Grumpy Alien King by Celeste King



Iwas reading over a document for the sixth time, still not fully processing what I should even be doing. I was trying to fill orders and invoices, but I couldn’t focus.

It had been like this for two days now. My mind was clouded, my senses clogged with Heather. I couldn’t stop looking at the results of her vitals, wondering if it could even be possible for her to be my mate.

I had been locked in my den, trying to cleanse myself of any urges I felt around her, and yet, I couldn’t get her taste out of my mouth. Her smell was clinging to my skin.

I wanted nothing more than to bust into her chambers and take her again. My feelings were conflicted; my mind uncertain. Of course, I had no one to talk to about it.

“What does it take to see my friend nowadays?”

My head snapped up as Jaxil collapsed in the chair in front of my desk. His body sprawled out across my chair, one leg thrown over the arm. I couldn’t believe I hadn’t heard him enter the room.

“I haven’t seen you since you ditched me at Orbit a few nights ago.”

I had been avoiding everyone like hell, even Jaxil, burying myself into work. I wasn’t ready to think about what happened with Heather, and since I couldn’t think of anything else, I thought it was best to keep to myself lest I slip up.

“I’m busy working.”

“You’re always busy working, but that’s never kept you from tearing up a bar with me. There’s something else.”

I shook my head, pulling open a folder full of data from one of my favorites. “Super big order this time around.”


To my relief, my phone began ringing, and I had to wave Jaxil out of my office. “I really am busy, but I’ll come out with you soon.”

He nodded, quickly leaving the room, and I let out a deep exhale.

There was no way I was going out to a bar with the way I was feeling. I couldn’t even stand the thought of another woman near me.

I was going to explode from my building desire and my refusal to go near her. She was driving me insane from the opposite end of the house.

Finally, I picked up the phone.


“Xxuric? Hello!”

I internally groaned. “Zarthaan?”

“Yes! I was calling to discuss my order with you.”

“Your order is not ready. We discussed a later date.”

“Yes, well, I would like to add onto the order if I may.”

I was a little hesitant since it was already such a large order for my tastes. Zarthaan wasn’t exactly known for the most honorable deals. “What are you thinking?”

“I need something a bit more powerful. I was thinking semi-automatic rifles and snipers, maybe something like the M4A1 and M107. Do you have anything like that?”

I blew out a breath. I had a limited supply of those made for certain clients. It wasn’t on the general market.

With it being Zarthaan, I was extra hesitant. He was a mildly annoying client that I didn’t trust with that level of artillery. We were talking army level shit.

“That’s a bit heavier than what you usually order.”

“Yes, we have had some people come to us looking for more than what we’ve had in stock. If I can expand my business, I will.”

I could understand that. Still, that was some pretty strong stuff to be handing out. “I don’t typically fulfill orders like that. I prefer smaller arms dealing.”

“I can transfer you half now if that would make it easier.”

Zarthaan did know how to work a deal. Adding on guns like that would skyrocket the price, bringing a pretty good profit for me.

Against my better judgement, I said, “I’ll send you some documents so you can fill an order. This is the last time I can add onto this, though.”

“I understand. You will have your money tonight.”

I ended the phone call, quickly forwarding the blank order forms to Zarthaan. While waiting for those to return, he dialed his heavy artillery factory.


Xxuric recognized Sion’s voice immediately. He was the leader of the factory.

“Sion, it’s Xxuric.”

“A new order has come in?”

Sion was the only leader I called about orders as these weapons were much more dangerous than others. The other factories just received a copy of the order form.

“Adding onto an existing order.”

“Skyetime?” They were our biggest client in heavy artillery, a private company that worked closely in military training. I didn’t know much about their operation, but they paid well.

“No, it’s for Zarthaan.”

Everyone knew of the Sanax, even though Sion doesn’t usually fill his orders unless a factory is in need of his expertise.

“We are filling this type of order for him?”

“Yes. I wanted you to step up production on some of the semi-automatics. I’ll forward you the exact numbers as soon as they come in.”

I clicked open my files, seeing that Zarthaan had already completed his form. I forwarded it immediately while opening an invoice.

“I just sent it, actually.”

I let the invoice auto fill with Zarthaan’s account information, sending it as Sion reviewed the order I skirted around examining. It would make me uneasy for sure.

“Sir, this order is rather large, especially for a smaller dealer.”

I growled, done contemplating whether I should’ve turned him down. “Do your job. Fill the order.”

I clicked off the line, dropping the phone to the desk. My head was spinning between the order and my thoughts of Heather. I buried my face in my hands, wondering what had become of my easy life.

I didn’t know what to do, but I was hoping I wasn’t making huge mistakes. My mind was too fuzzy to focus on the business, and I was too uncertain about Heather to move in any direction with her. I was completely stuck in the middle.