end zone.”

“Oh!” she laughs, “I like that.”

I smile and give her a nod. They’re not so bad, maybe a little pretentious, but not rude.

“You’re a great addition to the team, Mr. North.”

“Thank you very much.” I smile and Danielle tugs on my arm.

“Do you mind if I steal him away?” she bats her lashes and a few of them chuckle, “I’ve been eyeing those fancy drinks.”

“It was great to meet you all.” I give another nod as Danielle steers me away.

“Impressive, Mr. North,” she teases, “I believe they liked you.”

“I’m a likeable person, Danielle.” I smile at her and she sucks in a breath.

“Dani.” She looks up at me through her lashes, “call me Dani.”

“I guess that means we’re friends now, huh?”

She laughs as I grab us two glasses from a passing server. “Dixon, I have no interest in being your friend.” Again, her eyes heat up and my cock twitches in response.

I give her a slow once over. She’s wearing fuck-me stilettos, in her form-fitting dress with a slit running up the side to the top of her thigh. Her brown hair is down her back hitting her waist.

“Like what you see?” she asks quietly as she sips her drink.

“Yeah, I do.” I really do. “Green is my favorite color.”

She giggles again and our moment is interrupted when Dex calls out to me from a nearby table.

“North! Get over here, you’re sitting with me and Zeal.” I turn to look at him over my shoulder and my eyes land on the table behind him.

Sitting there are Sebastian, Jameson, and Ortiz, of course and each of them has a woman sitting next to them. I knew they would bring dates, it’s expected that we do, and I brought someone, too. But seeing Sebastian sitting beside an attractive woman with dark curly hair, piled high on her head, has me feeling some sort of way; she has the most illuminating bronzed skin. She looks regal and poised, her face looking young but her dark brown eyes are filled with wisdom. Seeing her leaning into him, and then the annoyance in his eyes when he looks at Dani and me, pisses me off. Except, I feel it too, the annoyance of seeing him sitting with her, whoever the fuck she is. Maybe she's a hot stripper he pulled in and stuffed into a dress last minute. Whatever.

I pull my eyes away and wrap my arm around Dani’s waist, giving it a slight squeeze as we walk to our table. I feel the intensity of his glare but I ignore it as I sit in my seat, thankful that my back is to him. Dinner is seven courses of pea-sized portions and by dessert, I’m still hungry. There must be a way I can get the bus driver to stop at a burger joint on the way to Cincinnati. The heat on the back of my head hasn’t let up and I can’t understand how I can feel him. How is that even possible?

“Sebastian is looking grumpy tonight.” Dani says into my ear, her mouth grazing the lobe.

“He has a beautiful woman next to him, I can’t imagine why.” I lean on my hand and turn to stare at her.

“Did he tell you what happened with us?” her cheeks grow pink and this time it’s from embarrassment.

“A little.”

“I thought I was in love with him,” she scoffs and I’m surprised by the shot of jealousy that courses through me. “I would’ve done anything for him and I did.”

“You did what?”

“Unimaginable things, anything he asked me to do, and then one day I was shocked to learn he has a wife.”

I hear her words, they sink inside my brain, and I understand what they mean, but I’m frozen still. She must be mistaken, there’s no way, and I’m sure someone would’ve mentioned it by now, right?

“Married?” I feel my mouth moving and I can hear my voice, but I can’t seem to focus.

“Yeah, with a daughter, too.”

My body feels as though it’s doused in frigid water and I abruptly stand, “sorry I need to use the restroom.”

She gives me a confused look but I don’t stick around to find out why. I have no idea where the damn bathrooms are and I don’t care who’s watching as I rush out of the room. I head back down the stairs and shove my way outside, sucking in the cold air.



I fall against the brick wall behind me and bend over as I try to catch my breath. This must be wrong, there’s no way he’s married, and has a daughter? It can’t be. I try to take in deep breaths but the little food I just ate is working itself up my throat and burning my esophagus.

“She told you.” His voice hits me and I lose my battle with the food, spewing it all at my feet. “Fuck, North. What’s wrong with you?”

I look up at him, anger threatening to boil over, and bare my teeth, “the things you did with me, the things you did to me, all the while you had a wife?”

“And?” he smirks like this is all a joke to him, “what did you think this was?” he swings his finger between us, “did you think we would run off together into the sunset? I’m not fucking gay.”

“Fuck you,” I shove him out of my way, “don’t ever come near me again. You’re a fucking cheater.”

