Grumpy Alien King by Celeste King



You could have all the money in the world- and I nearly did -but it still doesn’t stop you from staring into a full fridge yet have nothing to eat. It wasn’t like I was hungry, I just needed something to distract me. I figured replacing one base urge with another would’ve done the trick. Sadly, I had no such luck.

I’d see the rich leafy greens and my mind would only think of her eyes that entranced me. There was something inside those eyes that consumed me; a fierce mind but with the gentleness that could only remind one of home. My gaze would fixate on my brown sherry cask whisky and all I could see was her luscious hair that I craved to feel knotted around my fingers.

Once trade had begun with Earth, I took to the custom many of the businessmen there had during the completion of a deal. They’d share a strong alcoholic beverage with their new partner as a sign of comradery. I tried many drinks with many different partners but my favorite was whisky. Something about the burn it had on the way down soothed me.

Deep down I knew my resistances were futile. The file was plain as day and Jaxil knew nothing about it. He’d be the only person with the balls to play a prank on me, let alone around such a serious subject matter. She and I matched. The worst part was that I really didn’t need the file to know that.

The sound of shuffling feet startled me, and I nearly slammed the refrigerator door as I turned around trying to find the source of the noise. Around the corner stumbled a slight figure in baggy pajamas that she seemed to be swimming in. Her small hands barely stuck out of the sleeves and her feet were almost entirely obscured. I’m sure the sounds I heard came from her tripping on them.

Heather was still rubbing sleep out of her eyes when she noticed me. She visibly jumped in shock and her expression matched.

“H-hey,” she stammered as she tried to wake herself up.

Her hair was a mess but it only warmed my blood more. The vulnerability before me mixed with ideas of how to make a further mess of her. I internally scolded myself as my pants grew tighter.

“Good evening,” I said, my voice successfully masking just how much the female threw me off.

She looked flustered as her cheeks began to bloom red. I found a strange pride swell inside me at the knowledge I was the cause of it.

“Would you like a drink?” I asked.

A few heartbeats passed before she nodded. “Yeah, I could use one. Something strong please.”

I felt a tug at the corner of my lips. She matched me all too well. She reminded me of a fire that was a struggle to contain. She managed it well, but you could see that it was an effort on her part. She was playing the part of a milk toast wife-to-be that any family would accept into their home. What she really was, was something that Dahrial couldn’t hope to manage. Not without stifling who she was at her core.

I nodded at her request and went to pour her the whisky that earlier reminded me of her hair.

“How would you like it?” I asked as I pulled out two glasses for the two of us. I made sure to get her a smaller one to better fit her diminutive size.

“Straight, if you don’t mind.”

I wondered how badly I failed to hide my admiration. She seemed pleased with my expression as I poured her glass. She’d been leaning on the island in the middle of our large kitchen that she seemed altogether too small for. I wondered as I slid the glass over to her if I should make some changes to better accommodate her. I wanted her to feel at home.

Seeing her pull the glass up to her chewable lips made the comparison to her hair all the more apt. She took more than a sip of the beverage and the slight fluttering of her eyes sent my heart racing.

I rested my hip against the same island that she rested her elbow on as I sipped my glass. I knew if I lost even an ounce of my control, I’d have taken her there and then.

“So, what has you up so late?” I asked.

Her eyes wandered and she quickly pulled the glass back up to her lips taking what could only be called a swig.

“Just struggling to get sleep is all,” she said with a shrug.

“Why would that be?” I could tell she was avoiding something. Seeing her on the defensive in the state she was in only excited me more.

She fumbled around for an answer before saying, “Weird dreams.”

I smirked. “Oh? What about?”

She laughed, clearly at herself. “I suppose compared to me living with a bunch of rich alien dragons, my dreams are pretty mundane.”

I laughed with her. I wasn’t one to let disrespect from humans slide but something about her seemed above that. She was exceptional and that knowledge humbled me enough to entertain her.

“A human coming to marry my son is rather strange for me as well,” I said before taking another sip of my drink.

A mischievous glint shone in her eyes. She smirked. “Where does you spanking your daughter-in-law-to-be place?”

My blood boiled as the whisky started to hit me. I remembered her soft body bent before me. The squishy slap of my hand on her ass played on repeat in my mind.

“Pretty high,” I said, unable to hide the heat in my voice.

She took a step towards me until her chest slightly grazed my stomach. “And you grinding your hard on into my hip?”

I felt my hand travel up her waist and her back. I dragged my nails along her neck until my fingers were enveloped by her hair. I balled my hand into a fist and yanked her head back exposing her neck and forcing her eyes on me.

“Pretty fucking high.”