Grumpy Alien King by Celeste King



Everything at Orbit appeared to orbit around Jaxil. He was holding court in the bar’s sectioned off “Private” section. There was nothing private about it, of course, as the point of being there was to be seen by everyone.

By the time I’d arrived at the club and made my way to Jaxil, the whole area was crawling with beautiful women from around the galaxy. Quickly, many of those women turned their attention to me, even before Jaxil encouraged them to engage me the same as they were engaging him.

I’d barely had a chance to sit down and pour myself something to drink when I had soft female hands reaching under my shirt, toying with the top of my pants, and running their hands suggestively along my horns.

It all barely registered. I could feel some of the women, those seeking immediate gratification, quickly bore of me. They turned their focus back on Jaxil or decided this VIP section wasn’t for them and went off in search of poorer but easier prey.

The remaining women tried to up their game. One began teasing at my ear with her lips and tongue. Another sat herself in my lap and put my hand on her bare thigh. Then she pushed it nearly up to her ass as she let me know she wasn’t wearing panties.

“Great,” I muttered. I doubt she heard me over the music.

I could feel Jaxil eying me from across the “Private” section. I intentionally refused to meet his look. Besides, I knew what he was thinking. I was thinking the same thing.

This isn’t like me. There was a time not too long ago – maybe just a few weeks, even – when I would have carved a path through this club. I’d have at least two women in the bathroom before taking another three home. My hands wouldn’t be sitting on my lap. They’d be down a shirt and up a skirt.

There was more than ample opportunity for me to do just that. So why wasn’t I taking advantage of the women who were begging me to take advantage of them?

Because all my stupid brain could think about was Heather. Heather at dinner. Heather bare-assed over my knee, wriggling her body against my hard-on. Heather alone in her quarters. Perhaps Heather in the bath. Perhaps Heather in the bath with me…

“Now that’s more like it,” the girl on my lap said. I gave her a confused look. She briefly glanced in the direction of my groin and bit her lips.

My imagination had gotten the better of me and my thoughts about Heather made me spring a hard-on.

“Would you like me to do something about that?” she asked, leaning close to me.

“I’m sure it’ll go away on its own.”

“That doesn’t sound like much fun. Let me help it out.”

“Don’t inconvenience yourself.”

“Honey, if that thing’s half as big as it feels, you can inconvenience me with it all… night… long…”

I grimaced as she licked both my horns. Her shirt barely contained her three breasts, and I got a faceful of double-cleavage as she cleaned my spikes with her tongue. As gently as I could, I grabbed hold of her hips and brought her to her feet before sliding past her to get to Jaxil.

He was at the bottom of a pile of women. I could see most of their hands, but that meant a few of them were doing things to Jaxil somewhere under that pile.

“Jaxil,” I said. Then, a little louder. “Jaxil! Buddy!”

Jaxil’s eyes fluttered open. It took a moment for him to focus on me.

“Hey, what’s going on?” he called out from amid the pile of flesh and skimpy clubwear. “You need to borrow one of these honeys?”

“You really don’t know anything about it?”

“Anything about what?”

“The dossier. The file on Heather that was on my desk.”

“Are you on about that again?”

“Yes, I’m on about it again. It said some ridiculous shit. So if you were punking me, then congratulations, you got to me.”

Jaxil studied me. I could sense the frustration of his girls as his attention wandered from them.

“Yeah, you really are spooked, aren’t you?” my friend finally realized.


“Xxuric, I will tell you honestly. I have zero, absolutely no, fucking clue what you are talking about.”

He was telling the truth. I’ve known Jaxil sober, drunk, high, horny and satisfied. I’ve seen him lie, I’ve seen him be honest, I’ve seen him in love and I’ve seen him heartbroken. He can’t hide from me. Not really. And in this instance, I believed him.

“But now I am incredibly curious,” Jaxil said, as he began to show a little interest in one of the more frustrated women. “What was in that file? I had a feeling there was more to that mail-order-bride than meets the eye. Y’know, when you were spanking her, I swore -- ”

“Don’t worry about it. I’m just glad it wasn’t a prank.”

Jaxil wanted to keep digging, but one of the women finally stuck a tongue in his mouth and another hand disappeared into the pile and I and my dossier were quickly forgotten about.

So Jaxil wasn’t behind it. There was no one else who I could imagine would try to fuck with me with a dossier like that.

Which meant there was only one other conclusion. The information in that file was legit. Heather was my mate. My son’s future bride was my mate. My future daughter-in-law was fated to be with me, her future father-in-law.


I suddenly felt that I needed to leave. I couldn’t be there any longer. I needed to deal with the mental blow I’d just been delivered.

Maybe I needed to talk to Heather. Or maybe to Dahrial. Maybe I just needed to be alone. Either way, I needed to be back at the compound.

“Hey, where you going?” I heard Jaxil say between deep kisses as I tore out of the club.