“A cheater?” he throws his head back with a laugh, “there has to be feelings for it to be cheating, you were just something warm until I saw her again, easiest pussy I’ve had yet.”

I leave him at my back as I stumble inside, I grab the first person I see, and ask them to direct me to the bathrooms. This is what I get for getting involved in shit I have no idea about. How did I ever become attached to Sebastian? I get inside the bathroom and splash my face with cold water. After toweling off, I see a small box of toiletries, and relief washes over me when I see mouthwash. Once I pull myself together, I stare at my reflection, and make myself a promise.

Sebastian Avando will be forever wiped from my memory.


I turn to chase after him but my phone rings in my pocket and I can’t ignore it. I pull it out and see Delano’s name, knowing he would only call me if it were important, and swipe the screen to pick it up.


“Hey man, I got some info on that kid.”

I can feel the corners of my mouth lifting because this is some good news. Just when Dixon thinks he’ll get rid of me, this will be what brings him back, and this time I'll have my way with him before he tries to escape again.

“What is it?”

“He’s a low-level drug runner and likes to boost a few cars, just had his first run in with the law. Got kicked out of school a few days ago and word on the street is his initiation is coming up.” He grunts.

“Interesting,” I scratch at my chin, “little North is a wannabe gangster.”

“Soon to be an actual gangster,” he chuckles, “from what I heard, he’s tough, and he doesn’t mind doing the dirty work.”

Dirty work, I know what that means. There was a time when I didn’t mind it either and clean ups meant I was working my way in. Not too long after that, I was fed daily, clothed, and had a warm bed to sleep in without strange men trying to touch me after fucking my mother. But why would Dixon’s brother need to be in a gang? Why was he choosing that life?

“I need another favor.”

“Sure bro.” Delano is quick to appease me.

“I need info on his family, specifically his home life.”

“You got it.” He hangs up and I stand there staring out into the parking lot.

I knew tonight would happen the way it did, Dani can’t keep her mouth shut, and she’s still hurting from me breaking shit off with her. It was just about when not if she would tell him I’m married. What shocks me, though, is Dixon’s reaction to it, and how upset he was. But why? I shake it off and head back inside, the hall still buzzing with chatter. I enter the room and walk back to my table, Paola’s eyes firmly on me.

I will say one thing about my wife, she doesn't play when it comes to me, and she won’t hesitate to gut someone. I sit back in my seat and stretch my arm out, placing it on the back of her chair.

“Everything good?” Her thick Ecuadorian accent makes me smile.

“Si Mami,” I run my fingers along her shoulder, “all good.”

She goes back to scrolling through her phone and I watch Dani, her eyes flicking back to me every so often. Thirsty ass hoe. Dixon comes back in the room, he probably looks normal to everyone else, but I see the truth. His eyes are red rimmed, the corners of his mouth are turned down, and his shoulders are tipped downward.

“Is that the new one?” Paola asks.


“He’s handsome.” I look at her with a smirk and she tosses one back.

“Watch it.” I tease her.

“I know,” she chuckles, “same area code.”

I laugh heartily at that and Dixon’s shoulders tense at the sound. He can try to let me go but I won’t let that happen. I’m not done with him yet and just like my wife said, soon we’ll be in different area codes.

It’s hard for regular relationship people to understand the dynamic I have with her. I grew up with Paola because her older brother Alejandro was the one to take me in. Jandro died a few years later and made me promise to take care of Paola, I don’t go back on my word. I love her but there’s always been something missing and she feels it too, so we’re discreet. At least she is, I get photographed at strip joints and shit, but if I’m not flaunting a mistress, she’s good about it. Plus, I know she’s fucked every pool boy in New York.

“I am tired, Seb.” She curls her fingers around my bicep, “I think I will head back to the hotel now.”

“Let me get the driver,” I stand and help her up from her seat, “did you call and check on Carla?”

“Si,” she nods. “She is behaving.”

We have a beautiful daughter named Carla and, in a few months, she will be three years old. I married Paola when she was eight months pregnant and the child was not mine. We don’t fuck, like I said, it’s not like that; but that little girl is mine. My blood may not flow in her veins but I’m the only papi she will ever know. She’s my number one.

I walk her downstairs after texting the driver and she looks up at me with a smile.

“You look like you need a friend,” her hand cups my cheek. “Call me when things get tough, okay?”

I respect her and I love her but I would never dump my problems on her. For years she has been trying to get me to open up more and talk to her more, but I’m not that type of guy. Sometimes her nagging gets annoying but I deal with it, she’s the mother of my child, and no matter what, she’s my family.

