Grumpy Alien King by Celeste King



Her core constricted around me for the fifth time as the rest of her spasmed uncontrollably. If not for me pinning her down against the table she’d probably have fallen off by now. Seeing her so lost in ecstasy filled me with pride.

In the act I felt like an adolescent first discovering the thrills of intimacy. Her body was strong but soft. Her movements carried ferocity but were graceful, even in her cum-drunk state. Her voice was like an orchestra that rose and fell with each orgasm I forced out of her. The taste of her was ambrosia in my mouth.

I eyed my teeth marks on her neck and my instinct to claim my female as mine superseded my desire to give her pleasure. I pulled her arms back and pinned her chest to the table. With my last furious strokes, I marked her in no uncertain terms.

“Mine,” I growled in her ear as I filled her.

She replied in an exhausted, animalistic moan and clenched around me like she was compelled to milk me dry.

The fires of our passion began to fade and satisfaction took its place. I withdrew myself and released her arms before pulling her back up against my chest. She felt weightless in my arms and she only spoke in blissful coos and sighs.

We were both laboring to breathe as I rested my face behind her ear. I only wanted to breathe in more of her intoxicating scent. Eventually, as her better senses started to return, she reached back and rested her hand on my cheek. I leaned into the velvety touch, wanting to bask in the appreciation that radiated off my well-sated female.

She struggled to turn around in my arms and I allowed it. She turned and sat on the dining table, eyes hooded and smiling with mindless bliss. Her hands continued to dance across my skin; running down my face and neck and tracing the lines of my collar bones. I bit my lip as I looked down at her. Her beauty to me in that moment was without equal. Her touch was unrivaled.

She was meant to be mine.

The thought was as terrifying as it was euphoric. My thoughts began to cascade down several lines of thought at once.

How would I tell her this? I wasn’t sure this was a human custom and I was unsure if she would even grasp the gravity of what it would mean. It would be more than just a passion fueled fling but something deeper; life defining.

I’d be ecstatic at the idea, but I wasn’t so sure about her. Though she was the very least of my problems. She was here to marry my son. Not only was she supposed to marry him, she was contractually obligated to do so.

Did I just violate the contract with the Bridal Agency? What am I, a moron? Of course, I did. I’m sure no sleeping with the bride-to-be was the first thing listed in the section titled “breach of contract.”

The question would be the consequences. The agency was no small organization. They provide a top dollar product. The women were well educated and talented. I was sure their legal team could make my life hell for the foreseeable future.

What about my boy? It didn’t matter that she was purchased, she was still set to be his wife. They’d been nothing but awkward together up until now, but that still gave me no right to the woman.

The guilt swirled deep in my gut. I wasn’t always the best father, but never would I have thought I’d sink this low.

What was I going to tell him? I couldn’t even look to the whisky for an excuse. Even at my drunkest, I was never that out of control. It’s not like being an out-of-control drunkard would make me any less scummy of a father.

I was even the one who proposed buying him a wife. It was supposed to help him grow up and be a proper successor. I not only flushed that down the drain, but I’d even cripple whatever self-esteem the boy had built up until now.

“Is something wrong?” The soft voice snapped me out the chaos that consumed my headspace.

My eyes refocused on Heather and even in my panic she was breathtaking; soothing even.

“Yeah,” I said while shaking my thoughts away. “I’m just thinking about things.”

I pushed myself off the table and got my clothes in order. With each article of clothing I got in order, the shame sank deeper.

I walked out of the room towards my office before turning over my shoulder.

“If you wouldn’t mind, could you clean the place up before heading back to bed?” I asked.

It was a mistake turning to speak to her. The look of shock on her face as I exited the room caused another pang of guilt deep in my core. I hated to ruin her afterglow, especially like this. She opened her mouth to respond, her eyes filled with confusion, but I couldn’t remain in the room for another moment.

I didn’t wait for a response before heading down the hall. Walking down the darkened corridors, I tried to let the quiet calm sink into my thoughts, but to no avail. Things weren’t going to plan before but slowly they could’ve gotten on track. Now I’d blown up that track, put down landmines, and wished those around me good luck.

I opened the door to my office when the last gut punch hit me. God, Jaxil was going to have a fucking field day with this.
