Blue 42 by C.A. Rene

Chapter twenty-four


I followed behind Dani to the hospital and watched as she went inside. I was expecting her to come out alone, having witnessed Dixon’s disregard of her, and I was surprised when they came out together. I watched as she tucked him into her car and then she took him back to his place. He let her inside with him and I knew I would have to go to extremes to show him the truth.

The sky darkens and when that bitch doesn’t come out as usual, I know she’s staying the night. That actually bothers me, more than I want it to given that I’m not planning anything serious with Dixon, I just really want to watch him suck my dick. I get out of the Hummer before I can fully think through my actions and approach the house. I know he’s not one for much security, so I head to the back door, and hope it’s open.

I stand in front of the glass door that doesn’t even have a curtain covering it, I can see straight through the house to his front door, and there isn’t even a light out here that turns on with movement. He’s a dumb fuck, I need to get all this rectified for him, and make sure he’s safe when my ass isn’t pulling all-nighters to do so. I grab the handle of the door and give it a tug, it slides a few inches open. I wait to hear an alarm or beeping and when I don’t, I curse the idiot under my breath.

I step into his kitchen and close the door behind me. I look around and see a few open cans of soup, screwing up my face. Sure, when I was dirt poor and begging on the streets, that shit was gold. I wouldn’t touch it now if I were starving. Leave it to Dani to make canned soup for him, useless damn female. At least she has nice tits.

I walk through the kitchen slowly and stand in the middle of his TV room. It looks nearly unused and for some reason that makes me snort. I creep up the stairs, one at a time, and thank the fact that the house is new because nothing creaks. I pause at the top of the landing and see that all doors are open except for one, Dixon’s bedroom. I wait and listen for any sounds, I really wouldn’t want to storm in while they are having sex, but I will. They should be having sex, sure his leg is injured but his dick isn’t, and I’m sure a girl like Dani has ridden more than a few in her day. Again, I’m hit with satisfaction knowing they aren’t fucking.

The door isn’t completely shut, so I ease it open with the toe of my boot, and step into the room. They’re laying in the same bed, both on their backs, and not even an inch of skin touching. I used to sleep in bed with my boys like this, there’s nothing intimate about it, and yet I can feel my body begin to vibrate with unrestrained emotion. Why does she even get to sleep beside him? And in his t-shirt as well. It’s pure instinct that makes me reach behind my back and grab the cool metal of my gun, I want to shoot her in the head. I walk around the end of the bed and up along her side, gently pulling my piece from my waistband. I stand over her head, her brown hair spread over the pillow, and her mouth open slightly. She looks like she’s at home, but she fucking isn’t.

I run the barrel of the gun along her forehead, brushing aside her hair, and grin when her brows crease in the center. That’s right Dani, enjoy it now while you have it, I look at the space between them and snort. If you actually have it. I put the gun back in my waistband and walk back to the end of the bed, giving them a final look over. I walk to the door, my footsteps slow and deliberate, not wanting to disturb the awkward couple.

“Seb,” my heart explodes and I stand completely still, sweat gathering at the base of my spine.

I don’t move for at least a minute and wait to hear what else he has to say, or how he’ll react to my being in his house in the middle of the night. When there’s no other sound, I turn and look at them over my shoulder, and exhale when I see they’re both still sleeping. Even in sleep, Dixon looks confused, and I slip out of his room. My heart is beating about a mile a minute as I hurry down the stairs and back outside.

He called me Seb.

The next morning at practice, it's quieter than usual, and even though Dixon is new to us, he quickly became family. The guys are missing him today and so am I. I head over to Coach’s office and I stop short when I hear Dani speaking about Dixon.

“He’s already left for Baltimore,” she huffs. “I tried to convince him to let me drive him but he’s taking the Greyhound.”

“That’s good he can spend some time with his family and recoup this week.” Coach grunts.

“I think something bad is happening with his mom.” Dani says like it’s the hottest gossip bit, “I tried to get it out of him but he wouldn’t budge.”

“Leave it be Dani. His family life is his business, not yours and stay out of his fucking bed. What did I tell you before?”

“It’s not serious,” she whines, “he’s a nice guy.”

“Yes, he is and I’d like him to stay that way. Stop fucking my team, Danielle.”

I press my fist to my mouth and flatten myself to the wall just as she thunders out of his office, her face a twisted mass of fury. She stalks down the hall without seeing me and I head back into the locker room, completely satisfied with Dixon’s lack of trust in her. He would’ve told her his family issues if they were dating and he would feel at ease with sharing his world.

I don’t like that he’s headed back to Baltimore, especially since his brother has a hit on his head, and maybe Dixon will be a fair trade if they can’t find little North. I want to warn him to watch his back but how can I do that without him knowing I’ve put feelers out? I could try to convince him that I did it because I care but then he’ll ask how I knew about his baby brother and then I’ll have to admit I was inside his house. Like a stalking psycho. Which I’m not, I just look after certain people, and I can’t do that if I don’t know everything about them.

Speaking of, now I have to get a few of my boys over to Baltimore, and I need to get them moving now.


This bus is so cramped but I like the fact that I’m alone. Dani offered to drive me and I refused, I just didn’t want her around the shit that’s going on with my family. She wouldn’t understand and it’s nowhere near time to bring her home to Ma. Regardless, Dani is the furthest thing on my mind right now.

I had a dream last night.

Sebastian was in my room and he was lying beside me in bed, his hand linked with mine. I was content and I remember feeling complete, like nothing in life could bother me. Then I turned to look at him and instead his face morphed into Dani’s, the intense feeling of loss shattering my heart. I remember calling for him and begging him not to leave. It was weird and I knew I needed to get out of Buffalo. He’s somehow become an integral part of my day and my mind always gravitates back to thoughts of him, no matter how hard I try to stop it.

I called my mother this morning and told her about my injury, she was upset but calmed when I said I would be coming home for a few days. She wants to take care of me and I think the worry she has over Danny is worse when she’s alone. It’s going to be hell trying to find him while I’m on crutches but I’m hoping to find a few people to do the leg work for me. I have a few ideas of where he might be but I can’t figure out why he’s not checking in and I can’t contact any of his gang friends for fear that’s who he’s hiding from. I can only hope he’s trying to get out and laying low until they forget about him. I’m ready to bring him and Ma back with me. We could buy a new house and be a family again, I want nothing more.

Although, I feel a pit in the base of my stomach, and I know it’s my intuition telling me that something is wrong. It’s dredging up those feelings of being inadequate for my family and screwing up all the things I worked so hard to achieve. Leaving my brother behind and chasing a dream of wealth and fame was my first wrong move. I should’ve forced them to follow me, we could’ve made it work, and just maybe him seeing what real work ethic was like, would make him try to achieve it, too.

I pull out my phone and begin texting a few of the guys I know from the old hood, I need to know what they’ve heard. Then I need to convince them to look for him and to keep it quiet. I have a few season tickets up for bribes and I’m not too proud to use them. After sending the texts, I rest my head on the seat, and let my body relax, this will probably be the only time I will rest.