Buenas noches.” I lean in and kiss her softly on the lips. Then I watch as she sashays to the waiting limo, only the best for my wife. She waves and tucks herself into the back, her scent lingering beside me.

It’s not too long after when people start to leave and head home. Thank god, if I had to talk to one more sponsor about his charity to us, I was going to break a nose. Ortiz and Jameson have been doing shot for shot at the bar while their dates have been huddled together at the table, giggling over wine. It’s a good thing they know each other because they’ve been ignored by the guys for most of the night. Coach keeps looking at them like he would like to break their noses. Dixon has remained in his seat for the whole night with Dani by his side, and even though she’s been shooting me looks over her shoulder, she’s been attentive to him. He’s been stiff and quiet since we had our conversation outside, giving Dani one-word answers.

I watch as Dex starts bringing the rounds of shots to their table and Dixon slams each one back, the glasses adding up in front of him. He’s an emotional person and works hard to hide that, but I can see beyond his hardened outside layer. He’s a mess right now and he is drowning himself in alcohol to feel better, I like that he feels that way over me. I mean something to him and the moment I saw him spill his guts outside, I knew for sure. Dixon wants me and there’s no amount of convincing himself otherwise that will change that. He’s so fun to toy with.

As Jameson and Ortiz begin to get louder at the bar, Coach begins to wrap shit up. He’s strict about our lives outside of football and he won’t stand for those two to fuck up the game tomorrow. Not for free booze anyway. He approaches them first and asks them to make their way to the bus, they listen but grumble as they head away. Next, I notice as Dani tugs on Dixon’s arm, motioning for him to follow her outside. You better believe I’m following as well. I want to watch her make her move and then I want to watch as he shuts her down.

They walk out of the room, Dixon slightly stumbling, and Dani giggling at him. I wait a few minutes and then rise from my seat, walking slowly out of the room. I can still hear Coach behind me, winding down all the conversations, and starting with the ‘we better get on the road’ lines. We’ll be out of here in about a half hour and I’m hoping to sit next to Dixon. I want him overwhelmed with me and on the verge of snapping, that’s when shit is the hottest.

I step outside and look around, I don’t see anyone but I do hear Jameson and Ortiz being rowdy in the bus. I round the corner and startle when I see Dixon leaning against Dani’s car with her standing in front of him. He’s looking at her with a goofy grin on his face and she laughs at him, slapping his chest playfully. What the fuck is going on here?

My feet won’t budge from their spot on the asphalt and my eyes can’t look away from them. They look happy and it’s really pissing me off. She reaches her hand up to touch his cheek and he grabs her wrist, okay this is it, he’ll push her away now. Instead, he hauls her in close to his body, wrapping his other arm around her waist. He guides her hand up behind his neck and smiles down at her, his eyes glazed. His tongue slips out and runs along his bottom lip, looking like he wants to ravish her. He’s never looked at me like that and I know he fucking wants me more than that slut.

His hand slips down her back and over her plump ass, his fingers digging in. He hauls her in even closer, grinding her into his dick, and then he swoops down, kissing her with a hunger that makes me both hard and infuriated. Her left leg comes up and presses into his hip, the slit curtaining open, revealing her smooth skin. I want to rip her off him and show her just who he really wants, but I can’t move. My eyes stay trained on them even though my heart is about to break through my ribs and my stomach threatens to empty itself. His hand moves along the skin of her thigh as his other hand snares into her hair, tipping her head to a better angle, and deepening the kiss. Movement at her thigh draws my sight downward and I watch his fingers skim up and under her skirt, pushing it aside. Half her ass is on display and I want to choke the whore for not having any decency.

His hand moves down her ass crack, slowly dipping under her thong, and disappearing between her legs. Her groan has my eyes snapping back up and I come face to face with Dixon as he stares me down, his finger moving in and out of her pussy. Then with his eyes still on me, he devours her mouth once more, and picks up the pace of his thrusting fingers. I know what he’s doing and it’s reminiscent of the night at the club with the waitress, but doesn’t he realize how far we’ve come since then. This is ridiculous.

He pulls away from her mouth and removes his fingers from between her legs, bending to whisper something in her ear. She nods up at him and moves around to the driver side of her car. He stands there with his arms crossed against his chest, watching me with a mocking smirk on his mouth, and then he turns, opening the car door. What the fuck is he doing? We have a game tomorrow, he needs to get on this bus, and I need to watch him.

The door slams shut and Dani pulls out of the parking lot, the taillights teasing me as they fly down the street. He really has no clue how much he just pissed me off.